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吴蕴瑞作为我国现代体育理论科学的奠基人之一,在传统与现代、东方与西方体育思想的碰撞与融合中,形成了独特的思想体系.吴蕴瑞的诸多富有开创性的思想观点,为推动中国近代学校体育、社会体育的发展作出了重大贡献.吴蕴瑞基于"身心一元论"的全面发展观,扩大了中国现代体育的教育意义,提升了学校体育的地位与价值;主张体育学术化及其研究成果,开创了中国现代运动生物力学研究之先河;坚持洋土体育的融合互用,指明了中国现代体育健康发展的方向;倡导体育普及化及其亲力推动,实现了中国现代体育普及化由学者思想到国家体育政策质的转变.  相似文献   

This study explored the footsteps of specialist physical education teachers in Singapore’s primary schools. In particular, this paper uncovered the physical education teacher training in Singapore during post-colonial days, ground situations leading to the rise of the specialist physical education teachers and government policies influencing the increase of them in primary schools. Document analysis was employed to trace the development of teachers teaching physical education in Singapore’s primary schools since the 1950s. The focus was on how this development influences the position of specialist physical education teachers in primary schools. The key role of the primary school physical education teacher has changed from a teacher whose focus was on physical fitness to a teacher who looks to develop pupils holistically through pupil-centric sports and outdoor activities. A generalist teacher that did not specialize in physical education is no longer suitable to teach physical education. Government policies and initiatives such as the robust recruitment of physical education teachers and the continuation of the Diploma in Physical Education programme have had a direct impact on the increasing number of primary school specialist physical education teachers. However, this increase is still insufficient. A concerted effort must be made by the school management to prioritize the quality of physical education lessons and sports programmes.  相似文献   

This research analyzed the activities and events that enabled the establishment of an education and training system for physical education (PE) teachers in Croatia. The beginning of professional PE education in Croatia is related to its introduction as an obligatory subject in the elementary school curriculum of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia in 1874. Most elementary school teachers did not have the knowledge needed to conduct PE classes. We recognized two parallel systems of training introduced in 1875: the first consisted of short training courses, and the second was the introduction of gymnastics as an obligatory course at teacher-training colleges. Twenty years after these obligatory PE classes were introduced to Croatian schools, Franjo Bu?ar organized and managed a two-year course for secondary school gymnastics teachers (1894–1896) after his return from a two-year educational programme at the Royal Central Gymnastic College in Stockholm (Sweden). This high school was the first for PE training not only in Croatia but also this region of Europe. In 1959, the first Croatian institution for PE education was established: the High School for Physical Culture in Zagreb.  相似文献   

湘西中学体育教育现状与实施素质教育的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对湖南省西部少数民族地区中学体育教学、课外体育活动、课余体育训练等现状进行分析,为全面实施体育素质教育,提出了转变教育思想,更新教育观念;围绕素质教育,深化教育改革;弘扬民族体育,开展群众锻炼;树立正确价值取向,引导素质教育等4条基本途径,为该民族地区中学体育教育改革提供参考意见。  相似文献   

Background: Physicality in human movement characteristic of indigenous sporting forms in Africa is grounded in a multitude of cultures. During the period of colonial Africa, there was the introduction of British sporting forms, policies, and practices in schools and society. It was through schools and missions that the colonists introduced sport activities, with colonial administrators and officers prioritizing athleticism over other activities, evident in after-school sports and games. Thus, schools along with Christian missions served as the instruments of colonial education, culture, and sport, with resources allocated selectively to advance racialized and classist education.

Purpose: This paper explores how colonialism, particularly British forms of sport physicality, impacted African people and deconstructs how curriculum and teaching in physical education (PE) during the post-colonial era is lost to the politics of knowledge in the school–society nexus, revealing how the school curriculum serves as a contested terrain. This contestation discloses how colonial and post-colonial narratives intertwine to influence public policy and school practices in the development and implementation of PE curriculum.

Themes: Examination of the literature produced themes associated with stratification of school subjects and marginalization of PE in particular – the exam-oriented and elitist-oriented education – which characterized British Africa, and made British education part and parcel of policy development and implementation, influencing the nature of education, and PE in particular. The elitist education influenced public policy initiatives, frameworks, and corresponding reforms resulting in stratification of school subjects, the use of public school expenditure, and in the type of teacher training followed. In addition, negative school-wide practices became apparent with public policy, rules, and regulations being loosely coupled with school realities, leading PE to be considered as a ‘toothless subject' in the school curriculum. Besides physicality and learning in PE are not distinguishable from sporting forms and practices, bringing out the emphasis on competitive school sport that has been used to promote nation's prestige, social engineering, and economic development.

