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Dynamic forces and range of motion (ROM) were measured during on-ice skating using a standard hockey skate and a modified skate (MS) with an altered tendon guard and eyelet configuration. The objective of this study was to determine if these modifications resulted in biomechanical and performance changes during on-ice skating skills. The right skate of each type was instrumented with a calibrated strain gauge force transducer system to measure medial?Clateral and vertical forces during ice skating. In addition, a goniometer was placed about the ankle and rear foot to measure ROM during skating. Ten subjects executed three skills: forward skating, crossovers inside foot and crossovers outside foot. The MS demonstrated significant gains of 5°?C9° in dorsi-plantarflexion ROM (p?<?0.05). Total peak force occurred later during plantarflexion, suggesting a more prolonged and effective force generation with the MS during a given skating stride. A 14?C20?% increase (p?>?0.05) in mean work and power output was noted with the MS, although no improved times were observed during the skating skills. Potentially, some players may need a period of familiarization to take advantage of the design alterations of the MS.  相似文献   

2018年平昌冬奥会日本在速度滑冰项目上取得了重大突破,收获了3金2银1铜的好成绩,不仅保持了在短距离上的优势,而且在中长距离及团体项目上也表现出强劲的上升趋势,颠覆了以往中长距离项目一直由欧美统治的状况。通过查找资料、分析比赛视频与平昌冬奥会官网上日本速度滑冰比赛的数据,归纳出速度滑冰在日本的发展以及日本速度滑冰运动员在比赛中的技战术特点,为我国速度滑冰的发展提供参考建议。日本速度滑冰崛起的原因在于:(1)丰富的速度滑冰基础设施建设;(2)与速滑强国荷兰进行“送出去”“引进来”的战略合作;(3)“取长补短”合理的战术制定。  相似文献   

Adductor strain injuries are prevalent in ice hockey. It has long been speculated that adductor muscular strains may be caused by repeated eccentric contractions which decelerate the leg during a stride. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of skating speed with muscle activity and lower limb kinematics, with a particular focus on the role of the hip adductors. Seven collegiate ice hockey players consented to participate. Surface electromyography (EMG) and kinematics of the lower extremities were measured at three skating velocities 3.33 m/s (slow), 5.00 m/s (medium) and 6.66 m/s (fast). The adductor magnus muscle exhibited disproportionately larger increases in peak muscle activation and significantly prolonged activation with increased speed. Stride rate and stride length also increased significantly with skating velocity, in contrast, hip, knee and ankle total ranges of motion did not. To accommodate for the increased stride rate with higher skating speeds, the rate of hip abduction increased significantly in concert with activations of adductor magnus indicating a substantial eccentric contraction. In conclusion, these findings highlight the functional importance of the adductor muscle group and hip abduction–adduction in skating performance as well as indirectly support the notion that groin strain injury potential increases with skating speed.  相似文献   

陈民盛  刘彤  程湘南 《体育学刊》2006,13(1):108-110
通过对clap式冰刀与传统冰刀蹬冰机制的比较得出,clap式冰刀蹬冰技术原理体现在两个方面:一是通过提高踝关节的灵活性来改变下肢各关节的发力性质;二是通过冰刀结构的改变来揭示速滑蹬冰技术动作加速理论的适用条件。其核心是提高踝关节的灵活性。  相似文献   

The forward skating start is a fundamental skill for male and female ice hockey players. However, performance differences by athlete’s sex cannot be fully explained by physiological variables; hence, other factors such as skating technique warrant examination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the body movement kinematics of ice hockey skating starts between elite male and female ice hockey participants. Male (n = 9) and female (n = 10) elite ice hockey players performed five forward skating start accelerations. An 18-camera motion capture system placed on the arena ice surface captured full-body kinematics during the first seven skating start steps within 15 meters. Males’ maximum skating speeds were greater than females. Skating technique sex differences were noted: in particular, females presented ~10° lower hip abduction throughout skating stance as well as ~10° greater knee extension at initial ice stance contact, conspicuously followed by a brief cessation in knee extension at the moment of ice contact, not evident in male skaters. Further study is warranted to explain why these skating technique differences exist in relation to factors such as differences in training, equipment, performance level, and anthropometrics.  相似文献   

