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Maerker A 《Endeavour》2005,29(3):104-108
How can a natural history collection be turned into an instrument of public education? What should an institution serving such a purpose look like? Everyday scenes from the Royal Museum of Physics and Natural History in Florence, founded in 1775, highlight the practical problems with transforming a museum in such a fashion. Naturalists employed at the Royal Museum took measures to control both its "frontstage" (the public exhibition) and its "backstage" (the offices and workshops) in an effort to secure the integrity of the educational and scientific mission of the new institution.  相似文献   

李东  过仕明 《现代情报》2013,33(6):123-128
本文通过深入剖析高校数字博物馆建设的时代背景,进而得出结论,高校数字博物馆面临着时代发展的重大机遇;其次,梳理了高校数字博物馆建设的研究现状,认为数字博物馆建设仍然沿着为数字化而建设的理念,其建设内容与方式难以反映受众的真实需求;最后介绍了哈尔滨师范大学数字博物馆建设的案例,希望对国内同行有所借鉴。  相似文献   

The CAS Institute of Atmo-spheric Physics (IAP) re-ceived on June 2 a 21st-Cen-tury Achievement Award from theComputerworld Honors Programfor visionary use of informationtechnology in the category ofScience. The awarding ceremonywas held at the National BuildingMuseum in Washington, DC.Founded in 1988/89, theComputerworld Honors Programsearches for and recognizes indi-viduals who have demonstrated vi-sion and leadership as they strive touse information technology in inno-vative ways …  相似文献   

唐金同 《大众科技》2014,(3):172-175
近年来,广西科技馆依托科普教育基地资源优势,联合社会各界力量,先后组建了广西未成年人科普演讲团、广西科技馆南宁市教师志愿者团和大学生志愿者团等志愿者团队,搭建了科普志愿服务社会化平台,带动了一系列青少年科普活动的蓬勃开展。在此过程中,广西科技馆在志愿者团队建设模式、招募注册、培训学习、激励管理、活动组织等方面,进行了一系列积极有效的尝试、实践与探索,志愿者队伍各项规章制度得以逐渐建立和完善,科普志愿服务工作逐步制度化、规范化。文章结合广西科技馆志愿者团队建设实例,以志愿服务对科普教育工作的重要意义为基点,初步探讨科普教育基地志愿者队伍动员机制的建设。  相似文献   

叶洋滨 《大众科技》2013,(7):199-203
科技馆科普展览业务的开展很少与"营销"联系起来,并且不太关注观众(消费者)的切实需求。文章以浙江省科技馆科普展览业务运营状况为背景,通过问卷调查总结观众的消费特征,研究观众的消费心理和行为,找出影响观众参观科普展览的因素,发掘符合观众意愿的营销方式。以此来提升浙江省科技馆在社会中的影响力和经济层面上的可持续发展能力,从而为浙江省科技馆更好地服务于社会奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

报道中国额蟋属Itara1新纪录种,即:宽膜额蟋Itara aperta,Gorochov 1996,提供了形态记述、分布及形态特征图。研究标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

王伯勇 《大众科技》2014,(3):207-209
科技馆是对公众进行科学技术普及教育的公益性机构。公众是赋予其存在意义、决定其发展方向、发挥其科普教育功能、影响其展教手段与方式的重要因素。从这个角度来说,公众就是科技馆的顾客,是科技馆得以存在和发展的根本保证。科技馆要以顾客为导向,更多地考虑公众需求,注意顾客偏好,重视展教方式的趣味性、启发性、互动性和科普教育营销方式的创新化、多样化。针对不同地区、不同年龄层、不同偏好的公众进行科普教育、科技传播和科学文化交流,从广度和深度上实现科技馆的使命。  相似文献   

作者近期检查了英国三个大标本馆(BM,E,K)所收藏的马兜铃属标本,发现《东亚和南亚马兜铃属的修订》(见本刊27(5):321—364,1989)尚有不完备之处,需作补充修订。本文共收载8种,其中1新名,确定了1个存疑种,补充了1个种的描述,修改了1个种的模式记载,合并了1个种,扩大了4个种的地理分布。  相似文献   

Throughout 1982 Britain has been celebrating the Festival of India. Its purpose has been to focus attention on India's contribution to many aspects of human achievement—in art and literature, in dancing and drama, and in science and technology. In London, a special Science in India exhibition was staged at the Science Museum. This article reviews the scientific achievements of ancient and mediaeval India.  相似文献   

刘菁 《大众科技》2012,(8):241-243
天文科普活动是科技馆科普教育的重要内容之一.文章首先阐述了开展天文科普活动的重要意义;重点针对如何利用现有场馆资源开展天文科普活动的课题,提出“环境情境化”、“活动主题化”与“团队体系化”的工作思路;并就科技馆开展天文科普活动发展方向进行探讨.  相似文献   

传统满意度研究通常将观众的参观体验和参观感知分别归纳为一个变量进行分析,但不同的观众体验和观众感知实际上对观众满意度的影响存在差异。为此,将观众体验细化为展品体验﹑场馆环境体验﹑员工服务体验﹑设施设备体验,将观众感知细化为门票价格感知﹑观众参与感知﹑科普效果感知,结合观众期望﹑观众满意和观众忠诚,构建包含10个维度的科技馆观众满意度评价模型,并基于2021年7月至10月在中国科技馆收集到的931份有效调研问卷数据验证该模型。结果表明观众参与感知对观众满意度有很大的影响,而且观众体验和观众感知内部对于观众满意和观众忠诚的影响存在差异性。具体表现为:在观众感知中,观众参与感知和科普效果感知相比门票价格感知更为重要,且观众参与感知对观众满意的影响程度更大;在观众体验中,展品体验与设施设备体验是最关键的要素,且观众的展品体验直接影响观众满意度。基于研究结论,提出提升科技馆观众满意度的对策建议:线上线下联动,提升观众参与度;加大宣传力度,提升观众期望;更新馆藏展品,提升科普效果;增加馆内便民设施,持续优化观众体验;优化人力资源配置,提高员工管理效率。  相似文献   

