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国际四大时尚都市巴黎、米兰、纽约和伦敦,每年都会定期举办国际时装周。这不仅是一场视觉的盛宴,也引领着整个时尚界的走向。喜爱时尚的你,一定不要错过。  相似文献   

“Keep the sand low, Mike, so it doesn't accidentally get in someone's eyes. That would hurt. Yes, like that — you and Jonathan are building some very long roads. Would a little water help you pack them smoothly?” This teacher's tone of voice is accepting, and her words show understanding of the lifelong learning process.  相似文献   

You look up at the sky, and see a lovely cloud; you look down, and may see lovely ripples on a rivulet (or river). On a hot summer afternoon you see dancing dust devils; on a cold winter evening you can see smoke rising lazily from achulah, and hang up there as if it has given up. You peer at a telescope, and see intense supersonic jets, or vast whirling galaxies; you measure in a wind tunnel, and sense powerful tornadoes behind an aircraft wing. The universe is full of fluid that flows in crazy, beautiful or fearsome ways. In our machines and in the lab, as in terrestrial nature, one sees this amazing diversity in the flow of such a simple liquid like water or a simple gas like air. What is it that makes fluid flows so rich, so complex-some times so highly ordered that their patterns can adorn a saree border, sometimes so chaotic as to defy analysis? Do thesame laws governall that extraordinary variety? We begin with a picture gallery of a number of visible or visualized flows, and consider which ones we understand and which ones we do not, which ones we can compute and which ones we cannot; and it will be argued that behind those all-too-common but lovely flows lie deep problems in physics and mathematics that still remain mysteries.  相似文献   

翻译是语言学习的最高境界,对于翻译的研究和争论也从未停止过.它到底是艺术还是自然科学呢?语言学对翻译的影响又是怎样的呢?如何看待我国的翻译体系和外国的翻译体系之间的关系呢?笔者认为翻译既可以是艺术也可以是自然科学.它应该是一门正在探索中的科学.要想翻译到位,语言学的知识必不可少.最后,对待西方翻译理论的问题,我们应该取其精华,去其糟粕,建立我国现代的翻译理论.  相似文献   

Where were you in 1963, when this article was first published? What are the two kinds of information you can get from achievement tests? What is a‘triterion level?”  相似文献   

Mr. [Wang] Yang ming says, "Knowledge is the beginning of action; action is the completion of knowledge." I do not agree. Action is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the completion of action. Let us begin with children. They know that fire is hot only after they have felt the heat. They know that snow is cold only after they have chilled their hands. Only after they have tasted sugar do they know it is sweet; only after they have run into a rock do they know that rocks are hard. When you have lived for awhile in a sunny place, when you have gone into a kitchen a few times when food is being cooked, and when you have lived through several summers, then you have an abstract idea of heat. When you have made a few Bodhisattvas out of snow, when you have breathed the frosty wind a few times, and when you have had a few dishes of ice cream, then you have an abstract knowledge of cold. When you have eaten white candy, red candy, sesame candy, sugar cane, and licorice, then you have an abstract idea of sweetness. When you have run into iron, copper, and wood several times, then you have an abstract knowledge of hardness. When you first burn your hand and then freeze your face, you understand hot and cold even better. When you eat licorice and then bitter herbs, you can understand sweet and bitter even better. When you run into a rock then touch a ring of cornflowers, you know the difference between hard and soft even better. In all of these things, we can see clearly that action is the beginning of knowledge and knowledge is the completion of action. Only after Franklin flew a kite did it become known that electricity could be attracted from the atmosphere to earth. When Watt heated water and saw that steam could move the teapot cover, he knew steam could also move machines. When Galileo dropped balls of unequal weight from the tower of Pisa, he knew that balls of unequal weight fall to earth at the same speed. In these scientific examples, we can again see that "action is the beginning of knowledge and knowledge is the completion of action."  相似文献   

A family had a picnic at the beach. Ninety years later you come along and begin to dig in the very same spot. What might you find? What would it tell you about the people? Strange questions? Not for the third-graders participating in the Archeology Club!  相似文献   

Tutors Talking     
What do form tutors say about tutoring? For this special edition of the journal, focusing on tutors, I contacted some experienced tutors for some insights into the role. I asked them to respond to four questions.  What do you enjoy about being a form tutor?  What, in your experience, are the most significant problems you face in your role as form tutor?  What do you think your students get from you as a form tutor?  What advice would you give to a new teacher who is taking on the role of form tutor?Their positive and engaging responses reinforce how the care they give to the young people is a significant part of their work as teachers.  相似文献   

庄子的自由是摆脱了“形骸之外”的负累的“形骸之内”的自由,本文试图借鉴伯林对于两种自由的理论,从束缚自由的现实力量及实现自由的可能范围两个角度对庄子自由的实质进行论述。同时,从现实性和自由体验两方面探讨庄子式的自由的价值。  相似文献   

