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1.A book is known intim e of need.书到用时方知少。2.A good book is agood friend.好书如挚友。3.A good book is thebestoffriends,the sam e to-day and forever.一本好书,相伴一生。4.A book that rem ainsshutisa block.有书闭卷不读,无疑是块木头。5.A good book isa bestfriend who never turns hisback upon us.一本好书犹如一位永不相负的好朋友。6.A good book is alightto the soul.好书一本,照亮心灵。7.Books are the ev-er-burning lam ps of accu-m ulated wisdom.书籍是智慧积累的长明灯。8.Books like friends,shou…  相似文献   

在现行的中学教材中定语从句既是重点也 是难点,且由于定语从句的结构和用法比较复 杂,初学者在使用时往往容易犯各种错误,现将 最常见的几种错误进行归类分析,以供参考: 一、在定语从句中加了多余的宾语。如: 1. 误: Som e of the boys I invited them didn’t com e. 正:Som e of the boys I invited didn’t com e. 析: 应删去 them 。此句省略了关系代词 w hom 在定语从句中无论关系代词是否省略,只 要先行词在从句中作宾语均不得重复宾语,所 以本句不再需要 them 做宾语。 2. 误: The book that you need it is in the library. 正 : The book that you need is in the library. 析:应删去 it。因为从句的宾语是关系代 词 that所代替的 The book,it已重复。 二、定语从句中谓语动词的单、复数与其 先行词不一致。如: 1.误:Those w ho has finished m ay go hom e. 正:Those w...  相似文献   

李静 《海外英语》2013,(8X):25-26
The wealth of published material for English language teaching (ELT) available on the market makes selecting the right course book a challenging task. So we need to make an assessment before using a course book in the teaching. Course book analysis and evaluation is also useful in teaching development and helps teachers to gain good and useful insights into the nature of the material. The writer here will introduce the series of the material:New Horizon College English, and then tries to analyze and evaluate mainly on the material of viewing, listening and speaking by combining with the situation of the students in Zunyi Normal College.  相似文献   

我们在教学过程中会经常用到bring out这个短语,在很多练习题中也会遇到它。它的含义较多,用法灵活,因此不少人都出过这样或那样的错误。为帮助大家正确使用bring out,现将其用法举例说明如下:1.bring out有“拿出、带出”之意。例如:H e broughtouta book from the bag.他从书包里拿出一本书来。Please bring out your cam eras and take som e pictures.请拿出照相机照相。2.bring out有“出版”之意。例如:W hen the book w as first brought out it w as not w ell received by thereaders.这本书刚刚出版时,没得到读者的赞许。H e is…  相似文献   

美国玻尔州立大学的研究报告显示,只有E—book技术得到进一步改进,E—book才能取代一般纸质课本成为学生们所喜欢的学习媒介选择。研究希望通过对分别使用普通纸质课本和使用E—book的学生进行分组对比研究分析E—book对学生学习产生了多大影响。虽然此项研究是基于E—book会象纸质课本一样方便学生学习这样一个假设的,但是他们很快发现学生对于E—book设备有诸多抱怨。  相似文献   

Add in the punctuation marks that have been left out. How many of you use a dictionary for anything other than looking up the meanings of words not many I suspect the very definition of the word dictionary is a book that lists words in alphabetical order explaining what they mean little is mentioned about all the other functions of this wonderful type of book concise dictionaries are just that meant for quick convenience so don't expect too much.W hen w as the lasttim e you asked som eon…  相似文献   

1.When the woman came back home,she had no idea how it____that her husband met with trouble again.A.cam e about B.cam e outC.cam e up D.cam e across2.You'll never_____all your hom ework tonight ifyou don'tfix yourattention on it.A.geton with B.getbackC.getin D.getthrough3.W illyou_____this passage to see ifthere is anym isprint?A.pick out B.m ake upC.go over D.look into4.If you_____your nam e and address on thecard,we'll send the book to you as soon as it is returned.A.fillin B.carry out…  相似文献   

试论数字图书馆的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字图书馆的建设是图书馆建设的发展方向,数字图书馆是未来图书馆的存在形式。本文着重介绍了数字图书馆的定义e建立数字图书馆的意义e数字图书馆的特点e数字图书馆的模块及数字图书馆建设中应解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

1.—Give me the book, Plea、e. A .Let:ne}lave a 10()k B .Thar’5 a goodl)ook C .Yes,1 have a new book D .Herey()ua一e2.—Cany(一u men(1 the ehair? A .1 think 50 B .Certainlv.1 don,t think 50 C .Here you are D .Sor仃,1 thillk not3.—What’5 wr()rlg witht怪le l)ike?A .HisC .HeC .Ye、,please helpD .oh,let一,一e helPy()u7.—I」uey, shirt?B .HimD .He,swhere,smy new this12.—le[me help you.—1 don,t kllow. hlue orle了A .WholllB .Wllata!)outC .What’SD .Wh()se A .You,re weleome B .Tha…  相似文献   

