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本研究采用问卷调查法,对248名3~6岁幼儿的家长进行调查,考察隔代教养对儿童情绪调节策略选择的影响.结果表明,在消极情境下,隔代教养和亲子教养方式下幼儿的情绪调节策略存在显著差异;隔代教养儿童情绪调节策略的发展在城市与农村之间也存在显著差异;祖辈教养者的文化程度对儿童情绪调节策略的发展具有显著影响.祖辈在允许幼儿发泄的同时,应注意引导其控制发泄的程度,以免幼儿走向任性或自我中心,并应向幼儿示范良好的情绪调节策略,为幼儿树立模仿的好榜样;应为祖辈学习如何教养孙辈提供学习资源与场所,如开办祖辈家长学校等.  相似文献   

本研究选取了101名3~5岁幼儿,考察年龄、情绪情境和人际关系背景等对幼儿情绪表达规则认知的影响。结果显示,幼儿在3岁时开始认识到外部表情和真实情绪的区别;4岁时情绪表达规则认知能力迅速发展;在早期,幼儿进行情绪调节的目的以自我保护目标为主,随着年龄增长而日渐趋向社会定向目标;幼儿对伤心情绪表达规则的理解相对较好,情绪表达更符合社会期望,而在生气情境中表现得更自我中心;当好朋友在场时,幼儿的情绪调节更有效,尤其是在高兴和伤心情境中,其外部情绪表现更符合社会期望。为促进幼儿情绪表达规则认知能力的发展,成人要注意培养幼儿的同理心,促进其交往能力的发展;抓住4岁这个关键期,培养幼儿的情绪调节能力;引导幼儿合理宣泄和调节生气情绪;为幼儿创造和谐的情绪环境。  相似文献   

展红梅 《家长》2022,(6):75-77
<正>情绪分为正性与负性两方面,所谓情绪调节,就是使二者达到一定程度的平衡。幼儿情绪调节的最初阶段在3~6岁,相关规定中明确指出了幼儿情绪发展的目标,3~4岁的幼儿情绪较为稳定,在反应过于强烈时,通过成人的抚慰会得到平静。关于幼儿调节情绪,主要有成人帮助以及自我调节两方面,本文的重点就在于幼儿情绪的自我调节。本文以幼儿情绪调节中的挫折情境下情绪表达状况为重点,阐述相关情境,并进行深入分析,总结年龄以及性别等因素对小班幼儿情绪调节策略运用的作用,以期为幼儿教师提出更多的小班幼儿情绪调节策略,为幼儿教学提供辅助指导。  相似文献   

在推行素质教育的时代背景下,当前社会对学前教育也有了更高的要求,从关注幼儿学习能力的发展,转变为关注幼儿综合能力与道德情操的培育,其中培养幼儿良好的情绪调节能力更是学前教育工作的重点,这就需要幼儿园教师深入开展教学实践探究,科学把握培养幼儿情绪调节能力的教育方法,以促进幼儿的全面发展与心理健康成长为出发点,在情境教育中关注幼儿情绪能力的培育。本文通过分析培养幼儿情绪调节能力的重要性,概述教师需要掌握的情绪调节培育方法,从而探究出有效培养幼儿情绪调节能力的实践策略并以实际案例作为检验,以此来提供有效的教育借鉴。  相似文献   

陈碧华 《教师》2023,(10):96-98
文章研究了生成课程视角下幼儿情绪调节能力培养的支持策略。培养幼儿调节情绪的能力是当下教育的重点目标,为了培养幼儿情绪调节能力,教师应当注重幼儿情感教育,提高幼儿情感认知力;协助幼儿自我评估,使其明确自我价值;丰富幼儿情绪经验,使其学习恰当表达。文章作者概述幼儿情绪调节内容,发现后天的培养和指导对幼儿情绪调节能力的形成非常重要,从客观和主观角度总结影响幼儿情绪调节能力的主要因素,并规划相关培养原则,以此探索生成课程视角下幼儿情绪调节能力培养的支持策略,调节幼儿情绪,促进幼儿快乐成长。  相似文献   

