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基于“知识社会中的学术职业”调查数据,对高校教师科研产出及其影响机制进行了分析。结果表明:高校层次越高,其教师投入到科研中的时间越长,科研合作对象范围越广,发表国内核心期刊论文和国际期刊论文的数量越多;不同层次高校教师的科研产出在性别、年龄、学历、职称、学科等方面存在不同程度的显著差异;高校教师个体内在的科研兴趣对科研产出具有显著正向影响;外在的科研导向不仅没有促进高校教师的科研产出,反而对“双一流”建设高校教师国际期刊论文发表具有显著负向影响,以及对非“双一流”建设高校教师的科研兴趣产生“挤出效应”,进而对其科研产出产生负向影响。  相似文献   

在大科学时代背景下,国际交流与合作是"双一流"建设的重要工作内容。利用Web of Science平台和InCites科研分析工具,综合运用文献计量学和引文分析法,通过哈尔滨工业大学国际合作的科研现状统计,以协同产出论文为切入点,分析及计算比较2009-2018近十年间哈尔滨工业大学独著、国内合著、国际合著论文的篇均被引频次,以及哈尔滨工业大学进入ESI优势学科的工程学、材料学相应论文影响因子的变化情况,从提升科研水平和影响力的角度分析国际合作发挥的作用,并就深化国际交流与合作工作提出相关措施建议。  相似文献   

高校教师科研文化的缺陷及其改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校科研活动中教师的思想意识、价值观念以及受社会心理影响而表现出来的行为方式等,构成了高校教师的科研文化。从世界高等教育历史来看,高校教师科研文化在主体、客体和产出等维度上经历了从个体文化向合作文化、从学科分治文化向多学科文化、从纯理性文化向功利性文化的发展过程。我国当前高校教师科研文化的缺陷表现为:重形式的合作文化、浅层移植的多学科文化以及群体趋向的功利性文化。为形成科学、健康的高校教师科研文化,高校应建立科研合作机制,培育教师团队协作精神;应改革传统学科制度,完善学院制内部管理体制;应注重科研制度建设,促使教师养成严谨求实的科学态度。  相似文献   

研究型大学教育学科教师长期存在"单兵作战"科研传统。但随着学科知识交叉渗透、问题日益复杂、技术手段加速更替,只有通过合作才能创新。本文以北京师范大学教育学部教师为样本,描述研究型大学教育学科教师科研合作和科研生产力现状,并分析科研合作对科研生产力的影响效应及其内在逻辑。研究发现,合作对教师科研生产力的积极影响主要体现在产出质量维度;尽管合作已成相对普遍选择,但合作范围多限于二级学科内部,跨学科、跨机构、跨地区合作仍然不多,事实上,跨越更广边界的合作更有利于科研创新;分教师特征看,年轻教师群体科研产出质量优势明显、合作内在动机更强、合作对质量的影响效应更明显,需有针对性支持教师学术发展、避免人力资本浪费。研究结论为提升研究型大学教师科研生产力提供新的视角和参考建议。  相似文献   

对全国部分高校教师进行问卷调查,探讨高校教师科研动机因素。结果显示高校教师科研的内部动机可归纳为科研兴趣、社会责任和贡献、获得知识和提升科研水平、科研成就感、科研工作的灵活性;外部动机可归纳为社会尊重和认可、职称晋升、获得科研奖励和荣誉、学校考核。高校教师科研动力不足且内部动机低于外部动机;不同大学教师群体在科研动机方面存在显著差异。因此需要激发高校教师科研动机尤其内部动机,并进行差异化科研管理。  相似文献   

