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浙江省一直很重视通用技术学科,也是唯一将"通用技术和信息技术"列为"7选3"高考选考科目的省份。根据浙江省人民政府于2014年9月9日发布的《浙江省深化高校考试招生制度综合改革试点方案》:从2014年新入学的高一年级学生开始,实行统一高考和高中学业水平考试(以下简称高中学考)相结合,考生自主确定选考科目,高校确定专业选考科目及其他选拔条件要求,综合评价,择优  相似文献   

近些年来,美国各州和地方教育部门对高中教育进行了多项改革,如设立“特许学校”、“凭证学校”,公立高中私人经营等,收到了一定的成效。其中高中生的双入学制度,更引人注目。一、双入学制度的概念美国的双入学制度,是批准学生在高中的后两年,在不影响正常学习的同时,攻读高等学校的部分专业课程。高中毕业时,可以同时取得高中毕业文凭和高校的学分。获得高校学  相似文献   

论文首先对日本入学制度的现状进行了概括和总结,列举了"大学入学中心考试"和"各高校自主考试"相结合模式的主要内容及其特点;其次,通过对日本入学制度现状的分析,提出了对我国高校招生考试制度在考试科目、统考制度、自主招生、推荐保送等方面改革的有益启示。  相似文献   

黑龙江省日前印发深化考试招生制度改革实施方案,该省将从2018年秋季新入学的高中一年级学生开始,启动实施高考综合改革,2021年将进行首次新高考。根据方案,在考试科目与分值上,保持统一高考的语文、数学、外语科目不变、分值不变,不分文理科。计入总成绩的高中学业水平考试科目,由考  相似文献   

近些年来,美国各州和地方教育部门对高中教育进行了多项改革,如设立“特许学校”,“凭证学校”,公立高中私人经营等,收到了一定的成效。其中高中生的双入学制度,特别引人注目。 一、双入学制度的概念 美国的双入学制度,是指学生在高中的后两年,在不影响正常学习的同时,申请攻读高等学校的部分专业课程,考试合格,即可获得学分。高中毕业时,可以同时取得高中毕业文凭和高校的学分。获得高校学分的高中生,录取到高校后,可免修相关课程,既减轻了学费负担,又缩短了受教育年限,高校也因此扩大了办学规模,提高了办学效益。双入学…  相似文献   

如果说,在中国教育领域有什么改革是“牵一发而动全身”的话,那么高考必定是其中一项。党的十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》关于高校招生考试改革主要有以下几点:推进考试招生制度改革,探索招生和考试相对分离、学生考试多次选择、学校依法自主招生、专业机构组织实施、政府宏观管理、社会参与监督的运行机制。加快推进职业院校分类招考或注册入学。逐步推行普通高校基于统一高考和高中学业水平考试成绩的综合评价多元录取机制。探索全国统考减少科目、不分文理科、外语等科目社会化考试一年多考。  相似文献   

为了进一步“推进高校基于统一高考和高中学业水平考试成绩的综合评价择优录取制度”,扩大高校自主权,增加考试灵活性,文章参考韩国在高校招生方面的经验,以及他们的“入学面试官制度“定时”“随时”二元化招生体系的实施过程,为我国高校招生制度改革提供一些思考和借鉴.  相似文献   

天津市教育局决定于1987年暑假后入学的高一年级开始实行全市统一高中结业会考。从1990年起,高校招生实行相关科目的考试。方案是: 从1987—1988年度高一年级开始,全市高中不再实行文理分科。高中会考,将严格按照国家教委颁发的教学大纲  相似文献   

杨倩 《中国高教研究》2022,(2):29-34+41
公平、适切与卓越是高考科目改革的三大价值目标。在改革过程中,部分学生期望通过弃考物理来增加大学入学机会,导致物理选考人数下降,对个体未来职业发展与国家科技人才培养造成不利影响。利用相关数据探讨弃考物理是否有助于提升入学机会,发现选考理科科目的入学机会均高于选考文科科目,其中尤以物理的机会最高。同时,低学业成绩、农村、薄弱学校的学生以及女生对理科的逃避将会加重他们在入学机会竞争中的弱势地位。因此,高考科目改革应注重动态、量化考察不同群体学生的选考科目偏好以及高等教育机会分化状况,并通过建立系统的高中学校升学指导机制、加强高校招生改革等促进学生理性选择高考科目,推进高考改革三大价值目标的实现。  相似文献   

