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Student feedback-based evaluation performs a significant social role in framing perceptions of the quality of teaching in contemporary Australian higher education. Yet its emergence is a relatively recent phenomenon, having only been in widespread application since the mid-1980s. The early manifestations of student feedback-based evaluation came with newly emerging academic development units with a motive to enhance the quality of local teaching and to afford student retention. However, new motives for assailing student feedback evolved with the rapid growth in student numbers, the introduction of student fees and heightened levels of inter-institutional competition for students. As a result, student feedback-based evaluation progressively became also a powerful proxy measure of teaching and curricula quality assurance at an individual, institutional and sectoral level [Blackmore, J. (2009). Academic pedagogies, quality logics and performative universities: Evaluating teaching and what students want. Studies in Higher Education, 34(8), 857–872. doi:10.1080/03075070902898664]. This generated critical tensions between the seminal motive of student feedback around quality improvement, and the rising quality assurances discourses, academic performance management demands and institutional marketing. In this paper, the complex social origins of these competing motives for student feedback-based evaluation in Australian higher education will be explored and analysed. It is argued this provides an important means of understanding the polarising effects of student feedback-based evaluation in Australian universities.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, higher education institutions in the U.S. have faced increased competition and expenditures coupled with declines in financial support. Furthermore, they often have been forced to cater to the needs of an increasingly diverse group of students and must design service strategies based on the unique needs of each group. This paper advocates the use of target marketing principles to effectively and efficiently allocate resources among the various groups. Student registration data from a large, urban, public university, which is routinely available at little cost, is used to identify five student segments. These segments include traditional students, non-traditional students, a sizable international student segment, a graduating segment, and a group of transferees. The unique needs of each segment are identified and appropriate service strategies are formulated for each segment. The diversity of the segments establish the utility of using target marketing principles for designing service strategies and the viability of using registration database for such a purpose.  相似文献   

This study used a pre/post design to assess student learning for the purposes of examining relationships among student grades, student learning, and student evaluations of teaching. These relationships were reframed in terms of reaction (Level I) and learning (Level II) evaluation criteria. Participants were 652 undergraduate students enrolled in seven sections of an introductory psychology course. Our results indicated a medium relationship between student grades and the pre/post learning measure. In addition, a small relationship was observed between student ratings of teaching effectiveness and a pre/post measure of learning. We conclude that student ratings and learning measures assess different aspects of teaching effectiveness and should not be used interchangeably. The most appropriate criterion for assessing teaching effectiveness is a function of the goal of evaluation. However, reaction and learning measures may be used in conjunction to obtain a more complete picture of instructor effectiveness.  相似文献   

Institutes of higher learning are tending to reduce the amount of face-to-face teaching that they offer, and particularly through the traditional pedagogical method of lecturing. There is ongoing debate about the educational value of lectures as a teaching approach, in terms of both whether they facilitate understanding of subject material and whether they augment the student educational experience. In this study, student evaluation of teaching scores plus academic outcome (percentage of students who fail) was assessed for 236 course units offered by a science faculty at an Australian university over the course of one year. These measures were related to the degree to which lectures and other face-to-face teaching were used in these units, controlling for factors such as class size, school and year level. An information-theoretic model selection approach was employed to identify the best models and predictors of student assessments and fail rates. All the top models of student feedback included a measure reflecting amount of face-to-face teaching, with the evaluation of quality of teaching being higher in units with higher proportions of lectures. However, these models explained only 12–20% of the variation in student evaluation scores, suggesting that many other factors come into play. By contrast, units with fewer lectures have lower failure rates. These results suggest that moving away from lectures and face-to-face teaching may not harm, and indeed may improve the number of students who pass the subject, but that this may be incurred at the expense of greater dissatisfaction in students' learning experience.  相似文献   

