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陈利军 《体育世界》2014,(12):108-109
正面双手原地前掷实心球是一项技术性很强的投掷项目,在练习和体质测试中往往见到不少学生由于身体素质较弱,再加上没有正确掌握实心球投掷技巧,成绩不是那么理想。那么如何提高投掷实心球的成绩呢?通过为期9年(3个循环教学)对我校学生原地双手前掷实心球的教学研究、训练实践中摸索出一点体会,并进行本研究,得出结论:1)反弓训练是双手原地前掷实心球教学的基础,他能够保证以后出手速度和出手角度操作的可行性也让学生对双手头上前掷实心球有个准确的切入点,大幅度的提高了学生投掷实心球兴趣与能力。2)根据人体肌肉用力特点和原地双手前掷实心球的投掷工作原理,从学生了的视角给出了一些双手头上前掷实心球超越器械形成满弓的训练方法,旨在抛砖引玉,与同行进行探讨,为学校体育教学的进步提出参考性的意见。  相似文献   

原地双手头上前掷实心球是一项考察学生身体协调性及爆发力的测试项目,本文通过分析原地双手头上前掷实心球的技术动作,并借助不同器材设计相应肌肉群的力量训练方法,通过身体的协调性及肌肉力量的提高来有效提升原地双手头上前掷实心球成绩。  相似文献   

<正>原地双手头上前掷实心球项目是初中体育与健康课的主要内容之一,也是体育中考中常见的素质考试项目。通过教学实践,笔者发现学生在掷实心球时,最后用力阶段时有"后  相似文献   

原地正面双手头上前掷实心球于2010年被江苏省体育高考新方案确定为必测四项身体素质之一。至今实心球依然是很多考生的薄弱项目,据历年成绩显示,实心球较其他三项素质得分率偏低,大多数考生只能拿到及格分数。笔者将从考生的实心球技术学练、专项身体素质训练等方面展开讨论,总结原地正面双手头上前掷实心球的学练方法。  相似文献   

杨灿荣 《中华武术》2010,(11):12-13
原地双手头上掷实心球,是人们在各种投掷运动基础上提炼发展起来的一种特殊形式的投掷方式。练习原地双手头上掷实心球,对于增强肩带、上下肢和腰腹部肌肉力量都有良好的作用。近年来,随着教学改革的不断深入,在现在的体育课教学中,实心球已经替代了以往的铅球教学,  相似文献   

近日拜读了<体育教学>杂志2005年第4期姜林老师的<双手头上掷实心球教学探析>一文,文中对原地双手头上掷实心球的脚的位置、引球(举球)以及发力过程中头的姿势等方面都作了详细的分析和学练的指导,对本人的教学起到了很好的指导作用,收获很大.但对文中提到的"影响实心球投掷效果主要取决于引球(举球)"这一观点,不敢苟同.现就本人多年来的教学心得,试对"原地双手头上掷实心球"的动作要领作以浅析.  相似文献   

双手正面原地前掷实心球作为江苏省体育高考中的一项内容,充分说明了这一内容的价值。合理地开展实心球教学课程是有效发展学生上肢力量的有效途径,为了更好地提升学生双手正面原地前掷实心球的远度,教者从各个方面进行探索,采取有效的教学手段来促进实心球教学工作顺利进行。本文围绕双手正面原地前掷实心球的技术特点与教学手段展开分析,找出教学中的关键点与突破口,为提升学生双手体前头上前掷实心球成绩提供保障基础。  相似文献   

<正>一、体育学习方式应用例析(一)教学设计案例教学内容:原地正面双手前掷实心球(水平四)教学目标:1.学生乐意参加实心球的各种练习,主动探究投掷实心球的方法,进一步掌握双手头上前掷实心球的技术动作,并了解影响实心球远度的两个因素;2.通过各种投掷练习促进学生上、下肢力量的提高;3.培养学生勇于探  相似文献   

体育中考中,原地双手掷实心球项目对提高学生全身协调性、加强上肢和躯干力量有着显著的效果。国家对体育中考项目中的难度和分数提出了新的要求,原地双手掷实心球作为中考项目之一也越来越受到家长和学生的关注。本文通过分析原地双手掷实心球的技术并结合专项能力的提高来介绍提高原地双手掷实心球成绩的方法。  相似文献   

原地双手头上掷实心球技术教学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>通过教学实践,笔者发现原地双手头上掷实心球技术动作要求很高,要求学生充分理解动作的技术特点并采用有效的练习方法。一、原地双手头上掷实心球技术(一)握球、持球双手五指自然分开,两手的食指、中指、无名指和小指放在球的两侧将球夹持,两大  相似文献   

