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席慕蓉、萧红是两位身处不同时代的女作家,她们在散文创作上既存在着许多相同之处,又有明显不同。微观的分析把握可见出两位女作家散文创作的总体风貌。  相似文献   

中国现代文学史上颇有影响的三位女作家丁玲、萧红、张爱玲对女性文学的发展作出了贡献,以“人”为主体的人本意识、超越“自我”的理想意识和风格各异的独特意识表现了她们以女性意识为核心的小说创作特点。她们敢于将传统地位中始终扮演“配角”的女性在文学中提到了“主角”的位置上来,打破了几千年采男尊女卑的封建传统意识,体现了文学的现代性特质。  相似文献   

澳大利亚妇女小说探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳大利亚的文学史在英语国家中不算长,妇女小说为澳大利亚文学的奠基和发展做出了不平凡的贡献,本文介绍澳洲殖民时期的女作家并对妇女小说的出现、妇女作家的写作动机、写作主题以及在澳大利亚文学史上的地位等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在我们面前出现的是19世纪欧洲文学史上的三位著名的女性形象,她们的坎坷命运博得人们的同情,她们的独特风姿又深为读者所喜爱。让我们把这三位不同国度的作家的形象放在一起作比较谈的基本动因,显然首先是出于这一点,即她们都是那一时代具有个性解放思想并敢于向旧制度挑战的出色的女性形象,尽管她们的差异也同样明显。简·爱是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特同名小说的主人公。这一形象的光彩是通过她的曲折的人生  相似文献   

澳大利亚著名女作家考琳·麦卡洛的长篇小说<荆棘鸟>一经问世即风靡全球,被誉为澳大利亚的<飘>.然而极少有深究<荆棘鸟>和<飘>这两部经典之作内在的相似性.本文从两部作品表现出的宗教意识的淡化、女性意识的成长和移民本土化意识强化三个方面分析了<荆棘鸟>何以被冠名为澳大利亚的<飘>,表达了两位女作家在宗教、性别和移民问题上的思考,使读者摆脱浪漫爱情小说的框架,从而对这两部作品的内涵有更深的理解.  相似文献   

荣誉和尊严对每个人都很重要。本文探讨澳大利亚著名女作家的作品《荣誉》,分析被弃的妻子和新妻子之间从自傲,妒忌,到克服作为“敌人”观念上和感情上的压力走到一起的过程,这个过程也是她们维护个人尊严的过程。最后,两位妻子的关系在独立于丈夫之外达到平衡。此时,情感和尊严的支撑点不是男人,而是女儿。  相似文献   

自1909年的拉格洛夫到2009年的赫塔·米勒,共有12位女作家获诺贝尔文学奖。她们书写了以女性视角审视的历史、战争、流亡与寻根等多元主题。文章着重讨论诺贝尔文学奖获奖女作家中的两位德裔女作家——奈丽·萨克斯和赫塔·米勒亲历的流亡之旅及她们付诸笔端的流亡文学。萨克斯因希特勒对犹太民族的迫害而流亡,米勒因纳粹父辈犯下的罪恶而遭强权暴政的精神流放。总之,流亡成为两代女作家共同书写的主题,这不仅是流亡个体的生存状态和精神世界的写实,而且还是后现代人类生存状态的寓言。  相似文献   

冯沅君和宗璞都是进步的学型女作家,她们的内心世界充满爱的情愫,在小说中体现了广博的人间情怀。不同的是沅君的创作更多地体现了西方化所绐调的以个人为中心,追求个性解放与自由的人精神,宗璞小说中的人精神更带有民族性,关注事例物思想解放与自由。人道主义精神贯穿在两位女作家的小说中,使其作品具有相当的深度和影响力。  相似文献   

琼瑶、亦舒的言情小说,梁凤仪的财经小说,以其故事情节的跌宕起伏,主人公悲欢离合的感情纠葛,赢得了广大读者的青睐,作品风靡大陆。她们的成功,在一定程度上反映了一般读者对优秀通俗文学的普遍渴求。三位女作家的作品,在情爱观、婚姻观上表现出了对女性自立自强的呼唤。亦舒、梁凤仪更是抨击和揭露了工商社会对情爱生活的异化和摧残。她们的作品,在内容上虽不免有牵强附会之处,但作者主体情致的诚挚介入,掩盖了作品的纰漏。当然,与纯文学作家相比,她们的作品在社会的深刻性和现实性方面所表现出的肤浅,却也是公认的事实。  相似文献   

