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Hello, everybody, and welcome to my grammar clinic. Dear Carbon Emissions, Thank you very much for your e-mail. Of course, I would be delighted to help you with your question. As we saw last month, an abstract noun is a noun that often refers to a quality, a state, a concept, or a feeling--things that don't have any physical existence. For example:  相似文献   

While many of these work transitions involve following a dream or a calling. you don't want to get caught up in the romance of it all. "There is a blitheness that all you have to do is embrace your passion and the rest happens magically," Freedman says. "It's not that easy. You don't open the doors to your bed-and-breakfast and the cheering crowds arrive." Here are six key steps to planning your next career.  相似文献   

Lerrn to Change     
If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view. By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive to follow through on your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance.  相似文献   

(一)环球英语新闻:睡眠有助于巩固记忆If you believe that when you go to sleep your brain takes a rest,you are wrong—it actually strengthens the memories of events that take place during the day. Researchers in the United States have carried out a study and found while you sleep,your brain remains  相似文献   

Bank: Hello, you have reached the Mainstay Bank. For enquiries regarding your bank account please dial 1. For information on our pension scheme, dial 2. For all other enquiries, please hold the line. [music playing] Please hold the line. A member of our banking team will attend to you in just a minute. You are about to be connected to a member of our customer services team. Please note that for the purposes of stafftraining and quality control this call may be recorded.  相似文献   

阅读下面的文章,并按要求完成后面的阅读理解任务。You must have a positive mental attitude to make life pay off on your own terms.Nothing great has ever been achieved without PMA Recognize that your mental attitude is the only thing over which you—and only you—have complete control.Exercise that control,and direct it by using PMA.Learn to close the door of your mind on all failures from your past.Clear your mind of any in-  相似文献   

Across 2: This type of injury causes damage to your neck because the car has stoppedsuddenly = a whi injury 5: A toy that looks like a person and that has strings that control it = a pu  相似文献   

Stress is a problem for everyone, young or old, But when you are a teenager it might feel like the world is on your shoulders, You have to go through many life-changing experiences: your body changes, your mind changes and you might feel all grown-up, and yet you are still treated like a child by your parents and teachers, With all these problems facina you it is easy to become stressed!  相似文献   

Whoever you are, please take out your wallet and count how many plastic cards you've stored up. Several? Just as I expected. None? Go home and search your drawers, surely you'll come by some old ones discarded in the corner^1. Even a college student is bound to^2 have one bankcard to pay his educational-fee with. There is no exaggeration in saying that cards have penetrated into every aspect of our life to the extent of enslaving us^3.  相似文献   

Virgo处女座(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)You feel like you're not getting a fair deal these days-whether it's with your parents or with your teachers. It's easy to blame[责备] others, but have you considered that you might be causing some of the drama? You probably have a good reason to feel so moody[喜怒无], so try dealing with that issue head-on[正面的] instead of taking it out on other people. They'll appreciate it and you'll feel a lot lessguilty[难受的].  相似文献   

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