练习实心球的投掷是进行体育锻炼和提高体育素质的好方法之一。实心球投投掷也是体育训练达标的五项内容之一。所以文中设计了三种实心球投掷的强制训练方法。从这种达标训练方法的实验结果中我们可以分析最有利和最合理的实心球训练的本质内容,从而来提高投掷实心球的教学和提高检测实心球达标的水平。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、教学实验等方法对软硬排结合教学在硬式排球传球教学过程中的教学效果进行研究。研究结果为:实验组和对照组男女生的立定跳远、50米跑、掷实心球三项测试成绩均无显著性差异;实验组和对照组男生传球达标和技评测试结果无显著性差异,女生传球达标和技评测试结果均有显著性差异;在软式排球向低压硬式排球过渡阶段,实验组男女生传球达标测试结果无显著性差异;在低压硬式排球向硬式排球过渡阶段,实验组男女生传球达标测试结果无显著性差异。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to (1) investigate the influence of general anthropometric variables, handball-specific anthropometric variables, and upper-limb power and strength on ball-throwing velocity in a standing position (ν(ball)), and (2) predict this velocity using multiple regression methods. Forty-two skilled male handball players (age 21.0?±?3.0 years; height?=?1.81?±?0.07?m; body mass?=?78.3?±?11.3?kg) participated in the study. We measured general anthropometric variables (height, body mass, lean mass, body mass index) and handball-specific anthropometric parameters (hand size, arm span). Upper-limb dynamic strength was assessed using a medicine ball (2?kg) throwing test, and power using a one-repetition maximum bench-press test. All the variables studied were correlated with ball velocity. Medicine ball throwing performance was the best predictor (r?=?0.80). General anthropometric variables were better predictors (r?=?0.55-0.70) than handball-specific anthropometric variables (r?=?0.35-0.51). The best multiple regression model accounted for 74% of the total variance and included body mass, medicine ball throwing performance, and power output in the 20-kg bench press. The equation formulated could help trainers, athletes, and professionals detect future talent and test athletes' current fitness.  相似文献   

The importance of proximal-to-distal sequencing in human performance throwing has been reported previously. However, a comprehensive comparison of the proximal-to-distal sequence in team-handball throwing in athletes with different training experience and competition is lacking. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare the ball velocity and proximal-to-distal sequence in the team-handball standing throw with run-up of players of different skill (less experienced, experienced, and elite). Twenty-four male team-handball players (n = 8 for each group) performed five standing throws with run-up with maximal ball velocity and accuracy. Kinematics and ball trajectories were recorded with a Vicon motion capture system and joint movements were calculated. A specific proximal-to-distal sequence, where elbow flexion occurred before shoulder internal rotation, was found in all three groups. These results are in line with previous studies in team-handball. Furthermore, the results of the present study suggest that in the team-handball standing throw with run-up, increased playing experience is associated with an increase in ball velocity as well as a delayed start to trunk flexion.  相似文献   

以实心球投掷和乒乓球教学为例,说明在高校女生体育教学中培养学生的思维能力有利于激发学生的学习积极性,发挥学生在学习中的主导作用从而提高教学效果。  相似文献   

以实心球投掷和乒乓球教学为例,说明在高校女生体育教学中培养学生的思维能力有利于激发学生的学习积极性,发挥学生在学习中的主导作用从而提高教学效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of calendar and skeletal age, anthropometric dimensions, training history and their interactions on vertical jumping height and horizontal overhead throwing velocity in a cross-section of 318 young male athletes (age range 9-16 years) participating in cross-country skiing (n = 70), basketball (n = 40), apparatus gymnastics (n = 19), ice hockey (n = 50), track and field (n = 89) and wrestling (n = 50). Vertical jumping height was measured with four different loads held on the shoulders and then interpolated for loads representing 0 and 40% body mass. Horizontal overhead throwing velocity using both hands was determined for seven balls of different weights and then interpolated for weights representing 1 and 5% body mass. Both vertical jumping height and overhead throwing velocity were found to increase (P < 0.01) from the skeletally youngest to the oldest cohort when the effects of body height and mass were controlled. The inter-event comparisons did not reveal statistically significant differences in respect of vertical jumping height. Also in the overhead throwing tests, the inter-event differences were small, although the analysis of variance revealed statistically significant (P < 0.001) differences for the skeletal age cohorts of 13 and 14 years. While the quantity of training had no effect on vertical jumping height, it explained the results in the overhead throwing test. The effects of training on vertical jumping and horizontal overhead throwing among adolescent athletes were considered to be small, while maturational processes and anthropometric development followed by increase in calendar age were deemed to be of greater importance.  相似文献   

通过文献资料对广西民族传统体育抛绣球的历史发展、活动形式、教学与运动竞赛、技术动作进行分析和在教学过程中如何灵活、合理的选择运用教学方法,为进一步提高教学质量和推动抛绣球运动发展提供参考。  相似文献   

姚卫 《体育科研》2012,33(1):97-100
主要采用实验法、访谈法,对上海市杨浦区小学生50 m快速跑、实心球掷远和立定跳远成绩进行统一测试并统计分析。结果显示:(1)杨浦区小学生50 m快速跑、实心球掷远和立定跳远等运动成绩的增长均符合身体素质自然增长规律。(2)小学生的运动能力有下降趋势,尤其是五年级的学生最为明显。(3)小学体育课堂教学要在教学内容和方法上遵循身体生长发育的自然规律,以提高学生的运动技能和身体素质以及发展学生团结合作的精神作为教学效果的评估标准。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to (1) investigate the influence of general anthropometric variables, handball-specific anthropometric variables, and upper-limb power and strength on ball-throwing velocity in a standing position (νball), and (2) predict this velocity using multiple regression methods. Forty-two skilled male handball players (age 21.0 ± 3.0 years; height = 1.81 ± 0.07 m; body mass = 78.3 ± 11.3 kg) participated in the study. We measured general anthropometric variables (height, body mass, lean mass, body mass index) and handball-specific anthropometric parameters (hand size, arm span). Upper-limb dynamic strength was assessed using a medicine ball (2 kg) throwing test, and power using a one-repetition maximum bench-press test. All the variables studied were correlated with ball velocity. Medicine ball throwing performance was the best predictor (r = 0.80). General anthropometric variables were better predictors (r = 0.55–0.70) than handball-specific anthropometric variables (r = 0.35–0.51). The best multiple regression model accounted for 74% of the total variance and included body mass, medicine ball throwing performance, and power output in the 20-kg bench press. The equation formulated could help trainers, athletes, and professionals detect future talent and test athletes' current fitness.  相似文献   

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