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2005年全国共有16套高考英文试卷:全国卷2套,地方单独命卷14套。其中全国卷Ⅰ与Ⅱ英文科内容是一样的,均含听力卷;全国卷Ⅲ没有听力卷。两套全国卷的题型和题量皆与国家教育部考试中心发布的样卷一样,而不是像有的媒体或自我炒作的所谓“高考研究专家”宣称的那样有所不同。所有试卷均含填空题,所以权威的正式渠道的考试信息才值得师生复习备考时重视。下文拟对2005年全国高考英语科试卷的情况作一简单介绍。全国卷Ⅰ穴Ⅱ雪使用省份或自治区穴12个雪:山西、海南、河南、黑龙江、广西、内蒙、宁夏、新疆、四川、云南、青海、西藏。全国卷Ⅲ穴无听力雪使用省份穴5省雪:河北、吉林、甘肃、陕西、贵州。单独命题卷穴共14省市雪:北京、天津、上海、重庆、江苏、浙江、福建、湖北、湖南、广东、辽宁、穴2005年新增以下3个单独命题卷省份雪山东、江西、安徽穴安徽省2005年只有英文单独命题卷雪。说明:福建、辽宁、江苏、江西、山东、安徽采用了全国卷的听力部分。试卷总体情况:2005年高考英语科在去年15套英语试卷的基础上,今年英语高考试卷共达16套,其中全国卷2套,地方卷14套。2004年全国卷共有4套,而今年减少为2套,即听力内容和标准分均完全不同...  相似文献   

2006年全国普通高考继续沿着“统一考试,分省命题”的轨道前进,教育部考试中心为半数省区提供了含听力与不含听力卷各一套,另有16个省市自主命题。湖北省仍为语文、数学、英语三科单独命题,所有试卷都遵循教育部《高中英语教学大纲(2000年试验修订版)》以及考试中心2006年“全国统一考试大纲”而命制。绝大多数试卷和试题都能够较好地体现高考的考查要求与改革方向。[第一段]  相似文献   

有关高考日语试卷的评析文章非常少见,给高考日语备考带来不便。本文对多年的高考日语试卷进行梳理、总结,以揭示日语高考试卷的结构、特点及趋势。高考日语试卷采取全国命题的形式,分听力卷和非听力卷两种。河北省2012年以前一直在用非听力卷,从2012年开始,河北省开始使用听力试卷。从非听力卷与听力卷的考查内容、难度系数来看,二者基本一致。本文对2005年-2011年河北省日语高考试卷进行分析与各位同仁商榷。  相似文献   

2008年全国高考已经尘埃落定,总共有二十套不同风格的高考英语试题,其中全国卷两套(含听力与不含听力的两种),课改实验区自主命题十八套(有的省份使用了全国卷I的部分试题)。今年河北省仍选择了全国卷II,现就这套全国高考英语不含听力卷试题设计及试题整体所体现的典型特色作一个剖析及归纳。  相似文献   

自1990年至1995年,全国高考试卷,含全国试卷、上海试卷、三南试卷及全国新高考科目试卷、上海试点教材试卷共16套中,有17组、54道问答题,除去上海两卷共用试题2道,实有52道问答题。  相似文献   

2004年湖北省高考首次实行自主命题.2004年高考(湖北卷)试卷结构、题型、分值及命题所依据的指导思想等与近几年全国卷完全相同,充分体现了“平稳过渡,稳中有变”的原则。为了帮助广大考生进一步熟悉高考听力试题,提高备考效率,本文试对2004年高考(湖北卷)的听力试题命题特点,2005年高考听力试题的命题走向及听力试题应试对策作一简要探讨。  相似文献   