1.你必须尽快把书还到图书馆。[误]You must return the book to the library as quickly as possible.[正]You must return the book to the library as soon as possible.[析]as quickly as possible与as soon as possible都可表“尽快”地,但前者是指做事的速度快,可以用as fast as possible来替换;而后者则指做事的时间尽可能早。  相似文献   

《水浒传》续书研究虽然取得了一定成绩,但是续书研究形式本身的局限性阻碍了研究的进一步深入,致使目前以“水浒”为母题的小说研究难有所突破。而“水浒小说”研究弥补了《水浒传》续书研究的不足,研究更加客观、准确,进一步拓展和深化了以“水浒”为母题的小说研究,并对其他母题小说研究具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

徐时仪《〈朱子语类〉词汇研究》的成绩表现在三个方面:文献功底扎实,在比勘各本语料的基础上,立论坚实有据;理论挖掘深入,传统的训诂研究与当代词汇学、语义学、认知语言学理论融会贯通;研究角度多样,为专书词汇研究提供了多角度研究的范例。少数地方还可以进一步深化。  相似文献   

将《易大传》各传作了对比研究,论证了《易大传》各传非出自一人之手,并指出其中某些哲学范畴及《系辞传》,《说卦传》大谈卜筮,为《论语》所无,从而认定《易大传》为说《易》积累之作,作一部综合性论集,非孔子所作,但其中包涵并发展了孔子的思想。  相似文献   

周钧 《教育学报》2006,2(2):91-96
文章对美国社会学者大卫·拉伯雷的《教育学院之困境》进行了评价。该书采用历史社会学的方法分析了教育学院特别是教师教育处于美国高等教育学术科层结构底层的原因,探讨了当今美国大学教育学院的结构性特征和教育学院教授的地位,认为教育学院既不会给美国教育带来危害,也没有给美国教育带来帮助。  相似文献   

Informative, useful, and with practical inputs on quality assurance and accreditation in open, distance and e‐learning education, this book is worthy to be consulted by teachers, researchers, quality technicians, practitioners, and policy makers. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, you should arrange to borrow a copy for a while. Ramesh Sharma  相似文献   

为实现图书快速归位,设计了一种多路径图书分拣机器人,其工作原理为:图像识别模块扫描图书的电子标签,并将信息传输至扫描单片机进行分析,识别出图书种类,然后通过无线传输模块传给控制单片机,控制机械臂完成图书的抓取动作,并规划机器人的行进路径,发送行进指令,机器人在行进过程中通过红外线扫描路径标识,并利用超声波测距进行避障,最后将图书放入书架的指定位置。经测试,所设计的分拣机器人可以快速有序地进行图书的归架整理,实现图书馆还书归位的智能化处理。  相似文献   

“异书同号”现象浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"异书同号"是图书分类中常见的现象,文章主要从多校区合并、回溯建库、有无编目细则、套书分编、编目人员失误等方面分析了"异书同号"现象产生的原因.指出了"异书同号"带来的诸多不良影响:造成书目数据库的臃肿庞大、不利于中央书目数据库的维护;藏书组织的混乱无序;检索不单一,影响读者查准率等.最后提出了防治修改措施.  相似文献   

This book seeks to formalise approaches to e‐learning by ensuring that e‐resource design is evaluated and appropriately supported by evidence. The book is aimed at academics who design e‐learning systems and need to devise scholarly evaluation research to assess their success. If this book's likely to relate closely to what you do, I suggest you borrow a copy so you can assess it for yourself. John G Hedberg  相似文献   

《海虞二冯研究》是学术界第一部对明末清初常熟二冯进行综合研究的专著。它深入考察了二冯的生平、交游、诗文创作、诗文批评及其著述流传等方方面面的情况。此书理论色彩较浓,资料扎实可信,其研究方法带有鲜明的个性色彩。它的出版对二冯研究本身乃至虞山诗派的整体研究有一定的推进作用。  相似文献   

毛泽东作为政治领袖,一生钟爱《红楼梦》,并留下了大量关于《红楼梦》的评语。本文通过梳理其相关评论,认为毛泽东一直将百二十回本《红楼梦》当作艺术整体来对待,并高度评价了高鹗及其续书。周汝昌先生所谓对他的“毛泽东好评说”只是欺人之谈。  相似文献   

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