Conclusion: A development of way forward for PE in British Africa is considered critical and warranted for adequate development of children and youth and for promotion of the health welfare of society. PE plays a critical part in the nexus between education and development; including meeting individual and social welfare goals of post-colonial British Africa; and as such the needs of all children should be at the forefront of policy development and implementation. What is warranted is a development of a standard-based reform that is grounded in a strong formulated public policy that acknowledges diversity in the centralized system of education; with its implementation showing a balance of PE with after-school sport programs and incorporation of indigenous sporting forms.  相似文献   

李刚 《体育科学》2012,32(4):77-83
从身心和谐发展的体育目标、自然教育的体育内容和塑造品格的体育功能方法三个方面对卢梭的自然主义体育思想特质进行分析,揭示出其体育思想的内涵是重视自然的人性和本性能力的自然发展,强调身心和谐的体育目标及注重感官训练的教学方式,主张自然教育的体育内容必须依据儿童年龄和身心发展的阶段,并且注重游戏活动,尊重儿童天性的发展,对于体育活动赋予道德教育的功能,把体育活动视为塑造品格、培养道德的最佳方法。通过对卢梭自然主义体育思想特质的评析,得出了深化对身心健康培养的认识和创造与自然和谐的体育环境这两方面的启示,并据此为学校体育理论思想构建提供相关的建议。  相似文献   

发达国家学校体育发展方式及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对5个发达国家学校体育发展方式的比较研究表明:在学校体育指导思想上,各国都非常关注学生终身体育意识和能力培养,但由于各个国家学校体育发展的背景不同,其指导思想也各有侧重;在学校体育管理体制上,各国政府均介入学校体育管理,并设置相应管理机构,但管理权限及职责有较大差异;在学校体育运行机制方面体现出学校体育对社会体育资源的有效利用。我国学校体育思想有待进一步完善,应调整学校体育的管理结构、提高管理效率,充分发掘社会体育资源。  相似文献   

现代体育思想与校园文化建设   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
赵克 《体育学刊》2002,9(5):87-88
论述了体育在学校化建设中起着栽体作用;突出现代体育思想对增强校园凝聚力,对学生进行心理及美育教育的功能;提出关注校园化的研究,将对完善学校管理、突出学校个性、增进学校体育改革发展的内在动力、实施素质教育具有指导作用和现实意义。  相似文献   

对我国学校体育发展历史的回顾与反思   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李林  杨彬 《体育学刊》2002,9(4):130-132
简要回顾了我国学校体育近百年的发展历史,分析了学校体育思想、内容与形式以及学校体育师资和物质条件的主要发展特征。我国的学校体育经历了从无到有、曲折发展的艰难历程,并与社会的发展息息相关,具有鲜明的时代特征。  相似文献   

隐性体育课程是以显性体育课程为载体的,以培养学生健康心理和社会适应能力为目标的教育思想和课程理论。职教体育要为职业教育服务,为学生的职业素质养成服务。职业教育的培养目标和教育对象有其特殊性,学校体育要以课程改革为契机,开展职业教育隐性体育课程的理论与实践研究,树立为学生职业素养服务的教育理念,科学地选择具有职业特点的教材和教学内容,灵活运用适合职业学生的教学方法和手段,开展多种形式的教育教学活动,推动职教体育的健康发展。  相似文献   

Background: In Aotearoa New Zealand, as it is internationally, there is a desire to ensure physical education is inclusive of all students regardless of their abilities. Yet, medical discourses associated with disability continue to position students who are perceived as not having the capacity to participate fully in traditional physical education programmes as the teacher’s ‘helper’, ‘helped’, or ‘helpless’. As a result, these students may have negative experiences of physical education and this can impact on future involvement in movement-related activities within school and community settings.

Methodology: Drawing on the data from a larger critical participatory action research project, we explore how one primary school teacher, Joel, attempted to work more inclusively within physical education. Specifically, we draw from personal journaling, student work and records of dialogical conversations to shed light on Joel’s experiences.

