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在英国各岛屿中,爱尔兰自古以来就居住着凯尔特系的民族,使用起源于盖尔语的爱尔兰语,英语是第二公用语。因此,民族也分为两类:以爱尔兰语演唱的民歌和以英语演唱的民歌。  相似文献   

嘿嘿,在此要提醒大家注意了。在欧美国家,当你把一个人介绍给另一个人认识时,是要讲究顺序的。一般是先把男士介绍给女士,先把年轻的介绍给年长的,先把职位低的介绍给职位高的。因为Jenny年纪较轻,所以Thomas就先把Jenny介绍给他的叔叔了。  相似文献   


迷人的风景、辉煌的历史和文化铸就了爱尔兰的神奇,等待着你的发现和探索。爱尔兰确实是一个绿色国度——如此丰沛的降雨量必然有其益处——而这里人民的热情好客也是举世闻名的。至于  相似文献   


Special education in Ireland can be understood only against the background of the general system of education which is briefly described at the beginning of this article. While some special provision dates back to the nineteenth century the great expansion of services has happened in the past 30 years. The form of provision reflects the characteristics of the general system. Ireland has no legislation governing special education and the future is not easy to read just now.  相似文献   

爱尔兰是一个位于欧洲的国家。你对这个国家的哪些东西感兴趣呢?我给大家设计了4条旅游路线。赶快作好你的选择,并带上你要完成的任务,开始你的爱尔兰之旅吧!  相似文献   

A Portrait reflects Ireland's social and spiritual circumstances at the turn of centuries and Stephen is one of the representatives who are worried about the fate of Ireland.  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years or so, individual governments worldwide have put an unprecedented focus on educational policy in an effort to ensure the acquisition of literacy skills for all children, recognising underachievement in literacy as a universal social justice issue preventing many individuals from reaching their promise. In Ireland, literacy has recently moved to centre stage with the publication of the National Strategy to Improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young People 2011–2020 (DES, 2011a) and the Policy on the Continuum of Teacher Education (Teaching Council, 2011). How policies are conceived, constructed, interpreted and translated into action on the ground are key determinants of their success to effect change and achieve intended outcomes. This article examines the process of policy development in Ireland. It begins with a brief outline of primary education and then traces the influences that gave rise to the new policies. Next, the key dimensions of the policies and their expected outcomes are outlined. The article concludes with some reflections on the possibilities, challenges and implications for schools and schooling.  相似文献   

This paper gives background information on early childhood services in Ireland and presents the results of a survey of the preschool experiences of 1065 children. The results of the survey suggest that the majority of children experienced some form of early childhood service before starting school. The most common service was a playgroup although a significant proportion of the children had experienced home‐based care with a relative or family day care provider. The implications of the findings for the development of a policy on early childhood services are discussed.  相似文献   

Countries with similar levels of economic development often implement different education ICT policies. Much of the existing research attributes such differences to economic and political factors. In this paper, we examine the development of ICT policy and implementation in the two parts of Ireland and in two Canadian provinces and find that historical, social and cultural differences also play an important role in the way ICT policies develop. In particular, we see differing historical perceptions of the role of the state and church in education playing a more important role than has hitherto been recognized.  相似文献   

This paper critically considers teacher education in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It was stimulated by an exchange programme between student teachers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for a period of school‐based work in each other's jurisdictions. It examines recent curricular developments, partnership with schools, college requirements and cultural diversity. It also contrasts the effects these have had on student teacher preparation, classroom delivery and tutor involvement in student teacher development. The highly prescribed and assessed Northern Ireland curriculum will be contrasted with that of the Republic of Ireland, which appears to offer more in terms of freedom, flexibility and independence in planning. Different supervisory practices and responsibilities for the assessment of student teachers' practical teaching will be compared in both jurisdictions. The tutors in the Republic of Ireland exercise more control over student teachers' preparation and professional development for teaching, while in Northern Ireland the partnership arrangements have given more influence to schools. The paper illuminates the shift of locus of control and influence of Colleges of Education in Northern Ireland in the education of student teachers, while in the Republic of Ireland Colleges of Education have retained their influence. The curricular expertise of supervisors in the Republic of Ireland is recognized and accepted by the schools, while in Northern Ireland the rise in significance of curriculum expertise in the Curriculum Advisory and Support Service (CASS) of the Education and Library Boards has undermined the influence and expertise of college tutors.

Cet article considère en critique l'éducation de professeur en Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande. Elle a été stimulée par un programme d'échange entre les professeurs d'étudiant d'Irlande du Nord et la République de l'Irlande pendant une période d'école a basé le travail dans des juridictions de chacun. Elle examine des développements curriculaires récents, l'association avec des écoles, des conditions d'université et la diversité culturelle. Elle contraste également les effets que ceux‐ci ont eus sur la préparation de professeur d'étudiant, la livraison de salle de classe et la participation de précepteur dans le développement de professeur d'étudiant. Le programme d'études fortement prescrit et évalué de l'Irlande du Nord sera contrasté avec celui de la République de l'Irlande, qui semble offrir plus en termes de liberté, flexibilité et indépendance dans la planification. Différentes pratiques et responsabilités de surveillance de l'évaluation de l'enseignement pratique des professeurs d'étudiant seront comparées dans les deux juridictions. Les précepteurs dans la République de l'Irlande exercent plus de contrôle de la préparation des professeurs d'étudiant et du développement de professionnel pour enseigner tandis qu'en Irlande du Nord, les arrangements d'association ont donné plus d'influence aux écoles. Le papier élucide le décalage du lieu de la commande et influence des universités de l'éducation en Irlande du Nord dans l'éducation des professeurs d'étudiant, alors que dans la République de l'Irlande, les universités de l'éducation ont maintenu leur influence. L'expertise curriculaire des surveillants dans la République de l'Irlande est identifiée et admis par les écoles, alors qu'en Irlande du Nord l'élévation de la signification de l'expertise de programme d'études dans le programme d'études consultatif et le service de support (CASS) de l'éducation et des conseils de bibliothèque, a miné l'influence et l'expertise des précepteurs d'université.

