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王大青 《档案管理》2018,(2):41-43,85
从计算机辅助档案管理开始,就出现了取消立卷的声音.然而,从档案整理理论和实践发展情况看,立卷以其独特的优势,依然占据着主流地位.在电子文件时代,案卷应被赋予新的生命和意义.文章从电子案卷的概念出发,分析了电子文件立卷的需求、立卷的原则、立卷的标准和程序,是对电子文件整理工作理论和实践的再认识,对电子文件的科学管理具有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

政府电子文件协同管理:美国经验及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强政府电子文件协同管理是促进政府电子文件高效管理和价值实现的有效路径。采用协同创新管理理论框架对近五年美国国家档案与文件署发布的电子文件管理相关政策进行文本分析,并对五个部门工作人员进行访谈,深入了解政策现状,归纳总结出美国在政府电子文高效协同管理方面的措施,揭示其在目标协同、主体协同、客体协同、过程协同、要素协同五个方面的协同经验。最后,结合我国实践需求,提出了借鉴五个方面经验,促进政府电子文件协同管理路径高效的启示。  相似文献   

再论对电子文件特性的科学认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文基于电子文件的层次维度、构成维度和生命周期维度对电子文件的特性进行了科学而深入的分析。基于电子文件的层次维度,提出了电子文件在逻辑层次上与在物理层次上电子文件的特性;基于电子文件的构成从维度,提出了逻辑文件与物理文件的构成特性;基于电子文件生命周期维度,提出了电子文件在不同阶段的特性,从而从多维视角对电子文件的特性作了科学、全面、深入的分析。  相似文献   

论文从电子文件真实性权威性需求出发,对文件管理元数据保证电子文件真实性的途径进行了探讨,并提出了国家标准《文件管理元数据原则》对文件管理元数据所规定的总体结构,最后指出了国家标准《文件管理元数据原则》从文件管理元数据方面保证电子文件真实性的标准化作用与意义。  相似文献   

采用多学科集成研究视角梳理了六种关于资产的认识,在此基础上分析得出电子文件资产具有五个管理特性.基于ISO 15489的文件资产价值观,分析提出电子文件资产管理的动议有两个,一个是在动态变化的信息技术背景下,提供信息资产保值利用,满足业务治理的循证需求和合规要求;另一个是面向全球化复杂环境,提供知识资产增值利用,满足基于文件的信息资源再利用需求.综合考虑电子文件资产的价值及其管理特性,对如何开展电子文件资产管理,提出了遵循ISO15489通用原则和应对电子技术挑战与机遇的四项原则建议.  相似文献   

论文对国家标准《文件管理元数据原则》中文件管理元数据的结构化信息与半结构化信息的定义、由来及其如何理解进行了探讨,并对作为典型的结构化信息的《都柏林核心元数据集》进行了辨析,同时,对文件管理元数据的半结构化信息进行了辨析,最后指出了文件管理元数据的结构化信息与半结构化信息的意义所在.  相似文献   

国际电子文件归档最新标准及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文通过对国际最新电子文件归档标准<文件交换标准-业务需求规范>(BRS)的内容进行解析,指出了该标准规范制定成功的关键及其特点在于其逻辑构架基于国际最新电子文件管理生命周期模型的标准内容规定及该标准的需求规定具有多维性,并且应用了科学的建模分析方法,对我国电子文件中心建设及相关标准规范的制修订,以确保电子文件数字信息的长久保存等具有重要现实指导意义,最后还对我国电子文件归档管理标准化的实践提出了借鉴性建议,包括:①建立需求模型体系,尤其应该规定专门的归档元数据;②结合应用国际标准化的业务建模技术与自然语言进行需求描述.  相似文献   