基于中国“211”大学教育学科教师的科研生产数据,本文尝试从社会资本与合作视角阐释女性科研生产力低于男性这一“科研生产力之谜”。研究发现:(1)女性仅在与导师所建立的合作关系这项强关系的“拥有”水平上超过男性,女性“拥有的”和“动用的”其他社会资本均显著低于男性;(2)“动用的”社会资本以及“拥有的”弱关系对女性科研生产力的提升效应均显著高于男性,分位数回归结果显示,上述提升效应在高科研生产力水平群体更加明显;(3)以与导师的合作关系为代表的基于学缘的强关系对男、女教师群体均无显著的提升效应,在高科研生产力的女性群体中甚至显示出负向效应。本文从一个较新的视角解释了“科研生产力之谜”,并利用面板数据和计量模型设计尽可能揭示因果效应,为挖掘女性科研潜力的相关措施提供了较为稳健的经验证据。  相似文献   

薪酬对劳动生产率和工作绩效的激励作用被广泛认同,但高校教师薪酬水平对其科研生产率的激励效应缺乏实证检验。调查结果显示:薪酬水平对高校教师科研生产率具有显著的正向影响;薪酬购买力地区差异影响薪酬对科研生产率的激励水平;年龄、职称和博士学位比薪酬水平更能影响科研生产率;薪酬水平越高的群体其薪酬差距越大。高校应努力提高教师薪酬待遇水平,在薪酬制度设计中引入反映货币购买力地区差异的指标,重视学术氛围等非经济性激励因素的建设,合理处理薪酬中保障与激励的关系。  相似文献   

针对高校教师科研转化率低、产学研融合质量不高的境况,本文从产权分配的视角,剖析知识产权分配制度与高校教师科研行为之间关系,基于演化博弈模型,探讨在有限理性、信息不对称以及复制动态的假设条件下,高校与企业在不同投入水平的条件下,高校教师科研行为演化情况,发现当且仅当教师具有高效率科研成果转化时获得的回报需大于具有低效率科研成果转化时获得的回报,且高校与企业方采取高科研投入时获得的回报需大于采取低科研投入时获得的回报时,高校教师具有高效率科研成果转化,此时高校与企业向高投入水平的方向演化。根据研究结果提出相关改进措施,推动产学研深度融合。  相似文献   

基于36所美国世界一流大学18年间的校际面板数据,研究发现科研产出数量、影响力和综合表现分数分别呈“先降后升”“先平后降”与“持续下降”趋势,校均总工资绝对规模逐年增长,占校均总支出50%左右,师均工资呈增长趋势,校均工资结构多元且稳定。工资规模、结构与科研产出关系的OLS、随机效应和固定效应模型结果表明:在工资规模上,增加大学总工资支出、提高全职教师师均工资均可显著提升大学科研产出数量、影响力和综合表现,但总工资规模对科研产出数量的正向影响更明显,而师均工资则对科研产出影响力的正向影响更突出;在工资结构上,增加工资结构中的研究工资、支持类与服务类工资规模亦可显著提升科研产出数量、影响力和综合表现,其中,研究工资对科研产出数量和综合表现的正向影响更为突出,而支持类和服务类工资对科研产出影响力的正向影响更为显著;教学工资的增加能够提升科研产出数量与影响力,但全职教师工资规模的增加却仅有助于提升科研产出数量,对科研产出影响力和综合表现有明显抑制作用。基于研究发现,我国政府和世界一流大学建设高校需要继续优化大学经费支出结构,大幅提高教师的总工资和研究工资规模;变革工资制度,提升教师工资水平等。  相似文献   

从目前国内高校教师的科研规划情况来看,无论是教师本人还是学校职能部门对此都还没有清晰的认识和足够的重视,更没有将高校的科研发展规划与教师的个人学术成长有机结合起来。本文以我国高校教师科研规划为例,旨在揭示我国高校科研管理工作中存在的不足,探索高校教师合理有效的学术成长及科研规划路径,并针对当前问题提出对策建议。  相似文献   