正2014年9月4日,《国务院关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》公布。这是当前和今后一个时期指导考试招生制度改革的纲领性文件,标志着新一轮考试招生制度改革全面启动。一、外语可考两次,考生可自选优势科目计入总分此次考试招生制度改革在高考考试科目设置方面,考生总成绩由统一高考的语文、数学、外语3个科目成绩和高中学业水平考试3个科目成绩组成。保持统一高考的语文、数学、外语科目不变、分值不变,不分文理科,外语科目提供两次考试机会。计入总成绩的高中学业水平考试科目,由考生根据报考高校要求和自改革之后,高考怎么考  相似文献   

How L.A.T.E. it was, how L.A.T.E.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The London Association for the Teaching of English is a subject group that was founded in 1947 to ‘provide a live forum for the exchange of ideas, and to undertake the practical study of problems connected with the teaching of English’. The early history of this Association, its influence on the development of English pedagogy and practice is the subject of my current PhD research. Within this work are key questions about the nature of subject English, the curriculum, and the ways in which members of a subject community work together to effect change. This article gives some background to the research project, and begins to point towards some potentially important questions about the subject and ways of working together. After two decades of top down, centralised government initiatives around English pedagogy, curriculum and assessment, and teachers’ professional development, these questions are worth addressing.  相似文献   

在新课程理念下,教学过程本身在本质上已经发生了重大变化,教学过程追求的是一种对话、沟通、理解和创新.体育课的教学必须在新的体育教学观念的指导下,树立"健康第一"的教学设计理念,创设多元化的教学环境,努力体现对学生智力、体力、情感以及创新精神和实践能力的培养,调动学生的内在因素,促进其全面发展,可持续性发展.  相似文献   

This article suggests a device that counselors may use as a reference for bridging the gap between counseling theory and technique. Cognitive development theory provides the basis for understanding a single transaction between counselor and client. The acronyms FACTS and CRACKS suggest the structural dynamics taking place within the client's cognitive field as the counselor performs in two different stages of the counseling process.  相似文献   

Project R.A.C.E.     

Learning by doing may not be the most effective strategy for teaching environmental problem-solving skills. A survey of Michigan educators indicates that of the teaching strategies listed, case studies and talking about what others do to solve environmental problems are the most important. The implications of building familiarity with environmental issues and solutions from a variety of examples are discussed, and an explanation for the reported low success of classroom action projects is presented.  相似文献   

This design experiment in prayer education for Jewish students was motivated by a current educational concern: educating for spirituality and religious practice. Educators are tasked with formally nurturing spirituality (Wright 2001). It is known that attitude to religious observance may change during adolescence (Hyde 1963), thus attitude to prayer needs attention. The effects/consequences of prayer understanding reach beyond religious practice itself, to encompass issues of faith, identity, spiritual development and well-being (Sigel 2009). Here quantitative and qualitative analysis is used to measure the effects of a tefillah (prayer and its understanding) course on student attitudes to prayer.  相似文献   

There are preservice and in-service workshops from which participants leave saying, Thank goodness that ordeal is over, and others from which participants leave invigorated and anxious to try new ideas and activities in their classrooms. The key to the successful preservice and in-service is staff input in the planning process.Sharon Wooden is Professor and Nancy Baptiste is CDA Program Coordinator and Instructor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.  相似文献   

Motherhood is a complex experience that can be transformative, offering women opportunities for personal enrichment and spiritual development. Because the largest incidence of births occurs to women in the Millennial or late Generation X generations, this complex, potentially transformative experience occurs at a critical time in young adult women's identity development, making it both the content and context of their quest to live a meaningful and integrated life. A richly re-imagined religious education can fashion a context in which young adult women might perceive their experiences of motherhood as an invitation to spiritual growth.  相似文献   

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