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基于XML的知识表示构建网络协作学习论坛   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了基于XML的知识表示可以使知识的表示、知识的存储、知识的检索、知识的交流和更新更加简洁,使数据库的建立与应用变得更加方便.基于XML的知识表示可以广泛地应用到教学中去,以构建新的学习环境,适应新的协作学习模式.  相似文献   

基于HTML的传统搜索引擎限制了信息检索的查准率,XML(可扩展性标记语言)不仅支持自定义标记,还能表达语义,因而为提高网络搜索的准确性提供了可能。文章介绍了一种XML搜索引擎模型,研究了基于XML的搜索引擎实现的核心技术-索引技术,重点分析了一种基于DTD的XML索引技术及其优化算法。  相似文献   

In this pilot research we examine the impact of two leadership development training programs on the ability of students to acquire knowledge, share knowledge, and apply knowledge for organizational decision making. One program emphasized concepts and case‐based application based on a technical learning paradigm. The other program used a game‐based computer simulation, Virtual Leader, grounded in an experiential or situated learning paradigm. After training, students from both programs engaged in a complex in‐basket exercise to examine the quality of their leadership and managerial abilities. In this exercise, participants from each training intervention worked with their trained cohort to accomplish a day of managerial work. Participants were observed and their individual and collective actions and decisions on behalf of the organization were evaluated. Using qualitative research we compared the organizational decisions associated with each group to determine which pedagogical technique resulted in the most effective application of student learning. While technical learning pedagogy was associated with greater information acquisition, the game‐based computer simulation (an experiential, social‐interaction oriented pedagogy) was associated with better decision quality and more shared cognition. Evidence suggests that students taught with the game‐based computer simulation collectively demonstrated a greater ability to apply what they learned.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Internet‐based instruction should not be only perceived as a cognitive tool or a metacognitive tool; rather, it can be perceived and used as an epistemological tool. When the Internet is used as an epistemological tool for instruction, learners are encouraged to evaluate the merits of information and knowledge acquired from Internet‐based environments, and to explore the nature of learning and knowledge construction. This paper further asserts that Internet‐based instruction is perceived as a way to help learners develop advanced epistemologies. On the other hand, developmentally advanced epistemological beliefs can facilitate the practice of Internet‐based instruction.  相似文献   

可扩展标识语言(XML)作为一种应用于不同组织之间进行网上信息和内部电子数据交换的描述性语言而被广泛使用。由于数据库系统在实质上已经成为各种信息系统的基础,因此,XML和数据库系统相互间的融合就成为了一种必然的趋势。而数据库系统又是建立在对信息的一致检索、存储基础上的,因此数据模型和模式的不一致性必然为这种融合设置了障碍。在讨论了数据模型不一致性的基础上,对关系数据库系统和XML模式说明性语言中有效的项目进行了对比。  相似文献   

移动学习(M-learning)作为一种崭新的学习形式,能够有效地拓展学生学习知识的空间和时间,随地学习,使学生的应用能力大大提高.深入分析了移动学习的基本要求,针对信息管理与信息系统专业的特征与发展需要,研究与设计了基于M-learning的信息管理与信息系统专业的课程教学模块.  相似文献   

语篇类型是语言使用中的组织原则.语言的教学目标在于培养学习者用语言进行交际的能力.合作学习可以使学习者、同伴、教师之间共同协作,分享信息,重构语篇,实现语篇的交际目的.因而,合作学习可以作为语篇教学的有效方法.  相似文献   

在当今日新月异的信息时代,高校人才培养的首要目标是培养既能精通会计、财务等经济管理知识,又能掌握国际通用信息技术相关知识和技能的复合型人才。XBRL(ExtensibleBusinessReportingLanguage,可扩展商业报告语言)是当前国际上最新的在互联网环境下披露企业信息的标准化财务报告电子语言,在将相互关联的元数据与会计信息自动转换方面,XBRL具有重要作用。世界大多数发达国家已经在各种多样化的信息价值链中自愿或强制地使用XBRL,提升了会计信息质量。XBRL对高校本科会计课程及教育模式具有重要影响,基于布卢母教育目标分类学理论,可以将XBRL与高校本科会计学专业课程进行整合。  相似文献   

