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吴晓 《体育世界》2010,(12):113-115
世界杯足球赛蕴涵着巨大的商机,能给国际足联和主办国带来丰厚的商业利润。运用文献综述法,逻辑法,归纳法对2010年世界杯足球赛经济效益进行分析,从中吸取成功经验和失败教训。  相似文献   

运用文献综述法、访问法、归纳法对世界杯足球赛经济效应及其中国足球出线后拉动国内足球产业发展进行分析,指出世界杯足球赛将给世界杯主办国带来巨大的效益,并促使转播权、国家队队员身价、国家队品牌等升值。  相似文献   

运用献综述法、访问法、归纳法对世界杯足球赛经济效应及其中国足球出线后拉动国内足球产业发展进行分析,指出世界杯足球赛将给世界杯主办国带来巨大的效益,并促使转播权、国家队队员身价、国家队品牌等升值。  相似文献   

从高水平足球赛进球探讨现代足球进攻技战术的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、观察统计法、数理统计法,对十八届世界杯足球赛64场比赛中的147个进球进行分类统计分析,揭示了18届世界杯足球赛的进球规律和特征,明晰了当今足球进攻技战术特点和现代足球运动的发展趋势。探讨提高射门质量的方法和手段。  相似文献   

1、进球数量特征 本届南非世界杯足球赛64场比赛共射进145个进球(含2个乌龙球和2个加时赛进球),场均进球2.26个;上届06年德国世界杯足球赛64场比赛共射进147个进球(含5个乌龙球和3个加时赛进球),场均进球2.29个;02年韩日世界杯足球赛64场比赛共射进161个进球,场均进球2.51个;98年法国世界杯足球赛64场比赛共射进171个进球,场均进球2.67个。本届世界杯足球赛的进球数为最近四届世界杯足球赛进球总数最少的一届。  相似文献   

第17届世界杯足球赛各队战术运用的探讨   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
通过对第 17届世界杯足球赛各队战术运用相关数据研究 ,并结合第 16届世界杯足球赛的有关数据进行比较 ,探讨世界杯足球赛中各队战术运用的基本特征 ,以期为足球训练和比赛提供参考  相似文献   

本文通过录像观察、文献资料法、数理统计等方法,对第17届、第18届世界杯足球赛决赛阶段各64场比赛进球的特征进行比较分析。从中揭示两届世界杯足球赛进球的一般规律、特点以及差异,为今后的足球比赛、训练提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

近日阅读国内邮友寄来的《集邮博览》,顺便写一随笔,权当争鸣。《集邮博览》2002年第5期与第6期在第十七届世界杯足球赛开始之前连载署名文章《世界杯足球赛与邮票》,文章就世界杯足球赛这一影响力仅次于奥运会的盛大体育赛事的历史以及有关邮票做一系统的阐述。但是,作者关于世界杯足球赛的历史知识却令人不敢恭维。  相似文献   

第十届世界杯足球赛1974年在德国慕尼黑举行。德国曾经为许多国际体育赛事发行过邮票,不知为什么,德国在1954年夺取世界杯足球赛桂冠和此次主办世界杯足球赛均没发行邮票。尽管如此,世界许多国家还都发行了纪念邮票(图11为卢旺达邮票),巴西发行了1枚小型张。本届比赛联邦德国第二次捧走了世界杯。  相似文献   

将参加南非世界杯足球赛的32支球队按成绩平均分为4组,通过分层对比法、数理统计法对各组主要防守技术运用情况进行对比分析。结果显示:本届世界杯足球赛成绩好的球队在抢断球和铲球技术的使用次数上要高于成绩差的球队,而所有球队在头球争顶和解围球技术使用上并无显著差异。  相似文献   


The 1966 FIFA World Cup has become part of the iconography of its hosts and champions, England. Extant literature has tended to focus on the cultural and symbolic legacy of the tournament, or engaged with diplomatic relations between Britain and North Korea. Contrastingly, we use archival sources from footballing and government institutions to explore the less studied topic of how the tournament was reported and perceived in Latin America, where England had commercial interests and influence, but where there were allegations that FIFA, the FA and even the UK government manipulated the tournament to the advantage of England and other European teams. We provide fresh perspectives on the social and cultural significance of the 1966 FIFA World Cup by analysing how the tournament’s organizers attempted to manage the situation and resulting negative public relations, and how 1966 fits within longer-term footballing and diplomatic relations between England and Latin America.  相似文献   

雅典奥运会和日韩世界杯足球赛电视收视状况的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、比较研究等方法,对雅典奥运会和日韩世界杯足球赛电视收视状况进行研究。结果显示:日韩世界杯足球赛收视规模稍高于雅典奥运会,但奥运会收视人群分布范围更广。世界杯足球赛和奥运会电视转播权价格相近,但奥运会电视转播权却是购销两旺而购买世界杯足球赛转播权的公司处境艰难,缺少美国市场的支撑是关键原因。两大赛事对我国电视体育市场都有巨大的拉动作用,我国运动员参加的比赛最受观众关注,节目播出时间是影响收视率的重要因素。奥运会收视的“全民性”特征更为明显。  相似文献   

The FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) World Cup is the world’s biggest soccer tournament and is one of the largest international sporting events. In 2014, Brazil will host the quadrennial FIFA World Cup for the second time in its history. Since this premier global mega-event involves much of the world and Brazil is a major nation that seeks to assert its position internationally, the situation is optimal for exploring various issues. Scholars have examined various aspects of the ongoing preparations. Researchers have several options worthy of exploration including, but not limited to, relevant social phenomena, the social, cultural, economic and educational impact, as well as the cultural practices related to this mega-event. The aim of this literature review is to present some key areas that should be considered in regards to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.  相似文献   

The FIFA World Cup for men (hereafter referred to as the FIFA World Cup) is possibly the biggest global media event. Winning or losing often gives rise to expressions of collective degrees of national pride or disappointment. But, it is not only the performance of the teams that is of significance in this respect; the devotion of fans to the game and their loyalty to their own national team are also an important vehicle of identity and self-affirmation as a nation. Thus, no country can afford to dispense with the travelling model of the enthusiastic fan as a representative of national identity. Through an ethnographic study of Ghana’s state-financed fan trip to the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa, we will show how the actors involved (government, opposition, fans and media) negotiate national identity and representation.  相似文献   

对第十九届南非世界杯决赛阶段32支球队145个失球区域、防守失误特征进行系统的分析与研究,旨在揭示该届世界杯足球赛各队失球的一般规律与特点,对足球运动的的科学训练、提高比赛的防守质量与效率提供一些理论参考与建议。  相似文献   

FIFA was created in Zurich in 1904 in order to oversee international football competitions among eight European states. The fact that FIFA was created by eight European states at the turn of the twentieth century is significant. The geopolitical context of the period is important for understanding FIFA’s pro-colonialist roots. With the exception of Switzerland, all the founding countries of FIFA were colonial powers. FIFA’s foundation coincided with the birth of the study of geopolitics and the perpetuation of control of territories and populations into the twentieth century. These pro-colonial foundations of FIFA are relevant because it would be European powers that originally controlled global football and also sought to block rival countries from other regions within the organization’s power structures. Europeans controlled FIFA through the selection of World Cup places that favoured Europeans. In addition, former colonial powers or ‘historically ‘aggressive racialized states’ have won all World Cup competitions.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、录像观察和数理统计法,对第5届FIFA女足世界杯赛中国与巴西两支球队进攻战术统计数据进行比较与分析。结果表明,中国队整体的进攻能力低于巴西队,包括比赛进球时间、进球队员位置和进攻有效手段。针对中国女足与巴西女足的实际表现,揭示中、巴两国足球队的共性特征及差异,为改善中国女足的进攻战术打法提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the FIFA World Cups 1998–2010 with data available from the FIFA website and assesses the performance of each region in relation to the number of World Cup qualifications spots that the region is awarded. We raise the issue of whether FIFA should be more concerned with the participation of more members from its federations in the World Cup than the financial gain from doing so. Our non-econometric analysis illustrates that the current allocation may be resulting in the awarding of qualification spots to teams that if not unfair, certainly warrants discussion. We seek to demonstrate that the current system of qualification is based neither on ensuring the qualification of the best 32 teams in the world, nor does it fairly allocate qualification spots on the number of teams per federation or any other metric. We conclude with a plea for more transparent allocation processes.  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、访谈、数理统计等方法,以第19届世界杯足球赛为研究对象,利用秩和比法对参赛队伍攻守能力进行了综合评价.通过透视近10届世界杯比赛成绩,对当代世界足坛实力格局进行了探讨;结合世界杯强队的优异表现,论述了现代足球战术打法特征.第19届世界杯足球赛巴西队、阿根廷队2支南美球队攻守综合实力最强,其次是德国队、西班牙队、葡萄牙队和意大利队4支欧洲球队.球队要想取得好成绩不仅要解决好全队的进攻问题,也要提高防守实力,达到攻守兼备.据RSR攻防能力的分布特征,南非世界杯足球赛参赛球队综合实力大致分为4档.当今世界足坛形成以德国队、意大利队、荷兰队、法国队为代表的欧洲球队与以巴西队、阿根廷队为代表的南美洲球队之间"欧美争霸"的格局.非洲、北美洲、大洋洲及亚洲球队与欧美强队之间有较大差距.现代足球战术打法大致可以分为直接型打法、控制型打法、攻击型打法等6种类型.  相似文献   

With global media attention and a global reach, mega-sporting events play a crucial role in sports communication. Although the audience of these events has traditionally been overwhelmingly male, in recent years they have attracted an increasing number of women. The present paper therefore explores women’s and men’s motives for watching three mega-sporting events – FIFA World Cup 2006, the UEFA European Championship 2008 and FIFA World Cup 2010 – and compares the intensities of the three central motives of thrill, entertainment and information, especially as they relate to participants’ levels of general interest in sport. The results indicate that as their interest in sport increases, the differences between the motives of women and men decrease. This finding provides valuable initial insights into the increasing popularity of mega-sporting events among women.  相似文献   

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