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高校图书馆基于数字化学习的应对之策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化学习浪潮的到来,必将引发高校图书馆新的信息需求,应对新的信息需求必须具有新的服务能力,新能力需要从新角度通过新机制有效变革才能实现。为此,高校图书馆必须基于数字化学习,按照需求和信息环境的快速变化,及时、科学地调整发展战略,构建真正的数字化学习型图书馆。  相似文献   

近年来,为应对学术出版数字化变革引发的学术资源垄断和用户需求变化,国外的高校图书馆已经投入到学术出版数字化活动中去,并积累了丰富的技术经验,成为了关键参与者。本文以《图书馆出版名录》为参考进行数据统计分析,分别从内容收集、内容存储、开放存取和出版平台等方面展示国外高校图书馆学术出版数字化转型路径,并提出我国高校图书馆可以从利用高校资源、谋求合作伙伴、支持开放存取、合理选择保存系统和出版平台等方面进行学术出版数字化实践。  相似文献   

图书馆横向管理中的人力资源建设问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
图书馆界流程再造与机构重建是为了应对网络化信息服务引发的变革。数字图书馆和复合型图书馆建设中引进横向管理(平面管理)模式,就必须改革原有的纵向管理模式,包括岗位设置、业务机构、专业体系和考核机制,其中最为关键的是建立适应于纵向与横向混合管理模式的绩效考核体系和多元化人力资源评价体系。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术的兴起,远程教育越来越扮演着重要角色,高校图书馆要适应这种新变化,必须在职能上作相应变革,本文从远程教育的现状入手,提出了高校图书馆的应对措施。  相似文献   

为应对学术出版变革所带来的机遇和挑战,美国高校图书馆开始探索学术出版服务,其中"图书馆+出版社"合作模式是其重要特点。文章以《图书馆出版名录2016》和《图书馆出版服务:成功的战略:终极研究报告》为参考,选取6所与出版社有深度合作的世界一流高校图书馆为案例,通过对其合作的动因、模式和内容进行分析,为我国高校图书馆与出版社开展服务、走出目前的困境提供可资借鉴之处。  相似文献   

为了应对信息环境和高等教育环境的变化所带来的一系列挑战,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校图书馆在2007年启动了"新服务模式计划",来规划和执行图书馆变革。"新服务模式计划"的变革措施包括变革组织结构、改善馆藏管理、创新用户服务、加强技术支持。"新服务模式计划"的实施取得了良好成效,其成功经验在于注重支持大学图书馆的战略目标、注重继承大学图书馆的优良传统、注重与用户开展广泛的交流合作。  相似文献   

实证调研美国图书馆界(多数是学术机构)反馈的各项数据,揭示他们在2007~2009年金融危机后所面临的挑战和严峻的现状,分析图书馆为了摆脱困境所采取的和将要实行的应对措施。  相似文献   

加拿大麦克马斯特大学图书馆在面临内外部诸多挑战时,对图书馆推行了一系列的改革举措。在注重图书馆整体形象的宣传和营销、树立起图书馆的品牌服务形象的同时,着手进行了设置改革机构岗位、吸纳新型岗位馆员、整合图书馆服务、优化馆藏资源建设、构建学术出版中心、建立学习共享空间、监控和评估图书馆改革结果等适应信息服务发展潮流的变革管理。我国图书馆应借鉴其成功经验,以应对挑战。  相似文献   

国内外图书馆的战略规划发展历程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆的战略规划发展历程涉及学术研讨、专业教育、实践运作等诸多方面,国内外图书馆经历了前战略规划、初期发展、深入发展,以及战略探索和创新发展等阶段。在管理实践、理论研究和规划文本层面,图书馆的战略规划历程表现出鲜明的公共服务特征,国内外图书馆之间存在着一定的发展差距。在应对时代需求,促进策略变革,提升管理水平,增进价值认同等方面,图书馆的战略规划体现出丰富的社会意义。  相似文献   

开放存取对学术图书馆的影响和对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分析开放存取对学术图书馆的影响,探讨学术图书馆面向开放存取的应对策略。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(30):145-155
A critically important component for all new and continuing reference librarian training is the rapidly changing demographic climate at academic library reference desks. Public libraries have historically been the primary public service agencies dealing with diverse clientele. Academic librarians must rapidly catch up with them, as well as with other fields - business, education, social work - for whom the word "multicultural" is already integrated into their lexicons. Isolated academic libraries throughout the country are pioneering with public service training programs that reflect these dramatic changes in clientele. Further, general suggestions are put forth outlining the significance of shared goals, administrative support, and an understanding of the issues as necessary prerequisites to any multicultural training program.  相似文献   

