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预习是课堂中的重要环节,在小学中年级数学教学过程中,加强对学生的预习指导,不仅可以提高课堂教学效率,还有利于引导学生养成良好的学习习惯。但是从目前的小学数学教学效果来看,许多学生并没有掌握科学的最新方法,更没有形成主动预习的习惯,针对此,教师应该予以科学的指导。本文以小学中年级数学教学为例,结合教学实际,对数学预习方法的科学指导策略进行探究。  相似文献   

针对现阶段学生没有时间预习、预习缺乏方法、预习能力及质量不高等问题,应重视预习单的设计,再科学优化设计预习单,依托预习单的科学设计,优化小学数学教学质量。预习单统一的表现形式是图文并茂,但可以涵盖很多类型的任务种类,学生的完成形式也可丰富多样。本文从明确预习目标、优化预习内容、丰富预习形式这些方面,探讨了小学数学预习单的科学设计策略。  相似文献   

杨秀文 《中学理科》2006,(11):64-65
预习作为学生学习过程的一个基本环节,一直是广大教师对学生的基本要求和学生学习的基本方法,多少年来很少有人对此提出过质疑.但我在这几年新教材教学中发现课前预习的作用并不都是正面的,有时反而起到一些负面的作用.本文就此谈谈对《科学》教学中的预习的看法.  相似文献   

课前预习对小学数学教学具有重要作用。课前预习并不是要学习完所有内容,教师可给出科学提示,为学生指引大概方向。预习时教师可适当组织活动,深化预习效果。至于课前预习效果,则可通过前测检验,而后根据预习效果调整教学内容与教学方案。  相似文献   

小学语文教学怎样才能提高语文教学的效果,让学生的语文学习取得更好的成绩,是每一个教育工作者需要深入思考的问题。预习作为一种学习方法,在语文教学中所具有的作用长期以来没有得到很多教师应有的重视,以至于很多教师在语文教学工作中很少教导学生预习方法,指导学生进行课堂内容的预习学习,使得预习这一学习方法本身可以起到的作用被忽视了。本文就小学语文教学中预习对于学习的作用进行了研究,通过结合语文教学实务,就教师怎样通过重视预习环节,合理运用预习来提高小学语文课堂教学效果进行了探讨,希望能通过本文的探索为小学语文教育理论的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

古人云:"凡事预则立,不预则废"。所以,要提高语文课堂教学的有效性,必须要让学生充分阅读文本,做好课前预习。预习是上好语文课的重要环节之一,也是提高学生自学能力的必要途径,教师必须确保所有学生都能养成科学有效的预习习惯。那么,如何提高小学高年级语文预习的实效性呢?一、小学高年级语文预习的现状(一)对预习不够重视有些教师自身不重视学生的预习,布置预习时过于简化,形同虚设。一些学生不重视预习,没有养成良好的预习  相似文献   

在小学语文学习中,学生只有做好全面的准备工作,才能够提升学生的效率,因此语文课前预习工作在语文学习中的作用也十分重要。教师必须要做好对学生语文预习工作的培养,以此来不断提升学生的预习效率,促进学生语文学习效率的提升。本文针对小学中高年级语文课前预习实效性进行了简要阐述,并提出几点个人看法,仅供参考。  相似文献   

对于预习,叶圣陶先生有过精辟的论述:"上课之前,学生要切实预习""要养成学生阅读书籍的习惯就非教他们预习不可"。叶圣陶先生之所以这样重视预习,正是因为看到预习在教学中有着非常重要的作用。本文从预习中存在的问题,有效预习的实施策略,成效和展望等方面对小学语文如何预习进行了探索和论述。  相似文献   

小学阶段是培养学生预习习惯的黄金期。在小学数学教学中,教师要扮演好组织者、领路人、导航员等多重角色,通过正确对待、科学设计、及时批改、合理应用来提高学生的预习效果,激发学生预习热情,让预习服务于课堂教学,切实提高学生的学习品质和教师的教学质量。  相似文献   

俞兰 《教育教学论坛》2015,(10):242-244
有效的预习对于课堂学习而言,有着类似"起跳板"的助力作用。预习学案从各项细致化的学习任务入手,帮助学生独立面对新的学习内容,进行理解和梳理,为新的语言技能的形成做铺垫。本文结合pep英语教材教学实践,探索出从"唤醒学生的学习需求"、"体现教师的学法指导"、"满足学生的感知差异"这三方面入手有效设计小学中高段英语预习学案的路径,从而培养学生良好的预习习惯和科学的预习方法,提高教学效率。  相似文献   

小学科学课程资源的开发与利用是目前我国小学科学课程改革特别关注的热点问题之一。通过对小学科学课程资源的开发模式、小学科学教师资源的培育、小学科学教材资源的开发与利用、小学科学实验室资源的建设、小学科学课堂生成资源的有效利用和小学科学校园文化的营造等方面在理论与实践上对此问题进行了较深入的研究,建立起符合新课标、适应新教材、切合学生特点和时代特点的小学科学课程支持系统,以促进小学科学新课程的顺利实施和稳步推进。  相似文献   

