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“John, do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water,or do you want a chance to change the world?”  相似文献   

Scientists from the UK are examining a magic cloak.You may think of Harry Potter.Yes!This magic stuff makes any- thing inside it invisible. Researchers from London's Imperial College and Duke University,USA,are taking progressive steps to make this a  相似文献   

Attention is asymmetric(不均匀的) at times. It can flow out of the system, as when the living pay attention to the dead.  相似文献   

A doctor came into the ward and said to the old man,“Well,Mr Pink,you’re going to have some injections,and thenyou’ll feel better.A nurse will come and giveyou the first one this evening,and you’ll getanother one tomorrow morning.”  相似文献   

Here is a very large moorrcake and a sharp knife.Questions :1.If you want to cut the mooricake in eight parts,how many cuts will you have to make at least?2.If you make six cuts on the mooncake,how many parts can you get at most'?  相似文献   

趣味阅读理解(初三适用) Ron was tall and strong and liked all kindsof sports. He ran fast and jumped high. He wasgood at playing football and basketball. He oftentook part in (参加) the sports meeting and wonsome games. But once his car was hit and his legwas broken. He had to stop to be interested inthe horse race. He spent most of his time in the  相似文献   

Attention is asymmetric(不均匀的) at times. It can flow out of the system, as when the living pay attention to the dead. I was very painfully reminded of this just recently.  相似文献   

1999年9月4日,怀揣着满心的喜悦、期待与梦想,我从南方的一个小城来到北京,来到曾无数次在脑海中想象过的北大校园。每每回想起几年前的高考,记忆依然是那么地清晰,那么地新鲜。平和——行胜于“虑”清华大学的精神之一是“行胜于言”,这里我想借用一下,说说我对“平和”二字的理解。平和,就是要摆正心态,在高考前的日子里,更多地沉下心来去做该做的事,而不是过多地去想结果,并为结果忐忑不安。平和,就是要用理性的眼光、冷静的头脑看待高考前的所有进步和挫折。从进步中汲取更大的力量,再接再厉,从挫折中分析自己的不…  相似文献   

1999年9月4日,怀揣着满心的喜悦、期待与梦想,我从南方的一个小城来到北京,来到曾无数次在脑海中想象过的北大校园。每每回想起几年前的高考,记忆依然是那么地清晰,那么地新鲜。  相似文献   

A model illustrating the relationship between mentoring and job competency was developed and tested in a sample of 82 members of a local chapter of a national association for training and development professionals. Human capital was conceptualized in terms of job competency attainment and social capital in terms of mentoring and protégé relationships. A series of hierarchical regression analyses were run to test the path model. Although a positive relationship was found between acting as a protégé and job satisfaction, acting as a mentor had a negative relationship with income. The results showed a strong relationship between career competence and income, promotion, job satisfaction and career choice satisfaction. For training and development professionals, job competency is the key factor in their career success.  相似文献   

The present study examined the relation between stress and eating in 25 bulimic women and 33 controls. Participants self-monitored calories consumed and stress levels over 5 days corresponding to the time just before and just after their psychology midtream exam. For both groups stress was not reduced in after eating. Suprisingly, for the bulimic group, the greatest reduction in stress occurred just prior to eating. These results are not consistent with current stress/coping models of bulimia which hypothesize the binge eating serves as a method of stress reduction and suggest that further evaluation on the relationship between stress and eating are needed.  相似文献   

“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,Ling种下了诚实,所以收获了国王的信赖,并成为国王的继承人。“Honesty is the bestpolicy.”(诚实至上)应成为人人所遵奉的基本原则。[编者按]  相似文献   

2003年10月,BUZZ初登台。2006年的现在,BUZZ三周年。作为韩国少有的偶像兼实力派摇滚乐队,BUZZ是低调的,镜头前5个男孩都不爱说话、不善言辞,依赖着队长老大。BUZZ是激情的,舞台上,他们猛然间释放所有的激情,给你足够的震撼。让BUZZ给你SHOCK,一起SHAKE!  相似文献   

“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,Ling 种下了诚实,所以收获了国王的信赖,并成为国王的继承人。“H onesty is the best policy.”(诚实至上)应成为人人所遵奉的基本原则。  相似文献   

Teaching internal structures obscured from direct view is a major challenge of anatomy education. High-fidelity interactive three-dimensional (3D) micro-computed tomography (CT) models with virtual dissection present a possible solution. However, their utility for teaching complex internal structures of the human body is unclear. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of a realistic 3D micro-CT interactive visualization computer model to teach paranasal sinus anatomy in a laboratory setting during pre-clinical medical training. Year 1 (n = 79) and Year 2 (n = 59) medical students undertook self-directed activities focused on paranasal sinus anatomy in one of two laboratories (traditional laboratory and 3D model). All participants completed pre and posttests before and after the laboratory session. Results of regression analyses predicting post-laboratory knowledge indicate that, when students were inexperienced with the 3D computer technology, use of the model was detrimental to learning for students with greater prior knowledge of the relevant anatomy (P < 0.05). For participants experienced with the 3D computer technology, however, the use of the model was detrimental for students with less prior knowledge of the relevant anatomy (P < 0.001). These results emphasize that several factors need to be considered in the design and effective implementation of such models in the classroom. Under the right conditions, the 3D model is equal to traditional laboratory resources when used as a learning tool. This paper discusses the importance of preparatory training for students and the technical consideration necessary to successfully integrate such models into medical anatomical curricula.  相似文献   

Natural language speech enabled systems are an attractive option for in-car infotainment. Differences in cultural expectations in communication, however, can pose difficulties for interface developers and cause frustration for users. We adopt the perspective of cultural discourse theory to analyze 26 drivers interacting with an in-car speech interface. We focus here on directive sequences and the phenomenon of participants using non-task talk. The analysis of these sequences reveals a norm that one ought to engage in non-task talk with the system. We suggest that this norm is grounded in a user premise that the system’s interactional status involves the ability to speak. We find that this norm lacks crystallization among participants, and we formulate a competing norm that helps to account for this. The second norm reveals an underlying belief that the system’s status as a machine is the basis for how it should be treated.  相似文献   

我们总是不断地在做出决定和进行选择,决定一件事情是否该做,是否值得做;选择我们认为重要的,放弃我们认为不重要的。而这个过程往往是艰难的、痛苦的。我们会反复地衡量得与失,理性地分析对与错。也许只有当我们静心独处,仔细倾听内心的声音的时候,才能做出一个不会后悔的选择。  相似文献   

Thank You     
Thank you, thank you very much.For everything that I can touch.Thanks a lot for nature' s food.And for when I'm feel ing good.Thank you, thank you very much.For moms and dads and friends and such.Let's be thankful for this day.For our friends and for our play.Let' s be thankful ; lets be glad.For the food and things we have.Let' s give thanks for you and meand our home and family.Thank You@汪清枫…  相似文献   

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