速度轮滑训练对速度滑冰项目的影响及作用   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
通过美国速度轮滑运动员取得的优异速滑成绩,得到速度轮滑训练对速度滑冰所起的重要作用的启示。对速度滑冰与速度轮滑技术的异同性、速度滑冰技术借鉴速度轮滑技术训练要点和轮滑训练对速度滑冰专项能力的影响进行探讨,得出速度滑冰与速度轮滑的技术动作是最接近的;速度轮滑是速度滑冰最具实效性的专项能力训练方法之一;在淘汰了老式冰刀后,对克莱普冰刀是否进行了完全的侧蹬起到了有效的训练作用等认识,对速度滑冰运动技术水平的提高具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

轮滑运动符合时代特点和学生特点,学生们喜爱程度逐年提高,有利于终身体育观的形成。通过问卷调查、文献资料和数理统计等研究方法,对哈尔滨医科大学普通本科生开设轮滑课程的相关问题以实践的形式进行研究、分析。研究显示,哈尔滨医科大学轮滑课程发展比较成熟,已经初步形成了轮滑课程体系;普通本科生学生对轮滑课的学习兴趣很高,认为开设轮滑课非常必要,普通本科生开设轮滑课程取得了良好的教学效果。研究还发现,学生最大希望在大一期间学习轮滑,因此大一是开设轮滑课的最佳时期;采取增加课时满足学生需求、多渠道培训师资力量完善轮滑教材、加强受伤防范意识和技能的教学与训练、加强轮滑标准场地建设等积极措施,保障轮滑课的顺利开展。  相似文献   

我国优秀单人花样滑冰运动员焦虑水平的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
运用问卷调查法、数理统计法,对我国34名优秀单人花样滑冰运动员的焦虑水平进行了研究。研究结果表明:我国男子单人滑运动员在表演自由滑、短节目滑赛前状态焦虑和特质焦虑之间是明显相关的,自由滑赛前状态焦虑和特质焦虑之间不相关;我国女子单人滑运动员在短节目、自由滑赛前状态焦虑和特质焦虑之间是明显相关的,表演自由滑赛前状态焦虑和特质焦虑之间不相关;我国男子和女子单人滑健将级运动员与普通运动员之间状态焦虑无显著性差异;女子运动员特质焦虑高于男子运动员特质焦虑。  相似文献   

近10年我国冰上运动项目的理论研究与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以中国期刊全文数据库检索系统(CNKI)为工具,对1999年以来我国冰上运动项目速度滑冰、短道速度滑冰、花样滑冰、冰球、冰壶等5个方面的相关研究进行检索,对典型资料进行剖析。研究结果表明:速度滑冰论文数量最多,涉及面广,研究具有一定深度;短道速度滑冰训练方面研究相对较多,教学和大众方面研究相对薄弱,中外比较研究受到关注;赛事分析是花样滑冰研究的热点,花样滑冰新规则研究受到重视;冰球运动研究呈滞后状态,发展缓慢;冰壶运动研究相对薄弱,研究面相对较窄。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市高校轮滑运动开展现状与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风靡全球的轮滑运动,广泛受到年轻人和在校大学生们的青睐。为使轮滑运动在哈尔滨市高校中更好更快地发展,运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计等方法,对哈尔滨市高校轮滑运动开展现状进行研究,结果表明:哈尔滨市高校轮滑运动的开展存在教师结构不够合理、教学设计不够创新、课教学条件不尽完善等问题;结合实际情况提出了提高师资水平、深化轮滑教学改革、加强轮滑场馆建设、营造课外活动氛围等应对措施,为更好地促进轮滑运动在高校中的进一步普及与发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

