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射箭运动员比赛中最适宜唤醒水平的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对国内外射箭运动员唤醒方面的研究进行了综述,指出了射箭运动员比赛中最适宜唤醒水平的判定方法和标准,并提出了调控射箭运动员唤醒水平的一些具体手段。  相似文献   

唤醒与运动操作关系研究的发展动态综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对唤醒与运动活动关系的研究,主要综合叙述了国外专门对这一问题的研究和提出的理论,并且指出了这些理论的不足之处.结果表明,研究唤醒与运动关系不能只从单一角度去探讨,要从运动个体和运动项目本身的特点来全面综合地考虑,只有这样才能真正实现了解唤醒与活动之间的关系.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,对唤醒水平的定义及生理机制进行总结,对个体的唤醒水平与情绪、运动状态、运动决策以及其他心理因素的关系进行研究,阐述唤醒与情绪、焦虑二者的关系,比赛过程中的唤醒水平,运动员唤醒水平的调控以及唤醒过程中的个体差异几个方面,在总结相关研究文献的基础上指出当前国内唤醒研究中存在的不足以及对未来唤醒研究的展望.  相似文献   

唤醒是人为逃避危险的动作过程。唤醒水平是生理性激活的不同状态或过程。不同的运动项目对运动唤醒的影响程度是不同的,唤醒水平的高低,直接影响到运动员的运动成绩。耶克斯——多德森提出的倒“U”学说, 直观地揭示了这一结果。运动员在比赛前、比赛中只有全身各有关器官系统进入工作状态,发挥机体最大机能去参加比赛,方能发挥水平取得优异成绩,这种对全身各有关器官系统的动员就是唤醒,也叫激活、兴奋。  相似文献   

唤醒水平是一种活动的准备状态,唤醒水平的高低对括动的效率直接产生影响。高唤醒状态夺走了心理能量,致使人体的运动机能和运动技能表现失常,甚至消退,以至衰竭;唤醒水平保持在适度的状态,能动员运动员竞技水平的充分发挥。而影响唤醒水平的主要因素来自于内外部环境的刺激、人体生理上的变化以及本身的思维认知水平。根据以上三个起因,我们以相对应的控制调节技术,进行心理诱导与调节。  相似文献   

G804.8 20022562唤醒与运动操作关系研究的发展动态综述=Thetrends of the research on the relations betweenarousal and exercising-operation[刊,中,A]/刘应//四川体育科学.-2001(3).-19-21参5(TY)运动心理学//理论//运动//心理//关系//唤醒针对唤醒与运动活动关系的研究,主要综合叙述了国外专门对这一问题的研究和提出的理论,并且指出了这些理论的不足之外。结果表明,研究唤醒与运动关系不能只从单一角度去探讨,要从运动个体和运动项目本身的特点来全面综合地考虑,只有之样才能真正实现了解唤醒与活动之间的关系。  相似文献   

不同的运动项目需要不同的唤醒水平,驱力理论和倒U型假说等理论从不同的角度解释了运动表现和唤醒水平之间的关系。网球运动中的网前截击效果与唤醒水平存在着怎样的关系呢?通过文献资料查阅和实验研究发现,唤醒状态水平与网球运动技术中网前截击效果存在着类似倒U型关系。  相似文献   

自2009年开始,扬州"校园足球"活动已经开展8年了。扬州市是第二批全国校园足球活动的布局城市,为了实现培养人才的基本任务,扬州市着手推进素质教育,改革和创新学校体育。培养良好的足球文化,促进青少年身体和心理健康的全面发展,改善人口素质,推进足球运动的发展,为唤醒民族精神提供强有力的支持。虽然扬州学校足球近年来发展迅速,但仍有一些不合理的地方。笔者通过对扬州市小学校园足球活动的现状进行调查与分析,提出自己粗浅的看法,以期为提高扬州市小学足球运动人才培养水平做出微薄的贡献。  相似文献   

