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This performance analysis case study examines the migration of Custom Software Solutions, Inc. software development and maintenance, according to Gilbert's (1996) human performance theory, from teams in the United States to teams in India. Findings reveal the need for changes in project management guidelines, cross‐team communication, resources, and organizational clarity. Suggested interventions include improving project management and organizational communication practices and establishing new protocols such as Web‐based project forums and interactive learning modules.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines cross‐national similarities and differences in employee perceptions of issues in the work environment in 17 organizational work settings in seven Asia‐Pacific countries; Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. Employees at these 17 sites indicated their degree of agreement with statements about 60 work environment issues which previous research has shown impact performance. Resulting data were compared using coefficients of concordance as described by Gibbons (1971) at three levels of analysis. Analysis indicated that differences and similarities in responses did not reflect those one would expect to find based on previous well‐known research concerning cultural differences in those same countries (Hall, 1976; Hofstede, 1980, 2001). This suggests that relying primarily on national cultural differences is not a sufficient guide for the design of performance improvement interventions in various countries and that other context factors need to be taken into account. Possible hypotheses for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Much of the preparation for performance technologists has been embedded in other disciplines such as instructional technology, organizational development, and human resources. Changes in the work environment are forcing instructional technologists to examine their priorities and to reexamine the primary skills they need to work in the field of performance technology. This interview study examines the collective advice, concerns, and recommendations of fifteen of ISPI's past presidents. They offer advice on essential skills, voice concerns about the general application of instructional technology, and comment on ISPI's role in the preparation of performance technologists in a world of fast-moving organizational problems, challenges, and opportunities.  相似文献   

The human performance technology (HPT) model suggests various interventions to meet organizational challenges. While the original model includes a matrix to match an intervention according to a performance analysis, accumulated experience and recent research show that there are several parameters that will influence the validity and effectiveness of the solution. This article offers a 360‐degree approach to support the use of a performance model that helps practitioners to select the proper HPT intervention according to key attributes that influence the solution. Successful implementation, such as target audience characteristics and work processes that are at the heart of organizational needs, are examples of the benefits provided by this approach. The model is based on research conducted by Gal and Nachmias (2011, 2012) concerning performance support solutions success factors in corporate settings. In addition, experiences gained by both authors as they implemented HPT solutions in large organizations are considered.  相似文献   

在朝鲜导弹战力日益增强的背景下,为了达到制衡朝鲜的目的,韩国向美国提出了修改《韩美导弹协定》延长导弹射程的要求,并得到了美国的同意。韩国导弹射程的延长打破了东北亚地区导弹领域的相对均势,增加了该地区国家间不信任与猜疑,使东北亚局势更加不稳。本文将围绕2012年韩美修改《韩美导弹协定》的背景及其过程进行分析,并探讨修改《导弹协定》提高韩国导弹射程的意图及影响。  相似文献   

For this study, Prospects, a data set on schools and students in the United States collected during the early 1990s, was used to examine the effects of instructional and school organizational characteristics on the longitudinal mathematics and reading achievements of students from either a first- or third-grade cohort. Three schooling models were tested using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) while controlling for parental socioeconomic (SES) status. Factors and variables that represented instructional and school features were derived from teacher and principal responses to survey items. These features had direct and interactive effects on mathematics achievement, supporting both an environmental and interactive model of schooling. Further, schools characterized by teacher collegiality, support for innovation, principal leadership, goal agreement, and community support contained teachers who employed important instructional strategies more effectively, and students who had the highest mathematics gains over the observed period.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined 460 school psychology trainers’ attitudes and beliefs about the conditions for the education and training of evidence‐based practices (i.e., assessments and interventions) in training programs in the United States and Canada using an online survey. Trainer attitudes and beliefs about education and training in evidence‐based practices were measured using a 24‐item five‐point Likert scale. Overall, trainers had positive views of evidence‐based practices, as well as program and organizational support for such training. However, trainers rated the education and training of evidence‐based assessments more favorably than evidence‐based interventions. In general, trainer characteristics nor program accreditation status, model, or type of degree offered were found to influence trainers’ perceptions about evidence‐based practices. However, trainers with prior experience teaching evidence‐based intervention courses were found to have more supportive views of evidence‐based assessments and interventions than those without such experience. Implications for future training and school practice are discussed.  相似文献   