本研究从儿童对情绪调节策略的运用这一角度,对90名8-15岁的智障儿童和90名3-5岁的普通幼儿进行问卷调查,探讨智障儿童和普通幼儿情绪调节策略的异同。结果发现:(1)智障儿童和普通幼儿的情绪调节策略均呈现年龄差异,积极情绪调节策略的运用会随着年龄的增长而显著增多;(2)智障儿童和普通幼儿的情绪调节策略均无显著的性别差异;(3)在引发消极情绪的情景下,3-5岁的普通幼儿比8-15岁的智障儿童更多地使用积极策略,更少使用消极策略;(4)8-15岁的智障儿童较难使用认知重建的情绪调节策略。  相似文献   

采用调查问卷法对97名学龄前儿童的情绪调节策略及社会适应行为进行了研究,在此基础上探讨了二者之间的关系.结果表明:儿童情绪调节策略的使用存在显著的年级差异,并能很好地预测其社会行为.  相似文献   

儿童对规则的认知会产生复杂的社会交往形式,对人际交往起促进作用。情绪表达规则的认知对儿童实现自我发展并适应社会非常重要。采用故事测验法对253名听觉障碍小学生情绪表达规则的理解与情绪表达目标的选择进行研究。听觉障碍小学生表情调节知识能力随年级增高而增长,低年级到中年级是快速发展时期,女生好于男生,积极情境好于消极情境;情绪表达策略运用频率随年级增高而增多,高年级学生平静策略和掩饰策略使用较多,低年级学生更多运用弱化策略;高标表达,女生略好于男生,且在积极情境下社会定向目标好于消极情境。促进听觉障碍小学生情绪发展应把握关键阶段,关注积极情绪培养;建立同理心,增加学生交往机会;完善沟通机制,重视家庭教育。  相似文献   

情绪调节对幼儿社会性的发展十分重要,对幼儿以后的健康发展有着重要影响.研究结果发现:不同研究者对幼儿情绪调节策略有不同的分类,不同年龄阶段的幼儿在不同情境中使用的情绪调节策略存在差异,影响幼儿情绪调节策略的主要因素来自于幼儿自身和照顾者特质.  相似文献   

情绪表达规则是情绪体验和情绪表达之间的调节机制,是在特定情况下表现社会期望情绪的准则,是在一定文化背景下约定俗成的隐性知识,让幼儿学会情绪表达规则对幼儿身体发育、社会化发展和认知发展均有积极意义.文章探讨了幼儿获得情绪表达规则的三种途径,并提出相应的教育策略.  相似文献   

The aim is to investigate Swedish preschool teachers’ accounts of children’s learning in relation to the goals in the Swedish preschool curriculum. The research question is: “What do preschool teachers see as fundamental aspects of learning in preschool practice?” The study is based on interactionist perspectives founded in Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory in which individuals and environment influence each other in a dynamic, reciprocal interaction. The data consist of interviews. The results show two themes that describe what teachers express as fundamental learning aspects in preschool practice: children’s learning of social knowledge and children’s learning of social and cognitive knowledge as integrated. The results show that some preschool teachers view social knowledge as fundamental to children’s learning. Others have a broader learning-oriented approach, which is grounded in the Swedish preschool curriculum and in modern theories of learning. This is an integrated learning approach, which is assumed to promote children’s learning and development in a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

