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政治家办报被认为是中国当代新闻学最重要、最富特色的核心概念之一。认识政治家办报,要从德性和战略层次的高度进行衡量与分析。韦伯、毛泽东这两位一西一中的政治学者、政治家都使用过"群众政治家"的概念。对这个概念的发掘,第一次让我们认识到,政治家办报思想中"政治家"的真正内涵和"高标"要求。韦伯对以新闻工作者为代表的群众政治家的论述启示我们:既要弘扬志业政治家的审慎德性,又要坚持群众政治家的"直接诉求民意认可"的路线。毛泽东也要求,开展新闻宣传工作时应该坚守审慎观念和群众性原则。毛泽东新闻思想从本质上看就是政治新闻学思想,这种从政治视角要求的新闻学,以政治家办报思想为代表,具有崭新的德性内涵和方法论意义,集中体现了政治审慎智慧。政治家办报是革命的政治家办报、志业政治家办报,它与其说是新闻学概念,不如说是政治学概念,是田野政治学之一种。  相似文献   

“政治家办报”是毛泽东在和吴冷西的两次谈话中分别提出的。 究竟如何理解毛泽东的“政治家办报”?这恐怕还要从特定的历史“语境”出发。历史地看,毛泽东的“政治家办报”的核心内容在于:报纸是政治家从事政治活动的工具,办报要想政治家之所想,急政治家之所急.跟上政治家的思想和步伐. 政治家办报不仅体现在办报者的思想意识、价值取向、是非判断等主观世界中,而且体现于报刊的选题、选材、标题、版面等采编工作中。  相似文献   

闫伊默 《传媒》2021,(12):94-96
《拂晓报》是有着光荣革命传统的党和人民的报纸,在烽火岁月的光辉办报历程中,坚持党性和人民性原则,形成了党和人民之间的血肉联系.本文重温《拂晓报》办报思想,明确党的新闻工作者要"坚持党性与人民性相统一",强化党管媒体和党管意识形态,坚定不移地做到"两个维护",坚持正确政治方向和政治家办报、办刊、办台、办网,推动"全党办报""群众办报",树立"以人民为中心"的工作导向.  相似文献   

"政治家办报",是毛泽东同志提出的一个重要思想。1957年6月,毛泽东在同胡乔木和即将接任人民日报总编辑的吴冷西谈话时说:"写文章尤其是社论,一定要从政治上总揽全局,紧密结合政治形势,这叫做政治家办报。"1959年6月,毛泽东对吴冷西谈话时,再次强调了"搞新闻工作,要政治家办报"。  相似文献   

"健笔终存天地间":论邓拓与书生办报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1957年和1958年,毛泽东两次对邓拓和<人民日报>进行了严厉的批评,指斥邓拓为"书生办报".因为在毛泽东看来,"书生办报"和他在此时期所认可的"政治家办报"出现了相悖.本文清理了"书生办报的内涵"、"邓拓书生办报的发展"和"对邓拓书生办报的沉思",指出邓拓的书生办报的内核是强烈的责任感、求真精神、为民立言意识和理想情怀,并肯定了邓拓书生办报的历史意义.  相似文献   

新闻战线十四期发表了莫烦、艾崗同志所写的“略谈政治家办报”一文,我认为这确实是改进党报工作、提高党报质量的一个重要问题。这个问题所以重要,是因为报纸是党联系广大群众的一个重要工具和桥梁,报纸办得好或者不好,正如莫烦、艾崗同志所说,它的影响都是很大的。要把报纸办得好,除了党委的政治领导和具体帮助之外,更经常更直接的因素在于党报工作者本身的政治质量。从当前绝大多数的党报工作者的政治思想情况看来,政治家办报思想和书生办报思想是兼而有之的,但有程度的差别。有些同志是政治家办报的思想多一点,书生办报的思想少一点;另一些同志却是书生办报的思想多一点,政治家办报的思想少一点。在对一个具体的党的方针、政策理解上,或者对一个具体的实际  相似文献   

唐跃培 《当代传播》2007,(6):135-136
自从1957年毛泽东提出"政治家办报"后,几十年来,新闻界、学术界对此有不少论述.本文对"政治家办报"的内涵及实现途径进行了一些探讨,以期引起大家更深入的研究与思考.  相似文献   

第一、要坚持“政治家办报”原则。毛泽东同志早就提出了“政治家办报”的思想,要求办报的人一定要有政治头脑,要有敏锐的政治鉴别力和深邃的政治洞察力。  相似文献   

"史家办报"思想探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中国近代新闻事业中,"史家办报"思想一直占据很重要的地位,但学界对"史家办报"的思想内涵还缺乏深入的探讨.本文结合史家传统和史量才的办报活动对"史家办报"思想内涵作了具体分析,将其概括为报纸应该对历史负责、独立办报、办报的目的在于致用等三个方面,有助于深化对"史家办报"的理解.  相似文献   

