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自20世纪60年代中期,保罗·朗格朗提出终身教育思想以来,终身教育思想就在世界范围内得到认可和传播并逐渐成为一种教育思潮,人类社会逐步进入终身教育阶段。近年来,终身教育逐渐朝着终身学习的方向发展和演进,成人教育也随之呈现出一些新的特征。分析和把握终身教育视野下的成人教育新特征,是有针对性和方向性地对成人教育进行改革探索的前提,更是促进成人教育可持续发展、推动学习化社会有效形成的重要举措。  相似文献   

The imperatives for lifelong learning in South Africa are driven by its reinsertion into the global economy and by the social and political necessities of equity and redress after the years of colonialism, segregation and apartheid. It is therefore not surprising to find the discourse of lifelong learning infused into new policy documents. Utilizing Belanger's framework, which argues that lifelong learning is not a norm to prescribe but an empirical reality to analyze and reconstruct, the contexts for lifelong learning in South Africa are surveyed by focusing in on the state of initial education, adult education, and the learning environments. The framework, which acknowledges the daily lived realities of women and men, is a helpful way of retaining an holistic and integrated vision of lifelong learning and its humanistic, democratic goals. For lifelong learning in South Africa to deepen for more than a small group of well-educated, mainly urban, formally employed people, the author concludes that initial education, adult education and the learning environments of all the people will have to be improved. If this does not happen, then at least two polarized 'lifelong educations' will result.  相似文献   

This article compares and contrasts the views of educational policy makers and consumers within Lincolnshire, an English rural county, using Bourdieu's notion of ‘habitus’ as a vehicle for analysis. The article focuses on the relative importance of education as cultural capital in determining the motivational factors affecting participation in lifelong learning. The article considers lifelong learning in the context of ‘continuing education’. If lifelong learning is characterized into three discrete yet connected phases: the first, ‘full-time education’ from the age of 5 until leaving full-time education at age 16, 18 or 21; the second, the ‘transitional phase’ between school and work at age 16–21; the third, ‘continuing education’ beyond the age of 21; it is the policies and attitudes to this third phase described in this paper. Education for adults rather than simply the education of adults. Interviews with small groups of learners and an experienced manager of lifelong learning policies in Lincolnshire are used to illuminate clear differences between the continuing education providers' expectations of lifelong learning and those of the learners. The conclusions reaffirm the importance of community and cultural tradition in education and highlight the importance of family learning within the rural context.  相似文献   

变革我国现行的成人高等教育政策是学习型社会建设的迫切要求。制定我国的终身学习政策,应对成人高等教育科学定位;贯通各个教育层次,推动成人高教重心上移;建立明确的成人高等教育质量标准,完善国家考试制度;构建科学的学习成本分担机制,建立终身学习奖学金、助学金与贷款制度;充分发挥各行业、各部门与各种组织的作用。  相似文献   

Although the lifelong learning policy of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has had a unique impact on international discussions over the last four decades, little historical research has revealed the ideological influences at work within UNESCO's lifelong learning policy texts. With this in mind, this paper exposes the authoritative and marginal ideological influences within UNESCO's lifelong learning policy during the period between the 1990s and the early 2000s. Specifically, this research's analysis reveals that while social democratic liberalism as a dominant ideology was continuously reaffirmed in UNESCO's lifelong learning policy texts during the period, neoliberal stances were also subtly accommodated and radical social democrats' ideas missing in its recent lifelong learning policy texts. Furthermore, UNESCO's lifelong learning was fallaciously critiqued as being opposed to another global development agendum, education for all (EFA). Implications for realising good policy and global justice in conditions dominated by neoliberal capitalism are discussed in depth.  相似文献   

居峰 《成人教育》2012,(11):18-20
终身教育思想自上个世纪60年代被提出以后,便受到世界各国的广泛关注。在终身教育的发展演变过程中,"终身学习"概念逐渐进入人们的视野,并大有取代"终身教育"之势。然而"终身学习"的提倡是否就是理论上的进步,从而在实践中有利于终身教育的推进呢?尤其对于教师教育来讲,是否更有利于教师终身教育体系的构建以及教师素质的提高和专业化发展呢?文章认为对待"终身教育"向"终身学习"的转化应做进一步的思考,在重视学习者主体性的同时更要强调政府的职责。  相似文献   

终身教育追求的全时空性的全人发展,赋予人文素质教育更深刻的内涵和价值取向,我们应从人的角度架构人文素质教育体系。马克思主义人学理论指导下的人文素质教育目标将呈现多元化和发展性的特征,内容具有层次性、鲜活性和开放性的特点;人文素质教育应贴近社会实践,充分发挥人的主体性,在教育合力中全方位推进,在科学的考评机制中有效实施。同时,从人的需要、本质和价值的实现中激发人文素质教育体系建设的内在驱动力,使学习者产生学习动机,契合终身教育背景下教育本来意义的回归。  相似文献   

成人教育是终身教育体系下不可或缺的教育形式,是个人完整意义学习的有机组成部分,对于个人的可持续发展具有不可估量的重要作用。然而,我国现阶段成人教育的发展却存在办学模式单一;生源质量、师资质量、教学质量不高;对其认识不足等诸多问题。这些都制约着我国成人教育的发展,也不利于终身教育体系的构建和理念的形成。本文在阐述成人教育与终身教育理念关系的基础上,提出了终身教育理念下成人教育建设的三个方面问题及完善对策。  相似文献   

