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第二次世界大战后,私立高等教育日益成为大部分国家和地区高等教育系统中的重要组成部分,不少国家和地区更是把发展私立高等教育作为实现高等教育“民主化”、“大众化”和“普及化”的主要途径。改革开放以来,我国私立高等教育也从无到有,蓬勃发展。但是,我国私立高等院校应该采取何种管理模式,仍有待于进行深入的研究与探索。鉴于目前学术界专门研究私立高等院校管理模式的论文并不多,本文拟从历史和比较的视角,通过分析不同历史时期和当代主要国家私立高等院校管理模式的变化与特征,为建立符合我国私立高等院校发展的管理模式提…  相似文献   

纵观历史,南非私立高等教育一直处于主流高等教育之外,在边缘地带发展.20世纪90年代后,在有利的政策环境和经济利益驱动下,主要借助公私高校伙伴关系,南非私立高校获得了新的发展机遇,但南非政府随之加大了对私立高校的监管,政府的政策干预在南非国内引发了激烈的争论.  相似文献   

新一轮的“以学生为中心、以需求为驱动”的高等教育体制改革需要一个与之相应的高等 教育质量保障体系。2011 年以来,澳大利亚政府通过制定法律和资金支持进行质量保障体系改革, 建立了高等教育质量和标准署。作为一个独立的全国性的高等教育质量监管新机构,高等教育质量 和标准署代替了原来的高等教育质量保障总署,监督与管理全国高等教育机构,同时采用新教育标 准框架和风险评估框架,负责保持和提高高等教育的整体质量。  相似文献   

日本私立高等教育的发展经过了一个较长的过程。战前日本政府对私立高等教育机构采取了不资助但仍施行行政管理的政策。战后日本政府逐步调整对私立高等教育机构的政策,开始注入一定数量的资金,并推行较全面的行政管理。在政府资金的援助下,日本的私立高等教育发展很快,在办学规模和质量等方面都超越了公立高等教育,其经验对中国私立高等教育的发展是不无裨益的。  相似文献   

对“私立高等教育”进行界定看似一个简单的称谓问题,但却反映了有关政府部门对待“私立高等教育”的态度和政策取向以及社会的看法。不同的称谓反映不同办学形式的身份和法律地位,只有对“私立高等教育”进行名至实归的准确界定,才能保障我国私立高等教育发展政策制定的科学性,才能真正促进我国高等教育事业的整体发展。  相似文献   

陆航 《教书育人》2023,(9):47-49
印度,作为目前世界上高等教育规模最大的国家之一,自国家独立以来,高等教育发展迅速,取得了令人瞩目的成就,但是存在政府管理不当,高等教育质量低下;大学内部权责不明,学术共同体有待形成;学生受到私立机构的剥削严重,大学毕业生失业状况日趋严重;高等教育培养的人才不能满足外部市场的要求,大学生综合素养有待提高;私立化严重,等等问题,同时也面临英文教育系统成熟、“人口红利”、高等教育投资的激增、全球化背景下的教育交流与合作在加强等机遇,可以说是机遇与挑战并存。  相似文献   

高等教育机构的设置认定与标准判断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对世界各国来说,随着高等教育大众化的快速发展,如何创造出使大学的质量水平得以维持和提高的机制,一直是一个十分重要的问题。本文试图探讨二战前、后两个时期,日本高等教育机构设置认定的两种方式——“设置认定”方式和“标准判断”方式形成、分化、整合的过程,以及国家在认定制度建立与变迁过程中所发挥的作用和对公、私立高校所采用的设置方式的异同,以此论证设置认定方式与高等教育规模扩张、高等教育制度形成之间的密切关系。  相似文献   

何雪莲 《比较教育研究》2012,34(1):18-22,38
自1989年苏东剧变之后,转型国家高等教育实行双重市场化:公立高等教育机构市场化;私立高等教育开始建立。公私立高等教育机构在行为和精神气质方面越来越接近,不少转型国家在财政资助和质量保证方面对公私立高等教育机构也越来越一视同仁,以至于出现了公私莫辨现象,通常区分公私立的标准——所有权归属、资金来源、政府监管力度和机构使命——在转型国家高等教育面前失去了辨别效力。  相似文献   

国外私立高等教育现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外私立高等教育现状及发展趋势郭恩沛国外教育机构一般分为公立、私立两种,公立系指由政府开办的,其余由社会团体、教会、企业、个人开办者均属“私立”,其定义域相似于我国的“民办”。一、美国美国的私立高等教育占有非常重要的地位,水平最高的大学多为私立大学(...  相似文献   

台港澳私立高等教育与大陆民办高等教育处在各自不同的发展环境,在教育评估和质量保障方面与大陆存在很多不同之处。台湾“教育部”开展的教育评鉴在评鉴项目、评鉴步骤、评鉴院校分类、专业分类以及评鉴结果的处理上都有鲜明的特色,而且私立高校在教育评鉴中拥有一定的发言权,可较好地保证教育评鉴的公平和切合实际。香港私立高校的外部评估机构是学术评审局,该局对私立高校的评估有着苛刻的条件,在一定程度上限制了香港私立高等教育的发展。澳门高等教育辅助办公室和学术评审局基本实行“无为而治”,私立高校在自身的发展中,具有较大的自主权和能动性,对各自的教育质量承担责任。  相似文献   

民办高校现已成为我国高等教育体系的重要组成部分,对民办高校进行财政资助是促进其发展的重要举措。基于历史制度主义的分析视角发现,自改革开放以来,我国民办高校财政资助制度历经初步形成、法制化建设、多样化发展以及差别化扶持四个阶段,其制度变迁深受宏观制度环境、民办高校发展受重视程度以及财政资助目标转变的影响,变迁过程中存在路径依赖现象,在整体上呈现出以诱致性变迁为主、强制性变迁为辅的变迁逻辑。后续民办高校财政资助制度的发展,将注重经费投入增加与支出结构优化相协调、充分体现财政杠杆的三重作用、平衡好财政资助的效率与公平。  相似文献   

