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作者从王国维的基本学术观和其主要的治学方法两方面阐述和评析了王国维的治学思想及其现代价值.  相似文献   

文章概要地叙述了王国维不断追求新境界的治学历程和认真严谨的治学精神。指出在我国近代学术史上,王国维是深受新老学者推崇的大家,他的丰硕的研究成果将永载史册。  相似文献   

试从王国维的治学方法、个人努力、家传绝学、义结学友、身逢变世等方面,简要分析王国维能够取得辉煌成就的原因。从王国维治学方法的独特性,进而说明他的成就与其笃志努力、深厚的家学渊源密不可分,也与当时混乱时代新材料的发现有很大的关系。  相似文献   

王国维对近代学术的创建作出了重大的贡献。他的治学理念概括起来大致包括以下几点:严谨塌实,注重客观;讲究悟性,追求创新;因地制宜,深入浅出。王国维系统的治学理念给后人以深刻的启迪。  相似文献   

王国维在《教育小言十则》中通过分析当时思想环境下的治学现状,论证了当时的国人并不悦学,治学只是获得功名利禄的手段,只以经世致用为要。他认为出现这种治学问题的原因在于客观层面的"日之暮"与"人之老",以及主观层面的"意志之薄弱"。为了国家发展与民族振兴,王国维呼吁要重视治学,从治学之要、治学之法、治学之用三个维度为我国现阶段的治学环境优化提供了有益镜鉴。  相似文献   

王国维一生治学领域几经转迁 ,这是一个不争的事实 ;而他的治学方向一转再转的动因何在 ,至今仍是一个众说纷纭 ,莫执一是的话题。文章通过梳理王国维的治学经历 ,发现其学术选向与其人生目的和文化理想的形成与实践过程之间有着十分密切的联系。而在其人生目的和文化理想的形成过程中 ,传统意识———尤其是“忧世”观念和怀疑精神起了非常重要的作用  相似文献   

王国维一生中曾有过三次治学途径的转变,都与中国当时的时代背景密不可分。甲午中日战争使得王国维从旧学转向新学所重视的理科,因病从日本归国后又从理学转向文学与哲学,辛亥革命使得王国维从文学与哲学转向史学研究。当然,这些转变也有王国维自身性格方面的因素。  相似文献   

1982年9月21日,著名史学家吴泽教授来我校向历史系师生作了题为《王国维史学研究述评》的学术报告,就王国维的学术成就、治学方法及研究其史学的目的和现状等问题发表了自己的见解。他在概括介绍王国维在哲学、文学、戏曲、美学、古文字学等多方面的成果后,着重论述了王国维在史学特别是殷周史方面的重大成就及其意义。吴泽  相似文献   

王国维是国内外享有盛誉的一代国学大师,尤其以史学成就为盛,这与他以学术为性命,勤勉严谨的治学态度和学无中西、学无古今、提倡“二重证据法”治学方法是密不可分的。郭沫若称之为“新史学的开山”。  相似文献   

王国维的《人间词话》,在中国近代学批评史上具有崇高的地位。对于王国维的治学业绩,尤其是词论,一直是学界研究的课题。仅以数侧为例予以评说,就足以窥见《人间词话》丰富而深邃的内涵以及王国维对与之相关的词学问题精辟独到的识见。  相似文献   

胡德海教授在教育学基本理论的研究方面造诣精深,成就卓著。在长期的教育研究实践中,他形成并提出了"先立乎其大者"的治学原则论,"功夫在诗外"的治学基础论,"先沉思而后言说"的治学路径论,"辩证统一"的治学思维论,"被社会、教育事业所需要"的治学目的论等一系列治学思想。梳理和挖掘其治学思想,对教育研究具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

在置身于社会转型时期和商业气息日益浓烈的当代背景下,作为以理论特性极为鲜明的学术研究自然无法同像眼球经济之类的东西相提并论,但也不能由此就对学术研究的存在价值和现实意义予以否决,而不少学术研究的价值与意义业已在经济发展的深入、文化建设的展开、和谐社会的构建中得到越来越深刻的凸显,并逐步为社会各界所认同和接纳,便是一种非常有力的证据。本文就正是通过对学术专著《妇女与太平天国》的具体评价,来发掘学术研究的显在价值和隐性意义,借以唤起人们对学术研究的重视和对理论的再认。  相似文献   

张舜徽先生在其著作中,有许多论及读书与治学的心得经验,极可珍贵。但以《说文解字》为中心,对此略作探讨,期待能够有裨于我们今天的学术研究。  相似文献   

Research self-efficacy, imposter phenomenon, and scholarly productivity were explored among a sample of 247 counselor educators. In most cases, feeling like an imposter hindered scholarly productivity; however, the interaction of a moderate to frequent amount of imposter feelings with high research self-efficacy increased scholarly productivity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe published scholarly and research work to determine the extent to which they contributed to the physical education reform during 2000–2010 in China. Using an analytical reasoning approach, we analyzed 730 scholarly articles on K–12 physical education published in the 6 top kinesiology scholarly journals. Both conceptual synthesis and statistical reasoning approaches were used in the analysis. It is clear that variation in the number of empirical research fluctuated corresponding in time to important decisions made by the central government. The number of empirical research declined sharply after the central government published its initial guidelines for K–12 physical education. Statistical evidence suggests that empirical research should have made more contribution to formulating the new 2012 guidelines.  相似文献   

参考文献在学术期刊审稿中的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
参考文献是学术论文的一个重要组成部分,它不仅是作者严谨的学术精神的体现,而且是评价论文学术水平的一个重要依据。学术期刊的编辑应充分重视参考文献在稿件鉴审中的作用.并结合实际情况和文章的具体内容,寻根溯源,从中找出有用的信息,对文章质量作出较为准确的评价。  相似文献   

Preservice teachers enrolled in the first portion of an undergraduate education program at the Florida State University were assigned to develop case studies based on their experience working in local elementary schools. The case studies were to include research from the scholarly literature of the field using a rubric developed by the instructor for evaluating sources. After inadequate results were recorded from the initial semester's projects, the course instructor paired with a liaison librarian to provide a workshop to improve the use of scholarly resources in the following semester's class. This article reports on a citation analysis of student bibliographies from the two classes, finding that the number of scholarly resources cited increased significantly when the librarian's presentation accompanied the use of the instructor's rubric. The results affirm earlier research that a combination of library instruction and clear faculty-established guidelines and requirements for the use of scholarly resources results in increased quality of student research.  相似文献   

In this study, counselor educators responded to a survey about their scholarly productivity over a 3‐year period. Their involvement in 7 scholarly activities is reported by category and by type of institution, tenure status, academic rank, and gender. Using a more comprehensive definition of scholarly productivity, this study documents that counselor educators are involved in a much broader, more diversified spectrum of scholarly activities than prior studies of scholarly productivity have indicated. Implications for tenure and promotion decisions, along with recommendations for training and mentoring of future counselor educators as well as future directions for research, are discussed.  相似文献   

宗白华的美学研究具有雍容、灵动与洒脱的学术风格,这种风格被称为“散步美学”;散步美学的主要方法论特征是直觉与逻辑的统一,在对中国艺术意境的描述与阐释中,宗白华具体而娴熟地运用了这一方法;这一方法之所以出现在宗白华的美学研究中,主要是因为宗白华不仅有丰富的东西方艺术体验与修养,而且还有将东西方文化与艺术“渗合融化”的理想、视野与实践。让人怅惘的是,散步美学的方法虽令人向往却无从摹仿。  相似文献   

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