为满足速度滑冰项目科学选材工作的需要,对我国速滑运动员指长比(2D:4D)与运动成绩、血清睾酮、血红蛋白及血球压积等多种身体机能水平指标的相关性进行研究,探索指长比在速滑运动员选材中的作用。通过对黑龙江省冰上训练中心速滑运动员的手指长度及指长比的测量与分析,表明速滑运动员指长比与运动成绩相关性不显著,与血清睾酮等3项机能指标显著相关,即指长比(2D:4D)越高,相关血清睾酮(T)等3项运动机能指标越低,说明指长比(2D:4D)可以作为速度滑冰项目科学选材的重要指标被应用。  相似文献   


The capturing of movements by means of wearable sensors has become increasingly popular in order to obtain sport performance measures during training or competition. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the feasibility of using body worn accelerometers to identify previous highlighted performance related biomechanical changes in terms of substantial differences across skill levels and skating phases. Twenty-two ice hockey players of different caliber were equipped with two 3D accelerometers, located on the skate and the waist, as they performed 30 m forward skating sprints on an ice rink. Two measures of the temporal stride characteristics (contact time and stride time) and one measure of the propulsive power (stride propulsion) of a skating stride were calculated and checked for discriminating effects across (i) skill levels and (ii) sprint phases as well as for their (iii) strength of association with the sprint performance (total sprint time). High caliber players showed an increased stride propulsion (+22%, P?<?0.05) and shorter contact time (?5%, P?<?0.05). All three analysed variables highlighted substantial biomechanical differences between the accelerative and constant velocity phases (P?<?0.05). Stride propulsion of acceleration strides primarily correlated to total sprint time (r?=??0.57, P?<?0.05). The results demonstrate the potential of accelerometers to assess skating technique elements such as contact time or elements characterizing the propulsive power such as center of mass acceleration, to gauge skating performance. Thus, the findings of this study might contribute to establishing wearable sensors for in-field ice hockey skating performance analysis.  相似文献   

对高校速滑运动员专项训练的研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
以哈尔滨工程大学速滑队2003、200404级6名学生为研究对象,根据其2年在高校系统的速滑训练,使速滑运动成绩有了较大幅度提高的训练实践,阐述了高校速滑训练应根据大学生特点,结合高校具体情况,选择与冰上技术动作结构及肌肉工作性质相近似的专门训练手段。指出采取突出速滑技术重点的针对性训练和系统训练,可以取得显著的训练效果。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to explore the techniques of ice skating acceleration through analysis of specific characteristics of the movement pattern during a “front start” skating task. Two Locam 16 mm cameras operating at 100 frames per second were used to record side and overhead views of the first 6.0m of the skating starts of 69 male subjects. Data were collected on three skating start criteria, three structural variables, and twelve performance variables measured over the first three strides of the start. Summary statistics were generated and Pearson product moment correlation analysis was used to assess relationships between the criteria and performance variables. In addition, stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to predict time to skate 6.0m from a combination of the structural and performance variables. Results revealed that the mean time taken to skate 6.0m was 1.95 sec; the mean instantaneous velocity at the 6.0 mark was 5.75 m/s; and the mean average acceleration over 6.0m was 2.96m/s2. Evaluation of correlation coefficients, the regression model and summary statistics resulted in several conclusions: (1) There is a statistically significant positive relationship between velocity attained and the average rate of acceleration over a 6.0m distance in a front style skating start. (2) There are statistically significant negative relationships between both mean acceleration and final instantaneous velocity, and the time taken to skate 6.0m in a front style skating start. (3) In general, the stride pattern associated with a high rate of acceleration and a minimal skating time in a front style skating start includes: a high stride rate, significant forward lean at the point of touchdown of the recovery skate, short single support periods, and placement of the recovery foot below the hip of the recovery leg at the end of the single support period.  相似文献   

