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"劳动"和"工作"这是一组我们经常会遇到的名词,看似简单,却蕴涵着两个范畴概念。范畴是认知的基本概念,是人们在互动体验的基础上对客观事物普遍本质在思维上的概括反映。人类对范畴和范畴化的认识存在很大分歧,从古至今形成了两种主要的范畴理论:经典范畴理论和原型范畴理论。本文以认知语言学中的"原型范畴理论"作为理论基础,进一步阐述对外汉语教学中"劳动"和"工作"的区别。  相似文献   

王骥德的曲学与佛教中道观有着密切关系。这主要表现在:王骥德在论述"本色"问题时采用了中观思维方式,描述"本色"内涵时又融化了中道观的"无分别"理论;在阐释戏曲曲文咏物的作法等问题时则直接运用了佛教中观学的概念、范畴和理论。  相似文献   

"王"、"圣"两个理论范畴是荀子思想体系的核心,荀子提出了"王"、"圣"这两个概念并对其不断完善,确立了两个概念的内涵,指出了二者对社会发展、国家强盛的意义,同时进一步阐明二者产生的条件,其中"王"、"圣"、"平"等概念是荀子思想的理论支点,对构建理想社会、培养国家管理精英、处理社会关系及利益公平分配提出了独创性的意见,较为完善地形成了国家与社会管理的思想体系,具有非常重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"悟"概念是一类比较常用的语汇。以汉语和英语为语料,剖析"悟"概念生发于"光"概念的认知根源,进而对"悟是光"概念结构生成过程中人类的隐喻化和范畴化发展机制进行了详细说明,旨在依托认知规律,对概念的隐喻化取象和范畴化拓展路径提供进一步的实践操作性借鉴。  相似文献   

皮亚杰发生认识论研究的主要内容是康德意义上的概念或范畴的发生和发展。文章将皮亚杰理论与康德先验范畴体系作了较为系统而全面的比较研究。表明皮亚杰理论对康德先验范畴体系进行了实质性的发生学改造或发展的转换  相似文献   

赵红煜 《考试周刊》2012,(57):180-181
本文从"破窗理论"及其意义出发,得出了该理论对学校的班级管理的启示:"曲突徙薪——防止出现第一块破窗;防微杜渐——及时发现、修复第一块破窗;亡羊补牢,为时不晚——避免更多破窗的出现"等,并提出班主任运用该理论在班级管理过程中应该注意的关键点,如树立良好的班风及及时纠正学生所犯错误,同时又要让学生接受教育,看到成功的希望。  相似文献   

文学接受过程是较为复杂的过程,它是接受主体在文学文本中启动、强化、不断深入展现生命力的动态过程。本文试图用文学接受过程的有关理论从"从期待视野看琼瑶小说——琼瑶重视读者;从接受心理看琼瑶小说;从读者的接受动机看琼瑶小说"三个方面来探讨一下琼瑶小说。  相似文献   

通过对传统理性思维缺陷的分析,得出贝林构成要件理论缺陷是由传统理性思维缺陷所致,贝林构成要件理论,虽经洛克辛等发展完善,但只弥补了主客分离的某些缺陷。动态的行为系统需要动态的刑法系统对应,为此,我们给出"识别符合性"的概念,提出了"识别符合性"——"违法性"——"有责性"的新三阶层犯罪论体系。  相似文献   

读了程少堂老师发表在《语文教学与研究》2013年第4期上的《从语文味到人文语文》(以下简称"《从》文")一文,觉得他关于"语文味"教学理论的阐释偏离了他的课堂教学实践,且给人蹈虚之感。同时,其"语文味"教学理论中还存在一些理论和观念的错误。一."语文味"理论概念模糊程少堂老师把"语文味"中的"味"与中国古典美学联系起来,并用朱立元教授的话说:"中西两种美学体系是两个不同的体系,而‘味’是中国古代美学的一个基本范畴,是其逻辑起点、归宿点与立足点。  相似文献   