语言是课堂教学中用以传递知识信息,引导学生观察、思考、想象的主要工具,好的语言教学方法在教学过程中起到很大的作用。因此,教师应重视教学语言的规范性、准确性、幽默性和优美生动性等语言技能和艺术的提高,使学生在课堂上轻松、愉快的进入学习氛围,激发学习兴趣,乐于学习,从而提高学习质量和效率。  相似文献   

This paper reports on outcomes from a White Rose Centre for Enterprise funded project Managing Innovation in the Digital Economy. This project aims to incorporate learning for enterprise into undergraduate and postgraduate curricula in information management and information systems. The paper presents results from a survey distributed to postgraduate information management and information systems students following completion of a module in E‐Business and E‐Commerce delivered by the Department of Information Studies at the University of Sheffield. The findings suggest that differences in levels of prior knowledge of business studies and in cultural background can impact on students’ acquisition of domain knowledge and intellectual and information research skills during collaborative development of a business plan. Implications of the results for web‐based instruction are addressed, by identifying teaching and learning strategies that support differential treatment of learners in terms of content and process. It is concluded that empirical investigation of individual differences within a student body can inform more effective methods for information systems and information management graduates to learn about and for entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This article offers a critique of knowledge management. The critique is empirically based on the case study of a Danish software production company's (A‐Soft) knowledge management strategy of implementing an information technology (IT) tool known as ‘knowledge centre’ (KC). The article argues: (1) the discourses on knowledge and learning informing KC and everyday practice are incompatible. KC conceptualizes knowledge as a resource that can be stored and retrieved from databases, and learning as an individual acquisition. The company's existing practice of knowledge sharing and learning seems better conceived from a situated and embodied perspective, seeing knowledge as an enactment inseparable from action, and learning as social participation. (2) The management's preoccupation with implementing technological solutions for codifying, archiving, and creating global access to information is conflicting with the practitioners' focus on seeking context‐rich information through collegial networks. Moreover, it is suggested that cultivation of a culture where viable communities of practice and collegial networks can flourish may be more important than technological advancement. (3) The strategy of exercising knowledge management through control and ownership invokes a discourse that threatens to subjectify the employees as replaceable resources in a lifelong learning imperative.  相似文献   

作为一种行之有效的管理工具,知识管理在全球化和信息技术急速发展的前提下应运而生,作为一种理论,知识管理理论也为进行深入全面的行政组织变革和创新提供了新的有效的思路。基于知识管理理论视角,我国行政组织在学习能力、人力资源管理、知识管理体系、信息化水平等方面存在一定的问题,传统行政文化、科层制弊端、资金投入不足及失衡、公务员整体素质等的影响和制约构成了问题产生的原因,因此,建立扁平化的行政组织、创建学习型行政组织、加强我国行政组织电子政务建设、完善我国行政组织知识管理体系等即成为我国行政组织变革和创新的可行路径。  相似文献   

Oracle XML DB Repository是一个以文件目录形式显示的虚拟文件系统,这种开放协议的XML存储访问方式,可以很好的支持知识库层次结构设计,也便于人工管理文档.因此信息系统的运维服务采用这种分级结构,来设计存储信息库,这样就可以保证分门别类的存储各类资源,有利于对资源进行相关的人工检索.此外,Oracle XML DB提供的基于访问控制列表ACLs(Access Control Lists)对信息库中所有资源的安全性控制的机制,使得XML DB的每个独立访问资源都有一个ACL来保障其安全性.因此,基于XML DB设计开发出来的运维服务知识库中的每个资源,都可以通过设置ACL对其进行访问控制,从而达到积累和共享知识这一构建运维服务知识库的目标.  相似文献   