2009年河南省高考英语依然采用了全国卷Ⅰ(含听力)。该试卷题型结构稳定,题量和难度适中,具有较高的区分度和信度。  相似文献   

2006年高考生物试题有综合卷和单科卷两种基本模式,上海、广东和江苏继续使用单科卷,其余各省(市、自治区)均使用综合卷。理综试卷包括由考试中心命题的全国卷I、全国卷Ⅱ以及由北京、天津、四川和重庆自主命题的试卷共6套(不包括因特殊情况而启用的B卷)。与去年相比,全国卷由原来的3套减少为2套,自主命题的省(市)增加了四川和重庆。  相似文献   

2008年的高考已经落幕了,人们急于谈说的莫过于作文题了。今年和去年一样,全国加各省市区一共仍然有18套语文试卷。其中海南和宁夏仍然合用一卷,陕西仍然使用全国卷Ⅰ。18套语文试卷一共有大小作文题20个(北京卷一大一小,浙江卷是二选一)。  相似文献   

一、总体评价 1.整体情况介绍 2005年,教育部根据各地的要求.将自主命题的省份由原来的11个扩大为14个.同时允许各省在含听力和不含听力的试卷中任选一种。最后.十多个省选择含听力的试卷,但在听力部分的计分方式上各有不同:五个省选择了不含听力的试卷。据此,教育部考试中心命制了两套高考英语试卷。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between children’s proneness to endorse moral disengagement mechanisms and their anticipated antisocial lie telling. Participants were 107 predominantly white Australian children in Grade 1 (27 boys, 27 girls; Mage = 6.69 years) and Grade 4 (24 boys, 29 girls; Mage = 9.69 years). Children completed a lie-telling moral disengagement scale and two vignettes. In the first vignette, a child character witnessed a transgression and was coached to say that they did not see the transgression occur (lie type: false denial). In the second vignette, a child character did not witness a transgression and was coached to say that they saw a transgression (lie type: false allegation). In accordance with social cognitive theory predictions, greater proneness to using moral disengagement mechanisms was associated with children’s anticipated lie telling for both false allegations and false denials. These findings highlight the important role of moral disengagement in children’s lie telling.  相似文献   

A sample of 192 8‐ to 10‐year‐old children were asked in individual interviews to say which classmates bully other pupils and who they selected as victims. They were provided with a well‐known definition of bullying devised by Olweus. Test‐retest reliability of bully nominations was shown to be good. The data were analysed to reveal the number of male and female victims of male and female children viewed by their peers as bullies. Consistent with previous research, many boys were shown to bully an appreciable number of girls and boys, but they selected significantly more same‐sex than other‐sex victims. However, our finding that there was not a significant difference in the number of same‐sex and other‐sex children selected as victims by girls was not consistent with the results of earlier studies. Thus, more boys may be bullied by girls than has been suggested by the extant literature.  相似文献   

One day in June, at 8:30 in the evening, after I had just concluded a seminar on education, a student came to see me. His first words were: "Teacher, I don't want to live any more. Please help me." His timid, anxious, and apprehensive expression told me here was a person with frustrations in his life. I asked him what was the matter. He glanced at me and hesitated a long moment before plucking up the courage to say: "They say the way I look at girls isn't right."  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide an opportunity for science teachers to listen to adolescent girls discuss their ideas and feelings about the contemporary structure of middle-level science education. The reflections of these teachers were then analyzed to capture how the teachers interpreted what adolescent girls had to say and the action that they will take in the classroom as a result of those interpretations. This qualitative study investigated 11 teachers and 51 Grade 7 and 8 girls from various states across the continental USA. The girls discussed such things as their favorite science topics, comfort level in science classrooms, and curiosities about the physical world. The study revealed that adolescent girls strive to make a connection to science. They can see how science can help them to understand better themselves and their world, but they seldom find such understandings in contemporary science classrooms. In addition, adolescent girls not only need to have choices in their studies, but they understand that need. The study revealed that the teachers interpreted the girls' request from an assimilative perspective by seeking ways to help the girls fit into the existing structure of science education. The implications of the study suggest that science education will need to change in response to the voices of the others, but that change will only happen if we prepare teachers better to be prepared to listen and change practice in light of what they hear.  相似文献   

