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中国三亿中小学生中约有5000万学生受到学习困难影响.深化素质教育,提高教育质量和促进教育公平,突破学困研究刻不容缓.本文系统介绍多元干预突破学困MILD(温情)教育计划的脑科学基础以及该计划的神经心理机制.  相似文献   

当前,对于学困型问题生的干预和教育,成了教师和家长需要共同面对的问题。立足于初中教育教学现状,主要分析了初中学困型问题生的干预策略。  相似文献   

学校教育教学中学习困难是普遍存在的现象,也是所有实施教育的国家面临的问题,严重影响着学校教育教学质量。当前学困生成为心理学理论界和教育教学实践研究的热点之一。文章通过分析学困生的内涵、心理类型特征,进而提出教育干预策略,希望能给学困生、家长和学校提供一些指导,促进其良好发展。  相似文献   

以初二学生为主要研究对象,选择英语水平为优秀、中等、学困三个层次中具有代表性的学生,对其采用观察法、访谈法和个案研究法,调查了初中学生英语学习能力的现状,提出并验证了假设,即通过教师的监督与指导,培养学生养成反思、目标制定、计划制定和计划实施的学习习惯,从而使学生总结出适合自己的有效学习方法,提高其学习能力.  相似文献   

以一名教师的亲身实践和研究,论述了图书馆在"学困"生教育中地位与作用,介绍了利用图书馆对"学困"生进行教育和帮助的具体做法和经验。  相似文献   

研学旅行作为一种校外综合性实践活动,对于培育学生核心素养具有重要作用.研学旅行课程化对于其有效实施具有重要意义,但是研学旅行在课程化实施过程中仍面临着研学目标设置不太明确、教师专业能力有待提高及实践性重视不够等诸多问题.研学旅行与项目学习融合有助于研学旅行课程化以及有效实施.研学旅行与项目学习有效融合的建议是:活动前创设问题情境,设置项目学习的驱动性问题,分解研学旅行课程目标;活动中制定项目学习合作探究计划,分小组展开活动,达成研学旅行的课程目标;活动后通过项目学习的评价,促进研学旅行的有效实施.  相似文献   

本文介绍了"温情教育"多元干预模式,并以国家专利产品"易学灵"乐学训练人机对话系统为训练载体,以行动研究法对河北省邢台市陶行知中学初一27名数学和英语学习困难学生进行为期一个月的干预训练和辅导,取得了初步成效。结果证明:(1)"温情教育"多元干预模式具有较高的科学性、针对性、系统性和实效性;(2)国家专利产品"易学灵"乐学训练人机对话系统能够有效矫治学困;(3)情绪智力和非智力因素培养、积极心理辅导、课业学法指南等多元课程发挥了相得益彰的综合效应;(4)学困干预行动研究有利于教师优化学困生干预实践;(5)尽管被试总体进步明显,最好的被试进步名次达到99名,但也有个别被试表现不理想,原因有待深究。  相似文献   

数学学优生与学困生在元认知技能的前测成绩存在显著性差异,但3个数学困生的实验组的元认知技能前测成绩没有显著差异;经元认知技能的短期训练后,数学学困生在元认知技能方面有显著性的提高,但与学优生的差异仍然显著;3个数困生的干预组的元认知技能后测分数之间没有显著差异.  相似文献   

如何做好英语学困生的转化工作,是每一位英语教师必须思考的问题,本文通过调查研究,对英语学困生成因进行了分析,找到学困生存在的主要问题,通过教学实践与尝试,总结了五种很有效的解决对策。  相似文献   

如何做好英语学困生的转化工作,是每一位英语教师必须思考的问题,本文通过调查研究,对英语学困生成因进行了分析,找到学困生存在的主要问题,通过教学实践与尝试,总结了五种很有效的解决对策。  相似文献   

高中新课程改革实施过程中还存在种种问题,遇到很多障碍。主要有心理障碍、制度障碍、操作障碍。心理障碍,来源于新课程实施者在实践过程中遇到的矛盾和心理压力;制度障碍,主要是课程管理体制和课程评价机制的不完善;操作障碍,主要是新旧课程判定标准的模糊,经验借鉴与个性创新的矛盾,教师素质对实施效果的影响和硬件设施与软件质量的分布不均。只有解决了这些问题才能达到新课程改革的良好效果。  相似文献   

英国是较早开展全纳教育的国家。目前在学习困难学生教育方面,英国已具备了坚实的法律基础和制度保障,在具体的实践中,采用的是分级识别、评估和干预的操作模式,这些对我国有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Children at risk for early reading difficulties were identified on entry into kindergarten, and half of these children received small-group intervention two to three times a week during their kindergarten year. The other half received whatever remedial assistance was offered by their home schools. These children were again assessed at the beginning of first grade, and those who continued to have difficulties in reading received either one-to-one daily tutoring offered by project teachers from the beginning to the end of first grade or whatever remedial assistance was offered by their home schools over the same time period. All target children were periodically assessed through the end of third grade. Results suggest that either kindergarten intervention alone or kindergarten intervention combined with first-grade intervention are both useful vehicles for preventing early and long-term reading difficulties in most at-risk children.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the cognitive factors that impact on students in the middle school years experiencing learning difficulties in basic mathematics. It begins with a review of selected literature providing information about the learning difficulties in mathematics. Focus then shifts to an implementation of the QuickSmart intervention. QuickSmart is a basic academic skills intervention designed for persistently low-achieving middle-years' students. In this small-scale study, 12 middle school students experiencing learning difficulties participated in the QuickSmart mathematics program. Comparisons are made between the mathematics progress of the intervention group and eight average-achieving peers. The results indicate that on measures of response speed and accuracy QuickSmart participant students were able to narrow the gap between their performance and that of their average-achieving peers. Further, on standardized tests of more general mathematical knowledge, participant students improved significantly from pre-test to post-test. Implications are drawn regarding the importance of interventions that emphasize automaticity in basic mathematics for middle years students with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

