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Jewish learning in the context of professional development for Jews working in the “disruptive”, or engagement sector has emerged as a domain into which millions of dollars are invested annually, with very little hard data on how those investments correlate to educational growth. This article considers the Sensibilities Framework, promoted by the Lippman Kanfer Foundation as an initial attempt to theorize this domain, and suggests further avenues for research by theorists of American Jewish education.  相似文献   


Citations are one of the ways that scholars engage one another in dialogue, debate, and discussion. As such, they represent a powerful way in which practitioners constitute themselves and others within a scholarly field. This article studies the citational practices of articles published in the Journal of Jewish Education over a 10-year period in order to discover how scholars have constituted the field of research in Jewish Education. Using social network analysis and qualitative examination, this article presents an unprecedented portrait of the field of knowledge including its strengths and new directions for scholarly investigation and analysis of how the field of research in Jewish education has been formed, and how citational references have shaped how scholars and practitioners understand what we know about Jewish education.  相似文献   

The Jewish world, like the world civilization that hosts it, is awash in new technologies. Appropriately, there is a great deal of attention paid to how to improve the Jewish world and Jewish identity through technology. Paradoxically there is a paucity of literature characterizing the relationship of Jews and Judaism to technology. This article examines this relationship through a portrait of a 3-year Covenant-Jewish Education Center of Cleveland project entitled Text Me: Ancient Jewish Wisdom Meets Contemporary Technology. Seven areas of future research are suggested out of the exploration of these two sources.  相似文献   


This article examines the ways that Jewish studies teachers think about their teaching. It analyzes data from a three month teacher study group in which teachers read educational research articles as a framework for reflecting on their own teaching. The data suggest that Jewish studies teachers take one of two approaches in talking about their teaching: Half the teachers focused on the process of teaching, the specific modalities and teaching moves they employed, while the other half focused on the goals of teaching, the specific outcomes they wanted to see in their students. We also found that those teachers who were more focused on outcomes (rather than process) saw personal identity as an essential ingredient in effective Jewish education. This article raises questions about the efficacy of transferring professional development models from general education to Jewish education, without special attention to the specific cultural context of Jewish studies.  相似文献   

犹太复国主义运动遭遇犹太启蒙运动(哈斯卡拉运动)所一直倡导的犹太启蒙、改革与同化的压力,这导致犹太人问题日益突兀和严重。赫斯全面批判了犹太启蒙派、犹太改革派和犹太同化派的主张。赫斯认为,一旦开启了犹太启蒙,犹太人接下来就必然走向犹太改革和犹太同化。犹太人问题不是一个宗教问题,进而也不是解放问题,而是一个民族问题。赫斯将前人所认为的宗教范畴问题转换成了民族范畴问题,由此实现了范式的转换。因此,赫斯认为,犹太人只有建立一个属于犹太人自己的国家才有可能彻底解决犹太人问题。  相似文献   

菲利普·罗斯是美国最著名的犹太作家.他的小说在世界各地具有一定的影响,我国对其作品也进行各方面的研究.本文试图通过菲利普·罗斯的《再见了,哥伦布》、《波特诺的诉怨》、《鬼作家》和《人性的污点》四部小说,分析他小说中人物犹太性的变迁.也论述了罗斯从一个热切为犹太人呐喊的犹太作家最终成长为一个关注美国社会闷题的美国作家。  相似文献   


The analysis examines the genesis of the Lippman-Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah’s Prize in Applied Jewish Wisdom (AJW) that was first awarded in 2016. The foundation invented both the phrase AJW and the prize to highlight the qualities of Jewish content being employed by promising educators and activists in the “Jewish innovation ecosystem.” This paper traces the emergence of the term in the writing of the foundation, and then delves in the sorting process undertaken by the foundation to determine the prize winners. AJW functions as a “boundary object.” The Prize is a means of constituting AJW. The development of AJW positions the foundation to be able to claim “philanthropic authority” regarding a domain it wants to cultivate and champion. It is a way for LKFLT to assert its voice in the Jewish innovation sector and articulate a new rationale beyond simply funding innovation for its own sake.  相似文献   

