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The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has a broad mission in biomedical information service. There are three major reasons for NLM, as a national institution, having an international program: first, the global nature of disease; second, the international scope of medical literature; and third, the universal goal of better communication. This paper reviews NLM's programs in relation to international medical information exchange: International MEDLARS Centers, collaboration with WHO and PAHO, NLM Special Foreign Currency Program, and development of the NLM collection.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the World Data System (WDS), which is a multidisciplinary structure of the International Council for Science. This system is intended to support a coordinated global approach to scientific data and information. It operates as a set of portals that are connected to a common database of metadata, which contains the details about information resources of organizations that are part of the WDS. The activities of the International Council for Science, which is the oldest international organization in the field of science and initiates, develops, and coordinates joint initiatives, such as large-scale international interdisciplinary research programs, in collaboration with its sister organizations, are briefly described. This paper explores the participation of the Russian World Data Centers as integral parts of the WDS that are created and supported by the International Council for Science in the international cross-disciplinary effort of effective cooperation and coordination that are aimed at collecting, analyzing, storing, and managing scientific knowledge and at ensuring open and full access to such knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a selection of international collaborative efforts in the production of information services and attempts to characterize modes of cooperation. Information systems specifically discussed include: international nuclear information system (INIS); Nuclear Science Abstract (NSA); EURATOM; AGRIS; AGRINDEX; Information Retrieval Limited (IRL); IFIS (International Food Information Service); Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS); MEDLARS; and TITUS. 3 methods of international information transfer are discussed: commercial transactions; negotiated (bilateral) barter arrangements; and contribution to internationally managed systems. Technical, economic, and professional objectives support the rationale for international cooperation. It is argued that economic and political considerations, as much as improved technology or information transfer, will determine the nature of collaboration in the future.  相似文献   

何燕 《图书馆论坛》2012,(4):111-114
分析当前公共图书馆小语种图书利用的情况、采访诉求及小语种图书采访中遇到的问题,并从馆藏发展规划、读者调研、书目收集、整合人才、馆际交流、马克数据及拓展采访渠道等方面提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

国外图书馆联盟信息资源建设制度研究进展(2005-2014)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]揭示2005-2014年国外图书馆联盟信息资源建设制度研究的内容,为我国该主题的研究提供借鉴。[方法/过程]采用文献调研方法,从信息资源采集、组织、保存和共享4个方面分析该主题研究现状。[结果/结论]研究发现:国外研究重视联盟资源建设的顶层设计;将合作性的馆藏规划和馆藏发展政策的研究置于重要地位;研究立足于更广阔的视野。未来的研究应注重:开展联盟资源建设制度的系统性研究;理论界、业界与政府进行三方合作,探索联盟资源建设的地区、国家和国际框架;因时制宜、因地制宜地发展联盟资源建设制度。  相似文献   

This article concentrates on the national services and databases in the Nordic countries. The availability of information via networks is the main discussion topic. The Nordic libraries have a long tradition of cooperation. The basic idea at present is to make the national information of each country available to all users within Scandinavia, to create a "Union Nordic Library." The necessary qualifications for that kind of co-operation are very good: the development of the national systems is in process or already operational at a high technical level; the Nordic research networks are connected to each other and to international networks; the data itself is in standardized form and very well covers the recent publications.  相似文献   

国际学术合作能够提高科研效率,推动知识创新,探讨国际合著论文中的国家贡献度,对反映国家领域影响力,提升国际合作态势具有重要意义。从数值和内容两个层面构建国际合著国家学术贡献度分析模型,以中国作为重点研究对象,以Web of Science为数据来源,通过构建国际合著网络,结合学术贡献度计算公式,分析近十年中国在Information Science&Library Science(图书情报学,以下简称ISLS)领域的学术贡献度,并以知识图谱的方式揭示中国学术参与主题的演化。结果表明:在数值方面,第一阶段中国学术贡献度较小,但第二阶段持续发力,成为国际合作中的后起之秀,学术贡献度仅次于美国;在内容方面,经历了从理论研究到技术创新的演进,参与的学术主题呈多元化和深入化趋势。  相似文献   

Legal deposit is essential for the accumulation of a national collection of published works such as scientific research, literature, etc., and its transfer to future generations. It is also a vital tool for maintaining bibliographic control at both the national and the international level. Hence, there is an international convention to establish a legal deposit system that works under legislative arrangements. However, a legal deposit law does not always guarantee a full implementation. The fact is, unless coordination and cooperation are provided between stakeholders, implementation of legal deposit cannot be effective. This paper, taking Turkey as an example, attempts to examine the problems concerning implementation of legal deposit and proposes solutions in this context.  相似文献   

One of the first dialogues about international standards of communication was at an 1884 conference in Washington, DC, convened to discuss reforming time standards and designate an international meridian. The emergence of both telegraph and railroad systems had been important precursors of national time zone systems in North America and Europe, but creation of an international time system required unprecedented cooperation over divergent national interests through expanding networks of scientists. The international time system arose from the pervasive influence of the shipping industry and its innovations in science, especially astronomical innovations in reckoning longitude by chronometers. International time reform faced obstacles from competing national, economic, and cultural interests. The selection of Greenwich Observatory near London as the international meridian showed tacit acceptance among negotiators of a shift to a scientific center of global interests, in spite of resistance from France, which hoped to establish Paris as the international meridian, as well as the metric system as the basis of international exchange.  相似文献   