In October 2010, an interdisciplinary group of female academics from a university in the Kurdistan region of Iraq initiated a collaborative research project with a UK university to investigate opportunities and challenges for female academics' research leadership in universities in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The project aimed to develop female academics' research capacities using action learning and research principles, in order to focus on issues of concern to practitioners, seek understanding, reflect on activities and enhance them through needs identification–solution–reflection cycles and collaboratively seek solutions. The research uncovered socially constructed barriers to advancement shaped by socio-cultural issues and institutional practices, found exemplars of successful female academics and strengthened participants' research leadership capacities. We conclude that the expansion of female academics' capacities should be prioritised in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to harness their contributions to nation-building and economic development, goals that are explicitly emphasised in higher education policy statements.  相似文献   

The article examines whether the increase in international contacts among university researchers is an impact of a general globalisation trend, or whether it is an effect of policy initiatives on national and supranational levels such as EU research programmes. The present study demonstrates that the sheer volume of international contacts among Norwegian university staff has increased substantially during the last 20 years with respect to conference participation, guest lecturing, study and research visits, peer review work, research collaboration and international publishing. While patterns of international visits have not changed with respect to geographical pattern, research collaboration and co-authoring has become increasingly directed towards other European and Nordic countries. Moreover, we demonstrate a homogenisation between fields of learning regarding the degree of international contact while there are significant differences in geographical orientation. We conclude that general trends of globalisation and regional policy initiatives from the EU are supplementary rather than contradictory with respect to international contacts among Norwegian university staff. Data are drawn from studies based on questionnaires carried out in 1981, 1991 and 2000 among all tenured faculty members of Norway’s four universities.  相似文献   

Evidence of the impact of educational development (ED) programmes on faculty is often not gathered beyond ascertaining the immediate reactions of participants. This paper reports the results of a study to determine what level of impact an ED programme at a university has had on academics' teaching practice over time. Kirkpatrick's framework provided a useful approach to conceptualise how to examine critically the impact of ED efforts. A series of semi‐structured interviews with 14 programme participants and a subsequent questionnaire survey of 248 participants were undertaken. The programme resulted in high‐level impact when rated according to Kirkpatrick's framework, including changes to individual behaviour and organisational practice, benefits to academics and perceived benefits to their students. Change was reported up to seven years after participation. These results emphasise the role that a well‐designed ED programme can play in enhancing the quality of teaching and assessment practice at a research‐intensive university.

Bepaling van die impak van onderrigontwikkelingsprogramme op dosente word dikwels beperk tot die verkryging van die onmiddellike reaksies van deelnemers eerder as meer omvangryke bewyse. Hierdie artikel rapporteer die resultate van 'n studie wat dit ten doel gehad het om die vlak van impak van 'n onderrigontwikkelingsprogram by 'n universiteit op die onderrigpraktyke van akademici, oor 'n tyd heen, vas te stel. Kirkpatrick se raamwerk het 'n nuttige benadering verskaf vir die konseptualisering van 'n kritiese ondersoek na die impak van onderrigontwikkelingsaksies. 'n Reeks semi‐gestruktureerde onderhoude met 14 programdeelnemers en 'n daaropvolgende vraelysopname van 248 deelnemers is onderneem. Gemeet teen Kirkpatrick se raamwerk, het die program tot hoëvlak impak aanleiding gegee, insluitend veranderinge in individuele optrede, organisatoriese praktyk, voordele vir akademici en oënskynlike voordele vir hulle studente. Veranderinge is tot sewe jaar na deelname gerapporteer. Hierdie resultate beklemtoon die rol wat 'n weldeurdagte onderrigontwikkelingsprogram in die bevordering van onderrig‐ en assesseringspraktyk by 'n navorsingsintensiewe universiteit, kan speel.  相似文献   

