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篮球假动作是篮球技术动作的重要组成部分,运动员在比赛中运用假动作是篮球比赛中技战术的需要.假动作技术水平的高低及比赛中运用的合理与否直接影响着队员技术的发挥和全队战术的运用,甚至影响着比赛的胜负.通过对文献资料的整理,实验对象的访谈、观察,以及假动作技术运用的归纳和分析,较详细的介绍假动作的训练方法,以期引导教练员、运动员在训练和比赛中对篮球假动作高度重视,全面提高.  相似文献   

通过柔道项目的运动员比赛和查看阅读大量的资料,来研究运动员对假动作在比赛中的重要性的认识及看法,运动员在比赛中往往忽视了假动作战术的重要性,大量的资料显示许多得分的技术都是在假动作的基础上的前题下完成的.所以,一场比赛的胜负和假动作战术是密不可分的,现在有许多教练员也认识到了假动作在比赛中的重要性,本文阐述的是什么是假动作战术、假动作的重要性、假动作的运用策略、假动作在柔道比赛中运用的主要动作、影响假动作的主要原因.希望本论文能够让运动员们在今后的比赛中对假动作战术能够引起高度的重视.  相似文献   

谢科 《考试周刊》2009,(50):161-162
假动作是篮球运动中最难掌握的技术之一,其质量则是衡量一个优秀运动员的重要指标之一,在阅读前人研究成果的基础上,本文作者通过逻辑推理,对假动作的概念、假动作的影响因素、假动作的意义和作用、假动作的训练等问题进行了综合阐述。  相似文献   

假动作贯穿于整个篮球运动的每一个环节中,无论攻防中的任何一项技、战术的动作规格、方向、路线、时间、节奏等具体的环节都与假动作相互交织,从进入篮球比赛场地的那一刻起,便无时无刻不充斥着假动作。攻防队员之间相互的假动作更是运动员斗智斗勇的集中表现,是衡量一个篮球运动员运动技能的最重要标志之一,也是篮球运动魅力的主要体现。而防守中假动作的运用丰富和增强了个人防守动作和能力,使防守更具攻击性和威力更有效果。  相似文献   

李文雄  赵立祥 《考试周刊》2011,(22):133-135
随着攻防对抗程度的提高,篮球比赛中的假动作已经成为广大教练和运动员关注的问题,本文对篮球假动作的运用问题进行了探讨,总结了假动作在运用时的要求和作用,以引起教练和运动员对创造和运用假动作能力的重视,为训练和比赛提供有意义的参考。  相似文献   

通过对篮球运动防守中假动作运用的特点。分类,运动员所应具备的素质,以及提高此技,战术的训练方法的分析,以期提高对防守假动作的认识和运用沓平。  相似文献   

假动作贯穿于整个篮球运动的每一个环节中,无论攻防中的任何一项技、战术的动作规格、方向、路线、时间、节奏等具体的环节都与假动作相互交织,从进入篮球比赛场地的那一刻起,便无时无刻不充斥着假动作。攻防队员之间相互的假动作更是运动员斗智斗勇的集中表现,是衡量一个篮球运动员运动技能的最重要标志之一,也是篮球运动魅力的主要体现。而防守中假动作的运用丰富和增强了个人防守动作和能力,使防守更具攻击性和威力更有效果。  相似文献   

拳击假动作的教学与训练,除了采用一般的拳击教学与训练方法外,还要结合科学训练提高假动作在拳击比赛中的竞技能力。本文重点对假动作在比赛中的定义及特点、技术与运用战术进行了分析,以帮助运动员在拳击比赛中合理运用假动作,增强技战术能力,从而获得胜利。  相似文献   

浅谈篮球假动作分类及训练问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了引起篮球运动员在比赛中重视假动作的运用.本文运用文献资料法、访谈法、观察法、对照实验法对对假动作技术进行了系统分类和阐述了假动作训练方法.表明在篮球比赛中假动作的运用对提高技战术水平有显著效果.篮球比赛中,技战术水平的高低,直接影响球队的胜负.而比赛中假动作运用好坏,又影响着技战术的发挥.  相似文献   

散打比赛不仅是斗力、斗技、斗勇,而且是极为复杂的斗智过程,拼体力蛮干结果往往不理想,有时甚至会造成难以想象的后果。所以在散打格斗中应采用灵活机动的技战术,而假动作在实战中能起到很好的效果,因此运动员在散打实战中应有意识地使用假动作战术,克敌制胜。本文以徐州市散打代表队为研究对象,通过对散打队员参加江苏省级各级各类散打比赛后进行访谈,探讨假动作在比赛中的运用,并针对比赛中假动作出现的问题进行分析,提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

Nonverbal expectancy violations theory and a cognitive heuristics approach were used to generate predictions regarding attributions of deception directed toward a message source. The appearance of a message source was manipulated to be either higher or lower in attractiveness while engaging in stereotypically deceptive or truthful behavior. A heuristic approach would suggest a main effect for attractiveness on deceptiveness attributions while a nonverbal expectancy violations approach would predict an interaction between the attraction and deception manipulations. An apparent main effect suggested that the more socially attractive message source was perceived to be less deceptive. However, the effect was driven by an interaction that showed the discrepancy in deception attributions between levels of attractiveness was highest in the deceptive behavior condition, as predicted by nonverbal expectancy violations.  相似文献   

