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With the growing demand for tertiary education, especially in Africa, the transformation of contact universities to dual-mode institutions is critical. However, conventional universities have had limited success establishing the dual-mode delivery stream. This paper assesses barriers to adoption and implementation of open and distance learning (ODL) in conventional higher education institutions in Cameroon, Kenya and Rwanda by applying a framework on innovation adoption to case studies of ODL in higher education in these countries. This qualitative meta-study shows that the transition to dual-mode is not systematic and that there are various barriers, ranging from national policy and funding; infrastructure, organisational structure and capacity; complexity and cost of ODL; as well as student and staff skills and perceptions, which have impeded adoption. Based on the findings, this paper makes recommendations for implementing ODL in existing conventional universities. Cases of successful transition to dual-mode are provided.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):351-363

The sheer number of teachers required to cater for an unprecedented increase in enrolment in developing countries, and corresponding continuous professional development to improve teaching and learning, remain a major problem. Given this problem, I argue that traditional face-to-face training of teachers no longer suffices to manage imbalances in the supply of and demand for teachers in South Africa, and hence the need for open and distance learning. I further argue that the allocation of resources to higher education institutions for teacher training using distance education within South Africa, if not reviewed, will constrain the quality and capacity of institutions to respond adequately to future teacher shortages. I conclude that the discourse on teacher supply and demand should be tempered with awareness of the looming crisis of teacher retention that is always at the periphery of the planning of, and discourse on teacher provision in the country.  相似文献   


This paper presents the successes and challenges faced in implementing the dual-mode strategy in higher education in the context of feminist theory. Worldwide, women’s universities have been established by governments and private organisations to involve women more fully in the country’s economic, political and social activities. The establishment of women’s universities is underpinned by feminist theory, which seeks to address gender equality in all areas of society. A mixed methods study, using a case study design, was undertaken at Women’s University in Africa to understand the successes and challenges in implementing a dual-mode strategy in a feminist context. Questionnaires and interviews were used to generate data. Participants were dual-mode alumni, open and distance learning (ODL) students and staff. Findings were increased ease of access to university for women, increased enrolments and revenue due to ODL practice. Challenges were inefficient ICT system, underqualified ODL staff, difficult modules and lack of quality assurance policies.  相似文献   


Although the concept of a scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) has emanated from the global North, it is a relevant and useful concept in the global South. The concept was initiated in the 1990s in the US. The original emphases in the seminal Boyer Report, on the integration of various forms of scholarship, the importance of intellectual thought and the collaborative nature of teaching have been subject to various distortions, in part due to the depredations of neoliberalism and performativity. We argue that Slow scholarship, which has resonances with Boyer's notions of the scholarship of teaching and learning provides much potential for reconceptualising SOTL in the South. These claims are explored via a case study set in South Africa, where academic developers at eleven higher education institutions covering the range of institutional types were interviewed.  相似文献   

Trends suggest that business practices and private sector ideas and values are increasingly permeating public funded higher education institutions world-wide. The impact of business practices and values on higher education policy and practice is discernible in the growing dominance of global privatisation, quasi-marketisation and new managerialism in the higher education sector. However, reactions of different role players and responses of higher learning institutions to these external demands have varied according to local conditions and institutional types. This article contributes to the debate on the increasing permeation of business practices and private sector ideas and values on higher education in South Africa after apartheid using the case study of the University of Pretoria. It begins with the review of debates on higher education on this topic in general, and then moves on to analyse these debates in South Africa using the resource dependence theory and structuralism as conceptual frames. It argues that: (i) the increasing marketisation and quasi-marketisation in higher education and training could be attributed to the influence of neo-liberalism and new managerialism; (ii) changes in higher education provision, policy and practice in South Africa need to be understood in terms of marketisation and quasi-marketisation rather than in terms of privatisation; (iii) although the influence of these external forces is unlikely to be reversed, provision, policies and practices must be tempered by imperatives of redress and equity in South Africa; and (iv) the case study of the University of Pretoria reported here is used as an example of the extent to which institutions are becoming entrepreneurial.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper was to review the contribution of private institutions to higher education in Africa and use Monash South Africa as a case study. A literature search was conducted to gain perspective on the current situation with respect to private higher education institutions in Africa and how they are perceived in relation to public higher education institutions.