This article complicates concepts of gender and race in virtual environments by presenting a case study of an African American woman's (Celie's) on-line personalities. It discusses how one woman's presence in a college class and her on-line contributions to a (cyber)community of peers influenced her and the group's perspectives on violence and gender issues. The article shows that Celie's interactions on a virtual forum are related to and an extension of a multitude of factors such as her upbringing, her schooling, her wish to succeed in an environment often inhospitable and hostile to her needs, and her gendered identity. A close analysis of her online voice provides a starting point for cyberfeminists to look more closely at virtual forums and their potential for enhancing student learning, diversity, and multiple perspectives in classroom environments. This article also encourages feminist scholars to continue explorations centered around the multiple discourse strategies employed by participants in any given conversation.  相似文献   

谢凌凌 《大众科技》2014,(6):238-241
以北京故宫博物院藏《丹崖玉树图》为研究对象,基于仰视、平视、俯视三个观察角度以及山峦巨石及树木的浅绛画法分析,研究黄公望采用对比法、鸟瞰视角获取"山外之景"的"高远"式的构图方法。在郭熙的山水画法基础上,黄公望的构图方法是对"高远"式构图法进行了创新。  相似文献   

Insley J 《Endeavour》2008,32(1):27-31
The Science Museum in London has over a hundred dioramas in its holdings, prepared at various times since 1931 for a range of exhibitions and displays. These have become simultaneously more interesting as artefacts in their own right, and more threatened as display fashion changes and their original purpose is less relevant to today's audiences. Nonetheless, they are immensely powerful as devices for communication to audiences and their own histories add depth to our understanding of how museums work.  相似文献   

李传坤 《科教文汇》2014,(18):227-228
清少纳言在随笔作品《枕草子》中通过一系列的“年中行事”诠释了日本平安王朝的传统审美意识,我们根据“年中行事”的一些特征,可从一定程度上了解清少纳言对季节的重视程度与审美取向。也就是说,清少纳言并没有被平安王朝传统的审美意识的条框所束缚,而是根据自己审美理念的需要,从不同视角去观察周围的事物和现象,同时凭借自己的感觉去挖掘“美”,进而将这些所谓的“美”充分融入作品之中。  相似文献   

黎明 《大众科技》2014,(7):275-277
作为国家4A级景区,广西科技馆在立足公益和科普教育的基础上,也承担着拉动区域旅游吸引力的责任,这对其可持续发展的能力提出了很高的要求。为了在传播知识的同时,给观众美的享受,广西科技馆尝试将各种艺术形式融入科普展教工作中。科技辅导员参与的展品讲解、科普实验和科普剧中,有魔术表演、剪纸手工、童话故事、知识竞赛、化妆剧、布偶剧、话剧和歌舞剧等形式,任何一种形式都考虑到了和观众的互动。  相似文献   

Jenna Tonn 《Endeavour》2019,43(1-2):32-36
In 1905 the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University began planning for a new domesticated animals exhibition in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of its founder Louis Agassiz. The resulting displays of variation and heredity in poultry, pigeons, rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs proved surprisingly popular to museumgoers. Some of these specimens still exist in the museum’s storage facilities, namely a series of poultry donated by the biologist Charles B. Davenport and an elaborate set of guinea pigs from the experimental evolutionist William E. Castle. Situating these domesticated animal displays within academic and popular cultures of poultry fancying, animal breeding, and evolutionary science reveals how a nineteenth-century museum known for its ties to anti-evolutionary principles attempted to modernize its public exhibits.  相似文献   

Marie E. Zakrzewska (1829-1902) is known among historians of women and medicine for her advocacy of the natural sciences at a time when most women physicians preferred to emphasize their nurturing qualities. This article suggests that Zakrzewska's views have been poorly understood because scholars have tried to position them along a fault line that divides femininity and sympathy from masculinity and science. It suggests instead that feminist scholarship on the "situatedness of gender" offers a more promising conceptual framework for understanding the diverse strategies women (and men) have utilized in trying to achieve their goals. Zakrzewska, unlike many of her colleagues, did not seek to empower feminine virtues as a way of justifying women's entry into the medical profession. Instead, she tried to reappropriate science for women and to use it as a weapon against the barriers designed to keep women out of the public sphere. She was fighting her own battle against the gendering of science.  相似文献   

Even as the division between professional scientists and laypeople became sharper by the end of the nineteenth century, the collaboration of local people remained important in scientific fieldwork, especially in sciences such as vertebrate paleontology that required long-term extractive access to research sites. In the North American West, the competition between museums and universities for the best fossil quarry sites involved negotiations with locals. The conflict over differing conceptions of the field site is vividly demonstrated through an examination of one site on the High Plains of western Nebraska in the early twentieth century. This case offers a rare opportunity to see not only how professionals regarded such sites but also how the resident ranching family, the Cooks, attempted to exercise leverage over the scientific fieldwork that took place there. While the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh became mired in protracted conflict with the Cooks over discovery claims and the ongoing control of the site, the University of Nebraska and the American Museum of New York developed more harmonious relations with the site's resident ranching family.  相似文献   

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