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In 2003, a unique joint library was created. A partnership between the San Jose Public Library system and San Jose State University, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library serves a city population of more than a million and a campus population of over 30,000 students. With different patrons and different missions, bringing the two library cultures and functions together presented many challenges, but the library today is a vital, innovative space for learning. In the ten years since its opening, however, the cost savings envisioned when the library was created have not been realized. Also, the partnership originally presented in the library's organizational structure has undergone alterations. This restructuring was driven by changes in funding, staffing, and patron needs. Despite this organizational evolution, the King Library still provides a richer resource to its communities than either partner could have provided alone and can serve as a model to other communities considering the creation of a joint library.  相似文献   


This article describes how the University of Utah's J. Willard Marriott Library implemented a competency-based talent management system across the organization to address organizational, departmental, and individual needs. Success of the implementation was mixed. Designing human resources systems around core competencies made organizational values and goals concrete but proved unsustainable in the long-term. Using core competencies to shape departmental goals, coach staff and library faculty, and onboard new employees proved beneficial at the middle management level.  相似文献   

国内外“Human Library”服务比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human Library起源于欧洲丹麦,通过真人借阅的方式,消除偏见,减少隔阂,促进和谐。从Human Book的选择、Human Library的组织形式、服务群体等几方面对国内外Human Library服务进行比较分析,提出开拓图书馆信息咨询服务的新模式,增强公益性阅读功能,实现信息服务的共建共享等建议。  相似文献   

谭祥金 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(4):163-166,118
对东莞图书馆的新馆建设、服务工作、总分馆制和组织文化进行了探讨.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Portsmouth NHS Library Service is exploring methods of raising its profile within its host organization and wishes to demonstrate its contribution to achieving organizational goals, perhaps by means of an impact study. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this small scale study, regarded as a possible precursor to an impact study, was to identify areas where there is potential to increase awareness among clinical managers of the Library's contribution. METHODS: An e-mail survey was sent to clinical managers to elicit their opinions regarding the contribution of the Library Service to organizational goals. RESULTS: Perhaps unsurprisingly, the role of the Library Service in education, research and effectiveness was most widely recognized. Of responses, 30/42 (71%) rated it as 'very important' and a further 11 (26%) rated it as 'important'. The low appreciation of the Library Service to Clinical Services is a disappointment in view of the body of research evidence. Only 12 respondents (29%) thought that the Library Service contributed 'significantly' by 'supporting informed and timely clinical decision making'. CONCLUSION: The study suggested areas where there might be scope to raise awareness of the Library contribution. In considering how best to achieve this, the benefits need to be weighed against the resource implications. Portsmouth NHS Library Service decided to increase its marketing efforts but not to carry out an impact study in the short term.  相似文献   

In 2008 Grand Valley State University Libraries began a large weeding project in the automated retrieval system (ARS) at its Steelcase Library. An estimated 19,000 volumes were to be removed from the ARS. A systematic weeding of the ARS had never been undertaken and it presented a number of logistical challenges. This article discusses the process that was devised for this large weeding project.  相似文献   


In the summer of 2010, to provide a “one-stop shop” service point to Woodruff Library patrons, the Circulation, Reference, and Learning Commons (LC) desks merged into the unified Library Service Desk (LSD) under Access Services. Last year, due to organizational changes in the library and IT, and anticipated support needs of the new LC spaces and technologies, Student Digital Life opened a separate LC Technical Support desk. The lessons of the year of the two desks, funding considerations, and the persistent goal to streamline the experience of our patrons resulted in transitioning the functions of the LC desk to LSD, thus evolving it to new organizational and operational levels.  相似文献   

适应区域图书馆建设的需求,图书馆业务管理系统的设计思想由基于单馆转换到基于多馆整体设计,Interlib图书馆集群管理系统为其中代表。文章以东莞图书馆集群管理为案例,探讨在应用集群管理系统的基础上,通过管理层面的政策措施、组织形态、制度规范、业务整合等建设,构建平台统一、资源共享、联合服务、联系紧密、运行有序的区域图书馆整体协同发展模式。  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss the incorporation of reference services into a trending service point model called the Unified Service Point (USP). Driven by organizational shift, the model was recently adopted by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library of San Jose State University. An anonymous survey was conducted to understand student perspectives on reference services, including the USP. The survey also asked questions about student motivation for seeking help from a librarian, and their level of satisfaction with the reference services. The authors offer recommendations to improve reference services at the USP based on the results of the study.  相似文献   