本文介绍四位长期生活、工作在昆明翠湖之滨的女作家,她们都有坎坷的人生,但均奋斗不息,做出成绩。  相似文献   

While there are a number of reports on problems faced by international students in Australia, there is little information on the perceptions of such students relative to those of the academic staff teaching them. Using the Delphi technique, whereby problems identified are narrowed by consensus, a study conducted at one Australian university highlighted some expected and some unexpected outcomes. Difficulty understanding colloquial language, cost of tuition and feelings of isolation ranked highest amongst the problems cited by international students. Academic staff were critical of their own speed of lecturing, as well as international students' poor writing and critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the approaches taken to essay writing by five Asian international students at an Australian university. Analysis of their in‐depth interviews reveals links between their perceptions of learning, their perceptions of essay writing, their motivation for completing the task, and their awareness of the structural conventions of the essay as a genre. These links are apparent, irrespective of whether the students were taking a deep or a surface approach to the task. In addition, analysis of the interviews shows that the students who were taking a deep approach to writing had developed high levels of cross‐cultural awareness, specifically in relation to the learning cultures, and the discursive structures of academic writing in Australia and their home country. Implications for the practice of teaching academic writing within the context of increasing cultural diversity in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

澳大利亚作家凯瑟琳·苏珊娜·普里查德,在她的土著题材作品中,努力克服种族偏见,对土著民和土著文化倾注了同情、理解和尊重;不仅如此,作为一个女性作家,她还对土著女性的不利生存地位给予了特别的关注,这使得她的土著题材作品既有反对种族主义的一面,又有关注性别歧视的一面。本文结合《库娜图》等四部作品,探讨了澳大利亚土著女性在19世纪末至20世纪初的殖民时期所遭受的种族和性别的双重压迫。  相似文献   

This paper draws on findings of comparative international research on students’ poetic writing about the natural environment in the context of the classroom and a naturalistic setting. The study involved 97, nine- to 10-year-olds in four classes: two classes were in an English primary school with their counterparts in a Western Australian primary school. One class in each school had vicarious contact with nature as a stimulus for writing, using a previously taught technique for writing poetry; the other class in each school used the same technique but had direct contact with nature. The study has implications for students’ literacy development, creativity and agency and suggests that students’ poetic writing is enhanced through direct contact with nature. Teachers in both England and Australia, countries where ‘high stakes’ testing dominates the literacy curriculum, may find that standards of writing improve when students are given direct contact with natural spaces and are scaffolded to elicit their poetic voice.  相似文献   

Wikipedia is an open educational resource that connects writers and editors to diverse discourse communities around the world. Unwarranted stigma is attached to the use of Wikipedia in higher education due to fears that students will not pursue rigorous research practices because of the easy access to information that Wikipedia facilitates. In studies referred to in this paper, undergraduate writing students are taught about the need to interrogate any information they find on Wikipedia just as they would other online source material. They are inducted into fact checking, editing and creating Wikipedia articles as a means to analyse source material critically and to advance their research, writing and digital literacy. Meanwhile, in a postgraduate course in magazine studies, instead of writing essays, students are promoting Australian magazines and print culture by writing Wikipedia entries about Antipodean magazines and their editors. These courses experiment with new approaches to formative and summative assessment; promote group research, collaborative and participatory writing, writing across networks and negotiating discourse communities; and challenge students’ perceptions about peer review and the legitimacy of Wikipedia.  相似文献   

Writing occupies a key role in doctoral research, because it is the principal channel students use to communicate their ideas, and the basis on which their degree is awarded. Doctoral writing can, therefore, be a source of considerable anxiety. Most doctoral candidates require support and encouragement if they are to develop confidence as writers. Drawing on interviews with two international doctoral students at an Australian university, this paper examines the writing practices the students have encountered and discusses them in the light of recent research on doctoral writing pedagogy. Analysis of the students' experiences in terms of Wenger's ‘communities of practice’ framework suggests that this perspective fails to account adequately for the power relations that impact on the students' learning opportunities. Examining the students' experiences also highlights the importance of good pedagogy in supporting the development of scholarly writing in the doctorate.  相似文献   

Hatta  T.  Kawakami  A.  Tamaoka  K. 《Reading and writing》1998,10(3-5):457-470
The present study examined kanji errors in handwriting made by Japanese students and Australian learners of Japanese. First, a cognitive psychological model to explain the production of writing errors was proposed based upon the analysis of 374 writing errors of two-morpheme (kanji) compound words generated by Japanese students in spontaneous sentence writing situations. Despite the common assumption that kanji writing errors may not be related to the sounds of kanji characters (i.e., morphological phonology), the present study found that phonologically-related kanji writing errors were most numerous (60.0%), followed by orthographically-related errors (43.6%) and semantically-related errors (29.7%), including some overlap of these three types. Second, 408 kanji writing errors made by students learning Japanese in an Australian university were analyzed. Unlike the Japanese students, these subjects wrote more non-existing kanji and made orthographically-related mistakes rather than semantically- and phonologically-related errors. This result must be related to the level of kanji writing skills held by learners of Japanese. In light of these results, several suggestions were proposed for the methods of teaching kanji writing.  相似文献   

20世纪末的中国女性写作是中国现当代文学史上女性写作的第三次高潮,无论是规模还是深度都超越了前两次,即五四时期及80年代的女性创作。这一时期的创作,改变了以往女性写作中仰望男性的精神传统,以抗拒的姿态将男性从文本中心地位放逐到边缘地位,甚至走向极端———男性缺席,女性独语。这种对男性极度绝望的写作方式也使女性解放自身的努力再次陷入了新的困境。  相似文献   

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