陀思妥耶夫斯基被视为一个反犹主义者.但陀氏为什么反犹,却一直未得澄清.解决这一问题首先要廓清陀氏笔下“犹太人”的两层含义:一,犹太种族;二,“犹太人思想”.陀氏的大部分反犹话语是将矛头指向以功利主义为道德表象、以资本主义为现实形态的“犹太人思想”.陀思妥耶夫斯基这一立场使他走向民族主义,我们应有所反思,警惕对陀氏的“圣化”.  相似文献   


Research into school choice has generally explored both the processes by which choices are made and the considerations that parents explore when making this important decision on behalf of their children. This article examines the secondary school choices of Jewish parents in the United Kingdom. It explores parents’ reasons for choosing to select Jewish faith secondary schools. We frame our arguments against the backdrop of the wider faith-school phenomenon in the UK, and as with the Christian communities, we find a disconnect between the small number of Jewish adults attending places of worship regularly and the growing number of Jewish children attending Jewish faith schools. We show that for many parents, schooling is synonymous with Jewish socialization, or enculturation; developing networks of Jewish friends, providing sufficient cultural resources to enable participation in Jewish life, and nurturing distinctive values. We show how Jewish schools have become more than places for academic advancement for these families; they have become the primary locus of Jewish community.  相似文献   


This article argues that contemporary resources drawing from 19th-century Mussar wisdom and Positive Psychology in the context of Jewish camp are a great vehicle for communicating our virtues and teaching “21st Century Innovation and Learning Skills.” Based on practitioner research, this article draws on over a decade of working with Jewish camps across North America. Several common areas are identified: discernment of priority virtues, understanding the relationship between values and virtues, a common language, importance of developing resources, and cultivating communities of trust.  相似文献   

Schools Necessarily reflect the conditions of the society which they represent.1 As Elazar Notes,2 Jewish schools so accurately reflect the ambiguities of American Jewish life that the experience of the schools necessarily creates conflicts within the Jewish community. This paper examines that important relationship between the Jewish school and American Jewish life. In particular, it looks outside the school to the loss of a substantive identity among Jews and to the dissolution of community among Jews. Within the school, it describes a disturbing picture of Jewish education that is reflective of those wider conflicts.  相似文献   


The values that begin to solidify during adolescence can be steered by experiential education programs designed to inculcate a set of attitudes and behaviors in their participants. One such program, Jewish Youth Philanthropy, socializes adolescents into recognizing the importance of donating both to Jewish causes and within a Jewish framework. This paper examines the relationship between these programs and the development of Jewish and donor identities during adolescence. It suggests that surveyed Jewish youth philanthropy participants are more likely than non-participants to perceive themselves as donors, but that their Jewish identities are viewed as justifications for prosocial behavior, not drivers of it.  相似文献   

近代东北的犹太人主要居于哈尔滨和大连等地。最早进入大连的犹太人是俄国军人。日本驻大连特务机关十分关注犹太人的社团活动。在大连的犹太人大多经商。  相似文献   


Proponents of building a “creative society” through educational innovation are calling for engaging learners in new modes of collaboration, problem solving, and original thinking. How might the enterprise of Jewish education contribute to this evolution in creative thinking and action? This article explores how “the Jewish sensibilities” can be adapted into a framework infusing Jewish “ways of seeing and being” into a vision of “Jewish education for a creative society.” The proposed conceptual framework aims to spark conversation, experimentation, research, and inquiry within the broader discourse of rethinking the aims of Jewish education for the future.  相似文献   

