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This essay presents genetic rhetorical criticism as an alternative methodology for the study of multi-versioned rhetorical works. In contrast to methodologies of textual authentication, which focus on the synchronic delivery of public address, genetic rhetorical criticism focuses on the diachronic movement of writing that both precedes and exceeds the work’s introduction to public history. It does so by affirming the value of unauthorized versions of rhetorical works, which deepen the field’s understanding of both particular rhetorical works and the textual dynamics of rhetoric. To support these claims, this essay reassesses the textual histories of both Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” and Kenneth Burke’s A Rhetoric of Motives. Engaging both works simultaneously shows that there are fundamental features of textuality that unite speech-centered and writing-centered rhetorical works. It also demonstrates that the textual histories of rhetorical works can support multiple scholarly interpretations.  相似文献   

Rhetorical scholars have taken Burke's discussions of the “representative anecdote” in A Grammar of Motives, and have devised from them a systematic procedure for use in criticism. However, I believe that we can read the representative anecdote in a different way‐by examining the work the term does for Burke himself. I suggest that Burke is not offering a method as much as justifying dramatism dramatistically. Ultimately, based upon my reading of the Grammar, I argue that the representative anecdote‐taken in conjunction with the pentad‐supports Burke's claim to provide the most adequate vocabulary for the study of motives.  相似文献   

Kenneth Burke's employment with the Bureau of Social Hygiene informed his rhetorical theory in the 1930s. Between 1926 and 1930, Burke researched criminology and drug addiction and ghostwrote a book for Colonel Arthur Woods, Dangerous Drugs. An investigation of archives indicates that this research left its mark on Burke's Permanence and Change (1935): in particular, Burke's concept of piety can be understood better in relation to the Bureau of Social Hygiene. An account of Burke's criminological research shows that piety, as a rhetorical concept, involves both embodied and discursive acts. Because it involves mental and affective factors, piety forms the basis for metabiology.  相似文献   

Rhetorical critics should avoid affirming the constancy hypothesis, the belief that a stimulus contains the response. After foregrounding Burke's avoidance of the constancy hypothesis in Permanance and Change as a model for rhetorical critics, this essay examines five examples of affirmation of the constancy hypothesis in rhetorical criticism. Affirming the hypothesis oversimplifies complex audience dynamics and prevents critics from understanding infrequent, more unified audience responses.  相似文献   

This somatic genealogy of Dramatism's core terms—symbolic action, attitude, identification—argues for the importance of keeping rhetoric, rhetorical theory, and rhetorical pedagogy more closely tied to bodies that generate, induce, and respond to rhetoric. It does so by examining Burke's use of Sir Richard Paget's theory that spoken language derives from the use and development of bodily gestures. An examination of Paget's theory in Burke's early work serves as a jarring reminder that rhetoric is always a joint performance of body and mind.  相似文献   

This paper explores the formation of a political order, a constituency, during the 1938–1940 senatorial campaign of the Partido Popular Democratico in Puerto Rico. In particular it examines the constitutive force of the Catecismo del Pueblo, a small booklet in the form of questions and answers regarding the party's basic assumptions and orientations. This booklet developed a political constituency by mediating a covenantal relationship through discourse in the form of a catechism. Burke's notion of constitutional dialectics is used to explore the Catecismo's nature as constitutive, as a catechism, and as the mediator of a political covenant between the Party and the jíbaros.  相似文献   

Campbell's reputation has suffered from modem conceptions that assume Aristotle's Rhetoric as the paradigm for rhetorical theory and from modern commitments to epistemic and dialogic rhetorics. A focus on the place of the passions and emotional appeal in Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric (POR) brings his achievement more clearly into view. The “sentiments, passions, dispositions,” three key terms in Campbell's definition of the “grand art of communication,” are an index to his consideration of non‐rational response, a consideration informed by a discussion of “the passions” in the moral psychology of the period and that culminates in Book II of Hume's Treatise on Human Nature. What emerges when POR is seen from this perspective has significance for our understanding of the relationship between reason and passion in persuasion and for our appreciation of POR, which is arguably the most coherent conception of rhetoric that we have.  相似文献   

