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Faculty play an essential role in providing access for college students with LD. Though many recommendations exist in the literature for educating faculty about their roles regarding students with LD, it is unclear whether these strategies are actually addressing faculty needs. To examine this issue, the evolving role of faculty is discussed. Current practices in faculty education pertaining to college students with LD are reviewed. Discrepancies between the evolving faculty role and current faculty education practices are examined. Guiding questions are proposed for expanding faculty education efforts and models to keep pace with the evolving faculty role in providing access for college students with LD.  相似文献   

Community colleges accommodate nearly half of all United States college students. Increased reliance upon community colleges is driven by the current economic downturn, rising costs of higher education, and changing expectations for today's workforce requiring advanced skill sets. Community colleges offer more affordable options for broader spectrums of students including traditional and nontraditional college students and dual-enrolled high school students.

Community college faculty facilitate student learning and program completion. A shortage of community college faculty will likely emerge as numerous faculty retire. Community college administrators need strategies for retaining and recruiting faculty amid increasing retirements. One effective strategy is to offer a work environment that cultivates positive work-related attitudes (e.g., job satisfaction). This study examines the ability of select human capital investments, intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, and sociodemographics to predict overall job satisfaction for full-time community college faculty. A cross-sectional predictive design was used with secondary analysis of the 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04) dataset.

Logistic Regression was utilized to determine predictive ability of the independent variables on overall job satisfaction. Results indicated that faculty were more likely to be satisfied with their work if they were satisfied with their salary, benefits and workload; were satisfied with the teaching support they received from their institutions; and if they perceived that females and minorities were treated fairly by the organization. Conversely, minority faculty were less likely to be satisfied, as were faculty who indicated they would again choose a career in academe if given the choice.  相似文献   

通过中国小学生解决国外数学试题的分析 ,探讨中国基础教育现状 ,为数学教学改革提供实证研究基础。我们从国外数学测试中筛选、改编了一套小学五年级数学试卷 ,在全国九个省、市做了测验。结果显示 ,中国学生在考察基础知识的项目中表现出色 ;但在考察利用已有的生活经验解决问题的项目中 ,存在着相当的问题。因此 ,中国数学教育在重视基础知识的同时 ,应该引导学生有意义地理解数学、灵活自主地选择数学方法解决问题。  相似文献   

Too difficult, too abstract, too theoretical – many first-year engineering students complain about their mathematics courses. The project MathePraxis aims to resolve this disaffection. It links mathematical methods as they are taught in the first semesters with practical problems from engineering applications – and thereby shall give first-year engineering students a vivid and convincing impression of where they will need mathematics in their later working life. But since real applications usually require more than basic mathematics and first-year engineering students typically are not experienced with construction, mensuration and the use of engineering software, such an approach is hard to realise. In this article, we show that it is possible. We report on the implementation of MathePraxis at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. We describe the set-up and the implementation of a course on designing a mass damper which combines basic mathematical techniques with an impressive experiment. In an accompanying evaluation, we have examined the students' motivation relating to mathematics. This opens up new perspectives how to address the need for a more practically oriented mathematical education in engineering sciences.  相似文献   

实施高职数学分层教学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,高校连续扩招,推动了高等教育由昔日的"精英教育"向"大众化教育"的转变。学生文化基础差距较大,给教师组织教学带来了很大的困难,难以达到教学目标,束缚了优秀人才的迅速成长,这成为当前数学课程教学中的突出问题。实行学分制下的分层次教学,是有效解决这些问题的途径之一。  相似文献   

数学素质的培养是大学数学教育的首要目标,在大学数学教学中,通过教学内容的优化、教学手段的探索、教学组织模式的丰富以及对非智力因素的重视,提高学生在数学思维、数学思想方法,数学史、数学美、数学知识的运用及非智力因素等方面的素养,从而在一定程度上实现“从数学教学走向数学教育”的理想目标。  相似文献   