In this article, Moira Broadhead, Roy Chilton and Victoria Stephens offer an in‐depth analysis of a targeted intervention, Scallywags, aimed at children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Scallywags, based in Cornwall, offers an early intervention package for children and their families based upon an initial Boxall Profile analysis. Moira Broadhead is a senior educational psychologist for the Scallywags service and both Roy Chilton and Victoria Stephens held split posts as assistant psychologists and support workers within the intervention service. Moira, Roy and Victoria offer practitioners new to the Boxall Profile a compelling account of how it can be used to inform practice for learners with emotional and/or behavioural difficulties and conclude with a series of insightful questions about the use of the Boxall Profile and the role of interventions of this nature.  相似文献   

A review of social interventions for students with learning disabilities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twenty-two studies are reviewed that report the effects of social skills training and intervention with 572 children identified as learning disabled between 5 and 19 years of age. These studies are reviewed to examine characteristics and components of intervention effectiveness. Age and sex of subjects, grade grouping, group size, intervention duration, intervention procedures, subject selection, and type of interventional model are examined to find patterns that reflect intervention success. Several intervention characteristics and components are associated with social intervention effectiveness: selecting subjects who had social skills difficulties or low peer acceptance, using cognitive-behavioral intervention procedures, providing individual or small group instruction, and applying long-term intervention and training. Discussion focuses on difficulties in comparing studies to determine intervention effectiveness through the examination of outcome measures, a call for revisions in future reporting of social interventions in the literature, and those intervention factors that relate to increases in peer acceptance.  相似文献   

Reading difficulties and second language acquisition have attracted international interest among researchers and practitioners in recent years. This is because increased mobility between countries means that educators are faced with the problem of providing appropriate assessment and assistance for students with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. There is a growing international consensus in the literature that second-language (L2) learners have generally been underdiagnosed and overrepresented in special education classes. Consequently there is a need to help teachers more adequately identify and assist L2 students who experience specific reading difficulties. This article proposes the use of a language model of reading difficulties based on the Simple View of Reading to identify students with reading difficulties. It also discusses relevant ongoing assessment issues to prevent inappropriate special education referrals. It recommends a responsive approach to intervention and suggests using multi-faceted intervention programs including the promotion of positive home-school climates to address the needs of such students.  相似文献   

The authors report the effects of a yearlong, very small-group, intensive reading intervention for eighth-grade students with serious reading difficulties who had demonstrated low response to intervention (RTI) in both Grades 6 and 7. At the beginning of Grade 6, a cohort of students identified as having reading difficulties were randomized to treatment or comparison conditions. Treatment group students received researcher-provided reading intervention in Grade 6, which continued in Grade 7 for those with low response to intervention; comparison students received no researcher-provided intervention. Participants in the Grade 8 study were members of the original treatment (N = 28) and comparison (N = 13) conditions who had failed to pass a state-mandated reading comprehension test in both Grades 6 and 7. In Grade 8, treatment group students received a 50-minute, daily, individualized, intensive reading intervention in groups of two to four students per teacher. The results showed that students in the treatment condition demonstrated significantly higher scores than comparison students on standardized measures of comprehension (effect size = 1.20) and word identification (effect size = 0.49), although most continued to lack grade-level proficiency in reading despite 3 years of intervention. Findings from this study provide a rationale for intensive intervention for middle school students with severe reading difficulties.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects and feasibility of an intervention for first-grade students at risk for reading difficulties or disabilities (RD). The intervention was provided by general education classroom teachers and consisted of 15 min whole-class comprehension lessons (Tier 1) and 30 min Tier 2 intervention sessions in word reading, comprehension, and text reading. First-grade teachers (n = 21), with 4–5 students at risk for reading difficulties and potential reading disability were randomly assigned to treatment or typical practice comparison conditions. Significant group differences were detected on all measures of word reading, decoding, and fluency. Effect sizes were educationally important for all measures of word reading, decoding, and reading comprehension; however, effects on standardized measures were smaller than those in prior studies with similar students in which intervention was typically provided outside the regular classroom. An exploratory analysis indicated that students at different parts of the pretest and posttest distributions responded more and less positively to the intervention, providing insights that may help guide future revisions. The study provides preliminary evidence of the intervention's promise for positively impacting student outcomes.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of a video self-modelling (VSM) intervention was examined with primary schoolchildren who attended a full-time special education programme for pupils with social emotional and behavioural difficulties and who exhibited inappropriate behaviour during small-group reading instruction. A randomised multiple-probe baseline design was used in this study in four subjects with a follow-up phase 6 weeks after intervention. Four children aged 10 were videotaped during reading instruction to determine levels of active learning and behavioural difficulties. Intervention took place at the teacher’s desk or table 3–5 minutes immediately before the child’s designated time for reading group instruction. During intervention, the children were shown carefully selected brief segments of their own video that had been recorded during the previous session. Results indicated VSM was an effective intervention for increasing active learning responses and for reducing behavioural difficulties during reading instruction. Optimum results were maintained for more than 8 weeks after intervention. These results support VSM as an effective antecedent intervention and add to the growing body of evidence-based practices for elementary school pupils who have social emotional and mental health difficulties.  相似文献   

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