Middle managers in academic libraries are often the first point of contact for employees within their departments. Middle managers work as colleagues, advocates, and project managers. While the responsibilities may vary between institutions, it is essential that middle managers develop leadership skills to function effectively in their positions. In the era of COVID-19, middle managers must reconcile their own expectations of their role with the changing needs and responsibilities of those they manage. COVID-19 is a complex phenomenon that has brought many issues such as health and social inequity to the forefront. These issues should be considered in leadership techniques that are utilized by middle managers in academic libraries. When leading a department, the manager must consider the whole person. This column will discuss several leadership styles that consider the whole person and can be effective for academic library middle managers as they navigate the complexities of their positions in the COVID-19 Era.  相似文献   

Public higher education is going through dramatic changes in terms of student demographics, public funding and changing perceptions on the value of higher education. Libraries are embedded in this ecosystem and must adjust to changing requirements and expectations. To help mitigate the impacts from these changes, libraries are collaborating through regional consortia to extend their purchasing power, provide services and do what they can to minimize negative impacts.  相似文献   

随着知识经济飞速发展,高校图书馆传统的服务模式已不适应形式的发展和用户的需求,专业化、个性化、网络化服务已成为高校图书馆工作发展的方向。实行"学科馆员"制度,既是有效破解当前图书馆管理服务工作面临难题的必由之路,也是提升高校图书馆学术价值、社会价值的有效举措。参考文献5。  相似文献   

中国高校图书馆人文精神初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校图书馆作为高校学子人文教育的重镇及中华文化精髓的传承者,中国传统文化理应在高校图书馆发扬光大。高校图书馆应是中国传统人本思想的实践者,中国传统文化中道和谐精神的典范,兼容并蓄应成为高校图书馆的办馆原则。  相似文献   

The role of academic libraries and librarians in support of autistic students has been studied on a limited basis with no confirmation on how to best convey knowledge of support services most effectively. A quasi-experimental research protocol with three academic library sites and related professional development treatments enabled comparison on the impact of online training alone, online coaching combined with coaching, and existing autism support programs. Academic librarians' knowledge and attitudes, along with measures of the library's physical environment were calculated pre and post training. Results showed that coaching, combined with online instruction, is the most effective professional development strategy for increasing knowledge of academic library patrons on the autism spectrum; librarians are enthusiastic to learn more about services taking place in other academic libraries, and small changes in the library environment can be impactful.  相似文献   

教育信息化进程中的大学图书馆   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
高等教育的发展影响和决定着大学图书馆的未来。在高等教育的信息化进程中,大学图书馆面临着严峻的挑战,必须重新找准自己的定位,积极主动地参与教育信息化改革,使大学图书馆成为一个为信息化教学和学习化社会服务的充满“人性化”的学习场所。  相似文献   

This paper explores the use and application of Facebook among Malaysian academic libraries in order to provide academic libraries with ideas for best practices in using social networking sites to better profile themselves and communicate effectively with their users. The research questions guiding this study were: (a) What are the extent and nature of institutional Facebook use by Malaysian academic libraries? (b) What information do Malaysian academic libraries deliver through Facebook page? This study employs content analysis to examine current uses of the library Facebook page. A checkpoint was developed to analyze the libraries’ usage and application of Facebook page. A total of 14 academic libraries in Malaysia are using Facebook page as part of their services to users. However only three libraries are fully utilizing their Facebook page, and they have been identified as “Skaters” based on the 8-S Framework of Category Development for Facebook user. Most libraries are using their Facebook page for marketing and creating awareness of library services to their users.  相似文献   

Technology has altered the traditional academic library beyond recognition. These dramatic changes have impacted significantly on the knowledge and skills requirements for LIS professionals practising in this environment. While there have been studies in other parts of the world which have investigated the knowledge and skills requirements for the digital era academic library environment, to date no comprehensive study has ‘drilled’ down into this area in the South African context. This paper reports on a preliminary study which is part of a wider study aimed at developing a comprehensive skills statement which would provide an objective framework against which professional LIS practitioners in the modern academic library environment in South Africa may both measure their existing competencies and also identify the need for further skills acquisition. The research question guiding this preliminary investigation was: What key knowledge and skills are required for LIS professionals to effectively and efficiently practise in a digital era academic library in South Africa? The triangulated findings (using content analysis of job advertisements and semi-structured interviews) from this preliminary investigation are used to ascertain an initial picture of key knowledge and skills sets required for LIS professionals in this environment. These preliminary findings also proved useful in teasing out some of the parameters for the wider study targeting the development of a comprehensive skills statement for higher education libraries in South Africa. The study reported here has relevance for the academic library context in other parts of the world as well.  相似文献   

The combination of new technologies, changing librarian roles, and a generation of “digital native” students has led to an increase in noise levels in academic libraries. The authors present a review of the literature on increased noise levels in academic libraries in an attempt to identify best practices for adapting libraries to noise and to assist reference librarians who must confront disruptive patrons. They discuss such practices as zoning libraries, furniture arrangement, written policies, signage, and peer policing for noise.  相似文献   

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