本研究分析了2016—2021年我国国际科研合作的特点与趋势。通过对中国学者国际合作文章发表数据的描述性分析和对参与国际合作的18位中国学者的访谈,分析了疫情背景下中国国际科研合作在伙伴国家、合作学科、合作模式等方面的趋势,探讨了影响我国建立和保持国际科研合作关系的因素。研究发现,中美合作势头较之十年前有所放缓,中国与“一带一路”国家的科研合作增长较快,且学科分布较为广泛。“优先依附”与“同质性”是中国与传统科研伙伴合作的重要机制,新的国际局势和新冠疫情制约了中国学者新型国际合作关系的建立,影响程度与其合作关系的来源和强度有关。未来中国可将“一带一路”国家作为国际科研合作的增长点,着力提升对关键合作要素的贡献,建立跨国合作“退潮”的防御机制,以应对新形势下所可能面临的风险与挑战。  相似文献   

As students move between universities on different continents, they are expected to adjust rapidly to the academic and cultural practices of their host university. Many of these students are higher educational professionals in their home country and on their return home they are faced with the challenge of how to fit back into – or whether to make changes in – their institution's established academic practices. I explored international PhD students' understanding of, and responses to, the perceived differences between academic cultures of host (UK) and home universities. Whereas some students regarded the changes made in how they conducted and wrote up educational research as temporary and strategic in order to pass the PhD course, others saw themselves as change agents. They were keen to transform academic practices once they returned home and were already actively working out politically and practically how to go about this. By reflecting on how educational research practices are changing and being influenced by the movement of academics between countries, I suggest how UK university departments can respond positively to the differing research practices in which international students engage in their home institutional contexts.  相似文献   

Research agendas are understudied, despite being key to academic knowledge creation. The literature suggests that the ways that academics determine their research agendas are conditioned by individual, organisational and environmental characteristics. This study explores the cognitive aspects of academics' research agendas in the social sciences by using a theory on thinking styles as an analytical framework. The results suggest that the research agendas of academics in the social sciences are significantly associated with their thinking styles. These findings aid understanding of how academics set their research agendas. This study also represents an important landmark in research on thinking styles, focusing on academic research work as a potential venue for further studies. The findings are relevant for policymakers, research funding agencies, university administrators and academics because they have implications for academic research development processes, outcomes, and for research and academic identity socialisation during doctoral studies.  相似文献   

Although governments and universities worldwide recognise the value of study abroad as a means to prepare graduates to live and work in a globalising world, there is a wide gap between the rhetoric and reality. The reasons for this are complex, but one factor, not often discussed, is the role academics play in study abroad. This paper explores academics' perceptions of study abroad in universities within two higher education systems: Australian and Czech. Findings from both countries are considered across four themes: academics' perceived value of study abroad; ‘internationalising’ academic staff; academics' concerns about student equity and integrating study abroad into the curriculum at home. The implications for practice and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Improving teaching in higher education is a concern for universities worldwide. This study explored academics’ developmental processes in teaching using episodic interviews and teaching portfolios. Eight academics in the context of teaching development reported changes in their teaching and change triggers. Thematic analyses revealed seven areas of change: participants most frequently reported changes in concepts about teaching, their teaching selves and teaching strategies. Triggers of change clustered into eight categories with teaching practices, teaching courses and metacognition reported most frequently. Analysing relations among areas and triggers of change indicated complex dynamics in academics' developmental processes in teaching. This suggests that teaching development should incorporate multiple change triggers to facilitate academics' development in teaching effectively.  相似文献   

New academics entering higher education are especially vulnerable if teaching in a post-colonial classroom is not foregrounded as an explicit part of their professional induction. Drawing on a study of a professional development programme for induction to teaching, this paper explicates how six new academics confront specific challenges of exclusion, marginalisation, and alienation at institutional, faculty, departmental and classroom levels. Framed by critical and social realist theory, the study uses photo voice methodology to elicit new academics' critical insights in the ‘learning to teach’ frame. The paper asserts new academics must engage in ways that make explicit the racial, gendered and class-based constraints experienced in various university spaces. While the relevance and legitimacy of current professional development programmes depends on their ability to be responsive and socially just, the study also questions whether programmes alone can challenge deep systemic constraints that are reproduced through current university structures and culture.  相似文献   

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