In comparison with public higher education institutions, private higher education institutions in Africa were successful in four areas: ? Widening access to higher education in the continent

? Improving the quality of education

? Improving student experience

? Increasing the recognition and marketability of their degrees

However, private higher education institutions in Africa have failed in two areas: ? Reducing the costs of higher education in Africa

? Assisting with retention of skilled human capital in African countries.

In fact, private higher education institutions in Africa, have exacerbated the two situations above.

Monash South Africa was the first foreign university to be established in South Africa and one of over 100 private universities in the continent. As a campus of Monash University in Africa, it has seen a steady growth with over 3,500 students in the past 10 years of its existence. Like other private institutions, the campus was successful in the four areas above and also fails in the area of costs and assisting in retention of skilled staff in Africa. The campus has been successful in blending its private provider status with a public purpose mandate by offering degrees in social science, business and economics, information technology and health sciences.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):324-337

The argument of this paper is that the use of distance education methods is essential for the provision of all teacher education in South Africa – not just an option for a few programmes in one or two institutions. For this reason, the challenges of distance teacher education are the major challenges for achieving the goal set out in the National Policy Framework for Teacher Education and Development: ‘more teachers, better teachers’. Challenges include increasing the flexibility and location of current teacher education programmes in order to attract and support a more diverse teacher target audience, designing courses to nurture dialogue and integrate learner support, and moving beyond surface change in response to criticism. Finally, although external quality assurance processes are critical in creating a shared understanding of quality standards and the need for change, quality assessment needs to be followed up with support.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):569-580

This article examines the comprehensiveness of the University of South Africa (UNISA) as an Open Distance Learning (ODL) institution and the challenges faced by experimental disciplines within ODL. Those challenges are brought about by the attempt to harmonize study and research programs in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) following the merger and harmonization of programs from the former distance learning UNISA and Technikon South Africa (TSA). The paper discusses the current realities with the aim to promote further debate on the place of ODL in science and technology programs in tertiary education such as UNISA in general and CSET in particular.  相似文献   


Some critics have placed the blame for the rise in unemployment in South Africa at the doorstep of schools and universities since they are the initial formal education providers. This article argues that the notion that initial formal education should prepare the youth for the job market overlooks the core business of schools and universities, and the fact that the job market is not static. The article contends that schools and universities are there to prepare learners for life in all its spheres, through the development of literacy, numeracy and critical thinking skills. It attempts to put into perspective the breadth and depth of initial formal education as a foundation for life in its entirety, not just for labour. It argues that the said skills enable the youth to access the wealth of knowledge locked up in texts that attempt to explain the wide spectrum of human experience and possibilities. These skills are taught within broad contexts of specific study fields that open job and service provision opportunities in the labour market. The article maintains that in cases where initial education institutions had adequate resources to accomplish their role, South African education has earned international recognition and its graduates have accessed job markets both in South Africa and internationally. It further identifies possible causes of the perceived current high rate of unemployment among the youth of South Africa, for example, the economic climate of the country and the legacy of inequalities in educational provisioning among others.

The article concludes that the popular criticism that universities operate as ivory towers has long become a cliché, since universities, apart from the conventional academic and professional qualification programmes they offer, also provide a variety of career-specific short programmes for people already in employment.  相似文献   


As outcomes-based education forms the foundation of the new school curriculum in South Africa, educators are confronted with the challenge of not only meeting the different needs of individual learners, but also of helping learners (many of them previously disadvantaged) to achieve their maximum potential. One way of realising this ideal is by applying Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences in the classroom. The article provides a discussion on both Gardner's multiple intelligences theory and outcomes-based education in South Africa, as it is believed that together they can contribute to solving some of the present problems in South African education. The article defines the use of MI theory in an OBE classroom and suggests specific ways in which educators worldwide could incorporate the different intelligences in their teaching and learning activities.  相似文献   