This paper is a critical application of Kenneth Burke's notions of form and perspectivism. It argues for the potential of a complementary relationship between form and perspectivism in the appeal of rhetorical artifacts. Specifically, the essay claims that form is perspectival; it limits the possibilities for appropriate interpretations within a text. Perspectivism is formal; it cultivates a logic of anticipatory reasoning. This theoretical perspective is applied to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in the effort to illumine the rhetorical appeal of that work.  相似文献   

The New Rhetoric project featured an eleven-year collaboration between Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca and Chaïm Perelman, which culminated with their 1958 magnum opus, Traité de l'argumentation: la nouvelle rhétorique. Scholars have long speculated about Olbrechts-Tyteca's role in the New Rhetoric project and her relationship with Chaïm Perelman. Building from the work of Barbara Warnick, a synchronic and diachronic analysis of their collaboration yields insight on the nature of their collaboration, putting a spotlight on the scholarship of Olbrechts-Tyteca and the role she played in the New Rhetoric project. Their collaboration pairs Perelman, the philosopher concerned about the human being reasoning, with Olbrechts-Tyteca, the literary critic who, using the theoretical frame of the New Rhetoric project, systematically developed the role of the comic in rhetorical theory.  相似文献   

This study examines the speeches and events of Theodore Roosevelt's New England tour of 1902. Specifically, it looks at how Roosevelt developed a representative anecdote of the “good citizen” as a basis for his political philosophy and his advocacy of policy initiatives. This representative anecdote allowed Roosevelt's audiences to participate in the rhetorical situation as an enactment of the “good citizen” and thus provided a strong presence for Roosevelt's argument. Implications for understanding both Roosevelt's rhetoric as well as the concept of the rhetorical presidency are discussed.  相似文献   

Brock's (1985) recent suggestion that rhetorical critics who work out of the philosophy of dramatism could enrich their analyses by utilizing Burke's pentad and terms for order in combination is taken up in this essay. Enhancing these grammatical and formal features of drama through application of Burke's “principle of perfection,” nine “indexes of dramatic intensity” are proposed and were employed in a study of the tragic‐symbol preaching of Rev. Jerry Falwell. Falwell's televised discourses are found to be strongly dramatic and appropriately so, given the audience of true believers bent on changing society he addresses.  相似文献   

Books received     
Frederick Wiseman's film Primate is a rhetorical documentary about the implications of human curiosity in an institutional setting—a primate research center. Wiseman uses comparison, sequence, and sound‐image relations to employ and transcend filmic and rhetorical genres, enabling him to engage the viewer in a reflective exploration of human being. Primate demonstrates how facts can be recontextualized into complex meanings, and how audiences can be actively involved in the process of constructing meanings.  相似文献   

The polymath Empedocles has not been considered a prominent figure in the history of rhetorical studies nor contemporary appropriations of antiquity, despite the reported attribution of his invention of rhetoric by Aristotle. This neglect is understandable, as the surviving fragments of Empedocles' work provide no significant reference to rhetoric per se. Attention to the folklore surrounding Empedocles (including legends of his deeds as a physician and politician, and his association with Pythagoras, Gorgias, and the god Apollo) is noteworthy, however, as it helps explain ways the ancient Greeks conceptualized rhetoric as a potentially healing discourse. Analysis of the Empedoclean tradition discloses a call to redress any human penchant for violence and to resist tyranny, themes relevant for critical rhetorical studies today. These contributions further demonstrate an affinity between Empedocles and Kenneth Burke's concern with the purification of war, and temper the recent interest in an Isocratean development of citizens by advancing a more ecumenical perspective on humanity.  相似文献   

温斯顿·邱吉尔的《关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话》是文学和演讲的经典之作,而修辞的运用更使该演讲锦上添花,异彩纷呈。文章从词语修辞格、结构修辞格和音韵修辞格三个方面分析了这篇经典之作的修辞魅力,指出修辞具有帮助激发听众感情,从而更好地说服听众的功能。  相似文献   

