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拉伸训练对力量表现的效应和机制的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
力量和柔韧性通常是训练计划中的两大要素.无论是在竞技训练还是大众健身时,在运动前进行拉伸是惯常程序.人们普遍认为,这样做可以有效预防运动损伤和肌肉酸痛,甚至有利于提高运动成绩.但是,这样的论断一直缺乏科学依据.近年来,关于拉伸训练对力量表现的影响已成为国内、外研究的热点问题.综述了国内、外关于拉伸训练对力量表现影响的文献,主要目的是审视拉伸训练对力量素质的急性效应和长期效应,以及存在于效应背后的发生机制.  相似文献   

运动性延迟性肌肉酸痛是特指人体在大强度或不习惯性运动后一段时间内出现的肌肉酸痛,表现为酸痛的延迟性及发展过程的相对独立性,其机制主要有机械损伤、炎症反应等假说。  相似文献   

柔韧性素质的练习贯穿田径项目训练的始终,其重要性不言而喻。目前,在国外已开始采用另外一种柔韧性练习方法—本体感觉神经肌肉易化方法(PNF)。“PNF”最初是在医疗康复中对具有神经功能障碍肌肉的治疗,由于通过这种方法的练习能改善特定肌肉的功能和提高关节的柔韧性,已被国外体育界所重视和采用。其既可以在练习的热身阶段采用,又可以在放松恢复阶段采用,既可以作为一般性柔韧性练习手段,又可以作为专门性柔韧性练习手段,该方法主要运用于提高柔韧性素质的练习当中,结合了肌肉的收缩和放松,一般是在同伴的配合下进行。“PNF”在训练…  相似文献   

柔韧性不仅是人体的基本身体素质之一,更是武术运动的基础素质。对于青少年阶段练习武术的学生来说,柔韧素质较差是一种较为普遍的现象。文章通过对学生柔韧性素质差的原因和现有的柔韧训练方法在学生训练中的实践进行实验与分析,得出改良式柔韧训练法对学生柔韧性有较大改善且在训练中疼痛感更少的结论,提出在武术训练中进行改良式柔韧性训练法的可行性建议。  相似文献   

放松能力是一种综合力,肌肉的伸展性、关节的灵活性、全身动作的协调性以及柔韧性构成了放松能力的基础。短跑的成功很大程度上取决于动作的自然放松,肌肉的放松能力是可以通过科学训练提高的。加强肌肉的放松训练将增大肌肉收缩力量,减少内阻力和能量消耗,使短跑技术以更佳的协调性和经济性完成动作练习,提高运动成绩。因此,提高短  相似文献   

柔韧性是指人体关节活动幅度以及关节韧带、肌腱、肌肉、皮肤和其他组织的弹性和伸展能力,即关节和关节系统的活动范围。通俗地说,柔韧性是人体大幅度完成动作的能力。它是由人体关节活动范围大小,肌肉、韧带的伸展和弹性、紧张和放松的协调能力决定的。田径运动员的身体训练和技术训练都需要有较好的柔韧性。如短跑的加大步长、跨栏的过栏动作、跳高的过杆动作、跳远的落地,以及投掷的加大最后用力的距离等,都需要较好的柔韧性。  相似文献   

柔韧性是人类各自身体运动的重要因素。柔韧性与关节或几个关节活动的可能范围有关。关节骨骼结构性损伤固然影响关节活动范围,但影响柔韧性最普遍的因素还是围绕关节的肌群不能伸展到最理想的长度。柔韧性的改进,可减轻肌肉紧张,使用可控制的力量增加活动范围,并拉长结缔组织。1为什么要伸展不经常伸展肌肉会丧失柔韧性,遇到极度的运动时,肌肉不能扩大运动项目范围而引起肌肉组织损伤。每天短暂的正当伸展会有助于:①防止损伤;②改进生物机械效能;③增进肌肉的伸展性能;④肌肉之间协调能力的改善;⑤增进肌肉群的放松;⑥减轻运…  相似文献   

目的:通过对下肢进行振动牵拉和PNF牵拉柔韧性训练,分析比较振动牵拉训练和PNF牵拉训练的不同效果,了解振动牵拉训练对人体下肢柔韧性的帮助,以便可以更好地将振动牵拉训练应用于实践和训练之中;研究方法:运用振动训练仪和PNF牵拉的方法对人体下肢进行柔韧性训练,振动牵拉训练组和PNF牵拉训练组各进行2min的柔韧性训练,振动组用POWER PLATE进行牵拉训练,振幅2mm,振频为30Hz。在柔韧性训练前、后通过坐位体前屈测量仪定量测定下肢柔韧度的数据作为比较的依据;结果与结论:振动牵拉训练组较PNF牵拉训练组柔韧性提高更明显。  相似文献   

1、肌肉的放松能提高肌肉、关节的灵活性和柔韧性 肌肉放松能使关节周围的韧带柔韧性肌肉的伸展性得到提高,减少韧带活动的粘滞性和关节活动阻力,使关节运动幅度加大,提高关节灵活性。关节灵活性是柔韧素质的标志,它能使关节周围的肌肉和韧带的伸展性得到提高,也可以使参与关节运动的原动肌的力量增强。柔韧又分动力性柔韧和静力性柔韧。  相似文献   