Structural equation modelling is used to measure the existence of a response style (in particular, acquiescence) behind three balanced Likert scales measuring different concepts in a questionnaire for student evaluation of teaching in higher education. Exploration with one sample (n = 1125) and confirmation in a second sample (n = 710) from a different population (different students, different courses) shows the existence of a common factor behind these scales. However, the weak correlation with the variable ‘sum of agreements’ does not support the idea of acquiescence in student evaluation of teaching. Instead, the common factor could be interpreted as a halo factor influencing different scales in the questionnaire. The implications of this exploratory study for future research on acquiescence in student evaluations of teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

Student self‐evaluation processes and their impact on pedagogy, in the promotion of sound reflective student [1] practices, are the focus of this article. The ways in which students self‐evaluate and teachers integrate these self‐evaluative processes into their teaching practice in Australian and English contexts are analysed. The educational sites chosen for focus are engaged in implementing student‐centred teaching and learning practices. This article is based on research that draws on data analysed using case‐study methodology. For a period of 6 months student self‐evaluation processes were examined in both an Australian secondary high school and an English Further Education (EE) college which was piloting the advanced General National Vocational Qualification (GNVQ) science programme. The introduction of the skills of self‐evaluation to students offers an added dimension to the current learning environment. It provides students with opportunities to take increased responsibility for, and a more active role in, their own learning. An underlying assumption of this research is that there exists a need to examine how learning in the classroom is structured, and that it is this dimension to teaching and learning that makes a difference. A fundamental premise is that student self‐evaluation is an educative activity.  相似文献   

This study explored 2475 Israeli students’ conceptions of good teaching and examined the relationship between these conceptions and students’ background characteristics. Data were collected using an internet survey designed to measure students’ conceptions regarding five teaching dimensions referring to goals to be achieved, long-term student development, teaching methods, relations with students, and assessment. Results indicate that students perceived assessment as the most important of the five teaching dimensions and long-term student development as least important. Only gender and field of study made a salient difference in students’ perceptions of good teaching. Implications for the evaluation of teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法,对影响新建本科院校学生网上评教活动的评教态度、评教心理等因素进行了调查。结果表明:学生评教态度对网上评教活动的影响各年级之间差异较大,而学生评教心理对网上评教活动的影响各年级之间没有明显差异。  相似文献   

Increasingly, higher education institutions are realising that higher education could be regarded as a business-like service industry and they are beginning to focus more on meeting or even exceeding the needs of their students. Recent research findings suggest that the factors that create student satisfaction with teaching (‘teaching satisfiers’) may be qualitatively differently from the factors that create dissatisfaction with teaching. Thus, this research uses the Kano methodology to reveal the characteristics of professors that students take for granted (‘Must-be factors’) and that have the potential to delight them (‘Excitement factors’). Kano questionnaires containing 19 attributes of effective professors taken from previous studies and focus group discussions were handed out in two marketing courses to 63 postgraduate students enrolled in a service marketing course. The Kano results corroborate previous US findings that revealed the importance of personality in general and support studies that stress the importance of professors creating rapport with their students in particular.  相似文献   

Over the past century, student ratings have steadily continued to take precedence in faculty evaluation systems in North America and Australia, are increasingly reported in Asia and Europe and are attracting considerable attention in the Far East. Since student ratings are the most, if not the only, influential measure of teaching effectiveness, active participation by and meaningful input from students can be critical in the success of such teaching evaluation systems. Nevertheless, very few studies have looked into students' perception of the teaching evaluation system and their motivation to participate. This study employs expectancy theory to evaluate some key factors that motivate students to participate in the teaching evaluation process. The results show that students generally consider an improvement in teaching to be the most attractive outcome of a teaching evaluation system. The second most attractive outcome was using teaching evaluations to improve course content and format. Using teaching evaluations for a professor's tenure, promotion and salary rise decisions and making the results of evaluations available for students' decisions on course and instructor selection were less important from the students' standpoint. Students' motivation to participate in teaching evaluations is also impacted significantly by their expectation that they will be able to provide meaningful feedback. Since quality student input is an essential antecedent of meaningful student evaluations of teaching effectiveness, the results of this study should be considered thoughtfully as the evaluation system is designed, implemented and operated.  相似文献   

