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高校扩招后首批毕业生即将“新鲜出炉”。在当前严峻的就业形势下,许多毕业生都面临着一个困惑而痛苦的抉择过程,同时也牵动着社会各界的心。解决扩招后高校毕业生就业走出窘境问题,应从参与主体适应变化、调整角色入手。政府完善就业市场,积极引导;用人单位树立理性务实的用人观;高校切实做好毕业生的“营销”工作;大学生“自我降温”,走向务实。  相似文献   

最近有人对大学生的就业意向作了一番调查,发现半数大学生将毕业后的工作目标锁定在知名企业。在回答“进入企业的第一年里,你最想获得的工种是什么”时,三分之一左右的大学生希望成为技术人员;四分之一左右的大学生希望成为管理人员;五分之一左右的大学生希望成为策划人员;剩下的部分最低要求也是办公室白领,有的甚至宣布要当CEO。提出从蓝领干起或从营销一线干起的寥寥无几。这些想法,跟人才市场的就业形势比较起来,显得非常不切实际。针对这种情况,台湾企业家吴灿坤说过一句很有诗意的话:我羡慕“天边的彩霞”,但更注重“…  相似文献   

创业能力培养与大学生就业   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
大学生就业难的矛盾已经凸现并将长期存在。造成这种现象的原因是多方面的。要想让大学毕业生由目前的“弱势”就业群体真正成为自主创业并带动他人就业的“精英”,当务之急、重要举措是高度重视大学生创业精神和创业能力的培养。培养大学生创业能力是社会需求和社会发展的需要,也是高等教育改革与发展的需要,不但能够缓解我国的就业压力,还有利于未来企业家群体的塑造。具体对策建议有:转变教育思想,调整培养目标;改革管理制度,营造创业环境;转变教育理念,重视创业教育;积极创造条件,开展创业实践等。  相似文献   

Z世代大学生“慢就业”现象是多元化就业价值取向的外在表现。高校专业教育与市场供需之间脱节、就业指导工作机制与大学生就业需求之间存在差距、大学生的就业能力与招聘岗位需求之间存在落差、大学生的就业观念与激烈竞争环境之间存在错位是形成这一现象的主要原因。从就业优先导向出发,高校要将专业教育、思政教育与职业教育深度融合,创新人才培养模式;构建全方位就业指导体系,提供坚实就业制度保障;搭建“互联网+”就业服务平台,提高就业服务实效;深化校企合作,提升大学生就业能力;加强家校协同,转变大学生就业观念,从而实现Z世代大学毕业生充分且高质量就业。  相似文献   

大学生就业难的再探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文通过对涉及大学生就业机制的四个行为主体和高校毕业生资源配置中存在的问题进行分析,提出了解决大学生就业难的对策:即政府加强宏观调控,企业增加人才储备,学校完善“产品”营销,大学生全面提高素质,树立全新的就业观念。  相似文献   

山东省大学毕业生就业状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生“就业难”就其性质而言是自愿失业,就其程度来说已经成为一个应该引起社会高度重视的现实问题。收入水平、个人发展前景、稳定的工作是决定大学毕业生职业选择的主要因素;东部沿海地区和大中城市是大学毕业生最理想的就业区域;期望收入偏高、就业价值观呈现矛盾性是大学生就业不可忽视的特征。在大学生眼里,所学知识与经济社会发展的需要脱节、就业渠道不畅通、毕业生太多是形成“就业难”的主要原因。提供更多的职业需求信息和举办更多的校园招聘会是大学毕业生最希望得到的就业帮助。  相似文献   

大学生“慢就业”现象在就业形势日益严峻的背景下变得愈发突出,这也表明大学生的就业观念正在发生转变。我们可以将“慢就业”理解为一种新的就业观念,是对原有就业模式的突破,也可以理解为是大学生对激烈竞争形势的一种逃避,主观造成的“职业空档期”。“慢就业”现象是由多种因素复合作用的结果,既是经济社会发展到现阶段的结果,也和高等教育与社会人才需求不够匹配有关,更与大学生在面对激烈就业竞争时的选择有关。应对这一现象,大学生要保持积极健康的心态、努力提升核心竞争力;高校要做好精准的人才培养和就业服务;国家和社会要创造更好的经济社会环境,出台更有针对性的政策支持大学生顺利就业。  相似文献   

关于"教"与"学"的新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高校的改革,“教”与“学”都“冒”出一些新问题,学生埋怨学校所“教”不适应当前需要;教师则叹息学生不如八十年代的大学生素质高,而教师教学、科研任务繁重;同时毕业生就业等影响教学计划的落实。如何通过管理杠杆调动师生“教”与“学”的积极性?“教管部门”应针对扩招、“保研”、“就业”的等新问题出台新举措。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下,大学生就业形势更加严峻。从当前经济形势出发,以科学发展观为指导,分析大学生就业困难的诸多因素,指出解决这一难题,需要强化政府促进就业责任;加快产业结构调整;改革高等教育培养模式;做好对大学生的就业指导;政府、高校、企业联手合作;大学生树立正确的就业、创业观等几方面共同形成合力。  相似文献   

AEE职业能力测评项目助力大学生就业;分享就业经验 爱心回馈社会——JA志愿者日活动在京沪粤三地同时举行;武汉理工大学成功举办课程教学演示活动;河南省毕业生就业办学习贯彻“十七大”精神,扎实做好毕业生就业工作;中央民大再次成功举办诺基亚青年创业大讲堂;“2007首届大学生职业生涯风云榜”隆重举行。  相似文献   

