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小学一年级,我曾经为一颗大金牙烦恼。它镶在一位女语文教师的牙床上,平时隐约可见,但在她单独辅导我朗诵一首诗时,却突然光彩夺目地迸发了出来。"滴答滴答,下雨了;种子说,下吧下吧,我要发芽。"她摇头晃脑,做欢乐儿童状,她的嘴巴起码比平时大出了一倍。我恐惧地看着她大嘴深处崛起的那颗金牙,不知如何是好。我的女老师是一位非常好的老师,而且她还真的姓金。问题是才小学一年级,我已经知道了金牙是地主女儿才会有的,  相似文献   

古希腊悲剧家欧里庇得斯塑造的美狄亚这一女性形象具有丰富的美学意蕴。她是世界文学史上第一个觉醒的女性形象。她的被弃意味着在社会与文化双重压迫下,女性面临着生存的困境。她的复仇意味着在困境中她不是委曲求全,而是奋起抗争,从而实现了对现存社会与文化的双重超越。  相似文献   

在我国外宣领域中曾经活跃着一位不平凡的女性。于国内她名不见经传,但在海外新闻界却有一定的知名度。前不久我们走访了她的亲人、朋友和同事,他们讲述了关于她的事情,我们记录下这些略带传奇的故事,奉呈给读者,以使得外宣界的朋友们,特别是年轻的朋友知道她、记得她——李伯悌。多彩的人生履历李伯悌原名陈庆纹,1918年出生在钟鸣鼎食和翰墨诗书之家。在她5岁时父母把她带到了美国,在西雅图、芝加哥等地学习。李伯悌  相似文献   

有一年的高考作文题,说的是一个学生--姑且叫她王小丫吧--王小丫不是拉小提琴的那块料,她的父母亲也不支持,但她还是练,且是苦练.后来,在树林(这类练琴者一般是到树林)里,王小丫遇到一个老妇人,她说她也不懂音乐,但她感觉王小丫拉得很好……总之,在她的暗示下,这个王小丫终于成功了,拉了一手好琴.后来,看到王小丫同学把自己的理想实现了,那个老妇人也就亮明了身份,她是音乐学院的教师,一开始看王小丫也不是拉小提琴的料,但,不忍心伤害她,就鼓励她,没想到,她却成功了……看完这个高考作文题的素材,我笑了,且是大笑,如果不是一个突然而来的电话,我会把自己给笑傻了.  相似文献   

阳光暖暖地洒在紫筠的脸上,她手 捧一杯咖啡默默地呷着。她喜欢这个露天的咖啡店,在这儿听不到浪漫的萨克斯和情人的呢喃,反而使人感觉多了一些舒适和惬意。所以,紫筠第一次约丁子见面,便选择了这里。 丁子就坐在她的对面,此刻他正专注地拨弄着钥匙。他的脸形同身材一样消瘦,下  相似文献   

朋友告诉我一则故事,我看了心都碎了,希望它只是个故事,永远只是个故事:在美国的加州有一个小女孩大约是4岁,她的父亲有一台大卡车,她的父亲非常喜欢那台卡车,总是为那台车做全套的保养,以保持卡车的美观。一天,小女孩拿着硬物在他父亲的卡车钣金上划下了无数的刮痕!她的父亲盛怒之下,用铁丝把小女孩的手绑起来,然后吊着小女孩的手,让她站在车库罚站。当父亲想起小女儿在车库罚站时,已经是4  相似文献   

王丽2003年从山东理工大学历史系毕业,由于所学的专业属于冷门,毕业后求职时她四处碰壁,无奈之下,她只好考虑自己创业.她非常喜欢读书,在经过一番深思熟虑之后,她想在母校附近的商业街上开一家书店,这样既可以成为一条谋生之路,又可以满足自己看书的爱好.于是,在家人的帮助下,她的"睿智屋"书店顺利开张了.  相似文献   