In this paper, a framework to support an object‐oriented approach to performance analysis is described. The framework includes the use of collaboration, automation, visual modeling, and reusable repositories of analysis knowledge. The need for a new framework is related to the increasing concern with the cost effectiveness of student and employee development. Efforts to improve the return‐on‐investment in such development have been hindered by a craft orientation to the design and construction of learning and performance support materials. One solution to this problem has been to enhance the reuse of such materials. Rather than build every new system from scratch in a craft‐oriented manner, it is envisioned that systems will be constructed largely of standardized, reusable objects shared through Web‐based repositories. Currently, the main focus is on the technological framework necessary for an object‐based approach to learning system development. There appears to be little consideration of the changes in analysis and design thinking required for the move towards object‐based systems. Such systems should still be required to be directly linked to performance problems and opportunities at both the organizational and individual system levels.  相似文献   

检索式学习:意义、方式与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数字化环境和信息网络技术影响并改变着人类传统的学习方式,面对浩瀚的信息海洋,人们应该充分借助于先进的技术去查寻并汲取有用的知识.检索式学习正是人们不断更新自我以适应时代发展的重要途径,它为人类的学习构建了一个新型的平台,为现代教育的发展提供了一个重要的引擎,为个人的发展提供了一个高效的工具.随着技术的发展,检索式学习的方式也在不断地发生着变化:从图书馆书刊借阅到使用联机信息检索,从网络信息的浏览到利用学术搜索引擎,从一般的文献信息检索到知识检索与研究性问题的分析,从知识检索到知识发现.检索式学习强调人机交互与主体参与,突出知识创新与能力发展,注重知识建构与问题解决.开展检索式学习要注意明确目标、防止迷航,善于分析、沙里淘金,不断积累、勇于探索.  相似文献   

对普通高校成人教育转型发展的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着信息时代,知识经济时代的到来,科学技术的突飞猛进,新兴行业的不断涌现和发展,人们必须不断学习,终身学习,终身教育及学习型社会的发展离不开成人教育的发展,成人教育必须以开放的思维、特色教育的理念和终身教育的思想,正确面对,主动适应,积极谋划成人教育的转型工作。  相似文献   

《中国英语能力等级量表》中的组构能力量表主要衡量组构知识和策略,理解和表达意义的能力等级。在语言游戏说理论指导下,结合组构能力量表的能力内容与目标描述,高职英语课程中组构能力形成的过程被分解成3项具体任务:知识习得、内容运用、意义拓展,组构知识自主学习策略制定也相应更为完善。实证研究显示:学生组构知识成绩与学生的组构应用能力取得显著提高,语言哲学、语言量表、语言教学三者实现有效结合。  相似文献   

This study explored the extent to which knowledge‐sharing processes mediate organizational cultural factors and knowledge management effectiveness among Korean organizations. The findings show that knowledge‐sharing processes play as mediators in the effect of trust, collaboration, and learning on knowledge management effectiveness. Employees from knowledge management practicing companies in Korea were surveyed. Results from mediation analysis show that knowledge‐sharing processes have both practical and statistical significance to enhance knowledge management effectiveness. Trust and a learning culture are also significant to increase knowledge management effectiveness. We discuss the implications of these findings to facilitate knowledge sharing and make suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

新一代网络教学平台特征和技术难点的分析与探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文首先基于现有网络教育平台突出存在的"信息过载"、"缺乏因材施教"、"环境孤立"等问题,剖析了其形成机理和相关方面的探索情况.随后,本文结合当前智能代理、信息检索、领域本体知识和个性化服务的研究和应用成果,并且在一定的实验验证和理论研究的基础上,给出了当前在网络教育领域应特别关注的一些技术实现重点和问题解决途径,即基于智能代理的学习资源检索技术,基于领域本体知识的学习资源主题词索引及管理技术,基于自组织的个性化智能推荐和匹配技术,基于语义分析的元数据信息提取和描述模型,针对用户兴趣模型的构成、表示及演化机制研究,针对动态学习组织的推荐内容展示和协同技术研究等.此外,本文在汇总国内外新型网络教育平台建设和应用情况的基础上,也提出了一些建设新一代网络教育平台所需要注意的事项和系统实现要求,以供相关系统设计者参考.  相似文献   

面对知识经济时代激烈的市场竞争,知识管理发挥了重要的作用。本文重点从知识管理和组织学习两方面,阐述了知识经济条件下企业的学习,并指出向学习型组织转化应注意的问题。  相似文献   

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