王智  丁雪琴 《体育科学》2004,24(9):32-35
研究探讨了帆船帆板和足球运动员情绪唤醒水平的生理监测指标与评价。结果表明:对于帆船帆板和足球项目运动员,前额肌电值不能作为情绪唤醒水平变化的评价指标;手指皮肤导电性可以较好地反映帆船帆板和足球项目运动员的情绪唤醒水平;手掌心温度和手指端血容可以作为帆船帆板运动员情绪唤醒水平的敏感性监测指标;心率值的变化可以较好地反映帆船帆板和足球项目运动员的放松和兴奋两种情绪唤醒水平。  相似文献   

文章运用问卷调查法、文献资料法等方法,以重庆九龙坡区部分健身气功易筋经、八段锦练习者为练功组,以部分没有或未经常参加任何锻炼的老年人为对照组,从躯体健康、精神健康、日常活动能力、社会支持四个维度研究3个月以上的健身气功易筋经、八段锦锻炼对老年人综合健康的影响.研究结果:练功组与对照组之间的躯体健康风险、精神健康(抑郁)、日常活动能力、社会支持水平等方面存在不同程度的显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),练功组之间在统计学上差异性未达显著水平.研究结论认为:3个月以上的健身气功易筋经、八段锦锻炼能够增进老年人群的躯体健康,改善老年人群抑郁状况,增强老年人日常活动能力,提高老年人社会支持水平.  相似文献   

Until recently, the traditional Inverted-U hypothesis had been the primary model used by sport psychologists to describe the arousal-performance relationship. However, many sport psychology researchers have challenged this relationship, and the current trend is a shift toward a more "multidimensional" view of arousal-anxiety and its effects on performance. In the current study, 104 college-age participants performed a simple response time task while riding a bicycle ergometer. Participants were randomly assigned to one of eight arousal groups (between 20 and 90% of heart rate reserve) and were told they were competing for a cash prize. Prior to the task, the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 and Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) were administered to assess the influence of cognitive and somatic anxiety. As hypothesized, regression analysis revealed a significant quadratic trend for arousal and reaction time. This accounted for 13.2% of the variance, F change (1, 101) = 15.10, p < .001, in performance beyond that accounted for by the nonsignificant linear trend. As predicted by the Inverted-U hypothesis, optimal performance on the simple task was seen at 60 and 70% of maximum arousal. Furthermore, for the simple task used in this study, only somatic anxiety as measured by the SAS accounted for significant variance in performance beyond that accounted for by arousal alone. These findings support predictions of the Inverted-U hypothesis and raise doubts about the utility theories that rely on differentiation of cognitive and somatic anxiety to predict performance on simple tasks that are not cognitively loaded.  相似文献   

Although a generally positive effect of acute exercise on cognitive performance has been demonstrated, the specific nature of the relationship between exercise-induced arousal and cognitive performance remains unclear. This study was designed to identify the relationship between exercise-induced arousal and cognitive performance for the central and peripheral components of a response time task at two different levels of task difficulty. Sixteen male participants performed both simple and choice response time tasks at eight different arousal levels (from 20% to 90% heart rate reserve). Performance on the simple and choice response time tasks was examined after fractionating the response time into its central component, premotor time, and peripheral components, motor, and movement time. A priori trend analysis was used to test both linear and quadratic relationships. Results indicated that exercise-induced arousal has a positive influence on the peripheral components of response time tasks; however, it has a limited impact on the central components of these tasks.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to test the basic tenets of consolidation theory by studying the relationship between arousal and the performance and learning of a pursuit rotor task. Ninety-six subjects (48 men and 48 women) were randomly assigned to one of three induced arousal conditions (control, failure-feedback, and electrical shock). Subjects were given twenty-one 20-second acquisition trials under induced arousal conditions, followed 24 or 48 hours later by nine trials in the absence of induced arousal (trials 22–30). The Spielberger A-trait test was administered before the 21 acquisition trials and the A-state test was given afterward. The results of the A-trait test revealed that arousal conditions were equal in terms of normal anxiety levels, while results of the A-state test demonstrated that subjects under induced arousal conditions were indeed stressed (had higher levels of state anxiety). The 21 acquisition trials (seven three-trial blocks) were analyzed using time on target (TOT) scores to determine the effects of arousal on performance. The results of this analysis revealed reliable differences for sex and trial blocks, but not for arousal. A significant triple interaction among the three main effects was primarily caused by a decrement in performance by the female subjects who received failure-feedback. TOT recall scores failed to reveal a facilitative effect due to arousal as predicted by perseverative consolidation theory. In summary, the results of the investigation provided partial support for the action decrement notion but none for the action increment notion of consolidation theory.  相似文献   

