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新时期农村青年是社会主义新农村建设的主力军,他们的思想状况对农村经济、社会发展有着至关重要的作用.剖析农村青年思想状况有利于做好新时期农村青年思想教育工作,有利于让农村青年在新农村建设中发挥更大的作用.  相似文献   

研究发现,农村老人社会参与不足,经济参与、政治参与、文化参与、公益参与差异明显;在社会参与活动的类型方面呈现出性别差异,男性政治参与和文化参与意愿比女性强;在经济参与和公益参与方面则无明显性别差异;文化程度的高低与老人社会参与成正向变化;经济因素是影响农村老人社会参与的重要变量,自认为经济收入一般的老人是社会参与的中坚力量,其参与度高于生活优越的老人和经济状况较差的老人;身体状况是我们必须重视的农村老人社会参与影响因素,社会交往、农村老人社会参与的完善程度、老年活动中心等都是影响老人社会参与的主要原因。  相似文献   

相对于城市女性和农村男性,农村女性向上的社会流动之路更显艰难,教育已成为影响农村女性社会流动的重要因素。通过对广西400多名农村出身女性的家庭背景、教育状况与社会流动情况所作的问卷调查和深入访谈,发现教育资本是农村女性实现社会流动的重要因素,不同学历层次的农村女性在升迁性流动水平、就业结构与就业层次、职业流动速度、报酬待遇等方面有较大差异。影响广西农村女性教育水平因素的主要有传统思想、经济状况、父辈教育程度、教育政策和学习能力等五个方面。  相似文献   

中职学校学生思想特点及其教育对策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应当说,学生思想政治状况的多样性存在于所有高、中等学校当中。这是由于青年学生正处于世界观形成和发展时期,也是思想最活跃的时期,加之这一代青年学生成长于改革开放的年代,受各种社会政治思潮的影响较大等原因,必然导致当代学生在思想政治状况上呈现出多样性的特点。  相似文献   

农村青年是农村的未来和希望,是推动农村发展的重要力量。他们所表现出类的社会情绪状况如何,决定了整个农村的精神风貌和未来发展趋向,也影响着整个民族的前途和命运。随着改革开放的深入发展,农村青年的心理状态、社会情绪与传统的老辈农民有很大的不同.正呈现出十分复杂的状况。既有积极的、也有消极的,对比鲜明。因此,必须全面把握农村青年的社会情绪的变化,采取正确的对策进行引导.才能确保新农村建设的社会主义性质和方向。  相似文献   

运用对840名农村青年的抽样调查资料,从个人特征、家庭条件和社会环境三个层面探讨影响农村青年接受继续教育的因素。研究发现:独生子女、有职业技能、文化水平相对低而父母文化水平较高的农村青年更可能接受继续教育;地区差异也是影响农村青年继续教育的重要因素。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的全面发展,社会意识形态和思想发生了显著变化,企业员工尤其是青年员工的思想状况呈现出多样化发展的态势。许多青年在不良思想文化的诱惑和冲击下,迷失了方向,失去了辨别是非的能力。本文从目前青年员工思想存在的问题为着眼点,探讨了新时期企业青年员工思想政治工作的方法,提出了一些具体建议。  相似文献   

Z世代的青年社会心态呈现出明显的网络社会的特点,其培育议题尝试引入“差序格局”理论,主要从青年自身对社会观察和体验、青年与社会交往的影响、主流思想舆论等维度分析青年差序社会心态的形成和演绎。结合具体个案和访谈,Z世代青年的“差序心态”表现为以“己”为中心、内外有别、圈层文化等特征,面临自我中心取向与集体主义取向的竞逐、内卷化的环境样态与矛盾化的社会心态的斗争、内在的确定性与外在的不确定性的交织等多重挑战。突破差序心态的路径需要加强社会心态培育的制度设计、重塑青年与他者的交往形态、增强思想舆论的高势位引领。  相似文献   

新生代农民工的教育状况、社会阅历、行为方式等方面较第一代农民工有着明显差异,他们的价值观受到了城市文明更深刻的冲击和振荡,因此呈现出矛盾的整体特征,这种价值观现状与新生代农民工所处的社会组织、管理、制度等方面的因素密切相关。  相似文献   

新时期,高校青年教工的成长环境与思想状况都发生了明显变化,他们在理想信念、利益诉求等各方面都呈现出新的趋势和特点,主体意识更加突出,价值取向多元化,具有强烈的政治热情和历史使命感。高校应当针对实际,转变思路,更新观念,强化组织建设,创新教育方式,通过加强基层党组织建设、建立和办好党外知识分子联谊会,促进和深化高校青年教工的思想教育和政治引导工作。  相似文献   