The study documents what deaf education teachers know about discrete mathematics topics and determines if these topics are present in the mathematics curriculum. Survey data were collected from 290 mathematics teachers at center and public school programs serving a minimum of 120 students with hearing loss, grades K-8 or K-12, in the United States. Findings indicate that deaf education teachers are familiar with many discrete mathematics topics but do not include them in instruction because they consider the concepts too complicated for their students. Also, regardless of familiarity level, deaf education teachers are not familiar with discrete mathematics terminology; nor is their mathematics teaching structured to provide opportunities to apply the real-world-oriented activities used in discrete mathematics instruction. Findings emphasize the need for higher expectations of students with hearing loss, and for reform in mathematics curriculum and instruction within deaf education.  相似文献   

基础教育新数学课程的实施对中小学数学教师的教育教学工作提出了许多新的要求。从而也为培养中小学数学教师的高师数学教育提出了更高的要求.为了适应基础教育新课程的改革.高师数学教育应加强对师范生的情感态度及价值观的教育,调整高师的课程体系与内容,倡导新的学习方式,转变传统的教学方式。改革传统的评价方式.  相似文献   

高师数学教育如何应对基础教育新数学课程的挑战   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
基础教育新数学课程的实施对中学数学教师的教育教学工作提出了许多新的要求,从而使培养中学数学教师的高师数学教育面临新的挑战,这些挑战主要来自新数学课程的课程目标、课程内容、学生的学习方式、教师的教学方式、学校的教学管理与评价方式等方面的变化.为应对这些挑战,高师数学教育应采取如下策略:加强对高师学生的情感态度与价值观教育,调整高师的课程体系与内容,倡导新的学习方式,改变传统的教学方式,改革教学管理与评价方式.  相似文献   

高师院校"数学文化"课程开设情况的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查结果显示,“数学文化”作为通识课程,深受高师院校学生的喜爱.数学文化的学习,可以增强学生数学学习的自信心,丰富和深化对数学本质的认识,提高数学的感受性和鉴赏水平;可以促进数学学习价值观的转变:从“考试”导向下的数学学习向“提高自身数学素质”导向下的数学学习转变;可以树立良好的数学教育观念.总体来看,高师院校学生对数学文化的认识比较模糊,相关知识比较贫乏,需要进行教师指导下的系统学习.  相似文献   

结合当前举办的全国大学生数学竞赛的实际需要,为提高大学数学教学质量,增强大学生的竞赛意识,提高参赛选手的竞赛水平,从一道全国大学生数学竞赛试题出发,就在大学数学课堂教学中如何培养学生创新能力的问题,谈谈个人的一点体会.  相似文献   

高师数学教学适应高中数学课程发展的调查研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新高中数学课程增加了大量新内容,这些内容涉及多门大学数学课程.目前高师数学专业毕业生存在知识缺陷.高师数学教育要适应高中新数学课程,设置的课程应覆盖中学数学内容并加深、加宽.在高师数学教学中,要加强与中学数学的结合,加强对高师学生的选课指导。  相似文献   

Genome Consortium for Active Teaching: meeting the goals of BIO2010   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The Genome Consortium for Active Teaching (GCAT) facilitates the use of modern genomics methods in undergraduate education. Initially focused on microarray technology, but with an eye toward diversification, GCAT is a community working to improve the education of tomorrow's life science professionals. GCAT participants have access to affordable microarrays, microarray scanners, free software for data analysis, and faculty workshops. Microarrays provided by GCAT have been used by 141 faculty on 134 campuses, including 21 faculty that serve large numbers of underrepresented minority students. An estimated 9480 undergraduates a year will have access to microarrays by 2009 as a direct result of GCAT faculty workshops. Gains for students include significantly improved comprehension of topics in functional genomics and increased interest in research. Faculty reported improved access to new technology and gains in understanding thanks to their involvement with GCAT. GCAT's network of supportive colleagues encourages faculty to explore genomics through student research and to learn a new and complex method with their undergraduates. GCAT is meeting important goals of BIO2010 by making research methods accessible to undergraduates, training faculty in genomics and bioinformatics, integrating mathematics into the biology curriculum, and increasing participation by underrepresented minority students.  相似文献   