终身教育是随着人类社会现代化发展和进步而诞生的全新教育形态,必将对未来的教育产生深刻影响。从终身教育的内涵与发展历程出发,可以更清楚地认识我国传统教育在时间上和空间上的局限性及其对学生自主学习习惯养成的不利影响。结合对以上问题和我国高等教育现状的分析,不难推断,我国高等教育需要通过向重视学习者能力的培养、注重形成学生学习的自主性和提供更为普及的个性化培养机会等方面来应对未来的发展,并逐步实现高等教育转型和升级。  相似文献   

远程教育从起步到今天,孜孜以求的一直是个性化学习的教育方法,因人而异的学习原则和具有个性特色的学生与学生之间、学生与教师之间的间接交流和联系。以学生为中心,发展学生自主学习的能力,已被视为素质教育、终身教育的重要观点。  相似文献   

开放大学建设过程中,终身教育理念普及。借助日新月异的信息技术,在充分保证教学质量的基础上,为学习者提供多次选择机会,满足个人多样化的学习和发展需要,是开放教育可持续发展的基础。深圳电大在近几年教学模式改革实践中,依托信息技术,提出面授与网上教学一体化设计模式,加强教学过程各环节的管理与监控,有效地解决了学习者需求多样化的问题。  相似文献   

学校教育发展需要更高、更宽的视野。本文从以下方面作了探讨:从学校教育向终身教育的跨越;从终身教育向终身学习的主体位移;创新组织管理文化,创建学习型组织;建设学习型社会,推进教育一社会一体化发展;教育发展的终极目的——促进人的全面、充分、自由的发展。  相似文献   

学校教育发展需要更高、更宽的视野。本文从以下方面作了探讨:从学校教育向终身教育的跨越;从终身教育向终身学习的主体位移;创新组织管理文化,创建学习型组织;建设学习型社会,推进教育—社会一体化发展;教育发展的终极目的——促进人的全面、充分、自由的发展。  相似文献   

论移动学习在成人教育中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着信息技术的飞速发展,移动学习(M—learning)作为一种新的数字化学习手段已频频引人瞩目,有着良好的发展前景。终身教育的理念的普及和成人学习者的特点促使成人教育在教育技术层面上必须变革,移动学习将是成人学习最佳学习方式之一。本文分析了移动学习的基本特点,并对其在成人教育应用方面的重要性、现实性和可行性进行了初步的研究与分析。  相似文献   

Using a global–local dialectic approach, this paper traces the rise of the basic education programme in the 1980s and 1990s in Botswana and its subsequent attenuation in the 2000s. Amongst the local forces that led to the rise of BEP were Botswana's political project of nation-building; the country's dire human resources situation in the decades following Independence in 1966; and its propitious economic climate in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Global forces included the global circulation of the World Bank's educational discourse on the primacy of primary education as a public ‘investment’ option and Botswana's desire to be a member of the influential transnational social structure. BEP's attenuation can similarly be traced back to both local and global forces. Local forces included the growth of youth unemployment, and a sluggish economy. Global forces included the globalization of neo-liberalism which called for cost-sharing/recovery measures, and, ironically, Botswana's ‘promotion’ to a ‘middle income status’ country. While conceptually the attenuation represents a case of policy reversal and in some ways a sense of ‘loss’, empirically, the attenuation has not been of material consequence to access to ‘basic’ education. This is attributed to the ambiguous position (best captured by the term ‘doublethink’) the Botswana government1 has adopted in relation to the issue of school fees.  相似文献   

本文立足于对终身学习理论的分析,从社会职能和培养目标的层面探讨终身学习时代高等教育所肩负的重要使命,及建设学习型社会和培养终身学习者的重大责任,并由此讨论这一转变给高校教师带来的专业发展方面的新挑战,提出:教师应当培养自己终身学习的能力;要加强教育、心理学方面的理论学习与实践探讨;要个性化地完善教学环节.  相似文献   

我们需要一个全民学习的终身学习型社会给提供人们学习机会,提高人们学习与生存的能力、促进人与社会的全面、和谐与可持续发展。首先阐释终身学习型社会的实质,分析我国终身学习型社会"教育梦"难以实现的重要原因,主要包括:人们的学习意识淡薄,政府对终身学习服务体系缺少支持,终身教育体系难以实现纵横衔接与沟通,最后提出在推进终身学习型社会过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

"终身教育语境",指站在终身教育的概念、观念下或是理论视野,立场和国家教育现代化意志等基点上研究成人教育话题。涉及到终身教育语境释义,终身教育与成人教育,终身教育语境下的成人教育认知,终身教育语境下成人教育发展的思考等。文中还就一些核心概念作了辨析,关键理论和知识作了引述,对未来发展提出了必要的对策和建议。认识到终身教育终身学习是一种世界观。成人教育是它实实在在的载体。  相似文献   

在新时代发展背景下,继续教育实践领域不断发展,研究范畴不断扩大,继续教育的概念也在不断深化和拓展。在党和国家发布的一系列政策文本中,继续教育已成为提升国家核心竞争力、建设创新型国家、构建学习型社会重大发展战略。从继续教育的概念出发,以政策文本为线索,追溯我国继续教育概念的演变,梳理其发展脉络,为探寻新时代继续教育的发展定位提供有益的思考。从实践内容上看,继续教育与成人教育既是我国教育实践上不同历史阶段教育体系构成的不同表述,也是二者随时代发展而不断吸纳和融合多种教育思潮后的产物。终身教育、终身学习和构建学习型社会等多种理论思潮的融入,赋予继续教育不断深化和拓展的动态发展特征。  相似文献   

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