One purpose of the present study was to examine whether self-confidence or anxiety would be differentially affected byfeedback from more accurate rather than less accurate trials. The second purpose was to determine whether arousal variations (activation) would predict performance. On day 1, participants performed a golf putting task under one of two conditions: one group received feedback on the most accurate trials, whereas another group received feedback on the least accurate trials. On day 2, participants completed an anxiety questionnaire and performed a retention test. Shin conductance level, as a measure of arousal, was determined. The results indicated that feedback about more accurate trials resulted in more effective learning as well as increased self-confidence. Also, activation was a predictor of performance.  相似文献   

采用实验法,探讨不同定向状态(目标定向/非目标定向)和唤醒水平对篮球投篮准确性的影响,揭示在不同实验条件下被试的生理变化。结果发现:不同的唤醒水平对投篮准确性有显著影响,即高唤醒水平下的投篮准确性非常显著好于低唤醒水平,中等唤醒水平下的投篮准确性也显著好于低唤醒水平。不同定向状态对投篮准确性无显著影响。  相似文献   

王智  丁雪琴  赵开强 《体育科学》2007,27(9):49-53,71
采用质性研究方法,对我国17位高水平举重运动员进行了访谈,结果发现我国高水平举重运动员理想比赛心理状态表现为:高自信、集中注意、表现良好、理想的唤醒水平、明确的目标、忘我和高比赛欲望.最佳身体准备、理想的环境条件、赛前获得理想情绪唤醒水平、赛前对自己的表现感觉良好、自信和积极的思维、恰当的行动动机、赛前和赛中充分的准备和计划,注意力集中和运动经验9个因素有助于我国高水平举重运动员形成理想比赛心理状态.不理想的身体准备、不理想的环境条件、非理想情绪唤醒水平、不恰当的自信和消极的思维、不恰当的动机水平、不恰当的注意、赛前准备出现问题和表现糟糕是阻碍我国高水平举重运动员获得理想比赛心理状态的8个因素.  相似文献   

Sports psychologists have for some time put forward the inverted-U-hypothesis as a useful working model of the relationship between arousal and performance. Although some emphasis in the sports psychology literature has been placed on the limitations of the hypothesis, generally the notion of an optimal level of arousal has been well received. A few authors have been less tolerant of the arguments put forward in the inverted-U-hypothesis and the restrictions of its theoretical stance. Sports psychologists have been slow to suggest or adopt diverse theoretical perspectives and consequently little real progress has been made. The danger is that this approach has become widely accepted almost without question. This review paper attempts to sum up the current position and, based on recent work, recommend alternative interpretations of arousal effects in sport.  相似文献   

雍明  蔡赓 《体育科技》2006,27(4):61-65
采用文献资料法,对文献进行整理,对应激、唤醒和焦虑的概念进行探讨,旨在阐明三者之间的关系。应激是一个过程而绝非一种状态,唤醒可以是应激过程中的某种状态,而焦虑是心理唤醒水平中的一个部分。在一定范围内可以用焦虑水平来反映唤醒水平,但它决不能代替唤醒概念的全部。  相似文献   

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