东南亚安全格局是东南亚地区国际关系中带有全局性、整体性的问题。苏联在同美国的全球博弈过程中开始逐渐明确冷战中自身战略目标能否实现,关键在于取得第三世界亚非国家的理解和支持。苏联和美国都试图对这些新兴国家施加影响力,并控制这些国家倒向自身阵营,冷战中后期双方争夺的重点也开始转向这些新兴国家。美国在第三次印支战争期间,特别是中越边境战争期间的立场对这一时期东南亚安全格局的发展产生了极为重要的影响。美国在第三次印支战争期间对苏联的一系列严厉警告是导致苏联最终放弃直接干涉企图的重要原因之一。中国在谋划、实施和结束这场战争的全过程展现出中国领导人对当时中美准同盟关系的运用。  相似文献   

二战爆发后,美国开始插手南亚事务,约翰逊使团赴印、菲利普斯使团赴印以及孟加拉饥荒中美国的漠然处理,呈现出了罗斯福南亚政策由积极参与到犹豫徘徊中收缩尺度,再到低调淡出的外交轨迹和现实主义的外交逻辑。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,美国为了摆脱越南战争的泥潭以及由此带来的与苏联对抗中处于下风的不利局面,开始全球性战略收缩。在东北亚地区,美国抛出了旨在减轻美国对日、韩战略负担的交叉承认方案,其核心是谋求在朝鲜半岛制造南北朝鲜被由美日韩构成的"南三角"和由中朝苏组成的"北三角"分别承认的局面。交叉承认的本质是在冷战时代背景下的国家集团间外交。依据国际形势的发展变化以及各当事国对朝韩两国态度的变化,交叉承认问题的变迁分为南北三角对峙、"北三角"分化和后交叉承认三个时期。交叉承认未能实现其初衷的根本原因在于美国的全球战略及其在东北亚地区的战略利益。目前,随着朝核问题由于美国和朝鲜在朝鲜先弃核还是美国先同朝鲜实现关系正常化这一问题上僵持不下,重提交叉承认以促使美国承认朝鲜、给予朝鲜安全感未尝不是解决朝鲜半岛问题的一个选项。  相似文献   

本文认为随着美国南亚政策的调整,1962年中印边界冲突前,美巴的盟友关系出现了潜在的裂缝。中印边界冲突发生后,美国在未同巴基斯坦磋商的情况下向印度提供军事援助,导致美巴关系出现危机。冲突停止后,美巴关系继续恶化,在1965年印巴战争爆发后降到了历史的最低点。本文也认为美巴关系发生剧变有其非常复杂的原因。  相似文献   

The current research examined the structural relationship between organizational investments in employee development and career development interventions, organizational human capital, and organizational long‐term performance in the Korean business context. Four research questions were examined using the survey data with 469 sample corporations from the Human Capital Corporate Panel (HCCP) 2009 data set (the data set collected and shared for research purposes in Korea). The statistical strategies included measurement testing and examination of the predictive and mediating relationships between the variables, followed by the effect size comparison. The results of the statistical analyses indicated that the positive impacts of employee and career development interventions on organizational process and customer competencies are fully mediated by improved organizational human capital. That is, no statistically significant relationship between the learning interventions and organizational long‐term performance was established without the critical mediating role of human capital. Based on the empirical findings, this research suggested implications for practice and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Yonjoo Cho 《TechTrends》2017,61(1):46-52
Interdisciplinarity is defined as communication and collaboration across academic disciplines. The instructional technology (IT) field has claimed to have an interdisciplinary nature influenced by neighboring fields such as psychology, communication, and management. However, it has been difficult to find outstanding evidence of the field’s interdisciplinary research efforts, except with psychology. IT and neighboring fields including human performance technology, instructional design, learning sciences, human resource development, and human resource management share common goals of learning and performance in diverse contexts. These fields are converging in terms of underscoring the importance of people in improving organizational performance through learning, development, and innovations. In this context, the purpose of this study was to identify interdisciplinary research collaboration efforts in the field through a review of literature on the topic. Based on the review of the literature, I provided implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