小学科学课堂教学评价体系是有效改进科学教学,促进科学课程有效实施的保证。通过分析影响小学科学课堂教学有效性的因素,结合对小学科学课堂教学评价现状的调查,提出了构建小学科学课堂教学评价体系的原则:一是有利于学生科学素养的发展;二是有利于教师教学水平的提高;三是有利于科学课程的发展。最后,给出了制定小学科学课堂教学评价体系的几点建议。  相似文献   

文章在后现代课程观的基础上,反思当前小学科学课现状,认为不确定性是小学科学课程的发展目标,实践性是小学科学课程的核心要素,境域性是小学科学课程的时空和文化共生平台,隐喻性是小学科学课程的方法和逻辑的重新共融。随着近年来我国新课程改革的推进,对小学科学课程的哲学反思越来越重要。  相似文献   


China initiated a new round of science curriculum reform in 2017. Using the tripartite curriculum framework (including policy, programmatic, and classroom curriculum), we introduce and analyse China’s policy curriculum and programmatic curriculum for science in primary school and senior high school, and describe the potential problems hindering the translation of these curricula into the classroom curriculum. We first identify the multiple aims of different stakeholders in science education, some of which influence the science policy curriculum. Then, we present the major changes in how the programmatic curriculum meets the policy curriculum. However, due to extracurricular factors, the current science curriculum reform may not unfold as expected. We end with a discussion of the three major characteristics of the revision process of science curriculum standards in China, some of which might inform the global community of science education.  相似文献   

This paper explores the different ways that primary school teachers in Uganda navigate the boundary between school science and everyday knowledge in the context of a centrally mandated curriculum innovation. The paper is based on a study of the pedagogic practices of 16 teachers in eight Ugandan primary schools that were selected on the basis of having a track record of either high or low academic achievement in the public primary school‐leaving examination. The official primary school curriculum in Uganda prescribes that science be taught in an integrated form, including integration between science subject knowledge and everyday knowledge. The strategies that teachers in the study adopted in relating science to everyday knowledge was a key feature that differentiated between pedagogic practices in the high‐performing and low‐performing schools. In high‐performing schools, teachers recruited everyday knowledge as a resource for learning science as a specialised discourse; whereas in the low‐performing schools, acquiring everyday knowledge was viewed as an end in itself. The paper, then, considers the implications of differences in teachers' pedagogic strategies for the kinds of knowledge to which learners are given access.  相似文献   

科学史是培养小学生科学素养的主要学习资源。小学阶段科学素养的培养不仅仅限于“科学”课程。科学史融入小学课程要避免非科学的简化史,注重体验,让历史动起来,重视技术史的学习。教师要做好科学素养、教学能力和心理学测评方法等方面的准备。  相似文献   

The fundamental purpose of the Tech Prep Education Act is to prepare students for rapid technological advances and the America's participation in a global economy. Technical preparation (Tech Prep) addresses this goal through a curriculum comprising mathematics, science, communications, and various related occupational cluster areas to bridge secondary with postsecondary education. Across the nation, approximately 800 local consortia formed during the 1992 fiscal year to receive federal funding to plan and implement these new educational programs. The present study was conducted to document the planning and implementation processes used in 17 Tech Prep consortia in a Midwest state. The three research objectives were to document (a) how planning and implementation processes occurred, (b) the roles of local Tech Prep project leaders who assumed responsibility for guiding these processes, and (c) the leaders’ perceptions of how various planning and implementation processes contributed to the development of effective Tech Prep programs. The findings from this research can assist local consortia in conducting planning and implementation processes for new Tech Prep programs.  相似文献   

What is written in reports to parents can provide insight into the perceptions of teachers of the various areas of the primary school curriculum. This paper reports the first stage of a research project focussing on reports as a guide to teachers' views of the relative importance of, and desired student outcomes in, key areas of the curriculum. Teacher comments in the end-of-the-year reports in one primary school were analysed. Specializations: science education, teacher education. Specializations: science education, teacher education.  相似文献   

The relationship between components of emotional intelligence (EI) (interpersonal ability, intrapersonal ability, adaptability and stress management) and academic performance in English, maths and science was examined in a sample of 86 children (49 males and 37 females) aged 11–12 years during the primary–secondary school transition period. Results indicated that for both males and females, intrapersonal ability had little relationship with academic achievement, while adaptability had the strongest relationship with achievement in all subjects. Gender differences were particularly pronounced for science, for which stronger relationships were observed with all EI components for males. In addition, apparent only for males was a negative relationship between stress management and science. These findings offer support for the current inclusion of a personal and emotional element in the primary school curriculum, and indicate that such training is likely to help males more than females to make a successful transition from primary to secondary school.  相似文献   

随着小学科学课程改革对高素质小学科学教师的需求,近年来一些高等院校先后在小学教育本科专业开设了科学方向.本文从课程的学分、学时、模块结构等方面比较分析了国内3所高校小学教育专业(科学)的本科课程设置方案,在此基础上就该专业方向课程设置中存在的问题提出若干建议.  相似文献   

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