Este papel crítico considerar profesor educación en Irlanda del Norte y república Irlanda. Fue estimulado por un programa del intercambio entre los profesores del estudiante de Irlanda del Norte y la república de Irlanda por un período de la escuela basó el trabajo en cada otras jurisdicciones. Examina progresos del plan de estudios recientes, sociedad con las escuelas, requisitos de la universidad y diversidad cultural. También pone en contraste los efectos que éstas han tenido en la preparación del profesor del estudiante, la entrega de la sala de clase y la implicación del profesor particular en el desarrollo del profesor del estudiante. El plan de estudios altamente prescrito y determinado de Irlanda del Norte será puesto en contraste con el de la república de Irlanda, que aparece ofrecer más en términos de la libertad, de la flexibilidad y de la independencia en el planeamiento. Las diversas prácticas y responsabilidades de supervisión del gravamen de la enseñanza práctica de los profesores del estudiante serán comparadas en ambas jurisdicciones. Los profesores particulares en la república de Irlanda ejercitan más control sobre mientras que la preparación de los profesores del estudiante y desarrollo del profesional para enseñar en Irlanda del Norte, los arreglos de la sociedad han dado más influencia a las escuelas. El papel ilumina la cambio del lugar geométrico del control e influencia de universidades de la educación en Irlanda del Norte en la educación de los profesores del estudiante, mientras que en la república de Irlanda, las universidades de la educación han conservado su influencia. La maestría del plan de estudios de supervisores en la república de Irlanda se reconoce y aceptado por las escuelas, en mientras que en Irlanda del Norte la subida de la significación de la maestría del plan de estudios el plan de estudios consultivo y el servicio de ayuda (CASS) de la educación y de los tableros de la biblioteca, ha minado la influencia y maestría de los profesores particulares de la universidad.

Sie dieses Papier betrachtet kritisch Lehrerausbildung in Nordirland und in der Republik von Irland. Es wurde durch ein Austauschprogramm zwischen Kursteilnehmerlehrern von Nordirland angeregt und die Republik von Irland während einer Periode der Schule gründete Arbeit in den jeder des anderen Jurisdiktionen. Sie überprüft neue Lehrplanentwicklungen, Teilhaberschaft mit Schulen, Hochschulanforderungen und kulturelle Verschiedenartigkeit. Sie kontrastiert auch die Effekte, die diese auf Kursteilnehmerlehrervorbereitung gehabt haben, Klassenzimmeranlieferung und Tutormiteinbeziehung in der Kursteilnehmerlehrerentwicklung. Der in hohem Grade vorgeschriebene und festgesetzte Nordirlandlehrplan wird zu dem der Republik von Irland kontrastiert, das scheint, mehr in Freiheit, Flexibilität und Unabhängigkeit in der Planung ausgedrückt anzubieten. Unterschiedliche Überwachungspraxis und Verantwortlichkeiten für die Einschätzung des praktischen Unterrichts der Kursteilnehmerlehrer werden in beiden Jurisdiktionen verglichen. Die Tutore in der Republik von Irland üben mehr Steuerung über Vorbereitung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer und Fachmanentwicklung für das Unterrichten während in Nordirland, die Teilhaberschaftsvorbereitungen haben gegeben mehr Einfluß zu den Schulen aus. Das Papier belichtet die Verschiebung des Ortes der Steuerung und Einfluß der Hochschulen der Ausbildung in Nordirland in der Ausbildung der Kursteilnehmerlehrer, während in der Republik von Irland, Hochschulen der Ausbildung ihren Einfluß behalten haben. Die Lehrplansachkenntnis der Inspektoren in der Republik von Irland wird erkannt und angenommen durch die Schulen, während in Nordirland hat der Aufstieg in der Bedeutung der Lehrplansachkenntnis im beratenden Lehrplan und im Beistandsservice (CASS) der Ausbildung und der Bibliothekbretter, den Einfluß und die Sachkenntnis der Hochschultutore untergraben.  相似文献   

The inclusion of Irish as a curriculum subject has led to a dichotomy of views amongst academics in Ireland. National School pupils spend up to eight hours a week learning Irish, and it is impossible to matriculate in any of the National University Colleges without Irish, and yet "compulsory" Irish was supposed to have been abolished by the Minister for Education in 1973. But access to certain professions such as teaching and the law would be extremely difficult without a knowledge of Irish. There is a constant demand for bilingual secretaries and to be able to work in Irish can add at least £1,000 per annum on to the value of a secretary. Newspapers find the supply of journalists able to report through Irish is very small, so a knowledge of the language can be a distinct advantage in getting a job.  相似文献   


The notion of peace education has been a subject of considerable controversy and criticism. Indeed, at one time it was one of the major targets of the last UK government's attack on what it saw as trendy, left-wing teaching. Although the attacks were often frenzied, it seemed that there was little clarity about what peace education did or should actually involve. In this paper, Lennart Vriens provides a clear and well-argued antidote to this lack of clarity. He sets out the main arguments that are levelled against peace education and then counters each one effectively. He goes on to provide a clear and instructive explanation of peace education as an active, ongoing process, explaining what this should involve and why it is of great importance.  相似文献   

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