Performance technology (PT) is complex, drawing theory from instructional design, organizational development, communications, industrial psychology, and industrial engineering to name a few. The Standards of Performance Technology developed for the certified performance technology designation codified the processes used in the practice of performance improvement. The Human Performance Technology (HPT) Model of the International Society for Performance Improvement illustrates the Standards for the Performance Technology process, including the selection, design, and implementation of appropriate performance interventions. Research exists on specific PT interventions, such as problem solving, feedback, or job analysis. This foundational study considers intervention usage within organizations and the expertise of performance technologists. Findings indicate that years of experience in the field or related field is positively correlated to expertise. Some alignment was found between higher ranked PT expertise and higher ranked intervention usage within those organizations.  相似文献   

This article discusses three perceived challenges in the field of human performance technology: a missing link from training to performance, limitations in gap analysis and cause analysis, and a lack of attention to business and organization performance. It then provides possible alternatives for each issue, such as instructional system development frameworks for organizational learning, a soft performance technology framework, and a proposed framework for four levels of performance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which a State Systemic Initiative (SSI), a National Science Foundation program designed to improve science education across an entire state, implemented in the United States, could reform science education. Impacts that were measured included teachers' instructional practices, professional community, influence of the SSI on school policy, external influences on science instruction, and family involvement. In addition, students' views of instructional practice, school community and family involvement were measured. A retrospective comparative design was used to collect survey data from 46 middle schools; 23 that had significant amounts of contact with the SSI and 23 matched schools that had little to no contact with the SSI. The results suggested there were important differences favoring schools whose science teachers had participated in the SSI. Included were differences in the use of standards-based instruction, and external influences on science instruction teachers' influence on policy. No differences between the two groups were found for professional community or family involvement. For students, significant differences were only found for access to standards-based instruction. Results imply that SSIs can help change specific aspects of the system, but broader impacts are more difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

Conclusion The Strategic Impact Model is distinctive in its portrayal of the integration of instructional and non-instructional interventions and its suggestion that all performance interventions undergo an analysis-design-development-production cycle, just as instruction does. It also differs from other similar models in its use of evaluative activities at each stage to assure alignment with strategic needs as well as quality control, and its suggestions for improving the chances of successful implementation by carrying out change management activities at each phase of the development process. He has special interests in distance education, historical and philosophical foundations of instructional technology and instructional development processes. He has special interests in planning and evaluating performance improvement initiatives, including training. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Human Performance Technology (HPT) is the applied study and practice of improving organizational performance through training and non-training interventions. For practitioners working in this area that identify themselves as an HPT practitioner, organizational training and performance (OTP) specialist, or instructional designer—offering the right intervention set requires understanding of how humans work and function internally and within organizations that are bounded by environmental, societal, and economic realities. The HPT field is rooted in a multi-disciplinary knowledge base and has its own models and theories, which are generally developed by practitioners to guide their practice. Because HPT follows a systematic, data-driven process akin to action research, HPT practitioners are applied researchers even if they do not see themselves as such. What we need is more collaboration between scholars, practitioners, professional associations, and businesses to create a culture of engagement and involve everybody in the validation of applied research and theory development.  相似文献   

Using nationally representative data for lower secondary teachers from the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey, we examined differences in factors associated with technology-enabled learning between the United States and South Korea. The results confirmed the importance of teachers’ self-efficacy and their participation in professional development for technology-enabled learning in both countries. However, we found differences in the degree to which participation in professional development mattered to technology-enabled learning between the two countries. In addition, we found that cooperation and gender were significant predictors of technology-enabled learning in South Korea but not in the United States. By contrast, having constructivist beliefs was a significant predictor in the United States, but not in South Korea. The article goes on to highlight differences in information and communication technology policy environments between the United States and South Korea that may potentially explain these between-country differences in factors associated with technology-enabled learning.  相似文献   

Although most workplace learning occurs informally, instructional design and technology professionals often focus their attention on more formal interventions, such as training. This article addresses a research study that examined the perception and use of informal learning strategies among instructional design and technology graduate students, the future members of the workforce of instructional designers and performance improvement practitioners. Results of this study may have implications for both instructional design and technology graduate programs and managers of instructional design and technology teams in organizations.  相似文献   

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