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建构主义教学思想的再构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张桂春 《教育科学》2004,20(6):25-27
国内外学者在对建构主义及其教学思想的探究过程中,对其提出了各种赞赏或批评的意见,其中也存在着某种误解。建构主义对于认识活动和学习活动的主观建构性质的突出强调具有重要意义。建构主义教学思想只有既关注个体自我的主观建构又重视社会互动的合作建构,才有可能消解自身的激进性或偏激性,从而成为经得起检验的、具有“生存力”的认识论或学习论。  相似文献   

作为认知心理学理论分支的建构主义教育理论(constructivism),强调学习是学习者主动建构知识的意义过程,人的认知结构即图式(schema)是通过同化(assimilation)与顺应(accomodation)两个基本过程逐步建构个人意义,并建构起外部世界的知识,从而使自身认知结构得以转换与发展。  相似文献   

建构主义数学学习理论指出:数学学习不应该被看成是对于教师传授知识的被动接受,而是学习者以自身已有的知识和经验为基础的主动建构活动。也就是说数学知识不能从一个人迁移到另一个人,一个人的数学知识必须基于个人的操作、交流,通过反省来主动建构。它要求学生由外部刺激的被动接受者和知识的灌输对象转变为信息加工的主体、知识意义的主动建构者,  相似文献   

建构主义认为知识不仅仅是通过教师传授所得到的,而且是学习在一定的情景下,即一定的社会化背景下,借助于他人(如教师和学习伙伴)的帮助、利用一定的学习材料等,通过学习主体建构而获得的。建构主义认为:“情景、协作、会话和意义建构是学习的四大要素”。它不仅要求学习由外部刺激的被动接受和知识的灌输对象转变为信息加工的主体、知识意义的主动建构;  相似文献   

建构主义与面向21世纪的科学教育改革   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
建构主义是一种新的认知理论,这种理论已成为国际科学教育改革中的一种主流理论。建构主义的要义是科学知识是不能传递的,它必须由学生主动地建构。当代科学技术的发展要求科学教育必须改革,建构主义适应了这一时代挑战,建构式科学教育有利于培养迎接这一挑战的人才。  相似文献   

如今,建构主义的教学思想日益渗透到课堂教学中,越来越多的教育工作者把建构主义的数学观、学习观和教学观运用到实践中。但是,当真的将建构主义恩想运用到课堂教学时,我们发现面临着许多困难和挑战。每一次课堂教学的实践也逐渐让我们对建构观下的课堂教学多了一份思考。  相似文献   

“建构学说”笔谈   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
“建构学说”笔谈(编者按)在“第二届数学教育高级研讨班”(1993-11,扬州)上.“建构主义”引起了与会者的浓厚兴趣。反映-建构说对数学教育有什么指导作用?它和皮亚杰的建构论又有什么关系?……考虑到对这一理论的认识,在广大数学教育工作者中有普遍意义...  相似文献   

1从建构主义观点看数学知识教学建构主义认为,人是通过与周围环境相互作用,逐步建构起关于外部世界的知识,从而使自身认知结构得到发展的。人的知识建构有两个基本过程:“同化”与“顺应”。同化是把外部刺激所提供的信息整合到自己原有的认知结构内的过程;顺应是指外部环境发生变化,而原有认知结构无法同化新环境提供的信息时所引起认知结构发生重组和改造的过程。建构主义对教学效果的评价在于“你是怎样知道的”,而非“你知道了什么”因此,个体的主动性在建构过程中起关键作用,同时,在认识过程中学习者所处的社会文化背景也起…  相似文献   

建构主义是继“大众数学”、“问题解决”之后数学教育关注的焦点。按照建构主义的观点,教师不应被看作是知识的简单传授者,教师在教学活动中,应千方百计地进行科学的导学设计,以营造一种有利于学生进行建构活动的环境,从而使自己成为学生进行建构活动的促进者。教师的传授更不应是知识的搬运者,而应是数学建构活动的深谋远虑的设计者、组织者、参与者、指导者与评判者。那么,教师怎样做才能促进学生有效地进行建构活动呢?一、充分尊重学生在教学中的主体地位,彻底转变教育观念现代教学论一直强调学生在教学中的主体地位问题,但在具体教学中…  相似文献   

建构主义理论对瑞吉欧教育体系产生着重大的影响。近年来,随着对儿童知识建构的深入研究,建构主义者也在不断地充实和发展着自己的理论,这种发展在瑞吉欧教育体系中也得到了充分的体现。皮亚杰的知识建构理论对瑞吉欧的影响皮亚杰的理论自20世纪60年代起一直被作为指导学前教育实践的重要理论之一,皮亚杰的理论给予学前教育工作者以众多的启示。  相似文献   

Cognitive constructivism is not a unique theoretical framework, pedagogical approach, or epistemology, but a general, metaphorical assumption about the nature of cognition that virtually all cognitive educational researchers accept. Despite this unifying assumption, there are many different cognitive constructivist research programs and theories within the community at large. This article contrasts cognitive constructivism with several other forms of constructivism in the educational research community. It then attempts to represent the range of theoretical approaches within cognitive constructivism, pointing to examples and potential educational applications of cognitive constructivist ideas. Cognitive schema theory receives special attention as an important theoretical perspective that has been relatively neglected in recent theoretical discussions. It is believed to have significant potential for building conceptual bridges between information processing and radical constructivist viewpoints.  相似文献   

