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在大学与中小学合作关系的意义上,学校改进的本土化就是在学校实践场域中经对话、互动和共同思考而生成学校改进理论与实践策略的过程。学校改进本土化的哲学立场是尊重学校的生命特性、正视学校的制度约束、激发局内人的变革动力、实现变革的主体完整。与专家理论应用模式相比,内部生长的学校改进模式具有在实践中生成理论、以学校需求为驱动力、大学专业人员的服务身份、以学校发展规划为切入口、让每所学校都成为更好的自己的特征。在内生型学校改进中,大学专业人员可以起到让实践者的教育信念和心智模式亮相、让实践者的实践发生第二序改变、让理论工作者和实践工作者共同发生蜕变的作用。  相似文献   

在院校协作式的学校改进中,负责协作计划的校内领袖教师起着重要作用。在推动学校改进计划的过程中,领袖教师需要与相关人员开展大量的沟通活动,而这些沟通行为又与学校的符号化结构也即沟通规则系统密切相关。学校的沟通规则系统分为正式沟通规则以及非正式沟通规则,领袖教师的沟通行为要建基于学校已有的各类沟通规则;同时在学校改进的契机下,领袖教师又会重新构建学校的沟通规则系统。  相似文献   

以参与由香港中文大学优质学校改进计划的一所中学为个案,分析教师在学校改进中发生改变的路径。认为教师是学校改进中关键的、能动的内在变革者,教师改变的关键是心与信念的改变;大学成员是学校改进的重要外在促进者,学校领导及教师团队则是学校改进强有力的内在支持者。  相似文献   

学校文化变革是学校改进的一个重要方面。作为学校文化的元素之一,仪式典礼不仅能够传承学校文化,还能教育学校成员。但是在实际教育情境中,学校尚没有真正把学生的角色提高到学校组织成员的位置上来,在仪式典礼的策划过程中学生缺位。无论从学校改进的视角来看还是从仪式互动的视角来看,学校应该重视学生的声音,给学生赋权;应根据学校改进的不同时期和内容需求,让学生以不同的水平层次和形式参与学校改进。  相似文献   

追求"公平而卓越"已经成为当今世界教育新的发展趋势.在教育研究领域中,与教育质量以及学校绩效息息相关的是学校效能和学校改进的研究.在这方面国际学校效能与学校改进学会发挥了先锋和带动作用,其研究得到了各国政府的重视,在追求公平而卓越的教育中做出了突出贡献.  相似文献   

大学与中小学的伙伴协作:动因、经验与反思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由社会变革所引起的教育在研究范式、教师教育、学校教育、大学功能诸方面的变革,使得大学与中小学之间的伙伴协作近30年来有了长足的发展。大学与中小学之间的差异成为双方协作的重要基础和资源,大学与中小学的伙伴协作是平等、互惠、互信、共同实践的协作。伙伴协作促进了大学与中小学教师的专业发展、促进了双方学校功能的建设、构建了新型的学习共同体。  相似文献   

基础教育改革需要以教师素质的提升和教师教育的改进创新为基础和动力。大学与中小学的相互了解,彼此协作有利于改变师范教育脱离实际的状况。大学对中小学教师的校本培训和以需为本的培训,与中小学合作开展教育研究,合作培养师范生等活动,能够有效增进大学教师的实践性内容知识和解决现实问题的能力,衍生新的教师教育课程资源,改进教师教育课程的教学策略,改善教育实习的效果。  相似文献   

学校改进是一种“系统而持续的努力,目的是在一所或多所学校里改变学习条件及其他相关的内部条件,从而更有效地实现教育目标”.持续性是学校改进的重要特征.美国的研究表明,许多学校持续改进的过程模型都遵循“计划—执行—检查—处理”的休哈特循环并具有一些共同的特征.这些过程模型引导了学校科学、理性的持续改进.介绍和分析美国教育学会的“卓越学校的关键——持续的学校改进”模型和全美学校评价学会(NCA)的“学校进步的突破点”模型,对我国的学校改进研究将有所启示.  相似文献   