This research examines relations between measures of child-mother and child-teacher relationships and the extent to which these measures predict early school outcomes. Observations of shared affect and control problems in mother-child interaction in preschool were low-to-moderately correlated with concurrent pre-school teacher-reported aspects of child-teacher security, conflict, and dependency. Overall quality of child-mother interaction predicted teacher-reported social adjustment in kindergarten, and quality of both child-mother and child-teacher interaction predicted children's performance on a measure of concept development in preschool. Results suggest that qualities of child-mother interaction are more strongly related to preschool and kindergarten adjustment outcomes than are qualities of the child-teacher relationship. The results point to the strength of adult-child interactions in the context of the family when understanding the role of relationships with children and teachers in the school context.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between social status and discourse skills in preschool children. Using peer nominations, 48 acquainted preschool children were classified as liked, disliked, or low impact. Children were videotaped in freeplay interactions in which one child entered the play of a pair of same-sex peers. Social status differences were found primarily in skills contributing to coherent discourse. Specifically, liked children were more inclined to direct their initiations clearly, to speak to both interaction partners rather than just one, to respond contingently to others, to acknowledge others, and to reinitiate when rejecting. Liked children were also better able to adapt to the differing social demands of entry versus nonentry contexts in that they were more likely to give information and less likely to express their feelings when entering a group. Deficits in communication skill were greater for disliked children than for low-impact children. Results indicate that communication skills that contribute to coherent discourse are fundamental to social interaction and may influence young children's peer acceptance.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to study social–emotional adaptation levels of 5- to 6-year old preschool children in relation to peer relationships. One hundred and forty-four children aged between 5 and 6 joined in this relational survey study. According to the results of the research analysing the relationship between the social–emotional adjustments of 5- to 6-year old children continuing preschool education and the peer relationship variables; the social–emotional adjustment level can meaningfully predict the prosocial behaviour of children towards their peers, aggression levels and exclusion by peers, fear–anxiety towards peers, hyperactivity–distractibility and peer victimisation.  相似文献   

Preschool education is a privileged setting where social development and the progressive achievement of emotional adjustment occur. During this stage, affect plays an important role in social interaction. Furthermore, children’s play has been described as an activity with a great potential for promoting development. This article reports results from the systematic observation of 38 five- to six-year-old children in four different school activities on two separate occasions. A total number of 304 registries, totalling 1,520 minutes, were made during the observations, which were conducted with the objective of comparing affective expression in different activities and inquiring into its relationship to school adjustment and performance in preschoolers. It was found that affect’s intensity and quality is higher during play. Results are discussed taking into account positive relationships between affect and school adjustment and performance, concluding that children’s play is a privileged activity for affective development and should be promoted in preschool education.  相似文献   

Effective regulatory skills are essential in busy preschool classroom environments where children must maintain some control over their emotions and behavior to interact effectively with peers and teachers. Regulatory abilities can play a crucial role in a child's successful adjustment to preschool. We investigated whether individual differences in dysregulation (emotional and behavioral) as observed in the naturalistic classroom context were associated with peer social competence and teacher ratings of classroom adjustment in a sample of low-income preschoolers. Naturalistic observational methods were used to assess dysregulated emotions and behaviors in Head Start classrooms. Findings demonstrate that although displays of observed dysregulation were relatively brief, about one-quarter of children showed high levels of dysregulation, and individual differences in dysregulated behavior predicted teacher-rated classroom adjustment and peer conflict. Research results are discussed with regard to implications for classroom practice and prevention.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to explore the relations between child temperament, parenting daily hassles, and children’s social adjustment in preschool. The participants were 122 preschool children (Mage=48.59 months, SD=6.92). Parents completed measures of child temperament and parenting daily hassles. Preschool social adjustment was assessed through teacher ratings and behavioral observations. Among the results, parenting daily hassles predicted child externalizing problems beyond the contribution of child temperament characteristics. As well, child temperament interacted with parenting hassles in the prediction of adjustment outcomes. Results are discussed in terms of the complex inter-associations between child temperament and stress and their contributions to child social adjustment.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between preschool children’s social-interpersonal skills and their transition to school in the beginning months of kindergarten. One hundred and thirty-three preschool children participated in this study. During the spring of the pre-kindergarten year, children’s social-interpersonal skills were assessed as well as rated by teachers. In the follow-up year, parents/guardians and teachers reported on children’s adjustment to kindergarten. The results of this study found no association between parents’/guardians’ and teachers’ reports of children’s adjustment and readiness in kindergarten. Children’s social-interpersonal skills were negatively associated with teachers’ reports of children’s kindergarten readiness difficulties. The findings of this study indicate that children’s early social skills, developed prior to entering kindergarten, are important for children’s readiness for school.  相似文献   

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