犹太人的读书传统是犹太文化的重要组成部分。犹太人在漫长的历史中形成了一种宗教崇智主义读书传统,其实质是为上帝而读书,而宗教律法中对于教育义务的规定以及犹太教社会采取的其他种种措施保证了该读书传统得以形成和延续。在启蒙运动后,他们的读书由为上帝读书变成了为个人自己、为民族而读书,宗教崇智主义传统变成世俗崇智主义传统,在精神上读书成为一种世俗意义上的信仰,在实际中成为“走出去”“融入主流”“往上走”的途径。从犹太民族发展史来看,大体而言,犹太人的读书、教育热情与他们所在地的城镇化、产业转型以及他们自身职业的转变构成一种正向促进的互动关系。分析犹太崇智主义读书传统的形成与演变,能带给我们许多有益的启示。  相似文献   


The present study aimed to examine Jewish, Arab (Christian and Muslims), and Druze teacher trainees' orientations toward teaching-learning processes in relation to their cultural background. The parameter used for characterizing culture comprised the continuum of individualism-collectivism. As a generalization, Jews were located at the individualistic end of the continuum, Muslim Arabs at its collectivistic end, and Christian Arabs and Druze in between them. Data were collected via a questionnaire. Teacher trainees' responses revealed differences in orientation toward teaching-learning processes in accordance with culture, mainly contributed by the Jewish and Muslim students.  相似文献   

Whether the Jewish supplementary school should be operated as if it were a public school depends on the goals of Jewish education. “In terms of ultimate goals, however, Jewish education is now at a crossroads.”1 While all Jewish educators would probably agree with Harold Schulweis' statement that “it is our sacred task to create Jews,”2 educators are not in agreement over what type of Jews we are to create and how we are to create them. Jewish educators can be divided into two groups. One group wants to create “educated, thinking Jews” — goal #1—while the other desires to shape children into “feeling Jews” —goal #2.  相似文献   


There is a legal requirement that schools engage with the spiritual aspects of education, which encompasses pastoral care. This reflects the ethical sensibility that is present in individuals and underlies interactions with Others; and which should be part of the ethos of all educational institutions and especially schools. This is because spirituality is important to leading a moral life and to understanding the Other. The article considers specifically the potential of Jewish spirituality, and uses Martin Buber’s thought, to gain a better understanding of its contribution to education and to pastoral care. In the first part, we comment on the ‘basic words’, I-Thou and I-It, which are connected with Hasidism, the Jewish spiritual movement which had a great influence on Martin Buber. Hasidism understands that it is our duty to find and connect with the ‘divine sparks’, as genuine relations merge with the Divine, and when humans relate genuinely to one another, they relate to God. This is crucial for understanding the superiority of I-Thou relations over I-It relations. In the second and third parts of the article, we consider the implications of this understanding of Jewish spirituality for education and for pastoral care. This is done through highlighting the importance of I-Thou relations if the spiritual aspects of education and of pastoral care are to be encouraged and fulfilled.  相似文献   


As an increasing number of Jewish summer camps welcome campers with disabilities, it becomes more important to understand the experience of these campers and that of their neurotypical peers. In this study, campers with disabilities and neurotypical campers participated together in a photography activity. Photographs and their accompanying narratives were analyzed, yielding three categories of results: (1) camp community and responsibility (2) Jewish experience at camp; and (3) challenges and opportunities. Results are discussed in terms of enhancing the experience of inclusion at camp for all campers.  相似文献   


In this paper we examine the role of the Israeli kibbutz experience as an agent of informal education in cross‐cultural settings, acting as a transformative agent of ethnic identity. The study presents, through comparative longitudinal analysis, the changes in Jewish identity and values of young North American Jews between their arrival in Israel and the conclusion of the kibbutz programme, as well as after they have returned to their home country. The analysis utilises data gathered from 238 Oren Kibbutz Institute alumni who participated in the programme between 1990‐94 in six kibbutzim. The transformative role of the Israeli kibbutz experience contributes independently and cumulatively to the formative role of home background, Jewish schooling and previous visits to Israel.  相似文献   

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