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虚拟科技馆具有公共性、沉浸性和交互性等重要特征,是有效解决当前实体科技馆数量少、规模小、城乡分布不均、开放性不足等诸多问题的有效途径之一,将在科普教育中发挥重要作用。文章首先基于情境认知理论和具身认知理论,对VR虚拟科技馆进行模块设计、场景设计和交互设计;然后,进行虚拟科技馆的场景设计、动画制作和交互功能的实现;最后,邀请学习者对该系统进行了试用评价。  相似文献   

当今数字(虚拟)科技馆的发展正方兴未艾。目前,大多数虚拟科技馆也均构建在PC或者网络上。然而,随着手机的日益普及和广泛使用,在手机上构建虚拟科技馆更显得意义重大。本文基于J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition)技术平台,在手机上设计并实现了全景图片的虚拟漫游算法,并基于此项技术开发了一个数字科普乐园全景漫游的原型系统。最后,对数字科普乐园的手机浏览与导航系统的研制进行了展望。  相似文献   

<正>基于科技馆科普资源的项目式课程开发培训班,是2023年全国中小学教师科学素质提升培训“馆校合作中小学教师科学教育实践能力提升”项目。它由教育部教师工作司、中国科协科学技术普及部主办,中国科技馆牵头,各地科技馆承办。培训班采用参与培训模式,培训了来自全国近千名科学教师和科技辅导员。培训中老师们转换角色,变身学生,体验了一次完整的项目探究过程。  相似文献   

2009年6月1日,广东省实验中学在图书馆广场隆重举行了科技馆开馆典礼.以促进科技发展、培养学生科学精神为宗旨的省实附中科技馆是广东省首个建成的校园科技馆,并将对广州市、重点是天河区中小学有序地开放,这也是广东省实验中学献给建国60周年纪念活动的科技作品.  相似文献   

在学习和研究“未成年人思想道德建设新问题与对策”的过程中,许多中小学教师非常关注部分学生在现实生活和网络虚拟中各种消极因素诱惑引发的诸多教育问题,并积极探索增强学生抵制诱惑的办法。这是加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的一个重要课题,值得认真研究。一、要高度重视  相似文献   

本文介绍了虚拟实验室的概念与作用,在对我国中小学虚拟实验室建设和应用的网络调研的基础上,综述了该类实验室建设现状。在此基础上分析该类实验室开发建设中存在的问题,最后给出了解决这些问题的思路与方法。  相似文献   

为深入推进全省基础教育课程改革,促进中小学科学教学,根据省教育厅、省科协共同制定的《安徽省中小学教师科学实验创新大赛工作方案》(教科研函[2005]81号),省教育科学研究院、省教育技术装备中心、省教育宣传中心和省科技馆决定于2010年10日在合肥举办“安徽省科技馆杯”第四届全省中小学幼儿园教师科技创新大赛。  相似文献   

随着中国内地中小学校园网设施的完善和虚拟学习社区研究的深入,在中小学校园网基础上建立虚拟学习社区成为了校园网研究和应用的热点之一。为了使虚拟学习社区适应中小学的组织特征和教学特点,本文通过分析中小学组织结构特征、多种社区工具及信息流的特点,提出了面向多组织空间的中小学学习社区解决方案,设计和开发了PRIME中小学学习社区平台;基于该平台4年多的实践应用,通过数据分析和典型案例分析,总结和验证了多种应用模式及其有效性。该研究的设计方案和应用模式对中小学学习社区的建设和应用研究具有参考价值和启示作用。  相似文献   

近年来,随着公众对博物馆要求的提高、虚拟现实技术的日益发展,运用现代数字化技术提升展品的创造力与吸引力,激发参观者的学习兴趣与热情,已成为当今博物馆尤其是科技类博物馆的必经之路。虚拟现实技术以其先进的动态影像、沉浸式的体验特征、丰富的交互作用成为科技馆进行科学创新与传播的重要手段。文章从虚拟现实技术在科技馆中的展品应用出发,通过剖析美国哈佛自然历史博物馆中"生命进化之树"虚拟互动展品,借以"5W传播模式"探究虚拟互动的场馆展品信息传播要素,探索其如何促进参观者与虚拟展品进行深度交互,构建基于虚拟互动的场馆展品信息传播模型。  相似文献   