随着电子文件单轨制的落实和电子文件数据化进程的开始,电子文件知识服务正受到越来越多的关注。电子文件知识图谱,既是电子文件数据化的一种方式,又是电子文件知识服务的技术与资源基础。电子文件不同于一般的信息资源,它除了包含文件内容,还涉及与之相关的组织结构、业务逻辑等背景信息。受电子文件特性的影响,电子文件知识图谱不同于一般的领域知识图谱:在构建路径方面,电子文件的背景与结构信息,包括来源机构信息、业务流程信息和职能分类信息和版本变化信息等的知识化,将贯穿电子文件知识图谱构建过程中的多个节点;在知识服务方面,不同于一般的领域知识图谱,电子文件知识图谱能够提供面向业务活动的知识服务,其利用形态会更加丰富。结合现阶段各领域知识图谱的表现,电子文件知识图谱将会是电子文件开发利用的重要方式,是实现电子文件知识服务的重要途径,是电子文件管理事业进一步向决策端转型的重要推手。  相似文献   

近年来电子文件管理研究的文献数量逐年增多,但多局限于单一国家或少数国家的电子文件管理经验,并大多关注电子政务背景下的电子文件管理系统建设问题,视角多基于信息技术或文件档案管理.本文采用文献调查和典型案例研究方法,对2008年以来的代表性英文期刊文献和澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、英国和美国的代表性电子文件管理法规、政策、标准及最佳实践指南进行了分析,旨在发现国际领域电子文件管理综合解决方案的国际进展、发展趋势和未来方向.研究揭示,越来越多的国家认识到电子文件管理的问题与挑战并将其列入电子政务建设的议程;采用多学科合作方法将文件作为信息资源和业务资产进行管理是电子文件管理的国际化发展趋势;制定综合集成管理方案整合、优化和创新组织和国家层次的电子文件管理和电子政务建设方案是电子文件管理的未来发展方向.  相似文献   


Scrapbooks present a particularly challenging set of preservation issues to archivists. However, as an intriguing combination of diaries, photograph albums, and ephemera, their format and arrangement are an essential part of their usefulness as sources to researchers. The fascinating link between scrapbooks and quilts, evident in a brief history of scrapbooks and an exploration of several types, indicates that scrapbooks are a particularly rich source for researchers interested in women's history. In order to facilitate the richest understanding of these unique and fascinating sources, material literacy should be increased among both archivists and researchers. In particular, archivists should understand the important function these records have to researchers, and how their storage and preservation choices affect that function.  相似文献   

The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) is a small grant-making agency affiliated with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. The Commission is charged with promoting the preservation and dissemination of documentary source materials to ensure an understanding of U.S. history. Recognizing that the increasing use of computers created challenges for preserving the documentary record, the Commission adopted a research agenda in 1991 to promote research and development on the preservation and continued accessibility of documentary materials in electronic form. From 1991 to the present the Commission awarded 31 grants totaling $2,276,665 for electronic records research. Most of this research has focused on two issues of central concern to archivists: (1) electronic record keeping (tools and techniques to manage electronic records produced in an office environment, such as word processing documents and electronic mail), and (2) best practices for storing, describing, and providing access to all electronic records of long-term value. NHPRC grants have raised the visibility of electronic records issues among archivists. The grants have enabled numerous archives to begin to address electronic records problems, and, perhaps most importantly, they have stimulated discussion about electronic records among archivists and records managers.  相似文献   

Interpreting qualitative research data and presenting it in ways that enable potential beneficiaries of the research to use it readily and appropriately is increasingly important in the context of the research impact agenda. One way of doing uses the Cynefin framework. Cynefin, which is rooted in knowledge management and complexity science, has been used in a range of contexts to support decision-making and strategy development in dynamic and challenging situations. However, it has not been widely used as a data analysis technique or in the information science discipline. An exploratory evaluation uses it to interpret the rich, nuanced qualitative data from a three-year research project that engaged people worldwide to explore issues and practical strategies for managing electronic records, a significant information management challenge. The evaluation demonstrates that the Cynefin framework provides a strategic lens through which to view electronic records management (ERM). Cynefin prompts new questions to be asked, leading to new insights and a deeper understanding of the ERM challenge. Most significantly, it provides a new construct for re-perceiving the challenge in a holistic way and offers a strategic approach to taking action for change. This evaluation suggests that it is an appropriate and effective framework for use in qualitative research on challenging information management problems, with the potential to support the transfer of research into practice.  相似文献   