Although measures of student ratings of instruction have been developed and examined empirically, students' attitudes about the utility of these ratings have yet to be meaningfully quantified. Using survey responses from 1229 students at a major Canadian university, we developed a psychometrically sound measure of the usefulness of student ratings. A principal components analysis with oblique rotation was conducted and three factors (Instructor characteristics, Course characteristics and Instructor's relative ranking) were obtained that explained 64% of the variance in six iterations. The usefulness of these three types of ratings information differs according to several student and course characteristics. The present results provide evidence for both reliability and validity of the instrument as an indicator of the utility of teaching evaluation for students.  相似文献   

学生评教是高校汇集学生反馈、监测教育教学质量的重要手段。传统的学生评教量规大多由管理者、教学论专家开发,学生依据现成量规的评教指标打分,完成对授课教师的评价,其优点是指标体系明确、操作方便、统计简单,问题是由管理者、教学论专家拟定的教学评价指标不能涵盖学生认为重要的指标。针对上述问题,澳大利亚学者提出最大差异量规,从课程与教学维度评价高校教师教学质量,采用最好-最差配对选择,使评教差异最大化,包括对高校教师课程与教学绩效的评价,还可以对评价量规本身的绩效-重要性程度进行评价,其结果能更有效地反映授课教师的教学质量,动态地反映学生本身的学习发展需求,提升高校学生评教的效度和价值,对提高我国高校学生评教的科学性有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

营销人才需求与供给的矛盾显示营销人才培养环节出现了问题,即未能把握市场需求。随之延伸的是教学中出现的一系列问题,主要是实践教学缺位、教学方法单一、教学内容机械、考评体系不完善等。问卷调查也显示,学生对课程设置和教学活动不满意。在探究英美相对完善的营销类课程教学体系后,在建构主义框架下提出了在课程目标、教学方法和内容、考评体系以及学生学习等不同方面的营销类课程教学效果提升路径。  相似文献   

市场营销学是一门实践性很强的课程,进行教学模式改革,首先要有一个正确的指导思想。在现代教育思想和学习理论指导下,应用现代教育信息技术和多种媒体,对课程的教育系统及要素进行优化设计,充分发挥教师在教学方面的主体作用,指导学生实行交互式学习,教学中除使学生掌握基本的知识外,教师在组织教学中要花大力为学生创造虚拟环境下实际营销能力的测试,要设法提高学生将所学理论应用到实践中的能力。针对双轨导学制下课程教学改革的要求,本文坚持以学生为主体,以教师为主导,以学生实践为中心的原则对市场营销学这门课进行了"模块教学"模式的创新实践。  相似文献   

An unresolved issue in student evaluations of teaching effectiveness (SETE) literature is what type of overall evaluation of teaching effectiveness should be used in personnel decisions. The objective of this study is to compare the merits of: (a) an overall evaluation made by students, (b) a weighted average overall evaluation with the weights determined by students, (c) a weighted average overall evaluation with the weights being determined by the individual instructors teaching their respective classes, (d) an unweighted average overall evaluation, and (e) a second-order factor that proxies for an overall evaluation. Our results indicate that: (a) all of these overall evaluations were very highly intercorrelated, (b) the unweighted and weighted average overall evaluations measured virtually the same thing, and (c) the second-order factor that served as an overall evaluation was most highly correlated with the other overall evaluations and had the advantage of being most understandable to the faculty.  相似文献   

Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) constitute a valuable and economical teaching force in many higher education undergraduate programmes. However, student satisfaction with their teaching has attracted little attention in the research literature. This study aimed at examining students’ evaluation of teaching of GTAs in discussion groups, as well as exploring the effects of group and GTA variables on these ratings. Data were collected using a questionnaire administered online and completed by 7078 undergraduate students. Participants were enrolled in classes taught by 278 GTAs from four faculties in a major Israeli university. Results indicated that ratings assigned to clarity of instruction were the most salient predictor of students’ overall evaluation. Generally, findings were consistent with those reported in the literature for other categories of instructors. Groups taught by GTAs in exact sciences and engineering were rated higher than those in social sciences and business management. Group size and the percentage of men students were inversely correlated with student ratings, while student attendance rate was positively correlated. Women GTAs and GTAs who taught more than one group tended to receive higher ratings. Overall student attendance rate was the most prominent predictor of student ratings. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Large cohorts (>200 students) are an ever-increasing presence in the UK higher education (HE) sector. Providing excellent teaching and learning to these large classes is an ongoing challenge for teaching faculty, a challenge intensified when the cohort comprises 85% non-native English speakers. This paper presents the findings of a project to supplement face-to-face lectures on a large campus-based taught MSc programme with a set of rich-media materials. These resources consisted of audio podcasts, audio-narrated slides, short video segments and full-video lecture capture. The aim of the study was to examine student usage of, and preference for, these different rich-media materials. Key findings are that students valued most highly the full-video lecture capture followed by the audio-narrated slides, using the materials primarily to consolidate their understanding and as revision aids. Students also emphasised the central importance of the face-to-face lecture – viewing the rich-media materials as complementary to, rather than as a replacement for the traditional lecture. Nor did the majority of students see the provision of videoed lectures as a reason for non-attendance at lectures. The findings of this study provide confirmatory evidence of the ongoing importance of the traditional lecture in large cohort HE teaching together with an acknowledgement of the benefits that rich-media materials can bring to the student learning experience.  相似文献   

The inter-rater reliability of university students’ evaluations of teaching quality was examined with cross-classified multilevel models. Students (N = 480) evaluated lectures and seminars over three years with a standardised evaluation questionnaire, yielding 4224 data points. The total variance of these student evaluations was separated into the variance components of courses, teachers, students and the student/teacher interaction. The substantial variance components of teachers and courses suggest reliability. However, a similar proportion of variance was due to students, and the interaction of students and teachers was the strongest source of variance. Students’ individual perceptions of teaching and the fit of these perceptions with the particular teacher greatly influence their evaluations. This casts some doubt on the validity of student evaluations as indicators of teaching quality and suggests that aggregated evaluation scores should be used with caution.  相似文献   

Standardised module evaluation surveys have recently been implemented or extensively redesigned at many different HEIs across the UK in response to an evolving national context, notwithstanding a body of scholarship that has called student evaluation of teaching (SET) into question. Through a focussed single-institution study, this mixed-methods research fills a notable gap in the current literature in establishing students’ perspectives on standardised module evaluation by means of a paper-based questionnaire. Its participants (N=40) recognised some general advantages of a university-wide system, such as facilitating comparison between different modules; but they also acknowledged several shortcomings relating to its lack of sensitivity to individual module contexts and schedules, yielding the overall view that standardised surveys are only partially effective as a means of teaching evaluation. The conclusion considers the wider implications of these distinctive findings, and suggests that the perceived limitations of SET point to the need to triangulate its results with data obtained through alternative evaluation mechanisms.  相似文献   

This paper explores students’ conceptions of good teaching in three different disciplines. Moreover, the aim is to explore the relation between these conceptions and students’ approaches to learning by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. A total of 695 students from the Faculties of Behavioural Sciences, Law and Veterinary Medicine participated in the study. The students’ conceptions of good teaching were analysed using a qualitative content analysis. Furthermore, the students were assigned to homogenous subgroups on the basis of their responses to items measuring approaches to learning and the differences between these subgroups and the students’ conceptions were examined. The association between the conceptions, disciplines and approaches to learning were examined using Chi‐square tests. Twenty‐one dimensions were created from the data and 12 of them differed between the disciplines. Only one dimension differed between the student groups. The study suggests that there is disciplinary variation in students’ conceptions of good teaching and universities should take this into account in the development process of the student evaluation system.  相似文献   

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