课程理论本土化有其自身的研究任务、研究对象、理论阐释框架和学科结构体系,并逐渐形成了较为完善的课程论知识体系和合理的学科体系。本体论"是其所是"的致思路径所奠定的内在概念属性和范畴格调,是课程理论本土化的存在方式;认识论视域流变与方法延异中形成的课程主体的存在关怀、课程主体的个性化理解和课程主体阐释的穿越,是课程理论本土化的生成逻辑;方法论的正确运用所体现的坚持实事求是的境遇分析、建构复杂融贯的思维方式、确立"中话中说"的语义表达,则为课程理论本土化指明了未来的行动路向。  相似文献   

Because concepts are the building blocks of theory, concerns for theoretical adequacy in organizational communication research blur a more fundamental concern for the authenticity of the concepts upon which organizational communication theory is based. Organizational communication scholars must strive to achieve greater conceptual authenticity in their efforts to construct theory of high integrity. After a discussion of the role of concepts in theory construction, definitions for the notions of authenticity and integrity are provided. Next, six criteria that may be used to assess conceptual authenticity are proposed. These criteria: 1) communication relatedness; 2) rigor; 3) uniqueness; 4) impact; 5) depth; and 6) relevance, represent elements of a criterion model for assessing the authenticity of new and current concepts in organizational communication theory and research.  相似文献   


The problem was to determine the usefulness of psychoanalytic theory for analyzing classroom verbal transaction. Five concepts : interpretation, transference, counter-transference, resistance, and discoverance were formulated from psychoanalytic theory. A curriculum class of 19 students was recorded and the verbal interaction was classified by the author and another researcher according to indicators developed for these concepts.

Reliability of the raters varied from 84 percent to 92 percent. Validity evidence is based upon the fact that all the verbal interaction of a classroom was able to be classified according to categories formulated from psychoanalytic theory.

It is clear from this analysis that classroom transaction may be a complexly related intellectual and emotional activity. Approximately 25 percent of the verbal interaction consists of resistance, transference and counter-transference. Classroom interaction is not emotionally neutral verbal interaction. It is also clear that classroom activity can be analyzed from concepts drawn from psychoanalytic theory.  相似文献   

规范论对于高校内部管理研究具有明显的适应性。在规范论视角下高校内部管理应该做到合规律性和合目的性的统一;与管理科学化的目标相联系,建立评估和激励体系;着眼于宏观调控、正确处理党政间的关系,实行分权管理。这也是中国高校内部管理要实现管理科学化的“应然状态”。  相似文献   

当代教育领导理论获得了长足发展,关于教育领导的理论概念不仅呈现一种"丛林"景象,而且概念发展有集群化的趋势.本研究通过文献分析,将当代教育领导理论归纳为六个层面的理念,即教学领导、转化式领导、道德领导、参与领导、管理式领导和权变领导.本文通过对这些颇具代表意义的理论概念的分析,展示当今教育领导理论的最新进展.  相似文献   

Most of secondary school science curricula discriminate neatly between two types of activity: knowing the world, on the one hand, and reflecting upon this knowledge, on the other. Moreover, this knowledge is usually based on an empiricist epistemology. The conceptual structure of a part of a typical secondary school physics curriculum is analysed from this point of view. This epistemological rationale causes difficulties in the understanding of scientific concepts which are predictable from the standpoint of the assimilation theory of Ausubel (1978). The difficulties are a consequence of the arbitrariness and lack of intelligibility of the concepts and problems presented to the student. Finally, a different epistemological rationale is proposed: that provided by genetic epistemology.  相似文献   

Piaget's learning theory on cognitive development has had considerable impact on science education (Piaget, 1964; Inhelder and Piaget, 1958; Craig, 1972). The theory classifies cognitive learning into four successive stages: (a) sensory-motor, (b) pre-operational, (c) operational, and (d) formal. Various programmes and instructional strategies have been developed based on the theory (Batt, 1980; Karplus, 1977; Renner and Stafford, 1979; Ryan, et al., 1980; Herron, 1978; Good et al; 1978). An application of this theory for teaching and learning scientific concepts is the Piagetian learning cycle (Karplus, 1977) which is of growing interest among science educators. This article intends to introduce briefly the learning cycle in general and suggest a learning cycle for teaching a topic in chemistry: “Elements and Symbols”.  相似文献   