This paper demystifies the process of open and distance learning (ODL) policy development in a dual-mode university after existing without one for 50 years. The two-pronged critical questions this paper addresses are: What does it take to successfully develop an ODL policy? And what aspects constitute an ODL policy applicable for a dual-mode context? To address these, the study adopted a qualitative constructivist approach to generate evidence on policy development process and content. In using the constructivist approach, the researchers focused on policy development records, such as proposals, correspondence, speeches and workshop reports. Four lessons emerged for dual-mode institutions with a similar context to replicate, two of which are the need for high leadership level sponsorship of the policy development process and product; and the need for total involvement of staff to minimise sabotage at the implementation stage.  相似文献   


The notion of ‘openness’ in terms like open distance learning (ODL) is sometimes rather carelessly used, for example in the work-integrated learning (WIL) of distance learners (such as the teaching practice of UNISA's education students, where schools and UNISA form a partnership). We indicate that there is very little ‘openness’ in this type of learning, and that ODL and WIL are in fact two irreconcilable concepts. Yet, when WIL is considered in relation to distance education (DE) there is no problem, because DE is a clear and generally understood concept, indicating a particular mode of education provision, within which WIL can be neatly and meaningfully accommodated. We conclude, also on the basis of empirical evidence, that WIL and DE (and not ODL) constitute the proven, established and ideal conceptual frameworks for the design and implementation of inter alia teaching practice (as WIL) in distance teacher training. In closing, we briefly reflect on the implications of our conclusion for institutional identity.  相似文献   

This paper sought to determine the effects of three self-efficacy measures on the academic attainment of students who were enrolled for the first time at the University of South Africa (Unisa) in 2015. The measures of interest were self-regulated learning efficacy, distance learning self-efficacy and computer and online technologies self-efficacy. Overall, only DLSE was found to have a significant effect on academic attainment albeit with a low effect (r = ?.13), explaining only 1.7% of the variation in the academic achievement between successful and unsuccessful students. DLSE also explained 10% of the variation in academic achievement between successful and unsuccessful students who, although new to Unisa, were not new to higher education.  相似文献   

《Open Learning》2012,27(1):53-64
Reduced higher education funding and other austerity measures imposed by governments and institutions have resulted in cascading cuts in resources for programme design, delivery and revision. The instructional design function is often the first casualty of these cuts in many universities. This paper considers the roles and functions of instructional design, illuminates the differences in instructional design functions in on-site learning and in distance learning, and examines the broadening of skills and responsibilities encompassed in instructional design, especially in dual-mode institutions. Two case studies, illustrating different levels of instructional design in course development for distance learning in a dual-mode institution, lead to reflections on the value of instructional design in the current and future higher education landscape.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):140-158

Introductory Microeconomics as offered by the University of South Africa (Unisa) is a compulsory module for a Bachelor of Commerce, a Bachelor of Accountancy or a Bachelor of Administration degree. Success or failure in Introductory Microeconomics directly impacts on the number of years students take to complete their degrees, and eventually also on the throughput subsidy to Unisa.

A number of exceptional institutional rules and regulations impact on the teaching of Introductory Microeconomics at Unisa, as an open and distance learning (ODL) institution. Unlike many residential institutions, Unisa does not require Mathematics at school level for registration for Introductory Microeconomics. This article reports on research done at Unisa to determine how student success in Introductory Microeconomics is influenced by variables such as race, home language, whether the students passed mathematics at matriculation level, matriculation exemption1 1. Matriculation (“matric”): In South Africa, the final school exit certificate, which is awarded with or without university exemption (“endorsement”). , gender and the passing of assignments. Although this research confirms previous research that home language and age do impact on student success, it finds that the successful passing of assignments has the greatest impact on student success.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):174-184

