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为了使源语文本和译语文本间的转换和比较有据可依,采用综合分析法探讨文本意义结构及跨语重构。研究表明,文本意义是一个多维度的立体结构,由作者主体建构系统、语言系统和读者主体建构系统三个维度构成,源语文本和译语文本的意义结构相似度越高,翻译质量越高。文本意义结构模型分析为文本意义的跨语重构提供了新视角。  相似文献   

认知体系在理解母语文本及第二语言文本中都起着很重要的作用。读者无论以母语还是第二语言阅读,只要熟悉文本的内容、形式和语言等认知体系,就能对文本有较多的理解。但是,如果一个第二语言读者不具备这种知识,那他就可能因认知的障碍而理解甚少。本文将探讨认知体系在文化因素方面:内容认知体系(schema)和形式认知体系对母语和第二语言阅读的影响。  相似文献   

Discourse analysis is the examination of language use by members of a speech community. It involves looking at both language form and language functions and includes the study of both spoken interaction and written texts. It i-dentifies linguistic features that characterize different genres as well as social and cultural factors that aid in our inter-pretation and understanding of different texts and types of talk. A discourse analysis of written texts might include a study of topic development and cohesion across the sentences, while an analysis of spoken language might focus on these aspects plus turn-taking practices, opening and closing sequences of social encounters, or narrative structure.  相似文献   

译者在翻译时会根据自己的意图选择翻译策略:归化翻译或异化翻译,后者更使用于非文学翻译。在非文学翻译中辅助文本有着及其重要的作用.因为辅助文本可以使非文学文本在译入中充分展现它们的功能。  相似文献   

政治文本出于保密、观望、礼貌等种种主观或客观原因,较于普通文本更频繁地使用模糊语言。本文结合实例,借用法国塞莱斯科维奇创立的翻译释意理论,探索政治文本中的模糊现象及翻译方法,指出译者的认知在原文模糊语言理解中有重要作用,政治文本模糊语翻译的标准是追求意义对等而非表面上的语言对等,在此基础上,提出了模糊语言的具体翻译方法。本研究有助于提高政治文本翻译的质量,也有利于加深对释意理论的理解。  相似文献   

Since 'it is written texts - and the talk around them - that provide the discursive means for the development of the 'higher mental functions' (Wells 1994), the quality of writing and explicit use of texts in teaching warrant close attention. This is not to diminish the importance of 'hands on' investigations, observation and negotiation of understanding through talk. However, the complementary use of effective texts has a significant role. This article demonstrates how functional language analyses differentiate explanation types and specify language features relevant to the effectiveness of texts in apprenticing students to the language forms of scientific English. Key differences between different types of explanations are illustrated, then sample text analyses show how language features index variation in explanation quality. Implications are drawn for the selection and use of texts and the role of knowledge about language in teaching critical comprehension and composition of science explanations.  相似文献   

晚清的翻译小说经常因为不忠实于原文而备受批评,但实际上评价翻译作品时,不应只是对原文和译文进行静态和孤立的对比,而是要考虑到译文背后的制约因素,以及译文对译入语社会文化和诗学发展的积极影响,进而从宏观的角度考察译文在文化交流过程中所起的作用。  相似文献   

时下,国内报刊上刊载的英语新闻语篇译文越来越多。这些翻译来的新闻语篇是国内读者了解世界的重要窗口。但是,它们中很多都带有浓厚的“翻译腔”,影响了读者的阅读。这种“翻译腔”很大程度上是来源于对于英语新闻语篇中的衔接手段的机械的逐字翻译。英汉新闻语篇在衔接手段上存在相当大的区别,因此在翻译过程中必须根据区别来对衔接手段进行调整,从而使汉语译文和英文原文能够尽可能的接近,避免生硬的“翻译腔”。  相似文献   

朗读训练是小学语文教学的关键,不仅能培养学生的语言表达技能,也可以培养学生掌握主动理解课文的学习方法,从而更深入地去理解文本。抓好朗读训练,在小学语文教学中具有极其重要的作用。但师范生们往往会忽略朗读训练的功用,本文将从三个方面阐释师范生在教学中如何进行朗读教学。  相似文献   

