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Summary Physical and cognitive development proceed at a breathtaking pace in the first two years of life. Infants enter the world as competent individuals who actively explore the external world from the moment of birth. As their basic reflexes disappear, they begin to engage in intentional and purposeful behavior. Their ability to move, as in crawling and walking, and to manipulate objects extends their opportunities to learn about the physical environment. Responsive and supportive caregivers who work with infants and toddlers play a critical role in providing an optimal learning environment that takes into account infants' unique developmental needs. The next segment of the four-part series addresses the social and emotional development of infants and toddlers.  相似文献   

Children enter the world with simple emotions and gradually add complex feelings to their repertoire of skills. As children grow and develop, they learn to label their emotions and regulate them in socially appropriate ways. Literature is one way early childhood educators can foster healthy emotional development. This article explains how emotions develop during the preschool years (3–5), shares why it is important for early childhood educators to understand the connection between emotional and literacy development, and suggests books and strategies that can be used to enhance young children’s emotional and literate lives.  相似文献   

1.5岁左右婴儿,伴随自我意识和交往、认知的进一步发展,逐渐产生了更高级、复杂的社会性情绪。随着情绪交流中情绪感染、情绪交流主观性的发生和早期发展,能够辨别各种不同的社会情绪,产生了移情和同情,婴儿情绪交往技能得到提高,逐步学会合适的情绪应对方式。情绪社会化也随之有了较成熟的发展,形成初步的社会性交往,从而促使婴儿更好成长为一个社会人。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings of a qualitative interview study of the role of emotions in the professional identity of student teachers. Strong positive and negative emotions (mostly related to pupils and supervisors) were expressed about personal teaching experiences. The results confirm that emotions play an important role in social learning and, therefore, influence the development of professional identity. The two most important findings were that negative emotions exercised the strongest influence and that supervisors neglected the role of positive emotions as a support for learning. The study supports the concept that it is important for teacher educators to help student teachers understand their emotional experiences (focusing foremost on positive factors in their experience) and to develop the ability to express their own emotions in addition to understanding the emotions of others.  相似文献   

Understanding the interrelations among students’ cognitive, emotional, motivational, and volitional processes is an emergening focus in educational psychology. A dynamical, component systems theory of emotions is presented as a promising framework to further unravel these complex interrelations. This framework considers emotions to be a process that is composed of cognitive, neurophysiological, motor expression, and motivational processes—as well as feelings—that mutually regulate each other over time and within a particular context. This comprehensive view of emotions provides a more complete understanding of the social and dynamical nature of emotions and the integration of emotions within learning processes. Using a dynamical, component systems view of emotional processes, interrelated with learning processes, involves a shift in research methodologies and instruments to adequately investigate the role(s) of emotions within learning contexts. But more importantly, it may provide a powerful framework that can clearly show teachers and parents the role(s) that emotions play in students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills.
Peter Op ’t EyndeEmail: Phone: +32-16-326299Fax: +32-16-326274

陈志明 《河池学院学报》2011,31(6):89-93,121
咸水歌是昼民独特的艺术表现形式,是昼民表达情感和表现精神世界的重要方式;它记录和烛照着昼民的历史命运及生产生活。结合田野调查浅析咸水歌的社会功能和审美价值,并探讨北海外沙咸水歌的传承困境。  相似文献   

《诗》描绘的是一个自然、真实的世界,《风》《雅》《颂》根源于不同的文化,有着不同阶层的作者和不同的描写对象。《风》中的人们歌唱自己的生活,抒发自己的情感,打猎、耕种、采摘、纺织、守候、等待既是他们的生活,也是他们情感的表达。《雅》与《颂》同样从人们的现实生活写起,或融入政治因素,或带有宗教色彩,所体现的既是一人之情感也是所有人之情感,皆本于人伦、切近人情。  相似文献   

