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高颖 《中学生英语》2005,(12):18-18
雅典奥运会已降下帷幕,北京奥运会也为期不远。北京该如何超越雅典,中学生各有各的看法.  相似文献   

雅典奥运会已降下帷幕,北京奥运会也为期不远。北京该如何超越雅典,中学生各有各的看法。Although the Athens Games are over ,Chinese teenagers’passion(热情)for the Olympics has not faded(减退).W hile busy preparing for the new semester in the first week backat school,many youngsters have started to wonder what Beijing can learn from Athens.“I was am azed by the fantastic(极好的)opening ceremony from the moment it began,”said She Fei,a Senior 2 boy from Beijing Huiwen H igh School.He represent…  相似文献   

With increased focus on sustainability and socioscientific issues, dealing with issues related to citizenship is now seen as an important element of science education. However, in order to make the world a better place, mere understanding about socioscientific issues is not enough. Action must also be taken. In this study, 35 international gifted students—potential scientists—aged 15–19 were interviewed to investigate what they were doing to make the world a better place. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis with focus on students’ actions toward a better world, their rationalizations for such actions, and the role of science in the rationalizations. The analysis shows that students consciously take a wide range of actions, and that they see citizenship as a process of constant self-development. The three categories created to highlight the variation in the ways students take action were personally responsible actions, participatory actions, and preparing for future. Although many students saw that science and scientists play a big role in solving especially the environmental problems, most of them also discussed the structural causes for problems, as well as the interplay of social, economic, and political forces. The results indicate that citizenship science education should take the variety of students’ actions into consideration, give students the possibility to take individual and participatory action, as well as give students opportunities to get to know and discuss the ways a career in science or engineering can contribute to saving the world.  相似文献   

Males outperform females in the Mental Rotation Test (MRT) for biological, strategic and cultural reasons. The present research tested a motivational explanation with the hypothesis that females could do better when induced to have positive beliefs and expectations. All-female and all-male samples were divided into six groups, each having listened to different instructions: 1. men are better than women at this task; 2. women are better than men; 3. control instructions with no gender reference. Each group was further allocated to either the easy or the difficult task expectations condition. Experimental manipulation affected performance differently in relation to gender. Women's performance was affected by positive instructions about gender. Men were affected by instructions about the task difficulty. Women improved performance and reached men's scores in the MRT when they were led to believe they were better than men.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the results from a study that assessed confidence together with scales measuring self-belief – i.e., self-efficacy, different kinds of self-concepts, and anxiety – among the 15-year old students from Singapore. A distinct confidence factor was identified in the domains of mathematics (N = 1940) and English (N = 1786). Our results show that confidence is: a) a robust individual differences dimension; b) that can be combined with accuracy information to obtain bias scores that may be useful for group comparisons and for identification of misconceptions about particular topics. Confidence as studied in our work to date has been c) the best predictor of achievement in both mathematics and English; d) is related to both cognitive and self-belief measures; and e) it captures much of the predictive variance of other self-beliefs that are, in turn, among the best known predictors of achievement.  相似文献   

英语中,morethan和lessthan的使用频率相当高,用法也较为复杂。笔者在此将其分别归类,以供同学们在学习中参考。一、morethan1.morethan可放在数词之前,意为“超过;不止;以上”,用于此意义时可与over互换使用。例如:Altogethermorethan70percentofthesurfaceofourplanetiscov鄄eredbywater.整体说来,我们这个星球表面有70%以上都为水所覆盖。2.morethan可放在名词之前,表示“不只是;不仅仅”。例如:Hibernationismorethansleep.冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。Bambooisusedformorethanbuilding.竹子不只是用于建筑。3.morethan用于形容词或副词前,作“…  相似文献   

英语中,more than和less than的使用频率相当高,用法也较为复杂。笔者在此将其分别归类,以供同学们在学习中参考。  相似文献   

一、more than的用法1.(指数量)多于I’ve known him for more than twenty years.我已认识他20多年了。  相似文献   

1.Go along zhongshan road,and turn right at the second crossing.co across the bridge(L.65)  相似文献   

亲爱的同学们,在未来的社会里,合作越来越重要。每天,我们都在相互帮助。在本单元的学习中,你们将再次感到①在生活中受人帮助的欣慰和帮助别人的兴奋之情;②学会用英语问路;③能熟练的运用句型询问和指点方向。  相似文献   

在中学教材中,orher than,rarher than,better than及more than,no mo此than, not more than等常常出现,学生们对它们的用法也常常馄淆不清,特别是它们出现 在题目中时,更是让学生们感到头痛。请看下面四个选择题: 1 .1 think your sister 15 old enough to know_to spend习1 her money on beautiful dresses. A .other than B.rather than C.better rhan D.more than 2 .What a wonder!They’ve finished—35%of the task within one week· A .no more than B.no less than C.not more than D.mueh less than 3 .The strange…  相似文献   

在新编的中学英语教材中,more than与more…than多次出现,其用法与含义却不尽相同,本文主要谈谈如何判断其词义。1.当more than后接数词时,意思是“多过”“超过”“……以上。”相当于over,可与over换用。如:Between 1975 and 1980 morethan 1.2mil,lion trees were planted.(SBI,L18)在1975年到1980年期间一共种植了120万株树。Altogether the centre lost more than 1,000trees in the huricane.(SBⅡ,L43)这个中心在飓风中总共损失了1000多株树。But it will be more than 100 years beforethe country begins once again to look as didbefore.(SBⅡ,L43)不过,这个国家要想恢复到以前那样,得要100多年。  相似文献   

this和that它既可用作形容词,又可用作代词。其用法灵活,现归纳如下: 1.this意思为“这;这个”,指较近的人或物;that意思为“那;那个”,指较远的人或物。例如: This is Li Ping and that is Wei Fang.这是李平,那是魏芳。This is a pen and that is a pencil.这是一支钢笔,那是一支铅笔。  相似文献   

No more than与Not more than@田温  相似文献   

慎用had better     
had better在一般的英汉词典及语法书中解释为"最好,最好还是",表示说话者的一种建议,语气听起来并非不友好,因此常常听到中国学生使用它。可是他们和外籍教师对话时,当说到"You'd better do this."或"You'd better do that."时,外教要么脸上露出不悦,要么问学生"Are you a teach-  相似文献   

not more than与not less than、no more than与no less than用法极易混淆。下面试用对比方法给以归纳,希望能给同学们一点帮助。一、与基数词连用1.not more than“顶多”、“不多于”(=at most),只说明事实。2.not less than“至少”、“不少于”(=at least),只说明事实。例如:  相似文献   

<正>在英语学习中,我们时常会面临一些词或词组的比较和辨析,以求使用时更准确,更符合英语使用习惯。下面我们就rather than与rather...than的用法加以分析。  相似文献   

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