This project contributes the comic counterfactual to the critical lexicon of rhetorical studies. Using a range of examples from political comedy, this paper offers six distinguishing features and several temporal functions of this concept. I argue that the comic counterfactual invites audiences to critically reflect upon the political, social, and performative consequences of historical events by bringing affective, sensory weight to alternative visions, moving unaccountable private interests into public culture, targeting the subtle determinisms that can easily creep into communication, and creating plausible ways to reworld the status quo. I discuss the limitations of the comic counterfactual in the political economy of media and offer several conclusions for rhetorical research and practice.  相似文献   

Recent debates and writings on Kenneth Burke's frames of reference have gone beyond the predominant tragic frame to explore Burke's preferred comic frame (Carlson, 1986, 1988; Condit 1992, 1994). This study of the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching, 1930–1942, builds on previous studies of the comic frame to explore four rhetorical strategies available to the comic rhetor. By choosing to operate within a comic frame, the ASWPL became a coalition of white Southern women successful at halting and eventually bringing an end to lynching in the South.  相似文献   

For twenty years, scholars have contested Burke's argument—originally offered at an Eastern Communication Association convention — that dramatism is ontological and literal. These Burkean scholars have instead emphasized dramatism as epistemological and metaphorical. In this essay, I reread this dispute in support of Burke's position. I conclude that this debate contains two separate claims by Burke: (1) dramatism is ontological, and not epistemological, because it begins with language as action, not representation; and (2) this starting‐point can claim a privileged (literal) status because it offers the most complete approach to its topic. Through this interpretation of the debate, I make a case for a rehabilitated (and ontologically‐grounded) notion of literality—and sketch its implications for contemporary rhetorical theory.  相似文献   

Given the force of colonial violence and the politics of erasure, I argue it is imperative to deeply address what Rhetorical Studies has inherited from academic predecessors and to uncover colonialism's enduring impacts on our field. I contend that much of Rhetorical Studies upholds a system of knowledge that overwhelmingly perpetuates erasure and effacement of Indigenous work and thus the political stakes of complicity in Indigenous erasure and anti-Blackness must be addressed. This account of Rhetorical Studies' dominant and embedded histories, narratives, and authors reveals how the discipline is still missing an intellectual genealogy that orients rhetorical scholarship toward indigeneity, which provides possibilities to challenge erasure. Even as settler colonialism receives more attention in Rhetoric, I suggest the necessity of a coarticulated frame that navigates Rhetorical Studies alongside direct intellectual engagement with Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) to build simultaneous attention to indigeneity and settler colonialism. This frame explains racialization and colonization must be addressed together while centering a focus on indigeneity as analytic. Launching this intellectual genealogy reveals contradictions, limitations, and complexities to hold Rhetorical Studies – to hold all of us – accountable for nurturing and building a world beyond colonialism in QJS and in our field.  相似文献   

The Bush administration's public discourse after September 11 weaves a new story embedded in the national myth of the Old West. Seen in its historical context of a frontier political mentality reaching back to the early 19th century, and in its broader communication context as the rhetorical narration of a defining cultural myth, the tactical narration of the frontier justice story gains its fullest gravity. Bush and Cheney's proliferation of this rhetorical vision is not merely a quantitative increase in frontier references from past presidencies. Instead, this essay argues that an appreciably different character of narration is underway, one that tactically deploys and directs frontier mythology as a fantasy theme at discrete audiences: to cope with a national crisis, reassure a partisan political base, and discipline international allies for a controversial war.  相似文献   

By July 1994, Politically Correct Bedtime Stories had appeared for the third time on the New York Times bestseller list with sales exceeding 100,000 copies. One year later, there were almost 1.5 million copies of Politically Correct Bedtime Stories in print as it continued to excite public commentary. This popular book is an ideal case study for exploring the benefits and limits of satiric humor, the book's primary rhetorical strategy and the focus of this essay. We argue that because of its polyvalent nature, the use of ironic satire as a rhetorical strategy to debunk a position is unpredictable. In fact, as this essay demonstrates, some forms of humor may facilitate audience acceptance of the very ideas the satirist intends to disparage. In this case, Garner's use of satiric humor may have facilitated acceptance of moderate forms of political correctness.  相似文献   

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