In 1997, two organizations, BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) and ICDDR,B (International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research), as part of their collaborative research model, developed an HIV/AIDS prevention strategy for rural Bangladeshi youth. Currently, HIV/AIDS is not apparent in rural Bangladesh. Other sexual and reproductive health problems are more pressing. Moreover, there are few inor out-of-school sex education programs for adolescents in Bangladesh. Therefore, preliminary qualitative research was conducted to understand the broad parameters of sexual and reproductive health within the sociocultural context of young people's risks and vulnerabilities. Exploratory research revealed that youth were vulnerable to sexual diseases, late-term abortions, sexual violence, reproductive tract infections, and premarital pregnancies. Adolescents and adults thought that youth today need sex education. Adults said that youth should not be educated about condom use because this would conflict with a girl's prospects for an arranged marriage. Bangladeshi youth today are being exposed to experiences unfamiliar to their parents. Lacking appropriate knowledge, information and awareness about sexual and reproductive health unduly heightens young people's fears, and increases their social and sexual vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

To better understand the influence of rural context on youth's life chances, this study takes up the question of rural children's educational aspirations. The experience of rural life may, as some claim, limit students' educational aspirations. Yet there are indications that rural communities simultaneously generate important social benefits that tend to be devalued by educators and researchers alike. Survey data from the 2002 Child Development Supplement to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics were analyzed to explore this debate. Findings indicate rural children are as likely to aspire to a high school or an undergraduate education as are nonrural youth. The significant difference in aspirations between rural and nonrural children is in terms of postgraduate education. Findings also suggest that rural youth come of age in familial contexts of attachment to place, with rural families being more likely than nonrural families to have turned down a job to remain in their communities. The findings here challenge assumptions that rural youth limit their aspirations because they suffer from uniquely rural handicaps. In place of deficit models of rural youth's aspirations, more sociological perspectives might allow for the distinctive way in which rurality engenders attachment to place.  相似文献   

Working with at-risk youth presents unique challenges for rural agencies and organizations. This study describes the results of a life-skills management program, Survival Skills for Youth (SSY), that was organized and delivered to rural youth via collaborative efforts of education and noneducation agencies. The program was replicated with 10 groups of rural youth in Tennessee and Missouri (N = 114). All programs were a collaborative effort of 2 or more organizations, such as University Extension, school districts, juvenile justice programs, and state human service or workforce development programs. Pre- and postevaluations of knowledge of life management concepts, self-esteem, and social skills showed SSY to be effective in changing the attitudes and behaviors of rural youth. Performance and generalization of the skills in natural settings were also demonstrated. Interagency partnerships were shown to be an effective means of providing extracurricular life-skills management workshops for at-risk rural students.  相似文献   

神秘文化是中国传统文化的有机组成部分,在历史发展过程中它的作用也是良莠杂糅,那么传统神秘文化对现代社会的影响情况如何?为此我们采取调查问卷,针对青少年、官员及普通民众等三个群体进行抽样调查,从对传统神秘文化的认知、态度、看法、行为、目的等方面,了解人们对各种封建迷信活动和各种神功、异能、秘技的基本态度和参与情况。  相似文献   

我国正处于社会主义初级阶段,是在社会发展形态的统一体中具有自身独立特点,与以往社会和未来社会有着必然联系和差异的社会发展阶段。由经济差异导致社会文化领域的差异,在社会意识形态中反映出人们的思想意识、道德观念、理想信念等思维方式存在着重大差别,这些差别对人们的思想行为、社会和谐进步有著极大影响。因而,提出构建主导文化,调整文化产业布局,推进文化民主等构建和谐文化的思路。  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,梁漱溟在乡村建设运动中逐步形成的成人教育思想有其产生的特定背景,究其思想内容包括个体发展和社会改造相结合的成人教育目的,通用课程和乡土课程相结合的课程设置和独特的教育组织形式三个部分,其中的思想内容对于当今构建学习化社会仍具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,中国农村面临衰败的危机,教育界的一些有识之士纷纷提出自己的乡村教育思想。晏阳初和邰爽秋就是其中的代表,二人分别提出了平民教育和民生本位教育,这两大教育都对当时社会产生了不同程度的影响。虽然两种教育思想存在许多异同之处,但对当今中国农村教育问题的解决都有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

曹继建  姜华 《中国德育》2007,2(8):19-21
社会思潮是一种思想潮流,其发展趋势是被越来越多的社会个体接受并在越来越大的范围内产生影响。社会思潮的传播要经过"情绪感染与心理共鸣""知识观念与思想理论"和"价值观念"等三个递进的层面。青年群体是社会思潮重要的传播载体。基于社会思潮传播不断递进的三个层面,考察新时期社会思潮对青年群体个体化的影响,可以发现以下特点:随机性与扩张性、层次性与选择性、弱化效应。  相似文献   

Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, this study documented college attendance patterns of rural youth in terms of the selectivity of first postsecondary institution of attendance, the timing of transition to postsecondary education, and the continuity of enrollment. The study also examined how these college attendance patterns among rural students differed from those among their nonrural counterparts and which factors explained these rural–nonrural differences. Results showed that rural youth were less likely than their nonrural counterparts to attend a selective institution. In addition, rural youth were more likely to delay entry to postsecondary education compared to their urban counterparts. Finally, rural students were less likely than their urban counterparts to be continuously enrolled in college. Much of these rural–nonrural disparities in college attendance patterns were explained by rural–nonrural differences in socioeconomic status and high school preparation. Policy implications, limitations of the study, and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

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