The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library participated in the statewide conversion to a new integrated library system in the summer of 2002. Prior to the system's implementation, various local and statewide committees coordinated efforts to train their staffs so as to ensure a seamless transition. This case study analyzes, in detail, the successes and limitations of the training program at the UIUC Library, with respect to the circulation module. The program can serve as a model for libraries needing to train a large staff body in a short amount of time.  相似文献   

2018年10月22日-24日,第三届"全球化视野·大学图书馆馆长论坛"在上海财经大学举办。来自美国、加拿大、英国、荷兰、新加坡、澳大利亚、中国香港、中国台湾、中国内地的大学图书馆馆长,以及联机计算机图书馆中心(OCLC)、图情杂志社的专家共60余人出席论坛,围绕大学图书馆组织转型的方向与路径、资源共享的模式与机制、空间再造的整合与利用等主题展开研讨,共同探索新时代大学图书馆的重塑之道。  相似文献   

图书馆集群代表着区域信息资源整体建设的未来发展趋向,能够体现图书馆新的服务理念和管理运行模式。文章分析了图书馆集群的结构、功能及其基本运行模式,阐释了构建图书馆集群的筹划、分馆设立和集群系统运行时的控制与评价。  相似文献   

图书馆知识搜索LKS——OPAC2.0的研究与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章综述了OPAC2.O的研究现状,分析当前OPAC存在的主要不足,在引进Web2.0和图书馆2.0理念的基础上,提出了新一代OPAC系统——图书馆知识搜索LKS,阐述了LKS的理念。并以重庆大学图书馆为例阐述了0PAC2.0的实践,对实践中遇到的难题给出了解决方案。该文为2009年第五期“重庆大学图书馆2.O实践”专题文章之一。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 图书情报领域正在出现新业态、迎来发展新契机,传统的业务组织模式依赖单一馆员、单个职能部门已无法有效地完成紧急性、临时性、复杂性任务,无法更好支撑高校图书馆的新发展,无法更好应对全民阅读、"双一流"建设、文化传承、读者需求多元化等不断出现的外部新挑战,为此需要变革图书馆的组织体制,更好地发挥馆员的主观能动性与创造力。[方法/过程] 借鉴项目制的原理,结合东北大学图书馆服务创新立项工作的实践,探索高校图书馆适应新挑战、新任务的方式方法。[结果/结论] 运用项目制更有利于组织开展高校图书馆服务创新活动,有利于调动馆员的积极性和创造性,促进高校图书馆服务能力的提升。  相似文献   

Leadership language communicates more than words. Leaders are able to use the power of language to not only articulate an organizational vision but to create excitement and support around that vision. Library leaders can model organizational values through speech strengthening a written policy into practice. Organizational culture is difficult to change but leaders can counter negative and deceptive messages into productive statements that help employees move forward to understand and embrace library strategic goals. How a leader chooses to use language to articulate a vision, advance organizational values, and to change organizational culture is critical. Ignoring language opportunities will hinder not only leader success but organizational success as well.  相似文献   

介绍国家科技图书文献中心(NSTL)成立的背景与意义、成立5年来的建设与发展、所提供的各类型文献信息服务及其影响,论述国家科技图书文献中心的管理体制和模式,认为该中心是网络环境下中国现代科技信息服务事业发展的一个范例。  相似文献   

For years, academic institutions have established and maintained institutional repositories (IRs) to collect, preserve, and showcase their institution's research and scholarly output. Tammy Sugarman, Associate Dean for Collections at Georgia State University Library, presented “Library Technical Services: Key Ingredients in the Recipe for a Successful Institutional Repository” at the Mississippi State University Libraries eResource & Emerging Technologies Summit held at Mississippi State University, Mitchell Memorial Library on August 3, 2012. Sugarman provided historical background on IRs and explored the professional and organizational changes taking place in academic libraries to support IR programs, focusing on contributions of technical services units.  相似文献   

博客作为一种新兴的网络信息交流工具,具有个性化、即时性、开放性、互动性、低成本零技术特征。图林博客圈完善了图书馆人的群体形象,给图书馆人带来归属感和成就感,提高了图书馆人的服务意识和能力以及学术研究的水平。图书馆管理者应建立图书馆博客,提升组织凝聚力,推进馆内外信息的交流和共享,以便更好地服务读者。  相似文献   

公共图书馆服务体系是提升公共文化服务效能,实现城乡均衡发展的重要组织形式,为进一步推动其可持续发展,齐河县图书馆依据本地县域县情,运用法人治理结构实现了对公共图书馆服务体系的管理,并取得显著成效,为县级公共图书馆服务体系法人治理结构建设提供了经验与借鉴。  相似文献   

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