This paper describes the experiences of the International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA) in running distance education programmes for teachers and education personnel in sub-Saharan Africa. The Institute, established by UNESCO in 1999 and located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is mandated to work with teacher education institutions (TEIs) in sub-Saharan Africa in the areas of curriculum development, teacher education, distance education and educational planning. The subject areas IICBA focuses on are the teaching of Science, Mathematics, languages and ICT (Information and communication technologies) through the use of modern pedagogy. The Institute implements its projects in partnership with distance education offering institutions in Africa and other parts of the world. The paper begins by providing brief remarks on IICBA and its mandate and organisation, and proceeds to explain why it focuses on the areas of teacher education, capacity building and the distance mode of delivery to offer its training programmes. At the end, it describes the kinds of programmes it has been running since its establishment and the partner distance education institutions that offered the training courses.  相似文献   

This article describes the adaptation and validation of the Constructivist OnLine Learning Environment Survey (COLLES) for use in the transnational higher education context. As higher education becomes a more global phenomenon, ‘borderless’ education, either online or by distance education, is becoming a reality and there is a need for remote evaluation of course delivery and student learning. Curtin University of Technology is managing supported online delivery of Business Studies Degree and Diploma courses to four partner institutions of the African Virtual University, an initiative based in Nairobi, Kenya. Evaluation of students’ learning has included an online survey about the provision of resources and the quality of the learning environment in the various computer-based classrooms. Embedded in this instrument has been the adapted COLLES, providing a concomitant opportunity to test the properties and usefulness of the learning environment instrument. Problematic issues surrounding adaptation of the instrument have included the consequences of modifying the wording and establishing or confirming the meaning of the latent constructs in partially online courses and for transnational students. The process of establishing the validity and reliability of the scales is discussed.  相似文献   


Higher education institutions (HEIs) are drivers of social change embedded in a society which is experiencing increasingly complex and multifaceted crises. This is partly attributable to the use of conventional and deterministic problem-solving curricula. A combination of a transdisciplinary approach and indigenous knowledge (IK) as transformative tools in complex systems is critical for pedagogy. This interface embraces the African heritage in Western epistemology putting it on a curricula pedestal which is currently Western-oriented. This article shows how a transdisciplinary approach and IK can transform pedagogies in HEIs through mutual learning and dialogue across disciplines by reflecting on the Life Knowledge Action/Grounding Programme which is a course offered at the University of Fort Hare, South Africa. The article suggests an integration of transdisciplinarity and IK as powerful catalysts for transformation in pedagogical design.  相似文献   


The implementation of learning analytics may empower distance learning institutions to provide real-time feedback to students and teachers. Given the leading role of the Open University UK (OU) in research and application of learning analytics, this study aims to share the lessons learned from the experiences of 42 participants from a range of faculty, academic and professional positions, and expertise with learning analytics. Furthermore, we explored where distance learning institutions should be going next in terms of learning analytics adoption. The findings from the Learning Analytics User Stories (LAUS) workshop indicated four key areas where more work is needed: communication, personalisation, integrated design, and development of an evidence-base. The workshop outputs signalled the aspiration for an integrated analytics system transcending the entire student experience, from initial student inquiry right through to qualification completion and into life-long learning. We hope that our study will spark discussion on whether (or not) distance learning institutions should pursue the dream of an integrated, personalised, and evidence-based learning analytics system that clearly communicates useful feedback to staff and students, or whether this will become an Orwellian nightmare.  相似文献   


This article argues that learner-centred education needs to shift from a discussion only on pedagogical activities such as group-work and other cooperative learning strategies. It suggests that the focus of learner-centred education should be on the cultural world of the African child and how this influences the way in which he/she learns Western science. The African child often experiences cognitive dissonance/perturbation when learning Western science. The article draws on insights from the theory of collateral learning which was originally developed by Jegede. It argues that unless policymakers and teachers take into consideration the cultural frameworks of learners, there will not be a sound basis for improving school science and school mathematics in South Africa. Spending more on resources and increasingly testing learners, as is currently done in South Africa, will not improve school science in South Africa. Improving school science in part depends on rethinking leaner-centred education, which means critically looking at the important role that cultural frameworks of learners play in learning Western science.  相似文献   

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