Recent developmental cognitive neuroscience research has supported the notion that puberty and adolescence are periods of profound socio-emotional development. The current study was designed to investigate whether the onset of puberty marks an increase in the awareness of complex, or “mixed,” emotions. Eighty-three female participants (aged 9–16 years) were divided into three groups according to a self-report measure of puberty stage (early-, mid- and post-puberty). Participants were presented with emotional scenarios, and used four linear scales to rate their emotional response to each scenario. Scenarios were designed to evoke social emotions (embarrassment or guilt) or basic emotions (anger or fear), where social emotions are defined as those which require the representation of others' mental states. We measured the relative complexity or “mixedness” of emotional responses, that is, the degree to which participants reported feeling more than one emotion for a given scenario. We found that mixed emotion reporting increased between early- and post-puberty for social emotion scenarios, and showed no relationship with age, whereas there was no change in mixed emotion reporting for basic emotion scenarios across age or puberty groups. This suggests that the awareness of mixed emotions develops during the course of puberty, and that this development is specific to social emotions. Results are discussed in the context of brain development across puberty and adolescence, with speculation regarding the potential implications for education.  相似文献   

Using an example of a toddler’s developing understanding of an apple, this article illustrates how children integrate all elements in their interpersonal and built environments to support their emerging literacy skills. Otto (2007) and others provide evidence from emergent literacy research that documents observations and exploration by infants, toddlers, and young children and suggest that the ways in which children participate in early literature-related activities influence the knowledge they construct. Twenty-two children’s books—including five for apple discoverers—are recommended and reviewed.  相似文献   

Young children’s emotional competence—regulation of emotional expressiveness and experience when necessary, and knowledge of their own and other’s emotions—is crucial for social and academic (i.e., school) success. Thus, it is important to understand the mechanisms of how young children develop emotional competence. Both parents and teachers are considered as important socializers of emotion, providing children experiences that promote or deter the development of emotional competence. However, compared to parents, early childhood teachers’ roles in socializing young children’s emotional competence have not been examined. Based on the findings from research on parental socialization of emotion, in this theoretical review we explore possible teacher roles in the development of young children’s emotional competence. Additionally, we suggest future research focusing on early childhood teacher socialization of emotion, and discuss theoretical and practical benefits of such research.  相似文献   

中国画线条不但以"写形"、"写意",反映客观世界,而且"写心"、"写情",尽情展示丰富多彩的主观认识世界.文章通过解读中国画线条背后的隐性世界,探究了中国画线条与画家情感世界的内外化规律.认为:中国画中的线条是中国画家笔墨与精神的结合体,是中国画画家的情感和生命留下的轨迹.画家的生活方式、人生经历、情感世界不同,所留下的线条轨迹亦不同.线条价值就在于线条能传递出各种不同的信息,并跨越无限的时空,不断映射出隐在画中的画家精邃的情感世界.  相似文献   

The period of early childhood sets the stage for how well children view themselves, each other, and their world. Shared positive emotional experiences between caregivers and children serve as building blocks for the development of social and emotional well-being in infants and toddlers. Incorporating the three principles of promotion, prevention, and intervention within a systems framework (child–parent–environment) will enable early childhood practitioners to foster the emotional health and well-being of all children and families, especially those individual children who are more vulnerable due to the presence of multiple risk factors. The primary intent of the authors of this paper is to discuss the importance of attending to the social and emotional well being of very young children as a primary focus of early learning and school success.  相似文献   

This study examined the relation between parents' reactions to children's negative emotions and social competence. Additionally, the role of parental emotional distress in children's emotional socialization was examined. The emotional reactions of 57 preschoolers (33 girls, 24 boys; M age = 59.2 months) were observed during their free-play interactions. Parents (mostly mothers) completed questionnaires about their reactions to children's negative emotions. An index of children's social competence was obtained from teachers. Results indicated that the relation between harsh parental coping strategies and children's emotional responding was moderated by parental distress. In addition, the relation of the interaction of parental coping and distress to children's social competence was mediated by children's level of emotional intensity. It was concluded that distressed parents who use harsh coping strategies in response to children's negative emotions have children who express emotion in relatively intense ways. In turn, these children find it relatively difficult to behave in a socially competent manner.  相似文献   