兰晨 《文化交流》2010,(6):48-49
地震袭来,藏族妈妈弓下身子,为她搭起一座生命岛;震后,回族妈妈为她送上奶瓶、奶粉;而汉族妈妈又用自己的乳汁哺育她。4月18日,承载了众多妈妈的爱,出生6天的藏族宝宝在甘肃中医学院附属医院露出了甜美的微笑……同胞相亲,相携相助!这一刻,孩子是各族同胞共同的希望!  相似文献   

《大英百科全书——世界名人录》上收录了这样一位中国女性,在她身上娴雅文静和深刻敏锐似乎得到了很好的统一。在她的事业发展过程中,她一次又一次地放弃了令许多人羡慕的机会,而最终组建了自己的企业。她的成功让很多女性都感到鼓舞,而在很多人的眼里,她是现代社会中女性形象的完美体现。她,就是杨澜。  相似文献   

丁民  李国英 《职业圈》2006,(10):56-57
6年前,妻子那家工厂效益不好,妻子下岗了。下了岗的妻子情绪非常不好,因为她已经快要进入中年了,一个40多岁的下岗女工还有多少希望重新上岗呢?在最初那些日子里,妻子显得有些可怜巴巴的,夜里面对我时总是默默流泪,我就劝她:“你年龄也不小了,下岗也是一件好  相似文献   

徐向晨  刘德喜 《职业圈》2008,(12):106-107
我国经济发展跨入21世纪城市桥梁成为了城市景观的重要组成部分。但是由于某些原因,国内不少桥梁发生倒塌事故。文章对桥梁事故原因进行了分析,并在此基础上,探讨了减少桥梁安全事故的对策,可供桥梁管理部门参考。  相似文献   

衣萍  沙舟 《文化交流》2012,(4):25-28
“巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮”的张志红坐在面前,似乎是春梦乍醒的杜丽娘来到面前,与我们聊那些往昔情事……“天生就是一块唱昆曲的料!”张志红天生就是个美人胚子,而且打小喜欢文艺。十三岁那年,邻居告诉她浙江昆剧团在招生,当时她对昆曲一无所知,只是凭好奇心去报了名。经过初试、复试,  相似文献   


There are two starting points from which this paper is constructed: first, Virilio’s observation that the wealth of societies is founded on their dromocratic condition, that the faster societies accelerate their citizens, commercial goods and communication the more political and economic power they have and, second, the links that he traces between technologies of speed and acceleration and the accident. We suggest that Virilio’s ideas on this invite and deserve a closer ethnographic scrutiny than they have so far received, scrutiny that highlights the varied ways in which speed, acceleration and the accident are articulated in different cultural contexts. To this end we offer an investigation into the dromocratic condition, the violence of speed and the uses of accidents in Iceland.  相似文献   

Saraç-Lesavre  Başak  Laurent  Brice 《Minerva》2019,57(2):239-260

The Fukushima accident was a crisis in Japan, and a crisis elsewhere. In Europe, the aftermath of Fukushima was a period of intense questioning, about how to ensure the safety of nuclear reactors, and how, at the same time, ensure the ability of the European Union to act as a consistent political actor in the face of potentially catastrophic risks. Using empirical material related to the post-Fukushima stress tests and the subsequent discussions about the European regulatory framework for nuclear safety, this paper shows that stress tests have provided a peculiar form of European intervention, restabilizing regulatory boundaries while extending the European gaze. It describes the overall operation thereby performed as the “normalization of the crisis” whereby the exceptional situation enters the realm of the normal functioning of the public administrations, and where the actions undertaken take the form of the legal norm.


