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一提起否定句,同学们似乎都很熟悉:句中含有no或not。例如:I am not a worker.You have no brothers and sisters.其实英语中还有很多不含not  相似文献   

All work and no play make5 Jack a dull boy.——Howel只学习不娱乐,杰克变成呆小孩。——贺维尔  相似文献   

Ⅰ.其貌不扬之类:1.She is no oil painting to look at.她其貌不扬。2.She was certainly nothing to look at.她当然没有什么好看。3.Her husband appears to be a rough diamond.她丈夫看来是一个外粗内秀的人。  相似文献   

张可科 《海外英语》2013,(8X):208-209
"Long time no see" is a very interesting English expression used as a greeting by people who have not seen each other for a while. The essay shows how Chinese people and native English speaker think about "Long time no see". Meanwhile, it does research upon the historical appearances of the phrase.  相似文献   

先请看NMET2003的一道单选题: -I think you should phone Jenny and saysorry to her. - ——.It was her fault. A.No way B.Not possible C.No chance D.Not at all 此题考查了英语交际中一种常见而又简洁的语言现象即no+名词。正确答案no way表示对别人所提出的请求或建议给以直接否定,语气较为强烈,意为“绝对不行,没门,不可能”。这类交际用语非常口语化而且简洁明快,是各类测试的考查热点。下面就对这类交际用语作一归纳:  相似文献   

一、对于否定形式的一般疑问句,其答语中的“yes”和“no”分别译作“不”和“是”。如:1.-Don’t you believe me?难道你不相信我吗?-No,I won’t believe you untilI’ve seen you in the jar with myown eyes.是的,我要亲眼看见你在坛子里才会相信。2.-Didn’t you have a goodtime at the ball?难道你在舞会上玩得不快活吗?  相似文献   

Talk To Talk(对话)A:What will you do during the October holiday this year?B:I'm not sure.I'd like to have a break(休息),but I've made no plans yet.What about you?A:I'm going on holiday  相似文献   

在中学教材中,orher than,rarher than,better than及more than,no mo此than, not more than等常常出现,学生们对它们的用法也常常馄淆不清,特别是它们出现 在题目中时,更是让学生们感到头痛。请看下面四个选择题: 1 .1 think your sister 15 old enough to know_to spend习1 her money on beautiful dresses. A .other than B.rather than C.better rhan D.more than 2 .What a wonder!They’ve finished—35%of the task within one week· A .no more than B.no less than C.not more than D.mueh less than 3 .The strange…  相似文献   

大家都知道英、美两国人特别喜爱猫、狗,所以英语中有关“cat”和“dog”的妙语还真不少。形容一个四肢不勤的人,我们可以说“A cat in glovescatches no mice.”真相大白时,可说“The cat is out ofthe bag.”描写某人因生活穷困潦倒而死,可用“He died adog’ s death.”形容某人急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,可说“He’slike a cat on hot bricks.”  相似文献   

1.我没有经验。F:I have no experience.T:I don't know much about that.Note:I have no experience这句话听起来很奇怪。你只需要说:那方面我懂得不多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了。I am not really an expert in this area.2.这个价格对我挺合适的。F:The price is very suitable for me.T:The price is right.Note:suitable(合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式  相似文献   

境遇1: 一位中国人到英国人家里作客,主人问:What would you liketo drink?Tea or coffee? 中国人一迭连声回答:No,no.No trouble.于是,主人不再追问,自斟自饮起来。境遇2: 这位英国人到中国人家里作客,主人二话不说,马上端茶倒水,拿出糖果点心。客人说:No,thank you. I just had a biglunch.主人依然把茶水点心端到客人面前。  相似文献   

One day a huge rock fell from a mountain. The rock stopped in the middle of the road in a village. It was like a bigball. Some of the strongest men in the village tried to move therock. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn‘t move it away. They tried to push it, they tried to roll(滚动) it and they tried topull it with rope, but nothing worked.  相似文献   

本期我们接着刊载形似词。1.object,abject,project,subject,reject,inject,interject[例句]She_the marriage proposal.[答案]rejected.她拒绝了求婚。[词义]①object v.反对,不喜欢。n.物体;目标。例如:She asked me to give up smoking—she objected to the smell of it.她建议我戒烟,因为她讨厌烟味。②abject a.卑鄙的;可怜的。例如:He had no friends because everybody knew that he was an abject liar.他没有朋友,每个人都知道他为人卑鄙、撒谎成性。  相似文献   

1未雨绸缪Make hay while the sun shines Similar Express: lay up against a rainy day Example: Study hard before the final examination is to make hay while the sun shines. Synonymous Idiom: take precaution防患未然Antonymous Idiom: Once on shore, we pray no more.平时不烧香,急时抱佛脚。Origin:"迨天之未阴雨,彻彼桑土,绸缪牖产。"——《诗经·国风·鸱》  相似文献   

a□□□□q@foxmail.com:期末考试前,所有人都逼着我复习、学习,但是我不想复习、学习,我想休息。你陷入了两难之地:复习、学习呢,还是不复习、不学习?换我来选择的话,也不容易——谁不想多玩多休息呀!可是我  相似文献   

一提起否定句,同学们似乎都很熟悉:句中含有no或not。例如: I am not a worker. You have no brothers and sisters.[第一段]  相似文献   

no与not极似两兄弟,意思似乎也差不多,只不过not多了一个字母“t”。正因为这个小小的“t”,引发了它们的分歧。下面让我们探讨一下它们的不同之处。一、no用在可数名词单数的前面,意思为notone,nota如:Mysisterhadnomanfriend.我姐姐没有男朋友。相当于Mysisterhadn’tonemanfriend.Mysisterhadn’tamanfriend.但要注意,这三句均不可写成Mysisterhadnotmanfriend.二、no用在复数可数名词或不可数名词前,相当于notany如:Thepoorlittlegirlhadnomoneyonher.那个可怜的小女孩身上没带钱。Therewerenopeopleinthecinema.电影院里没有人了。…  相似文献   

All work and no play,只学习,不玩耍,Makes Jack a dull boy,聪明的孩子要变傻;All play and no work,净玩耍,不学习,Makes Jack a mere boy.聪明的孩子也没出息。儿歌~~  相似文献   

刘颖 《初中生辅导》2014,(13):26-28
在英语中,如何谈论名词的数额呢?一般情况我们常用how much,how many,a lot of,a little,(not) much,a few,(not) many,no,enough等词(组).若从它们与名词的搭配着眼,可把它们分为三类.一、只能修饰不可数名词的词(组)有how much,a little,much,too much,too little等.如:The man know only a little English.那个人只懂一点英语.Too much water or too much sun will hurt the plants.太多的水分或阳光会伤害植物.  相似文献   

一、教学片段 Step 1. Lead-in T: Hi, everyone. Ss: Hi, Mr. Lu. T: It's quiet. There is no noise any more. No one is speaking. There is no noise. There is no whisper.(迅速地板书 whisper) No one is making a noise or a whisper. A whisper is a very low sound. It means soft noise. As we already know, Jiangxiang school is a most unusual school. It is quite unlike any other school in Sichuan. It is quite unusual, not the same as usual.(板书 unusual)Where do you have English class, in Chengdu or in Yangzhou?  相似文献   

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