Conclusion: Joel’s experience demonstrates that there is not one singular solution to inclusion within physical education and it is a combination of actions that support this process. In Joel’s case, this included becoming a reflexive practitioner, getting to know his students, being receptive as opposed to respective to difference in positive ways rather than seeing this as limiting, working imaginatively to reconsider what constitutes learning in physical education, and sharing ownership for curriculum design and learning with his students. Working in this way illustrates how a multi-layered approach can make a difference to how all the students in a class experience inclusion, including students positioned as disabled.  相似文献   

中、日、德三国学校体育的比较   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
陆淳 《体育学刊》2001,8(5):115-117
采用资料分析、调查访问、比较分析等方法对中、日、德三国学校的体育目标、体育大纲、体育教学、课外体育活动及体育师资等方面进行比较表明,现阶段中国学校体育教学改革的目标应以增强体质为主;教学目的任务中对学生在体育课中的本体感觉、公平竞争和个性发展强调不够;体育师资的质量不高,一定程度上限制了体育理论和实践的实施和发展.  相似文献   

李俊逸 《当代体育科技》2020,(12):195-195,197
举国体制下,竞技体育对我国群众体育和学校体育的发展有着重要的引领作用。在国家大力推进"体教融合"的今天,探究竞技体育对学校体育发展的影响显得尤为必要。据此,本研究分别从竞技体育对学校体育文化的影响、对学生人格发展的影响、对学校体育教学的影响3个角度进行了论述,旨在为促进我国体教融合,推动学校体育健康有序发展提供思路。  相似文献   

初中低年级体育教学活动开展中,为了提升学生体育教学质量,需要迎合新时期学生教学工作实施中的要求,对学生教学理念分析。快乐体育理念是一种建立在轻松学习,愉快玩耍基础之上的学习方式,能够在教学理念实施中,帮助学生梳理学习难点,提升了学生体育学习积极性。鉴于此,本文就初中低年级体育教学中快乐体育理念的导入分析进行了探索,主要阐述了快乐体育理念、对初中低年级现有体育教学实施现状进行了分析,并且对快乐体育理念融入的方法和取得的效果进行探索,以期更好地为初中低年级体育教学活动实施提供帮助。  相似文献   

高校体育活动作为学校体育活动与社会体育活动的衔接点,对学生终身体育活动有较大的影响,特别是高校公共体育课的开设更是直接影响到大学生终身体育行为,选择一些具有代表性的项目进入高校体育课堂,对丰富高校体育、教育内容,具有特殊的意义。因此,对传统武术项目进入高校公共体育课的相关研究,不但有助于当代大学生对传统文化的进一步理解与认识,而也助于传统武术项目的传承与发展。  相似文献   

“数字校园体育”的建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据当前我国教育领域信息化发展的特点 ,以及学校体育教育、体育管理信息化的现状 ,提出尽快在我国各级各类学校建设体育教育信息化工程 ,以提高校园体育教育、管理的科学性和时代性。提出“数字校园体育”的构想 ,并构建了“数字校园体育”的基本架构图表 ,为研制开发“数字校园体育”项目提供参考。  相似文献   

运用系统论、技术论等研究方法对体育教学、体育锻炼、运动训练、运动竞赛的概念、地位及关系进行探讨。指出:体育教学是以体育知识理论、技术方法、技能技巧为教学内容,为掌握体育运动知识、技术、技能进行的一种体育活动。体育锻炼是以健身健美、娱乐游戏、医疗保健为锻炼内容,为增强体质、增进身心健康进行的一种体育活动。运动训练是以专项身体、技术战术、心理智能为训练内容,为提高专项运动水平和运动成绩进行的一种体育活动。运动竞赛是以各运动项目的个人、全能赛、单项、团体赛为比赛内容,为战胜对手争取优胜进行的一种体育活动。它们的目的、方法、内容、遵循的规律和评价的标准各不相同,都是体育运动的一种实践活动形式,同处体育运动系统的应用技术层次。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法等对中学体育教师人才需求进行研究,以了解中学对体育教师能力需求的整体情况,为师范院校体育专业课程的改革提供参考。结论表明:师范院校在培养体育专业学生基础知识能力方面虽具有多学科优势,但应根据市场需求而有所侧重;专项技术教学能力是体育专业长远发展的根本;业余训练水平和能力的培养需要通过多种渠道进行。  相似文献   

高校体育专业教育培养目标与中学体育教学适应性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
运用问卷调查和专家咨询等方法,对当前高校体育专业教育培养目标与中学体育教学目前状况和中学生、中学体育教师对学校体育教学的目标、任务的认识程度,以及对未来体育教师的业务能力、综合素质和中学体育教学的发展趋势进行调查、分析,得出高校体育专业教育人才培养目标的设定与课程设置不仅要考虑本学科建设需要,也要满足该专业目标市场的需要的结论,同时中学体育教学的目标定位应围绕学生的身心健康、体育知识技能的获得和思想品德培养而进行。  相似文献   

本文采用问卷和访谈等方法探讨了校园体育文化软实力对学校体育隐蔽课程协调发展的影响与作用;分析了校园体育文化软实力是促进学生体育发展的隐蔽课程;结论认为在符合现代教育思想方面,需确立校园体育文化软实力对学校体育隐蔽课程协调发展的影响与作用,这对当前学校体育教育具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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