成功塑造优秀的班级团队   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
班级是学校的基本组织形式。是学校教育和教学工作的出发点和落脚点。班主任作为班级的领导者、组织者、教育者和服务者,如何将班级建设成为一支团结协作、学风优良、蓬勃向上的团队,让团队的每一位成员都能得到正确引导、健康成长,并具有大局意识和服务协作精神,是新形势下班主任工作的重点之一。一个松散的、普通的群体不等于团队,团队是一种为了实现某一目标而由相互协作的个体组成的正式群体,应具备相应的团队业绩和团队精神。团队业绩来自于团队成员的个人成果和团队的集体成果,而不仅仅是团队成员个人成绩的总和;团队精神则集中体现为大局意识、协作精神和服务精神。那么,班主任如何将班级塑造成一支高效、进取的团队呢?  相似文献   

教育督导报告是对学校督导评估的总结和概括.为此,督导人员要在督导活动获取学校发展信息的基础上,对"如何形成报告"给出适切的回答,从而深层次地思考学校发展的问题. 案例描述 G中学是一所公办初级中学.该校领导班子成员团结、协作,办学思想端正,贯彻"依法治校、以德立校"的思想,主动发展意识较强,抓科研,促教改,重实践,求发展.目前,由于受到城市化进程的影响和地处城郊结合处,该校的生源结构发生了显著变化.为此,学校提出的"督导需求"为:"在学校地域位置不太合理和外来务工子女生源趋于增多的背景下,如何进一步激发干部管理团队和推进教师队伍的个性化培养,促进学校办学质量的稳步发展."  相似文献   

One component of the curriculum reform in Hong Kong focuses on the use of homework in consolidating learning, deepening understanding and constructing knowledge. This study examines the profile of Hong Kong primary school students' homework involvement, and investigates the relationships between time involvement and academic attributes, namely interest in homework, interest in academic subjects, academic efficacy, and efficacy for self-regulated learning. The sample comprised 2,361 primary school students representing all six grade levels in Hong Kong. Data was collected using questionnaires and homework diaries. Results showed heavy homework involvement among primary school students in Hong Kong, especially at the senior primary level. Differential patterns across levels were observed for the relationship between homework involvement and academic attributes. Specifically, junior primary students' study-related interests and efficacies were found to decline with increasing time involvement, whereas inverted U-shape relationships were observed among senior primary students. There was concern for students with high time involvement as they received more homework and they worked slower. They were less likely to perceive the positive functions of homework, and showed poorer study-related interests and efficacy beliefs. The findings of this study provide crucial information for school personnel and educators in Hong Kong in developing homework strategies and policies that enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This paper aims to report how school leadership is challenged by the three waves of education reform and development in Hong Kong. Since the 1970s, school leaders in the first wave were mainly concerned with achievement of the planned goals through improvement of teaching and learning. In the 1990s, school leaders of the second wave often focused on interface improvement through various types of quality inspection and assurance. In facing the challenges in the new century, the third wave of changes in Hong Kong is moving towards the pursuit of future effectiveness. The school leaders need to be concerned with enhancing educational relevance and creating new goals. This paper will discuss how the leadership conceptions and concerns of the third wave in Hong Kong are completely different from the traditional thinking. Implications are drawn for educators, policy-makers, and scholars in different parts of the world.  相似文献   


In Hong Kong the secondary school curriculum has long been criticized for its heavy emphasis on academic performance and examination-oriented approaches to subject learning. As a consequence, pupils in Hong Kong only possess knowledge and skills that could carry them through examinations. They lack qualities and dispositions as well as related skills and understandings which will help them to make sense of this complicated society. It is noted that time has come for a reflection of the secondary curriculum and this article argues for the introduction of Personal and Social Education in secondary schools in Hong Kong which can bring relevance, breath, and balance to the curriculum from three aspects – aims of education, change in society, and nature of work.  相似文献   

In the changing higher education environment, universities increasingly engage in areas outside the traditional teaching and research missions. The new missions extend over wide yet specialized areas, such as technological advancement, internationalization, entrepreneurship, and enhancement of teaching and learning. To effectively handle these areas, universities require specific talents that may not be found in conventional academic and administrative cadres. The transformation highlights blurred boundaries between academic and non-academic spheres of the university. Situated in the University of Hong Kong (HKU), this paper explores how the university utilizes new professionals and administrative staff in new missions. Qualitative interviews with university staff reveal their profiles and perceptions in evolving organizational structures. By examining understudied subjects in Hong Kong, it discusses implications of changing university staff and how universities may optimize their new talent.  相似文献   