一、宣汉县未成年人科学教育现状、成因 1.缺少科学教育的公共场所、设施、设备 目前,宣汉县有120万人口,120所中小学,将近20万名未成年学生,可是全县没有一所像科技馆这样的加强未成年人科学素质建设的公共服务设施,就连以前建设的青少年宫也由于利益的驱使,而趋为商业用途。全县绝大多数学校都建立了多媒体演播室,校园网络等,可是由于设备老化、  相似文献   

文章通过分析当前文博事业的发展趋势和黄石地方矿冶文物资源的展示现状,提出了构建黄石矿冶文化虚拟博物馆的科学理念和方式,指出了矿冶文化虚拟博物馆的建设对黄石地区矿冶文化遗产的保护和展示,具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义,对弘扬黄石矿冶文化,抢救和保护黄石地区的矿冶文化遗产,建设地方特色文化旅游产业等方面有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

科学馆在民国时期学校理科教学特别是中学理科实验教学中扮演了重要角色。民国时期公共科学馆从建议设立到零星出现再到行政推广的过程,凸显了它在中学理科实验教学中的作用及其与学校科学教育发展的关系。  相似文献   

This article presents a metalogue discussion about the two focus articles and the six associated review essays on the topic of conceptual change as it applies to research, and science teaching and learning in museum settings. Through the lenses of a sociocultural perspectives of learning we examine the applicability of the ideas presented in the forum for museums and museum educators. First we reflect on the role that emotions can play in concept development; second, we reflect on the role of language, talk, and gestures to concept development and conceptual change in the short-lived nature of experiences and conversations in museums; and third, we consider the nature of objects as representations of science content in museum settings.
Jennifer D. AdamsEmail:

Jennifer D. Adams   is an assistant professor of science education at Brooklyn College, CUNY. She did her doctoral dissertation at the Graduate Center, CUNY on museum-based teacher education at the American Museum of Natural History. Her research focuses on informal science teaching and learning, museum education, and culturally relevant science teaching and learning. Lynn U. Tran   received her PhD in science education at North Carolina State University, and recently finished a post-doctoral fellowship with the Center for Informal Learning and Schools at King’s College London. She is currently a Research Specialist with the Center for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment at the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on the pedagogical practices and professional development of science educators who teach in museums. Preeti Gupta   is the Senior Vice President of Education and Public Programs at the New York Hall of Science. She is responsible for all programs and projects in the following divisions: Science Career Ladder, the Explainers who serve as interpretation staff, Professional Development, K-12 Student Programs, Digital Learning Programs, Science Technology Library and Public Programs. Ms. Gupta is a graduate of the Science Career Ladder, starting her career in museum education as a high school student. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Urban Education at the CUNY Graduate Center. Helen Creedon-O’Hurley   is a secondary science educator in New York City’s public schools. She is the president of the Science Council of New York City, a science educator organization, and is in the doctoral program in urban education at the Graduate Center, CUNY.  相似文献   

Although a growing number of research articles in recent years have treated the role of informal settings in science learning, the subject of the history of science in museums and its relationship to informal and non-formal education remains less well explored. The aim of this review is to assemble the studies of history of science in science museums and explore the opportunities for the further use of the history of science in science museum education practice.  相似文献   

计算机科学技术的飞速发展,为博物馆数字信息化和走上网络舞台提供了前提条件,也给博物馆的管理以及不同地区的博物馆之间的沟通带来了新的方式,促进博物馆之间的协调与发展.文章主要分析了实体博物馆存在的局限性,提出建设中国闽台缘网络虚拟博物馆的思路,并论证了实现这一思路的可行性.  相似文献   