余昱 《教育学报》2004,(6):15-18
语文读写资源开发的终极目标是促进学生语言的发展。学生语言发展具有三个特征 :学校语文习得的语言是书面文学语言系统 ;语言的发展具有层级性 ;学生在语言使用中创造语言。为此 ,从学生语言发展的层面上开发读写资源必须精心挑选读本 ;注重语言习得环境的营造 ;关注对学生语言发展的评价。  相似文献   

Rhe study compares sign and oral language in terms of information transmission efficiency. The sample consisted of 36 hearing people with no knowledge of sign language and 36 deaf people reasonably fluent in sign language. (The deaf participants' level of hearing loss ranged from severe to profound.) Oral and sign language comprehension was assessed by means of texts at three different difficulty levels. After being exposed to the texts, the study participants had to tell what they had understood about them, answer a set of related questions, and offer a title for each text. When the hearing group's comprehension of oral versions of the texts was compared to the deaf group's comprehension of signed versions, the deaf group showed better comprehension of the explicit content of the texts but added more invented content and made more errors.  相似文献   

中国现代荒诞叙事文本所呈现出来的特征与主体意识的不确定性息息相关。主体意识的不确定表现为作者对意义的不确定和对价值秩序的迷茫困惑,从而使中国现代叙事文本在叙事主体、叙事距离、叙事结构、叙事语言等方面形成独特的特征。  相似文献   

A sociological analysis of school mathematics texts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

李贞 《培训与研究》2008,25(3):17-19
汪曾祺对文学语言有独到的见解和精妙的阐述,并影响着他的具体创作实践。从其文学语言观出发,考察《受戒》在语音、语词、语句、语篇等各个层面的言语特色,将为揭示汪曾祺的创作风格提供一些基础性的依据。  相似文献   

学习语言离不开具体的语言环境。因此,语境设置在英语课堂教学中具有重要作用。教师应根据课文内容,灵活设置教学语境,以激发学生学习兴趣,提高英语课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

诵读使人们在感知言语声音形态的同时,实现对文本的感悟理解。文本的文字结构和意义结构为读者提供了转化为有声言语的基础和空间。文本的声音形态是读者与文本相互对象化的产物。诵读是在读者与文本的对话中进行的,读者将文本转化为有声言语的过程其实是一种探究的过程。需要全面发挥诵读的理解、表意、益智的功能。优化诵读,可采取注重主体性、整体性、层次性和可操作性等策略。  相似文献   

The belief that English language teaching (ELT), for its global scope, should not only focus on furnishing learners’ language skills but also on raising their awareness about critical global issues, like environmental crises, led to the ‘greening’ of ELT textbooks. However, the ecopedagogical import of the green contents in ELT textbooks has a bearing on the linguistic/discursive representation of nature and the human–nature relationship in them as it conditions the way we humans perceive and treat the natural environment. Ecolinguistics, an emerging paradigm in linguistic research, offers the premise to analyse the construction of ecology in texts. This study conducted an ecolinguistic and ecopedagogical appraisal of the environmental texts in English language textbooks used in Pakistani schools at primary level, adapting Gaard’s ecopedagogical framework for children’s texts and Halliday’s transitivity analysis model. The study found that the construction of nature and the human–nature relationship in the selected textbooks principally propagated an anthropocentric worldview, thus lacking in ecopedagogical import.  相似文献   

批判性思维是语文素养的重要能力,而阅读是语文教学的核心。国际能力测试PISA显示,我国学生阅读总体水平世界第一,但与批判性思维相关的部分成绩较低。这种现象引起了学界的广泛重视。我国教材在自然描写、情感道德、历史文化传统、爱国主义、生活知识与技能等方面的比例与美国的教材显著不同;在连续性文本和非连续性文本比例上也与美国差异巨大。阅读内容及其文本形式关乎我国学生阅读能力中批判性思维的培养。建议教材中增加与学生生活、社会现实问题联系密切的以非连续性文本形式呈现的内容。  相似文献   

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