Although social play is common to many species, humans are unique in their ability to extract some of the benefits of social play through imagination. For example, in play with imaginary companions (ICs), children often practice skills that might be useful for later adaptive social, relational, and emotional functioning. While play with ICs does not provide the same immediate feedback that play with real others affords, this imagined, quasisocial context allows children to experiment with or rehearse events that might occur in real relationships. This symbolic enactment of social relationships might afford opportunities to experience not just social situations but all manner of positive and negative emotions in a risk-free way. In addition, children’s interactions with real others around their ICs allow for negotiation of social roles in real relationships. ICs also provide a forum for psychological distance that might help young children manage their real relationships and engage in processes such as negotiation and cooperation, which are needed for successful social adaptation. Although play with ICs is clearly not of adaptive value in an evolutionary sense, for the children who create them, ICs might hold psychological significance for adaptive social development.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recent history of the study of human emotions in psychology and traces the factors that have been responsible for a remarkable increase of interest in emotions, especially in human development. In particular, it traces the rise of the study of emotions as regulators of human behavior. A particularly clear and powerful illustration of the regulatory role of emotional expressions on behavior is the phenomenon of social referencing. This concept deals with the use of emotional information in another's facial, vocal or gestural expression to clarify uncertain situations. Research on social referencing is reviewed, showing the importance of social referencing with infants as young as 8.5 months. The clinical implications of the concept are briefly explored.  相似文献   

“社会情感学习”是指个体在其成长和发展的过程中,为了更好地适应社会环境、建立社会关系、履行社会义务、完成社会工作而进行的情感领域的学习活动,其主要内容指向从事这些活动所必备的情感行为和情感技能。社会情感学习伴随着一个人的整个成长过程。教育是人的社会情感习得的最主要的途径,环境适应和社会交往是社会情感学习的其他重要途径。在中国基础教育面临深刻变革和转型的今天,加强学生的社会情感学习具有重要意义。  相似文献   

情感在人的认识、行动等各项活动中具有极其重要的激发与调节功能,所以领导者在管理过程中,一方面笑是情感的体现,领导者要保持自己的良好情感,就应当笑对人生,笑对他人;另一方面礼是情感激发的基本手段,领导者要善于激发下属的情感,就应当以礼为先,礼与他人。而要做到这一点.就要通过提高自省力、提高洞察力、提高思维力来提高自己的识自力,并能过识自力来调控自己的情感和影响下属情感与行为。  相似文献   

Teachers have the opportunity to discuss the emotions of children as they occur in the context of the classroom. As such, teachers play an important role in the socialization of emotions of young children. This observational study examines teachers discussions of emotions in three child care centers. The findings suggest that child care centers are important social contexts for learning about feelings because of ongoing interaction between teachers and children. Teachers in child care centers use various strategies with children to discuss their emotional expressions. They help children learn to identify emotion-related words, to understand the causes of emotion, and to provide them with constructive means of emotion regulation. The implications for teacher-training programs focusing on methods of facilitation of emotional competence and appropriate emotional socialization are presented.  相似文献   

Nonverbal learning disabilities and remedial interventions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adolescents with nonverbal learning disabilities who enroll in private, special secondary schools consistently present a pattern of behaviors which prevents achievement of their potentials in academic areas and impedes their abilities to interact effectively with others. With weaknesses in the fine graphomotor skills for writing and poor organization at all levels, they produce limited written output and often fail to complete academic assignments. Their response to pressure to produce is to become less productive. These students perceive social situations inaccurately; they are not successful in their interactions, especially with peers. They have learned to resolve difficult situations by employing their relatively strong verbal skills to enlist parents and other adults in intervening for them. They have not developed the skills to intervene for themselves. Effective remedial interventions include training the students in skills for planning and organizing, for studying, for written expression, and in social cognition and interpersonal communication. Students gain positive feelings of personal effectiveness through a process—at first verbally mediated, ultimately verbally self-directed—in which they are encouraged to plan, risk, and act on their own behalfs to resolve matters of personal concern.  相似文献   

教师在课堂上构建起一个浓郁的情感场,教师主导着情感力量,学生在其间激荡、孕育、张扬、放飞情感,在情境中学语言,用语言,自然地真实地流畅地表达自己的情感,学会热爱生活,感受生命的意义,为学生的生命增色。  相似文献   

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