采用实验法和问卷调查法,研究健美操锻炼对女大学生身体形态、身体素质及一般自我效能感的影响。结果表明:健美操锻炼能够提高女大学生的一般自我效能感;促进皮下脂肪含量减少,腰围变小;能够有效增强腹部力量,柔韧性和灵敏性等身体素质;女大学生身体形态与一般自我效能感存在负相关。  相似文献   

延迟性肌肉疼痛防治的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
庄冲 《体育学刊》2005,12(5):46-49
延迟性肌肉疼痛是运动员从事不习惯的运动后所经历的一种肌肉疼痛或不适的感觉,能够导致运动能力的下降,其产生机制目前尚不清楚。有多种手段和方法来防治延迟性肌肉疼痛,但结果不一.运动以及中医药在减轻症状方面效果明显。  相似文献   

延迟性肌肉酸痛的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机体大强度或不习惯的运动,尤其是离心运动,常常会引起肌肉的延迟性酸痛,并在运动后的2~3天达到高峰,伴有一系列的肌肉结构、组织学及生物化学的改变,严重时会影响到人们体育健身及运动训练的效果。有关延迟性肌肉酸痛的研究已有百年的历史,但其产生的病因、机制等至今仍不完全清楚,也没有找到真正有效地清除或减轻肌肉酸痛的方法。通过对国内外相关文献的归纳、分析和综合,对运动性延迟性疼痛的产生机制及防治进展等进行广泛探讨,为体育健身和运动训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Protease supplementation has been shown to attenuate soft tissue injury resulting from intense exercise. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of protease supplementation on muscle soreness and contractile performance after downhill running. Ten matched pairs of male participants ran at a ?10% grade for 30?min at 80% of their predicted maximal heart rate. The participants consumed two protease tablets (325?mg pancreatic enzymes, 75?mg trypsin, 50?mg papain, 50?mg bromelain, 10?mg amylase, 10?mg lipase, 10?mg lysozyme, 2?mg chymotrypisn) or a placebo four times a day beginning 1 day before exercise and lasting a total of 4 days. The participants were evaluated for perceived muscle soreness of the front and back of the dominant leg, pressure pain threshold by dolorimetry of the anterior medial, anterior lateral, posterior medial and posterior lateral quadrants of the thigh, and knee extension/flexion torque and power. The experimental group demonstrated superior recovery of contractile function and diminished effects of delayed-onset muscle soreness after downhill running when compared with the placebo group. Our results indicate that protease supplementation may attenuate muscle soreness after downhill running. Protease supplementation may also facilitate muscle healing and allow for faster restoration of contractile function after intense exercise.  相似文献   