Driven by the pressure to permanently release a large number of books, publishers have to allocate limited advertising budgets across the wide range of newly released books. As in many creative industries, publishers often focus their advertising activities on potential top sellers written by recent bestselling authors. Considering potential selection effects in choosing the “right” books for advertising, this paper investigates (1) whether selection effects exist and to what extent potential selection effects influence the relation between book advertising and book sales and (2) the boundary conditions under which book advertising leads to higher sales by focusing on the “star power” effects of authors. By applying propensity score matching to a dataset of 598 fiction books from the German book market, we identify substantial selection effects that lead to a serious overestimation of advertising effectiveness by up to 41 % (10,000 copies sold). Using group analyses, we find that sales of books written by recent bestselling authors are not significantly influenced by advertising activities of publishers; however, the sales of books written by lesser-known authors can be increased significantly if they are advertised. Our findings are highly relevant for publishers, indicating that a shift in the allocation of advertising budgets toward promising books by lesser-known authors is recommended to improve the overall advertising effectiveness.  相似文献   

Are the categories used to study the social world and acting on it “real” or “conventional”? An empirical answer to that question is given by an analysis of the debates about the “quality” of statistics produced by the European National Institues of statistics in the 1990s. Six criteria of quality were then specified: relevance, accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, comparability and coherence. How do statisticians and users of statistics deal with the tension produced by their objects being both “real” (they exist before their measurement) and “conventionally constructed” (they are in a way, created by these conventions)? In particular, the technical and sociological distinction between the criteria of relevance and accuracy implies a realistic interpretation, desired by users, but that is nonetheless problematic.  相似文献   

As universities are increasingly called by their national governments for a more entrepreneurial management of public research results, they started to develop internal structures and policies to take a proactive role in the commercialisation of university research. For the first time, this paper presents a detailed chronicle of how country-level reforms on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) were translated into organisation-level mechanisms to regulate university-patenting activity. The analysis is based on the complete list of patent policies issued between 1993 and 2009 by the population of Italian universities. Our evidence suggests that universities first dealt with legislative changes on IPRs by enacting isomorphic behaviours, then by creating a community of practices, and finally by leveraging on such community to influence government reforms on IP-related matters. We discuss our results in the light of institutional theory and public policy.  相似文献   

The paper presents our results concerning a complex investigation by reflectance spectroscopy (RS) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) of the defects induced by gamma irradiation in 22 different historical pigments. Gamma irradiation is used to destroy microflora and insects which are involved in biodeterioration processes of art works such as paintings. At the same time, it can induce defects i.e. color centers which are likely to modify the original painting colors by altering the embedded pigments. Accordingly, RS was used to quantify, by means of CIELAB color space, the contribution of irradiation defects to the pigments color changes, while EPR spectroscopy, in view of paramagnetic properties of color centers, was used to confirm their presence after irradiation. Our investigations showed that, excepting marble dust whose color alteration was still observable after 3 months, color changes induced by irradiation in all other pigments disappeared after about 30–40 days. In addition, RS as well as EPR measurements suggest that color changes are related to irradiation color centers, this finding being confirmed by the coincidence, within experimental uncertainties, of the half-life time color changes as obtained by these methods.  相似文献   

In recent years, web sites where individual consumers can rate and review goods and services have mushroomed all over the Internet. Restaurants are particularly affected by online reviewing. If the impact of online consumer reviews (OCRs) on the demand side of markets is now well understood and measured, few studies examine the reception of this new evaluation method by those who are assessed. Based on interviews with French restaurant managers, our research shows that OCRs systems reconfigure relations of accountability in the restaurant industry. We use the notion of reactivity to describe the mechanisms through which the new evaluation system transforms the activity of restaurants. We also examine the affects surrounding the reception of ratings and reviews by restaurant managers and the moral criteria that accompany their discourses on online reviews. Many restaurants consider online reviews as a brutal and hypocritical mode of judgment. The judgment produced by online ratings and reviews is not easily borne by restaurant managers, because it challenges the conventions of quality they had previously internalized as legitimate, that is, those produced by professional experts. We interpret this ambivalent reception as the unfinished movement of transforming a performative reputation device into a legitimate evaluation institution.  相似文献   

从2012年4月至8月底,省对外文化交流协会、省对外友好协会和省广播电视集团将联合举办"外国友人拍浙江"摄影比赛,向所有在浙江省或曾经访问过浙江省的外国友好人士征集参赛作品,同时择机组织"我与浙江"摄影采风活动,邀请部分在浙外国友人到我省各地进行现场拍摄。  相似文献   

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