大学生参与传销的心理动因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,各地先后爆发出不少大学生参与非法传销的事件,既荒废了学业,又给其身心带来巨大伤害。因此,从投机心理、无知心理、成就心理三个层面分析大学生参与传销的心理动因,提出从学校、学生个人、社会三个方面做好防范,把日常思想教育和心理健康教育相结合,双管齐下,防止更多的大学生上当受骗,保障大学生健康成长。  相似文献   

With the marketization of UK higher education, this paper develops a framework from services marketing that can assist universities in understanding what market orientation means and how students would value their offerings. Our study shows that the core service in a university experience is a learning experience that is cocreated and that the value is emergent, unstructured, interactive, uncertain, with a hedonic dimension. Our paper modifies the gap model of service quality to show that an ideological gap exists that may also impede the quality of the university experience. We propose that a one-sided expectation by students leads to student consumerism and disengagement. Paradoxically, we show that a true student-orientated marketing puts the university ideology at the center of marketing efforts and that marketing may well be an effective tool to communicate such ideologies.  相似文献   

Marketing for Higher Education: A Relationship Marketing Approach   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Retaining students is becoming increasingly important for institutions offering higher education. Thus, ideas from relationship marketing (RM) should be of great interest to university and college officials entrusted with student enrollment and retention. The RM approach means that great importance is attached to the creation of student value. The value proposition to students should match their needs. The creation of value should be regarded as an ongoing process over the lifetime of the relationship. Student surveys should be carried out and analyzed thoroughly in order to identify key success factors for student value and student loyalty. This study is based on a research model in which loyalty is the ultimate variable. Path coefficients of direct and indirect drivers of loyalty are estimated by way of a structural equation modeling approach, and implications for decision makers and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and analyzes factors that influence international student selection of universities and the role that education marketing plays in the process. The research for the paper was inspired by work done by Canterbury on education marketing, published in the Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. The study empirically tests key constructs in service marketing. According to Canterbury it is time that higher education marketing theoreticians and practitioners alike looked beyond our similarities to other applications of service marketing to understand how some of our markets and our services might differ. To this end, the current study examines the views of international students undertaking their studies in two universities, one on the east coast and the other on the west coast of Australia. It reports the findings of international students’ choice factors in selecting an Australian university environment.  相似文献   

由于工商企业对营销专业人才知识和能力结构提出更高的要求,传统营销专业人才培养满足不了农、工企业的专业需求等原因,进行跨学科营销专业创新人才培养非常必要。跨学科营销专业人才培养模式构建应包括以下措施:一是明确培养目标及课程体系,二是制定培养计划,三是引入跨学科融合教学模式,四是构建院系合作机制。  相似文献   

Online promotional videos on Australian university websites are a form of institutional branding and marketing that construct university experience in a variety of ways. Here we consider how these multimedia texts represent student lifestyles, identities and aspirations in terms of the ‘good life’. We consider how the ‘promise of happiness’ is deployed to appeal to perceived consumer desires within the local student market, as well as within the highly competitive global knowledge economy. These texts position university students as youthful, attractive, active and fun, and depict student life as being about leisure and pleasure. Such representations promote cultural and social entitlement to the ‘good life’ as if synonymous with choice, participation and success in higher education. Learning and scholarship are depicted as secondary activities. We also contend that claims to cosmopolitanism and consumerism are framed by racialised entitlements where Whiteness remains both a commodity and norm.  相似文献   

This study seeks to extend our knowledge of export market orientation (EMO) in the context of British universities with regard to recruitment of international students. Export marketing remains an area of limited focus in the marketization of higher education literature. The study predominantly follows a quantitative research design using survey methods. A sample of British universities was studied and partial least-squares analysis was performed. The findings indicate that four export higher education-specific variables are important drivers of EMO in universities. The paper also confirms EMO's direct effects on university export performance and its indirect effects mediated through university international reputation. In light of these findings, a number of implications are advanced for university management. The study also makes important theoretical contributions: it contributes to a growing body of literature on marketing of higher education; it enriches the export marketing literature by examining EMO in a service setting and it adds to the EMO–export performance relationship by examining the mediating role of international reputation. The findings are limited to British universities. Therefore, they may not be generalizable to other geographical areas. In addition, the results of this study were obtained from a small sample size and generalization of the findings to other higher education institutions should be made with caution.  相似文献   

营销理念指导企业的市场经营行为。国际国内市场的发展呼唤营销理念的变革与创新。经营者只有从不断变化的实际出发,突破传统的营销理念约束,转变营销理念、以顺应时代潮流的营销理念武装头脑,实施正确的营销行为,才能在市场上竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,由于网络的发达,高校图书馆作为高校信息中心的地位受到了挑战。在明确自身非营利性组织的前提下,应树立全新的服务观念,以读者的需求为中心,立足有限的资源,应用市场细分的概念,借鉴市场营销观念,在工作中引入市场营销理论,满足读者的需求,不断改进服务工作。以实用型新技术为保证,形成信息传递、使用的全环节整合服务模式,为科研、教学工作提供文献信息资源保障。  相似文献   

作为经济与管理类专业的基层教学组织,市场营销课程组建设的重要性已经在高校中形成了共识,但是在实际推进过程中,依然存在着诸多问题。基于大学生需求视角的调研结果显示:不同年级、专业的大学生都非常期待市场营销课程组建设,并且对教学内容、教学方法、课程实践与教学主体有特定的需求。因此,为了更好地推进高校本科市场营销课程组建设,必须充分调动教师的积极性,运用系统管理思想,强化制度安排,重点解决课程组建设过程中的激励制度,工作机制和沟通机制问题。  相似文献   

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