Protease supplementation has been shown to attenuate soft tissue injury resulting from intense exercise. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of protease supplementation on muscle soreness and contractile performance after downhill running. Ten matched pairs of male participants ran at a -10% grade for 30 min at 80% of their predicted maximal heart rate. The participants consumed two protease tablets (325 mg pancreatic enzymes, 75 mg trypsin, 50 mg papain, 50 mg bromelain, 10 mg amylase, 10 mg lipase, 10 mg lysozyme, 2 mg chymotrypisn) or a placebo four times a day beginning 1 day before exercise and lasting a total of 4 days. The participants were evaluated for perceived muscle soreness of the front and back of the dominant leg, pressure pain threshold by dolorimetry of the anterior medial, anterior lateral, posterior medial and posterior lateral quadrants of the thigh, and knee extension/flexion torque and power. The experimental group demonstrated superior recovery of contractile function and diminished effects of delayed-onset muscle soreness after downhill running when compared with the placebo group. Our results indicate that protease supplementation may attenuate muscle soreness after downhill running. Protease supplementation may also facilitate muscle healing and allow for faster restoration of contractile function after intense exercise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in muscle soreness and serum enzyme activity following consecutive drop jumps. Seven male subjects (mean age 30.6 years) performed drop jumps from a 80-cm box height every 7 s until exhaustion (mean = 114 drop jumps). A questionnaire was used to assess muscle soreness (0 = no pain, 7 = unbearable painful) both pre- and post-exercise (0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h, and 3, 4 and 5 days after the exercise). Blood samples were also taken from three subjects at each of these times. For the other four subjects, blood samples were taken pre-exercise and 0, 12 and 36 h and 5 days post-exercise only. Although there was large inter-subject variability in the development of muscle soreness, all the subjects reported muscle soreness in their lower extremity muscles, especially in the quadriceps femoris. Muscle soreness developed significantly (P less than 0.01) over time, its peak (mean +/- S.E. = 3.7 +/- 0.7) occurring 12-48 h post-exercise. Serum enzyme activity changed significantly over time (P less than 0.05), but the changes were small. Not one subject showed a large increase in creatine kinase, and the average increase was less than 1.3 times as much as the pre-exercise level throughout the period of study. These results suggest that the muscle damage that occurs after drop jumping is not associated with a large release of muscle enzymes into the blood, and muscle soreness is not necessarily related to enzyme elevation following drop jumps.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a prophylactic dose of a local, transcutaneously administered, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on muscle soreness, muscle damage and sprinting performance in young trained males. Twenty-five subjects aged 19+/-3 years, actively participating in rugby union and field hockey, were familiarized with the test procedure and then divided at random into an experimental group (n = 13) and a control group (n = 12). The experimental group received two patches, each containing 40 mg flurbiprofen (TransAct LAT), 12 h before an exercise bout designed to produce delayed-onset soreness (DOMS). The control group received identical non-medicated placebo patches at the same time. Delayed-onset muscle soreness was induced by an exercise protocol consisting of drop jumps (seven sets of 10 repetitions). Serum creatine kinase activity, muscle soreness, muscle girth and acceleration in a maximal sprint over 30 m were measured before the induction of DOMS and at 12, 24, 48 and 72 h thereafter. Plasma lactate concentration was measured 3 min after the 30-m sprint tests. Subjects in both groups had significantly more pain at 24 and 48 h compared with at 12 and 72 h (P < 0.05; Friedman two-way analysis of variance). Thigh girth and serum creatine kinase did not change throughout the experiment. Although plasma lactate concentrations were elevated after the 30-m sprint, there were no differences between groups or as a result of DOMS. The greatest acceleration occurred between 5 and 10 m. This was not affected by the anti-inflammatory drug or DOMS. In conclusion, the aetiology of the DOMS induced in the trained subjects in this study seems to be independent of inflammatory processes or, more specifically, of increases in prostaglandin synthesis in the muscles.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the metabolic demand and extent of muscle damage of eccentric cycling targeting knee flexor (FLEX) and knee extensor (EXT) muscles. Methods: Eight sedentary men (23.3?±?0.7?y) underwent two eccentric cycling sessions (EXT and FLEX) of 30?min each, at 60% of the maximum power output. Oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate (HR) and rated perceived exertion (RPE) were measured during cycling. Countermovement and squat jumps (CMJ and SJ), muscle flexibility, muscle soreness and pain pressure threshold (PPT) of knee extensor and flexor muscles were measured before, immediately after and 1–4 days after cycling. Results: FLEX showed greater VO2 (+23%), HR (+14%) and RPE (+18%) than EXT. CMJ and SJ performance decreased similarly after cycling. Muscle soreness increased more after EXT than FLEX and PPT decreased in knee extensor muscles after EXT and decreased in knee flexor muscles after FLEX. Greater loss of muscle flexibility in knee flexor muscles after FLEX was observed. Conclusion: Eccentric cycling of knee flexor muscles is metabolically more demanding than that of knee extensors, however muscle damage induced is similar. Knee flexors experienced greater loss of muscle flexibility possibly due to increased muscle stiffness following eccentric contractions.  相似文献   

Delayed-onset muscle soreness refers to the skeletal muscle pain that is experienced following eccentric exercise. The aim of the present study was to examine the physiological effects of physical activity with or without ibuprofen on delayed onset muscle soreness. Forty-four non-athletic male volunteers (age 24.3 +/- 2.4 years) were randomly assigned to one of four groups: physical activity (n = 11), ibuprofen (n = 11), physical activity and ibuprofen (combination, n = 11), or control (n = 11). The physical activity programme comprised 5 min of walking and jogging, 10 min of static stretching of the hands and shoulder girdle, and 5 min of concentric movements with sub-maximal contractions. The total amount of ibuprofen consumed by a single individual was 2800 mg; this was taken from 1 h before the eccentric actions up to 48 h after it. Delayed onset muscle soreness was induced by performing 70 eccentric contractions of the biceps muscle of the non-dominant side on a modified arm curl machine. Perceived muscle soreness, maximal eccentric contraction, creatine kinase enzyme activity and elbow range of motion were assessed 1 h before and 1, 24 and 48 h after the eccentric actions. The results indicated that, after the eccentric actions, soreness increased (P < 0.001) across time in all groups, with the highest values being recorded at 24 h. At 24 and 48 h, greater soreness (P < 0.001) was observed in the control group than in the physical activity and combination groups. After the eccentric actions, creatine kinase increased and was elevated (P < 0.001) compared with baseline in all groups, with values returning to baseline in the physical activity and combination groups by 48 h. However, creatine kinase in the control and ibuprofen groups was still significantly higher than at baseline after 48 h. Creatine kinase was higher (P < 0.001) in the control group than in physical activity and combination groups at 24 and 48 h. There was also a reduction (P < 0.001) in elbow range of motion across time. This reduction in elbow range of motion was greater (P < 0.001) in the control and ibuprofen groups than in the physical activity and combination groups at 1, 24 and 48 h. The reduction in maximum eccentric contraction was greater (P < 0.001) in the control and ibuprofen groups than in the physical activity group at 24 and 48 h and the combination group at 48 h. In conclusion, the results add to our understanding of the effects of physical activity and the combination of physical activity and ibuprofen in reducing the severity of muscle soreness induced by eccentric exercise. Physical activity conducted before eccentric exercise alleviates muscle soreness. Our results indicate that physical activity with or without ibuprofen helps to prevent delayed-onset muscle soreness.  相似文献   

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