This article examines the theory of dynamic systems and its use in the domains of the study and coaching of team sports. The two teams involved in a match are looked at as two interacting systems in movement, where opposition is paramount. A key element for the observation of game play is the notion of configuration of play and its ever-changing shape, namely through phases of contraction and expansion, and its moving location on the court or the field. Analysis of specific configurations of play by players, or external observers, is discussed in light of the notion of prototypical configuration of play and the process of learning by analogy. Offensive and defensive matrices of play, encompassing play in movement as a systemic whole, are presented as advance organizers that provide players with advance strategic representations of reference key points in the unfolding of game play. These various concepts, along with elements of movement in play, are integrated in a model intended to help players and observers grasp a systemic view of action play and its underlying fulcrums.  相似文献   

Galatzer‐Levy and Cohler's (1993) definition of “ self” allows for the possibility of a “ plural self,” that is, moments when an individual locates the center of initiative for action, feeling, and awareness among a group of people. Using observations and interviews, this investigation explores the ways four basketball teams used players’ bodies to create such a plural self, transforming autonomous individuals into interconnected, deindividualized members. One set of somatic practices made the team perceptible as a whole: huddles, team movements, hand slapping, and certain passing drills. A complementary set of practices encouraged the players to incorporate the team into their bodies. Examples presented of such incorporation are communal relaxation of bodily tension, the rhythms of shared ritual music, and a “sixth sense” of the location of teammates. Acute pain interferes with the emergence of this plural self in both injured and healthy players. The possibility is raised that for many athletes this temporarily realized plural self continues as a possible self and invites the development of certain virtues and failings.  相似文献   

通过观看比赛录像,采用文献资料法、逻辑法、观察统计法,对02、06、10世界杯足球比赛全部头顶球进球特征及规律进行统计分析,研究发现头顶球进门前球员以慢速侧向移动为主要特征;头顶球进球的射门力量较大;前额正面是最常用、最有威胁的头顶球部位;双脚跳起头顶球是足球比赛中得分率最高的头顶球动作;球员大多数在球门线到点球点之间拥有较大射门角度的区域内完成头顶球进球;边路传中和角球是头顶球进球的主要进攻方式;前锋队员是头顶球进球的主要得分手。  相似文献   

羽毛球运动员心理认知结构主要表现在知觉能力强,识别速度快,记忆容量大,表征效果好,调控能力强等方面。视觉信息搜索、情绪、压力、假动作对运动员心理认知具有一定的干涉;心理认知对运动决策和操作思维有一定干涉。研究羽毛球运动竞赛中运动员心理认知的干涉,可以更好地为羽毛球学习者提高技术水平服务。  相似文献   

The 2008 commercial video game Spore allowed more than a million players to design their own life forms. Starting from single-celled organisms players played through a caricature of natural history. Press coverage of the game??s release offer two frames for thinking about the implications of the game. Some scientists and educators saw the game as a troubling teacher of intelligent design, while others suggested it might excite public interest in science. This paper explores the extent to which these two ways of thinking about the game are consistent with what players have done with the game in its online community. This analysis suggests that, at least for the players participating in this community, the game has not seduced them into believing in intelligent design. Instead the activities of these players suggest that the game has played a catalytic role in engaging the public with science. These findings indicate that designers of educational games may wish to consider more deeply tensions between prioritizing accuracy of content in educational games over player engagement.  相似文献   

主要以参加2003年北京站全国室内田径锦标赛球决赛的运动员为对象,利用现场观察,问题调查全面系统地考察了背向滑步推铅球技术动作的内容与结构。结果显示,运动员在铅球技术动作以及动作结构存在问题,对运动员以后的发展十分不利。本文在此重点讲述完整背向滑步推铅球技术动作以及动作结构,为广大投掷教练员和运动员的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

现代足球比赛,运动员的思维是个极其复杂的过程.对足球运动员的情感与比赛思维的相互作用,以及对比赛进程的重要影响,进行了针对性的分析.指出了不断优化运动员的情感组合,是强化运动员比赛思维的重要手段,使运动员比赛思维的广度,深度和精度达到新的境界.  相似文献   

In this article, Eve Tuck and Sefanit Habtom first consider the consequences of the erasure of the importance of place in the field of urban education and then describe a new youth participatory action research project in Toronto called Making Sense of Movements (MSOM). MSOM is a youth participatory visual research project that engages Black and Indigenous youth in thinking about the influence of social movements such as Black Lives Matter and Idle No More in their relationships to Toronto as a place, and also in their postsecondary planning.  相似文献   

Cues To Readings     
In team sports, playing well means choosing the right course of action at the right moment and performing that course of action efficiently and consistently throughout the match. Research on decision making in sports indicates that although experts make more accurate decisions based on earlier occurring information, they tend to have speed, rather than accuracy, context-specific advantage in decision making. In light of the key notion of configuration of play, elements underlying its perception and interpretation and the ensuing anticipation and decision making are discussed. In connection with teachinglearning settings, observation and verbalization are presented as key strategies for eliciting critical thinking and the development of strategic and tactical knowledge. Finally, the authors present a dynamic model exploiting (a) action settings. (b) observation settings, and (c) debate-of-idea settings for the ultimate goal of conshucting strategic and tactical knowledge in team sports.  相似文献   

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