教育理论研究主要有以下4重意义:即设计和拟定教育实践的改革或改进方案;革新或建构 新的教育思想;建构和革新教育化;创造和革新社会化等。目前,造成教育理论研究间义被忽视和轻视的原因,在于教育理论研究意义本身的多重性和教育实践活动机制要素的复杂性。只有将奠基于传统教育基础上的功利主义意识和工具意义思维方式彻底清除,才能对教育理论研究的意义有清晰的认识。  相似文献   


Purpose: Capacity development for agricultural research and development is missing an opportunity. Initiatives tend to focus on developing capacity of individuals and even when the ultimate aim is social change leave the transformation of individual into social learning largely to chance. I use the lens of social learning systems, particularly concepts from Community of Practice theory, to explore how that theory can provide practical insights into transforming individual into social learning and the design considerations that would support this.

Design/methodology/approach: Using as a case study a professional development programme, African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), I conducted a use-oriented systemic inquiry among 26 AWARD participants, with myself as informed investigator within the system of inquiry. Data from interviews and questionnaires were subjected to qualitative analysis using analytic induction with sensitizing concepts from Community of Practice theory.

Practical implications: I identify strengths and challenges, and provide five design considerations that might enable the individuals participating in a capacity development programme to continue to engage after the programme ends and self-organize for concerted action.

Originality/value: The originality of this research article is the use of the three central Community of Practice concepts of domain, community and practice as analytical tools for understanding individual and social learning among the alumni of a professional capacity development programme. This has value for designers of capacity development initiatives.  相似文献   

International cooperation in history teaching and related teacher education requires clarification of terminology as well as of underlying concepts and theoretical foundations, since these levels are fundamentally intertwining. If these levels are addressed, both comparison and translation do not only make cooperation possible, but promise valuable contributions to the clarification of such concepts on either side. Being the German counterpart to the viewpoint of Peter Seixas, this article both corroborates and adds to his reflections. Three complexes of theory and terminology are addressed: ‘Geschichtsbewusstsein’ (‘historical consciousness’) with special regard to the concept of ‘Sinnbildung’ in Jörn Rüsen’s theory, the German focus on the concepts of source (‘Quelle’) compared to the Anglosaxon concept of ‘evidence’ and the challenges posed by translating Jörn Rüsen’s concept of ‘Triftigkeiten’ (plausibility) as a criterion for assessing the quality of historical statements.  相似文献   

Modern evolutionary theory is both a central theory and an integrative framework of the life sciences. This is reflected in the common references to evolution in modern science education curricula and contexts. In fact, evolution is a core idea that is supposed to support biology learning by facilitating the organization of relevant knowledge. In addition, evolution can function as a pivotal link between concepts and highlight similarities in the complexity of biological concepts. However, empirical studies in many countries have for decades identified deficiencies in students’ scientific understanding of evolution mainly focusing on natural selection. Clearly, there are major obstacles to learning natural selection, and we argue that to overcome them, it is essential to address explicitly the general abstract concepts that underlie the biological processes, e.g., randomness or probability. Hence, we propose a two-dimensional framework for analyzing and structuring teaching of natural selection. The first—purely biological—dimension embraces the three main principles variation, heredity, and selection structured in nine key concepts that form the core idea of natural selection. The second dimension encompasses four so-called thresholds, i.e., general abstract and/or non-perceptual concepts: randomness, probability, spatial scales, and temporal scales. We claim that both of these dimensions must be continuously considered, in tandem, when teaching evolution in order to allow development of a meaningful understanding of the process. Further, we suggest that making the thresholds tangible with the aid of appropriate kinds of visualizations will facilitate grasping of the threshold concepts, and thus, help learners to overcome the difficulties in understanding the central theory of life.  相似文献   

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