数学教育是传授知识与提高素质相统一的一种重要教育手段.就大学生而言,数学教育更能在形成科学的思维能力、严谨的工作学习态度等方面起到积极的作用.本文就结合数学教育的特点,针对大学生综合素质培养入手,分析了数学教育除了数学知识的教学外,更应挖掘蕴涵于数学知识之中的精神、思想层次,提出应用合适的教育教学手段更好地发挥其教育价值,使其能在大学生综合素质形成的各个方面起到积极的作用.  相似文献   

当前,我国的基础教育课程改革蓬勃开展。教育科研在很大程度上已成为中小学提高教育教学质量的重要推动力。高师专科是培养未来小学教师的摇篮,然而高师专科数学专业对学生教育科研能力方面的培养却很薄弱,而且没有严格的量化考核指标。现有的高师生教育科研能力的研究大多局限于本科生。文章通过理论研究、问卷访谈发现高师专科数学专业学生的教育科研能力具有自身特色。据此给出高师专科数学专业教育科研能力的定义,提出高师专科数学专业教育科研能力培养策略,及量化考核的指标、方式。  相似文献   

文章首先对2012年福建高考数学试卷作了总体评价,着重就试题的主要特点、学生的答题情况进行了分析,然后对数学高考的复习教学和试题命制工作进行了一些思考.  相似文献   

As states evaluate whether they should continue with their current assessment program or adopt next-generation college readiness assessments, it is important to ascertain the degree to which current high school assessments can be used for college readiness interpretations. In this study, we examined the ability of a state assessment to serve as an indicator of college readiness. Empirical evidence is presented summarizing relationships between performance on the standards-based high school assessment and performance in college. Benchmarks were set on the Reading, Mathematics, and Science tests by linking assessment scores directly to grades in college courses. The accuracy of the benchmarks was similar to that of a traditional college admission test. Students who met the college readiness benchmarks earned higher grades in general education college courses and had higher first-year college grade point averages. Implications for states and other stakeholders are discussed.  相似文献   

Many studies have found a strong relationship between the mathematics students study in school and their performance on an academic or school mathematics assessment but not on an assessment of mathematics literacy (ML). With many countries, like the USA, placing emphasis on finishing secondary education being mathematically literate and prepared for college or career, this raises the question about the relationship between the mathematics studied in school and any ML students may have. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) ML assessment is embedded in real-world contexts that provide an important window on how ready students are to tackle the situations and problems that await them whether they intend to pursue further education beyond high school or intend to go directly into the labour force. In this paper, we draw upon the PISA 2012 data to investigate the extent to which the cumulative exposure to rigorous mathematics content, such as that embedded in college- and career-ready standards, is associated with ML as assessed in PISA. Results reveal that both exposure to rigorous school mathematics and experiencing the instruction of this mathematics through real-world applications are significantly related to all the real-world contextualized PISA ML scores.  相似文献   

This study presents a qualitative research based on three narratives written by novice mathematics teachers. We examine their unique professional world during their first year of work. The methodology of narrative framework, on which this article is based, helps to gain better understanding of the need for novice mathematics teachers to have pedagogical knowledge. Findings reveal three themes of pedagogical knowledge: the attitude of novice teachers toward students with difficulties in mathematics; parents’ expectations of and involvement with novice mathematics teachers; teacher–student relations. The implications of the findings show that novice mathematics teachers are required to have not only content knowledge of mathematics but also, and above all, pedagogical knowledge. The implications of this study enable reassessment of emphases required in training mathematics teachers, as well as the assistance and support they need, especially as they launch their careers.  相似文献   

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