前端控制思想是电子文件管理的重要理念和基本原则。在前端控制思想指导下,许多原有的、属于档案管理阶段的管理环节要前移到电子文件的形成阶段,以便保证电子文件的原始性和真实性。这些管理环节包括生成、捕获、集成、固化、登记、审计跟踪,其中固化又包括格式转换和封装。在世界各国对电子文件的管理实际中,这些功能或环节都是实际存在的,但是对其时序与执行上的理解有所不同。  相似文献   

高慧筠 《山西档案》2021,(1):100-110
计算机互联网技术、数字化信息化技术、云存储云计算技术、大数据技术、人工智能技术、物联网技术、区块链技术以及扫描、数字化、缩微等新技术设备的研究与应用,使得电子健康档案信息组织工作同时面临机遇与挑战。以中国知网及Web of Science核心合集数据库作为文献研究数据来源,采用较为系统的文献研究法,结合信息组织基本理论从多维度分析电子健康档案信息组织过程中的存在的阻力因素,基于新冠疫情背景,从数字赋能视域出发针对目前电子健康档案信息组织工作中存在的信息整合技术有限、信息排序标准不一、信息检索效率低等问题,提出充分利用新兴数字技术组织信息、建立规范严格易施行的分类标准及体系、深化数字赋能认知理念引导工作、转变被动式信息组织工作方式等建议,以期为我国电子健康档案信息组织管理工作的开展提供可行思路。  相似文献   

电子文件分类方案是指导电子文件分类的重要工具。本文通过对国际上典型的文件分类方案、指南、标准等进行深入分析,并结合相关实践经验,明确了电子文件分类的定位,提出了建立基于业务活动分析的电子文件分类方案应当遵循的原则,并对其建立方法进行了详细说明,以期对我国电子文件分类工作有所指导。  相似文献   

Electronic records of government organizations are becoming increasingly important for accountability. Managing electronic records, however, proves to be difficult since information and communication technologies confront organizations with various opportunities and risks. In this paper the findings of an international expert survey on electronic records management are presented. These findings identify opportunities and risks for e-mail systems, database management systems, office systems, web technology systems and smart systems. They also point to five crucial questions that must be addressed in order to guarantee the availability of electronic records for accountability.  相似文献   

Current records management methodologies and practices suffer from an inadequate understanding of the ‘human activity systems’ where records managers operate as ‘mediators’ between a number of complex and interacting factors. Although the records management and archival literature recognizes that managing the active life of the records is fundamental to their survival as meaningful evidence of activities, the context where the records are made, captured, used, and selectively retained is not explored in depth. In particular, the various standards, models, and functional requirement lists, which occupy a vast portion of that literature, especially in relation to electronic records, do not seem to be capable of framing records-related ‘problems’ in ways that account for their dynamic and multiform nature. This paper introduces the idea that alternative, ‘softer’ approaches to the analysis of organizational functions, structures, agents, and artifacts may usefully complement the ‘hard’, engineering-like approaches typically drawn on by information and records specialists. Three interrelated theoretical and methodological frameworks—namely, Soft Systems Methodology, Adaptive Structuration Theory, and Genre Theory—are discussed, with the purpose of highlighting their contributions to our understanding of the records context.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(56):147-160

The Center for Electronic Records of the National Archives is the unit of the National Archives and Records Administration responsible for the appraisal, accessioning, preservation, and provision of access to the permanently valuable electronic records of the Federal government. Recent changes in technology, especially the development of global networks of computers, have changed the way some archivists view the role of archives, especially for electronic records. From a reference services perspective, there is a continuing rqle for electronic records archives.  相似文献   

本文基于我国三段式的文件档案管理体制,构建了电子文件归档中国特色研究的框架体系,梳理了我国电子文件归档在概念、管理、制度、技术四方面的主要特色。概念特色涉及电子文件归档自身及相关概念,也体现于中英不同语境的概念差异之中;管理特色体现在其“分界线”与“连结点”特征对于我国档案集中统一管理及西方档案管理理论中国化的贡献之中;制度特色包含制度内容特色及制度引导下的试点特色;技术特色包括统筹统建的技术支持与自主可控的技术应用。  相似文献   

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