为避免拟改造或新创办英文科技期刊国际化发展过程中走入歧途,分析《国际煤炭科学技术学报》(英文)在变更刊名、组建编委会及选择国际合作出版平台等方面走过的弯路,总结在推行专家办刊模式、引进客座主编机制、设立海外编辑分部、聘任海外助理编辑、创新传播推广渠道等方面的成功经验.认为办刊是一项系统工程,没有捷径,失败的教训和成功的经验只是让期刊在前进的路上少走弯路,一步一个脚印,按照既定的办刊方向和目标坚定不移地走下去,才是正确的办刊之道.  相似文献   

科技编辑参加国际编辑会议的益处与准备   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
许福明 《编辑学报》2003,15(1):68-69
国际编辑会议是实现信息传递、国际交流和全球科技编辑间国际合作的一个重要途径。科技编辑参加国际编辑会议有很多益处。对参加会议的益处进行了讨论,并结合其实践经验对参加会议的准备工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

As academic institutions commit to supporting research and teaching through electronic resources, libraries become involved in the collection and delivery of these resources, and national initiatives are being developed which will encourage the dissemination of electronic information in the academic setting. Some libraries already are acquiring software, and in the process, encountering new problems and challenges. This paper describes the impact the change is having on the acquisitions process and suggests how these changes might be addressed. Some new possibilities for acquisitions departments are also outlined.  相似文献   

开放获取和权益保护是目前数字环境下信息资源传播的两大重要课题。作为下一代科技文献资源的传播体系,需要在同时实现面向资源消费者的开放获取功能以及资源创作者所有权益保护的功能方面,进行系统的升级设计,从而实现文献资源流通领域的平衡发展。这也是下一代NSTL面临的挑战性课题之一。该研究在2011年NSTL建设项目的支持下,以下一代NSTL系统为基础,设计可以整合多国期刊OA资源的服务平台,并引入了DRM的功能。通过与多国OA资源提供机构及权益保护相关机构进行国际合作,在OA资源整合服务及知识产权保护方面,进行了多方面的探索与实施。文章首先介绍下一代NSTL中OA平台的整体架构;其次,重点介绍平台的多国OA期刊的XML元数据交换与更新功能;再次,介绍资源的权益信息获取服务;最后,给出结论和未来的实施规划。  相似文献   

编辑学的研究对象来自编辑实践,它决定于编辑工作对象和编辑过程的性质。本研究的结果表明编辑出版系统,实质上是信息流通系统。编辑学的研究对象,本质是社会信息和社会信息过程。编辑学是关于社会信息的采集、控制、处理和流通规律的科学。  相似文献   

为促进亚洲各国之间的科技信息资源共享和科研合作,在这些区域内,通过一站式服务获取相关信息至 关重要。3 年前,基于谅解备忘录(MOU),中国科学技术信息研究所(ISTIC)、日本科学技术振兴机构(JST)及韩国 科学技术信息研究院(KISTI)建立了基于现有DOI 系统的长期合作机制。首先概要介绍分别由三机构运行管理的各自 国家的DOI 系统,以及三国之间的国际合作进展。然后,通过引入云服务平台的概念,提出未来的合作框架,以进一 步促进资源共享。  相似文献   

科学家国际化识别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 面向国内科学家国际化学术交流需求的步步逼近,研究建立中国科学家国际化识别的解决方案。[方法/过程] 分析人名唯一标识符的发展特征和研究者识别国际规范的发展趋势,基于ORCID研究提出中国科学家的国际化标识服务方案。[结果/结论] 创建中国科学家在线--iAuthor,提供中国科学家"全球学术身份证"标识服务,并嵌入科研工作流的投稿、文章发布、存储等环节。iAuthor目前注册用户已超过15 000人。大数据时代下不同系统的信息精确识别和互操作,将依赖于更多重要中间组件,例如国际唯一标识符。iAuthor建立的中国科学家国际标识符服务,将可能支持更多来源的信息资源在研究型图书馆实现融汇和互操作。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]分析和研究环境/生态学科的现状及国际学术合作情况,旨在了解我国在该领域范围内的优势及不足,为我国未来生态环境领域的科研活动以及国家合作方向提供借鉴。[方法/过程]本文以2009—2019年WOS核心数据库中的5640篇环境/生态学科高被引论文为数据源,对时空分布与影响力进行计量分析,同时运用复杂网络分析法,构建国际合作网络结构,探析合作的现状和特点。[结果/结论]结果显示:环境/生态学高被引论文的国际合作研究呈现积极上升态势,各国间知识流动日益频繁,但国家间合作分布异质性明显。中国在该学科高被引论文发表数以绝对优势占居领先地位,但论文国际合作比例偏低,未来需要加强论文的原始创新,提高研究成果的国际影响力。  相似文献   

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