Private for-profit higher education has grown rapidly in many parts of the world. This growth is attributed to many factors, including a broadening of the student population and the recognition that wider access to higher education will be economically beneficial to individuals, governments and society as a whole. In Australia, the number of students in private for-profit higher education is rising, with dramatic projections for the next 10 years. The Australian government has set a target to increase the participation of students in higher education, with a focus on increasing the access and success of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. It is unclear, however, what role the burgeoning private for-profit institutions will play in meeting the government's targets, and what incentives will be provided for them to increase the access and participation of students from disadvantaged groups. This paper analyses the key drivers of growth in private for-profit higher education in Australia, and discusses issues around quality and standards. It examines the strengths and limitations of the sector, and the extent to which it contributes to diversity, access and the participation of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. It argues that the sector needs clear government directions to improve levels of access, and new government policies to encourage public-private collaborations to help ensure sustainability. The paper also briefly touches on the need for a review into the current structure of Australia's higher education sector as a whole, and whether higher education would benefit from the formation of public community colleges with the explicit aim of widening access for disadvantaged student groups. Further, the paper suggests that encouraging such public-private collaboration may be beneficial to ensure access and participation of students from all walks of life, including disadvantaged groups.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):225-237
Chile's higher education system has moved a long way from state and professional towards market coordination. Presently, market oriented policies predominate across the system, based on a loosely regulated private provision of higher education and the use of a set of “para market” mechanisms designed to enhance competition between state supported universities. The effects of these policies on the number and differentiation of higher education institutions, on enrollment, on the evolution of professional careers and academic degree programs, and particularly on the funding of the higher education system are here analyzed. A balance is drawn, specifically with respect to the nature and quality of private institutions and their public regulation, and to the competition for funding between state supported universities.  相似文献   

During the last 10 years many higher educational institutions following the ILEA initiatives and equal opportunity (EO) legislation of the mid 1970's, announced they were equal opportunity institutions. This paper questions whether such pronouncements and declared policies have had any more than a marginal effect on the power structures and day to day running of institutions. It proposes that a positive action programme should be adopted to increase the proportion of women lecturers in higher education. More idealistically still, it discusses a transformational model of EO which would challenge the public private divide and democratise institutions. It draws on the experience of equal opportunities initiatives in a number of higher educational institutions and emphasises the importance of understanding resistance to change.  相似文献   


An empirical examination of accredited American higher education institutions was conducted to obtain baseline data regarding distance education copyright, intellectual property, and antitrust concerns. Additionally, a multiple‐case study involving ten of the top thirty accredited distance education institutions in America was conducted. Policy approaches were examined for all institutions, and differences were discussed between public and private institutions as well as between the following Carnegie Classification institutions: Research I and II, Doctorate I and II, and Master's I and II. Data indicated that, out of the schools surveyed, 22% of the institutions in these Carnegie Classification categories published copyright and intellectual property policies on their institution's Web site. In the case study, it was found that 90% of the institutions centrally controlled their distance education program administration as well as the copyright and intellectual property policies related to it.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the avowedly partisan stance of Australia regarding trade in education services, the government's enthusiastic approach to market liberalisation through GATS, and its response to the concerns of vocal critics including academic and student unions. Education is a major export enterprise for Australia, both onshore and offshore. Education is publicly referred to as an ‘industry’ as often as a ‘sector’, and institutions behave in an aggressively market‐oriented manner unthinkable two decades ago. While other major education exporters, including the EU, US and Canada, have showed flagging commitment to pursuing trade liberalisation in education due to opposition from the academic community and little pressure from the ‘industry’ for such an approach, Australia and New Zealand have come to represent the most ardent supporters of free trade in education. The Australian government's approach has involved making changes to its domestic education regulations to ensure they are consistent with market liberalisation, and facilitating the exploration of concerns through various international forums, including APEC, the WTO and OECD. Issues such as quality assurance, consumer protection, and public subsidies remain high on the list of matters for further debate.  相似文献   

A rich body of literature has emerged that seeks to shed further light on how concepts like globalization and internationalization shape higher education systems and their institutions. This paper examines how the rise of private higher education in various national contexts has engendered global patterns of public financial support for private institutions and particularly the various ways in which public funding is channeled to such providers. A cross-national typology of public/private higher education sectors and a system-level map of how public funding is directed to institutions are both used to explain why different patterns may emerge. This framework is then used to examine the policies and practices in four representative systems: England, Germany, New Zealand, and the state of Pennsylvania in the United States. The available evidence suggests that in systems with weak or newly emerging private sectors, unclear regulations and concerns about quality implies that public funding tends to be channeled into private institutions indirectly (e.g. through tax-abatements and student financial aid). In systems where private institutions play a more substantial role, public funding is channeled to privates using a mix of indirect and direct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Following a rapid overview of the genesis of private higher education in Romania after the Revolution of December 1989, the author proceeds to analyse the phenomenon in terms of John Meyer's neo‐institutionalist perspective. Citing, in particular, Meyer's theses regarding the isomorphism of organizations with their respective environments, she credits much of the early success of private Romanian higher education institutions in getting started to their close copying of the structure, offerings, and procedures of public higher education in addition to unsatisfied public demand for higher education. She further shows how private higher education institutions have adapted to the requirements of accreditation and state funding possibilities. She fears, however, that the continuing demographic downturn in Romania along with the creation of extra tuition fee‐paying openings at the public universities may finally doom private higher education.  相似文献   

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