Paul Adams 《Education 3-13》2013,41(3):243-257
In the drive to improve standards, the collection and dissemination of numerical data still directs much contemporary educational policy. However, recent publications and debates seemingly attempt to reorient discussion from performance to learning. In support, constructivism is often referenced as a contributor in this endeavour. However, constructivism is not a single unified theory either of knowledge or pedagogy. This article identifies one version of constructivist thinking, social constructivism, both in terms of its underlying epistemology (theory of knowledge) and related pedagogy. Contemporary educational theories are then outlined to demonstrate that many practical solutions and theoretical ideas now presented as ‘good learning and teaching’ have much in common with social constructivist thinking. Finally, the article concludes by identifying two issues that require further discussion and debate if pedagogy of a social constructivist nature is to be considered.  相似文献   

Introductory Comments on Philosophy and Constructivism in Science Education   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This article indicates something of the enormous influence of constructivism on contemporary science education. The article distinguishes educational constructivism (that has its origins in theories of children's learning), from constructivism in the philosophy of science (usually associated with instrumentalist views of scientific theory), and from constructivism in the sociology of science (of which the Edinburgh Strong Programme in the sociology of scientific knowledge is the best known example). It notes the expansion of educational constructivism from initial considerations of how children come to learn, to views about epistemology, educational theory, ethics, and the cognitive claims of science. From the learning-theory beginnings of constructivism, and at each stage of its growth, philosophical questions arise that deserve the attention of educators. Among other things, the article identifies some theoretical problems concerning constructivist teaching of the content of science.  相似文献   

Constructivism and Science Education: A Further Appraisal   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper is critical of constructivism. It examines the philosophical underpinnings of the theory, it outlines the impact of the doctrine on contemporary science education, it details the relativist and subjectivist interpretation of Thomas Kuhn's work found in constructivist writings, it indicates the problems that constructivist theory places in the way of teaching the content of science, and finally it suggests that a lot of old-fashioned, perfectly reasonable educational truisms and concepts are needlessly cloaked in constructivist jargon that inhibites communication with educationalists and policy makers.  相似文献   

Constructivism is undoubtedly one of the most influential philosophies in education in the twenty-first century. It is, however, one that is frequently misunderstood, has diverse meanings ascribed to it, and is often used by advocates to caricature other approaches inaccurately. The learning theory of constructivism and pedagogical theory of constructivism do not necessitate one another although educators frequently consider them one and the same. This paper underscores how educators in the twenty-first century are increasingly compelled to accept constructivist pedagogy. It further reflects on a challenges this poses for learning, concerns regarding constructivism as the dominant pedagogical tool, and clarity with respect to the consideration of alternative approaches while offering specific reflections for classroom teachers throughout.  相似文献   

Case Study as a Constructivist Pedagogy for Teaching Educational Psychology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent interest and inquiry into constructivism, pedagogical content knowledge, and case study methodology are influencing the content and goals of educational psychology in teacher preparation. The reasons seem clear: The content of educational psychology lends itself to authentic, active, and pragmatic applications of theory to school practices, as well as to investigations of a variety of educational issues, perspectives, and contexts which can be viewed through case study, a constructivist problem-based approach to learning. Widely-used educational psychology texts are including constructivism as a cognitive alternative to behaviorist and information processing views of teaching and learning. Concurrently, case studies are being integrated in educational psychology texts, and a myriad of case texts have appeared with application to educational psychology courses. This article considers the decisions, benefits, and difficulties in teaching educational psychology through a constructivist case study approach.  相似文献   

探讨基于建构主义的研究性学习的教育类课程模式,论证主动性课程建构的理念以及如何处理好课程建构过程中的复杂关系的方法,从理论建构和实践探索层面提出了建设性的主张。  相似文献   

This article critically discusses the constructivist ideas, assumptions and practices that undergird the current pedagogical reform in China. The pedagogical reform is part of a comprehensive curriculum reform that has been introduced across schools in Mainland China. Although the official documents did not specify the underpinning theories for the pedagogical reform, Chinese scholars and educators have identified constructivism as a dominant theory. The essay argues that the acceptance of constructivist views and logics has generated three key challenges for Chinese educators with respect to the content, teaching approach and assessment. The challenges are the concern that constructivism will undermine content mastery, the perceived incompatibility between constructivism and the traditional transmission approach, and the misalignment between constructivism and the prevailing assessment system in China. The example of China adds to the international body of literature on the attraction and borrowing of ‘modern’ educational theories and practices, and the tensions and difficulties engendered in the process.  相似文献   

探讨基于建构主义的研究性学习的教育类课程模式,论证主动性课程建构的理念以及如何处理好课程建构过程中的复杂关系的方法,从理论建构和实践探索两个层面提出了建设性的主张。  相似文献   

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