Until recently, museums mainly communicated well-established knowledge. Current science, however, is characterized by a rapid knowledge increase, so that we often have to deal with fragile and inconsistent knowledge. In order to develop exhibitions that encourage visitors to process information in a differentiated way, museums need to know how visitors deal with conflicting information. Furthermore, museum professionals need information on personal and situational factors that may promote the processing of such information. We tested whether conflict processing is influenced by personal characteristics such as situational interest, epistemological beliefs, tolerance of ambiguity, and self-efficacy on the one hand and by situational conditions such as the spatial arrangement of information on the other hand. In two science museums and one museum of cultural history, text pairs were displayed that described a topic from conflicting perspectives. The spatial distance between the two texts was manipulated. Semi-structured interviews and questionnaires captured the personal characteristics of 323 visitors and the way they dealt with conflicting information. The results showed that a majority of the visitors perceived a conflict, and a large proportion was willing to process the information at a deeper level. Sophisticated epistemological beliefs, a high tolerance of ambiguity, and high self-efficacy were found to promote situational interest in conflicting information. High situational interest, in turn, promoted a tendency to process deeply. Placing text pairs in close proximity had a positive effect on the processing depth in science museums but not in the museum of cultural history. A possible explanation lies in the higher density of additional and potentially interfering information in the science museums compared to the museum of cultural history.  相似文献   

Field trips to science museums can provide students with educational experiences, particularly when museum programs emphasize scientific inquiry skill building over content knowledge acquisition. We describe the creation and study of 2 programs designed to significantly enhance students' inquiry skills at any interactive science museum exhibit without the need for advanced preparation by teachers or chaperones. The programs, called Inquiry Games, utilized educational principles from the learning sciences and from visitor studies of museum field trips. A randomized experimental design compared 2 versions of the games to 2 control conditions. Results indicate that the groups that learned the Inquiry Games significantly outperformed the control groups in the duration and quality of several inquiry skills when using a novel exhibit, with effect sizes ranging from 0.3σ to 0.8σ. The highest gains came from an Inquiry Game that was structured and collaborative rather than spontaneous and individualized. Students and chaperones in all conditions reported enjoying the experience. These results mirror those found in a previous study in which family groups learned the Inquiry Games.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to trace some lines of thinking towards a conceptualization of the uniqueness of the creative work of museums, the mode of creativeness that belongs exclusively to museums, or at least that museums are capable of by virtue of the types of materials and forms as well as activities unique to what will be referred to as museography. This is linked to the question of what it is that constitutes the uniqueness of museum work as a professional field. The article characterizes the uniqueness of museum professional knowledge primarily in terms of a mode of creativeness, or bricolage in Levi-Strauss’s sense, mediated through the museographic form, and applied to the chance assemblies of materials to generate museum-specific modes of engaging questions—across science, culture, and society—particularly through creating unique temporal arrangements, or durations, that provoke thought, learning, and engagement on museographic terms. Museography’s originality, it is argued, consists in a bricolage that works through the museum’s unique material and form to create learning resources and encounters, museographic assemblages that depart from a conception of linear time as the space of evolutionary narrative to facilitate the experience of Bergsonian durations.  相似文献   

Theatre is often introduced into science museums to enhance visitor experience. While learning in museums exhibitions received considerable research attention, learning from museum theatre has not. The goal of this exploratory study was to investigate the potential educational role of a science museum theatre play. The study aimed to investigate (1) cognitive learning outcomes of the play, (2) how these outcomes interact with different viewing contexts and (3) experiential learning outcomes through the theatrical experience. The play ‘Robot and I’, addressing principles in robotics, was commissioned by a science museum. Data consisted of 391 questionnaires and interviews with 47 children and 20 parents. Findings indicate that explicit but not implicit learning goals were decoded successfully. There was little synergy between learning outcomes of the play and an exhibition on robotics, demonstrating the effect of two different physical contexts. Interview data revealed that prior knowledge, experience and interest played a major role in children’s understanding of the play. Analysis of the theatrical experience showed that despite strong identification with the child protagonist, children often doubted the protagonist’s knowledge jeopardizing integration of scientific content. The study extends the empirical knowledge and theoretical thinking on museum theatre to better support claims of its virtues and respond to their criticism.  相似文献   

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