林语堂的享乐主义生存目的论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林语堂以享乐为人生的目的 ,同时认为地球是美丽的 ,人生就是天堂 ,足够人们享受和快乐地活着。林语堂要的是精神享受和物质享受的统一 ,是内在的持久平衡和具体的随时满足的统一 ,是简朴、闲适、和谐、艺术化、美而人性精神饱满的平常人的快乐和幸福。他强调个体人格完善对真正的享受和幸福的决定意义 ,这观点特别深刻。  相似文献   

I Warming up T: What do you like to do on vacation? Which of the activities do you like to do on vacation? Check (√) the activities.  相似文献   

A bright year 7 student was going through the usual steps that lead to the concept of density and its values for wood and brass and aluminium. After mensurating the volumes of cuboids of these materials he was observing the volume of liquid they displaced in a measuring cylinder. As he carefully pushed the wooden cuboid below the surface, I asked him, “Why do you have to push the wood down?” “Because it floats otherwise”, he replied. “Why didn't you have to push the aluminium down?” “Because there was not enough water to make it float”. “Tell me more”, I said. “Well, sir, you must have seen metal ships floating on the sea. If there's enough water, metal will float, but not in a little bit like this”. Just after describing for me how liquid acetone evaporated if it is placed on your skin, a first year university chemistry student with good test results was unable to give me any examples of a liquified gas. When pressed he muttered “Solids, liquids, gases” (A strangely immutable sequence that has neither evolutionary nor biblical support.) and said he thought the cO in a cylinder was probably liquid. Gases could be liquified by lowering the temperature, he said. On being asked to describe what would happen if he steadily cooled down the air in a space, he began by quoting, “Air molecules, being particles moving very rapidly with energy proportional to temperature”. As he cooled them down in thought, he held out his hands and slowed down the vibration of his fingers about a point in space. Finally, his fingers stopped and he said, “It's nothing”. “What do you mean, has it disappeared?” I said. “No”, he replied, but it's no longer a gas, and it's not a liquid or a solid. They are all just there suspended in space. It's no-thing”.  相似文献   

Just For Fun!     
圆形的物体 老师:汤姆.你能说出一些圆形的物体吗?汤姆:当然可以了,有太阳、地球、车轮,还有……老师:还有什么?汤姆:还有我这次数学考试得了零分。  相似文献   

老子之所以揭橥“上善若水”,是因为水能够滋润万物;水顺应自然而不争;水性柔弱,不择地而流,常常停留在卑下的地方,与物无争……,因此,圣人应师法水德,“居善地,心善渊,与善仁,言善信,政善治,事善能,动善时”,以成就上德者之人格。  相似文献   

目标:提高英语阅读和听力水平。想一想:你会怎么形容你家的卫生间?你见过的最有特色的卫生间是什么?你们国家有哪些著名的卫生间,它们因为什么而出名?你认为不同国家的卫生间有哪些不同之处?  相似文献   

When parents pick their children up from day care or preschool, one of the first questions that is typically asked of their child is “What did you do in school today?” At an open house parents usually ask teachers, “How is my child doing in your class?” “Is my child learning new things?” “Has my child improved any since the beginning of the school year, and in what ways?” Or think of the child who turns in a product and asks, “What do you think of this, Teacher?” or “Did you like my work today?”  相似文献   

1.你喜欢看电视吗? 2.我看天快要下雨了。 3.你把我看成什么人了? 4.这要看你是什么意思。 5.不要把我当作小孩子看。 6.依我看来。这简直是胡闹。7.看来我们得走回去了。8.看在你父亲面上,这回我不开除你。9.李大夫把她的肺炎看好了。10.她看起来没有多大变化。  相似文献   

正Step 1 Greeting T:Good morning,boys and girls,nice t0 see you.I'm your new English teacher today.First I'd like to know sometlling about you.What can you tell me?S:Name,hobby,friends,family…T:May I know your name?T:What d0 you usually do after scholl(on Saturday and Sunday)?T:So I think…is your hobby.T:May I know your hobby?(To another student)  相似文献   

1.The out side is a shell(/∫el/贝壳). The inside is meat. It grows on a tree. And is good to eat. What is it?  相似文献   

Smile Power     
余明朝 《新高考》2013,(3):26-28
Like a inside you flower with a That' s smile pleasant scent, your smile can draw people close enough to power. A smile has the power to radiate the qualities make you beautiful on the inside--kindness, friendship, honesty, respect, self-control. So please give smiles away like flowers. Let your smile be an patience, invitation see that and for others to get to know the great person behind the smile.  相似文献   

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