The physiological responses to skating and the incidence of injuries were recorded in young, Danish elite figure skaters (n = 8) over a 1-year period. The skaters' maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) ranged from 54.7 to 68.8 ml kg-1 min-1, and work intensity during simulated competitive figure skating corresponded to 89% VO2 max. Before the onset of competitive skating, but after a warm-up, blood lactate (BLa) concentration was measured as 2.0 +/- 0.05 mM (means +/- S.E.). After a 4-min run, BLa increased to 8.0 +/- 0.6 mM. The subjects' resting heart rates were measured each morning over a 1-year period and corresponded to 53 +/- 2 and 58 +/- 3 beats min-1 for the males and females respectively, with no systematic season-related variations. The skaters trained for 15-41 h per week, 60-95 min of this time being spent on warm-up activities. The injury incidence rate during competitive skating was recorded as 1.4 injuries per 1000 h of training, 56% of these being acute and 44% chronic injuries. Of those injuries registered, 83% were recalled by the skaters when a retrospective questionnaire was given to them at the end of the observation period. This study indicates that ice figure skating is associated with high aerobic power. Furthermore, Danish skaters spend large amounts of time on training, including warm-up and stretching. Despite the amount of training and the intensity of ice-skating programmes, injury rates are low compared with other sporting events.  相似文献   

孙显墀  蒙猛  厉中山  孙一 《冰雪运动》2009,31(5):1-5,61
通过对2008年世界青年速度滑冰锦标赛、速度滑冰短距离世界杯(长春站)比赛的观摩调研,表明只有与时俱进的变革与创新,才能不断引领速度滑冰运动的发展趋势。认为荷兰速滑队的成功经验是长短兼备的全面发展方向,具有符合自身特点的技术风格与不断引领技术变革,注重准备活动与赛后的即刻恢复;世界优秀的短距离选手大致分为3种类型,并总结出速度滑冰500 m和1 000 m比赛临场技、战术要点。并针对我国短距离速滑选手的特点,提出技、战术的构想,以及将大全能和短全能作为训练工作的战略主攻方向,以长带短,提高训练的科学化水平。  相似文献   

动作示范在速滑技术教学中的运用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
汪勤 《冰雪运动》2006,(5):67-69
在速滑技术教学中,教师合理运用动作示范,对学生正确掌握技术起着重要的作用。根据速滑运动技术教学的特点和规律,从运动心理和运动生物学的角度,对动作示范在速滑技术教学中运用进行了分析,旨在为进一步提高速滑技术教学的质量与效果提供参考。  相似文献   

普通高校利用轮滑提高速滑课教学效果探析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
尹威 《冰雪运动》2008,30(4):87-89
分析了当前北方高校完成滑冰教学任务的限制因素,针对北方普通高校大多数滑冰场建在室外,暖冬气温对上冰时间长短影响较大,使得速度滑冰教学任务受到影响这一现象,认为应合理安排秋冬季教学内容,秋季教学安排轮滑课教学内容;利用轮滑打好速滑课非冰期陆地学生身体素质、技术基础;应用CAI课件创建理论与实践相结合的教学模式,培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,提高学生的自学能力,拓宽学生的视野,促进学生的全面发展;运用滑冰与轮滑相关性、迁移性教学,使北方普通高校在较短的冰期内高效率地完成速度滑冰课教学任务,提高速度滑冰课教学效果;建议把利用轮滑提高速度滑冰课教学效果纳入速滑教学评价体系。  相似文献   

高校速度滑冰课学生心理状态分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李鸿彬 《冰雪运动》2007,29(4):73-75
探究学生在不同教学环节中所发生的心理变化,为提高速滑教学课堂教学效果提供理论依据。针对大学生在速滑教学中的各种心理状态,采用心理分析方法,探索其心理规律,从而找到课堂教学活动成功与失败的原因。通过分析大学生在速滑课前、课中和课后的心理状态,阐述了如何激发大学生对速滑运动的兴趣和提高其对动作技术的理解程度。认为优秀的体育教师必须具备丰富的心理学知识,把握学生的心理状态,才能保证高校速滑课的教学质量和效果。  相似文献   

速滑是黑龙江省的优势项目,在黑龙江省有很广泛的群众基础,多年来涌现出了很多优秀的速滑运动员。文章通过对黑龙江省速滑三线后备人才培养现状的调查,分析黑龙江省速滑三线后备人才培养存在的问题及解决办法。以期为黑龙江省速滑后备人才培养的理论研究提供支持。  相似文献   

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