This article offers a theoretical discussion on the current problems and future challenges of school capacity building in early childhood education (ECE), aiming to highlight some key areas for future research. In recent years, there has been a notable policy shift from monitoring quality through inspection to improving quality through school capacity building in early childhood institutions in the global discourse for quality. Reflecting this policy shift and its implications on school development, ECE in Hong Kong is used as an illustrative example to deliberate the issues of school capacity building in Chinese educational contexts. We identify three challenging contexts: (1) low professional qualification and minimal teacher education resulting in a deficit approach to processional development, (2) absence of school-based professional learning culture for empowering teachers as internal agents of change, and (3) hierarchical culture within a school and between university and school hindering the process of school capacity building. Corresponding to these challenges, we aim to propose two suggestions, including (1) empowering teachers in ECE through school-based professional learning community and (2) promoting authentic external support in the process of university–school collaboration. Finally, we further propose specific directions for future research on school capacity building in ECE in Hong Kong. In doing so, it will contribute to knowledge-based development in school capacity building in Chinese educational contexts.  相似文献   

香港新高中课程改革:背景、构架与经验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了配合新学制的改革,香港在21世纪伊始启动了新高中课程改革,并于2009年9月开始正式实施。从香港新高中课程的架构来看,香港新高中课程以全人教育、多元发展、终身学习为理念,旨在照顾学生的不同兴趣、需要、性向及能力,培养香港未来一代具备广阔的知识基础、高度的适应力、独立思考及终身学习的能力,在课程架构、课程改革实施策略等方面形成了自己的特色和经验。  相似文献   

近年来,学院制改革成为大学内部管理体制改革的首选,其根本目的是通过改革、重组、调适和完善大学内部组织结构,进一步强化大学的功能机制,促进学科发展、提高管理效率和办学效益。但从目前我国大学的学院制改革实践来看,总是或多或少地存在着随意性、效果不明显的问题,其原因之一就在于学院制改革规范性的缺失。从我国大学学院制改革规范性方面存在的问题入手,分析学院制改革规范性的必要性,对探讨学院制改革规范性的内容起着重要作用。  相似文献   

This article briefly describes the Hong Kong education system, discusses the policies and efforts for education quality and school improvement, and reviews the development of school effectiveness research in Hong Kong. Hong Kong people have shown their strong commitment to educational reform for better societal development in the coming decades. A number of important policies have been issued to improve educational practice and school management. Even though some drawbacks and difficulties have inevitably been encountered in policy formulation and implementation, numerous good opportunities have been created for policy-makers, school practitioners, and educational researchers to conduct educational innovation, school improvement, and school effectiveness research. The ongoing education experiments, reform experiences, improvement practices, and effectiveness studies at both the system and school levels may not only benefit Hong Kong people but also make a contribution to international concern for school effectiveness and improvement.  相似文献   

Following the international trend in education towards democracy and decentralization, the Hong Kong government introduced a school-based management (SBM) system about two decades ago. It is widely recognized in the literature that decentralization, empowering school level management and marginalizing the influence of the intermediate level of governance, can result in better deployment of school resources and better meet the demands of various stakeholders. However, in the unique historical and cultural context of Hong Kong, the advantages of decentralization claimed in the literature have yet to be fully realized. This paper discusses the contextual factors affecting the implementation of SBM in Hong Kong, and examines their impact on four major stakeholders, namely the government, the principals, the teachers, and the parents in the wake of reform.  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study on Maneesha Rai, a Nepalese girl living in Hong Kong and an “out of school” student. Based on in-depth interviews, a case was constructed of her previous school days and current “out of school” days. These provided a vivid picture of her life and several themes were created using schema analysis that help explain the reasons for her “dropping out” of school after Form Five. It has been common to attribute school failure for ethnic minority students in Hong Kong to problems with Chinese language education. Yet Maneesha’s case study shows that her experience of failure in other subjects such as Mathematics and Science contributed to her lack of successful schooling. Maneesha’s school failure was more than simply a consequence of academic failure. Rather, there were many other interrelated factors such as peer and community factors, dropout history in the family, racism, differences in schooling culture found that contributed to her school failure. In addition, Maneesha, like many of her ethnic minority friends, enjoyed the freedom afforded her in Hong Kong, but it seemed such freedom also meant inadequate attention from her teachers.  相似文献   

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