Studies of children's attitudes towards science indicate that a tendency for girls and boys to have different patterns of interest in science is established by upper primary school level. It is not know when these interest patterns develop. This paper presents the results of part of a project designed to investigate preschool children's interests in science. Individual 4–5 year-old children were asked to say what they would prefer to do from each of a series of paired drawings showing either a science and a non-science activity, or activities from two different areas of science. Girls and boys were very similar in their overall patterns of choice for science and non-science items. Within science, the average number of physical science items chosen by boys was significantly greater than the average number chosen by girls (p=.026). Girls tended to choose more biology items than did boys, but this difference was not quite significant at the .05 level (p=.054). The temporal stability of these choices was explored. Specializations: early childhood science education, biological aspects of child development.  相似文献   

…Teachers tend to say they find their supervision of little value. Supervisors say their work has a lot of value. Supervisors seem to be saying that they want to spend more time doing what their clients (the teachers) consider to be relatively useless.  相似文献   

This study explores girls’ aspirations for their future. The context was an ex-coalmining area where concerns had been raised by the local authority about the levels of girls’ achievement. The focus of the research was the views of Year 6 girls as they prepared for their transition to secondary school and Year 11 girls as they prepared for their transition to post-compulsory school life. Perspectives of their staff were also sought, focusing on the impact of school and its community on girls’ aspirations. Findings indicated that while the aspirations of the primary school girls were similar, those of the secondary girls differed significantly. Staff viewed this as reflective of the local context and school ethos. These responses offer a basis on which schools could build strategies to increase aspirations and provide support towards their achievement.  相似文献   

Writing alongside 12 African American Muslim girls, we led a summer literacy program in an effort to understand how Black Muslim adolescent girls write about their identities and ideas. The 4-week literacy program was designed to engage and support Black Muslim girls, aged 12–17 years old, in reading, writing, and understanding the multiple contexts that inform their worlds. The girls received writing instruction connected to their experiences and identities in an environment that afforded them time to represent their situated worlds of being Black, Muslim, and girls in the United States. In this qualitative inquiry, we investigated the following research question: How would Black Muslim girls write to encourage a future generation to navigate multiple identities? The participants penned letters to a future generation of African American Muslim girls. Drawing upon methods of thematic analysis, we found that themes of sisterhood and unity, shattering misrepresentations, empowerment, strength through faith, knowledge (education), and speaking up and fighting for rights emerged. These themes indicate the messages Muslim girls write are indicative of the multiple identities they navigate and speaks to how they would encourage youth who share their complex racialized-gender religious identities, as well as the need to open the conversation on Black education to center both Black girls and Black Muslim girls.  相似文献   

This study used a nationally representative sample of African American and Caribbean Black adolescent females to examine the relation between perceived pubertal timing relative to peers and discriminatory experiences. Participants included the 607 girls who participated in the National Survey of American Life-Adolescent (NSAL-A), and ranged in age from 13 to 17. Most African American girls perceived their development as on-time relative to their same-aged peers; whereas the majority of Caribbean Black girls perceived their development as earlier than their same-aged peers. The results indicated that girls who perceived that their pubertal development was earlier than their same-aged peers reported more general and racial discrimination experiences.  相似文献   

South Asian girls have been perceived either having limited career aspirations or as being over ambitious, and the reasons for both have been found in a ‘cultural conflict’ explanation. Previous research, e.g. Sharif (1985) and Hussain & Samarasinghe (1987), in which such girls have been asked about their aspirations, show that they are realistic about their abilities. In the study described below the career aspirations of South Asian girls in Glasgow are compared with those of their white peers. There are no significant differences. However, it was found that white girls expected South Asian girls to marry and not have a career. Both groups of girls expected parental influence over career decisions, although there is a difference in the degree of influence expected. A discussion of constraints on their aspirations follows.  相似文献   

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