众所周知,"政治家办报"是毛泽东同志于1959年6月提出的。"政治家办报",就是要求新闻工作者应该具有政治家的素质。何为政治家素养,即办报要有敏锐的政治头脑、犀利的政治眼光、高明的判断能力。特别是在大是大非面前,在纷繁复杂的社会政治思潮和现象面前,要能够一下子抓住主要矛盾、明辨是非,能够把握正确的政治方向。  相似文献   

The following article is primarily addressed to members of the Physiological Society, and is intended to explain the reasons for the changes in presentation of the Physiological Society journals. However, it is of much wider interest, and we are delighted to publish it in our series on the response of learned societies to electronic publishing possibilities.  相似文献   

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy for improving profitability by focusing on customer needs and creating an attentive relationship with the customer. It involves a personalized and interactive approach for the entire customer lifecycle. Successful implementation of a CRM approach requires changes in organization structure, culture, and skills, as well as front‐ and back‐office information systems. CRM is a hot topic at the moment, and the marketplace of ‘CRM solutions’ is rife with confusing jargon, grandiose claims, and marketing hyperbole. This article attempts to explain what CRM actually is (and isn't), and provides some suggestions for how you should approach CRM for your business.  相似文献   

The author re-examines the concepts in the light of “digital literacy” to determine the problems, tasks and fields of common interest. He reviews the government actions in Japan in providing access to digital knowledge and in creating information literacy, such as schools, higher education, life-long education, etc. He explores which findings in recent developments in Japan can be of common interest and shared with other advanced, as well as developing countries. Finally, possibilities for future international co-operation are discussed.  相似文献   

曾三同志是新中国档案事业的开创者、领导者.他一贯重视档案理论,坚持用档案理论指导档案工作实践.他为新中国档案事业的创建和档案学理论建设都做出了历史性的伟大贡献.  相似文献   

Traditional premises in archival theory and practice hold that archival records are authentic as to procedure and impartial as to creation because they are created as a means for, and as a by-product of, action, and not for the sake of posterity. Such Positivist assumptions about the nature of records have come under sustained scrutiny in the archival literature over the past decade. The post-Positivist view of records embraces the record as a socially constructed and maintained entity. This paper situates itself within this new paradigm in an exploration of the beginning of the life of the record. It is therefore concerned with the creator (or recorder) and the social construction of the record. In expanding beyond a purely administrative- and juridical-based theory of records, this paper draws upon research from other disciplines, such as sociology, in order to place records and record keeping within a framework that allows for an understanding of their social nature. In particular, the goal is to determine the underlying social factors that directly influence and shape the creation and keeping of records and to begin to understand how these factors manifest themselves in the construction of the record.  相似文献   

新闻传播史体系的三维空间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张昆 《新闻大学》2007,3(2):30-35
新闻传播史呈现给人们的总体印象是一个完整、混沌的系统结构。要将新闻传播史的研究推向深入,必须对这一混沌的整体进行解析。合理的解析是将其细分为三个层次或子系统:新闻传播事业、新闻传播制度、新闻传播观念。它们彼此依赖,相辅相成。其中,新闻传播事业始终是最活跃、最积极的因素;新闻传播制度则相对地比较滞后,具有一定的持久性、适应性和稳定性;新闻传播观念虽然是主体对于新闻传播实践的能动的反映,但是科学的观念能转化成物质的力量,成为新闻传播事业、新闻传播制度设计的指南。要解构披着历史外衣的政治与社会神话,必须建构起新闻传播事业、新闻传播制度和新闻传播观念彼此交融的统一的三维历史空间。  相似文献   

The Internet and the rise of e‐Science alter the conditions for scholarly communication. In signing declarations against open access mandates, society publishers indicate that they feel most threatened by the emergence of institutional repositories and the self‐archiving mandates that these make possible. More attention should be paid to the impact of e‐Science, the rise of Internet‐based guild publishers, and the entrance of players from the new economy. Society journals should stop aspiring to such functions as registration and archiving and should shed electronic dissemination, while enhancing certification and investing in (new) navigation services.  相似文献   

Attitudes and approaches toward the collection, use, and care of color photographs have evolved enormously since the official arrival of commercially viable color photographic processes in the early twentieth century. This article traces the evolution of collection, exhibition, and preservation practices for works of art in color photography over the last few decades, as represented by one institution, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.  相似文献   

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