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Despite numerous studies that examined the impact of separation and separation anxiety on the emotions and behavior of young individuals, little is known about separation anxiety in the elderly population. This grounded theory study purports to describe the process of separation anxiety among incarcerated Filipino elderly men. Individual interviews and participant observations were conducted with 25 incarcerated elderly Filipino men who are first-time prisoners and sentenced to lifetime imprisonment. Following Strauss and Corbin's (1998) coding protocol, a four-part process emerged to describe the studied layer of human experience. The Tectonic Model of Separation Anxiety among incarcerated Filipino elderly men comprises four phases: Winkling, Wilting, Weeding, and Weaving. Findings of this study invite nurses and other clinicians to identify developmentally appropriate strategies and interventions for this vulnerable and neglected sector of society.  相似文献   


Emotional geography defines how emotions affect the interaction of individuals within their setting. Considering that prison has been described as a place saturated with negative emotions, previous studies have only dwelt on the negative impact of incarceration on the emotional well-being and interactions of the inmates. However, no attempt has been made that dilates on how emotional geography facilitates the establishment of good relationships inside the penal institution, hence this investigation. The overall intent of this investigation is to describe the process of emotional geography among a select group of incarcerated Filipino elderly. This study utilized the qualitative, grounded theory design. A purposive sample of 25 incarcerated Filipino elderly from the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City, Philippines participated in this study. Interestingly, this study afforded the development of de Guzman, Henson, Gumba, Fradejas, and Valdez Shoelace Model of Emotional Geography which describes how the incarcerated Filipino elderly’s emotions affect their interactions in achieving positive relationships with other inmates while inside the penal institution. This emerged model is comprised of three phases, namely: isolating (embracing a wall of mistrust), integrating (making connections through shared stories), and intertwining (strengthening the bonds thru emotional understanding). The emerged theoretical model has successfully described the process of emotional geography, which can be utilized by gerontological workers, nurses and other health professionals in addressing and accommodating the social and custodial needs of this vulnerable group.  相似文献   

The impact of prison upon incarcerated individuals is considerably destructive and may lead to low mental health resiliency. Despite a large body of literature on resiliency, little is known about the process that the elderly go through in developing resiliency in the penal setting—hence, this grounded theory investigation. The overall intent of this investigation is to describe the process by which older male adults develop resiliency while in prison. The study used a grounded theory design. To gather the needed data, a two-part research instrument that included a robotfoto and a semistructured interview was employed. A total of 25 incarcerated Filipino elderly in New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City, Philippines were purposively selected. Field text was subjected to thematic analysis following Corbin and Strauss coding procedure. Interestingly, this study yielded the Maze Theory of Resiliency, which describes the Filipino elderly’s road to achieving resiliency. Initially, they go through the sending up phase in which they feel condemnation and uncertainty. The sending off phase captures the moments in which prisoners show signs of optimism and readiness to experience life in their new environment. Lastly, the sending in phase, prisoners became accustomed to the dynamics of penal environment—thus, achieving their sense of resiliency. The emerged theory from this study could help nurses in the early recognition of psychological deterioration and in providing counseling services to the incarcerated elderly without any prejudice. And at the same time, the theory could help implement nursing interventions appropriate for each stage of resiliency.  相似文献   

The use of traditional art in recreational therapies is unexplored. This paper, thus, attempts to surface the unique power of traditional Filipino arts (TFA) as synergizing lens in capturing the individual and the collective experiences of a select group of Filipino elderly in an institutionalized care setting relative to their feelings of depression and self-esteem. Three Filipino elderly housed in an institutionalized care setting were chosen for this phenomenological study, a robotfoto and a series of semistructured interviews constitute the main data gathering tool. Field texts were subjected to phenomenological reduction via the repertory grid analysis. Emerged themes were subjected to a series of member checking procedures to ensure the trustworthiness of the reported data. Depression and self-esteem were interpreted via two emerged themes. The themes were Me, Myself, and Melancholy and Will Not Let My Worth Wither. Through recreational therapies in the form of traditional Filipino arts, participants found novel psychological crutches that overcame the challenges of depression and give them hope toward more positive views of themselves and life.  相似文献   

情感因素对第二语言学习具有极其重要的影响.在听、说、读、写四项技能中,"说"受情感的影响最大.作者认为积极的情感因素可以促进口语的学习过程,提高学习者的学习效果,消极的情感因素则会对口语的学习产生障碍,影响学习者学习潜力的发挥.本文探讨了消极的情感因素,如焦虑,低自尊心,紧张的课堂气氛等对口语学习产生的障碍.在此基础上作者提出了一些相关性的建议.  相似文献   

隐性知识中的情感因素对学生二语习有重要的影响,但目前课堂教学由于其局限性很难融入情感教学并把消极情绪转化为积极情绪,需要另辟蹊径。通过分析工作坊教学模式的特点,论证了在工作坊中实现大学英语情感教学的可能性。  相似文献   

Understanding of the lived experiences of geriatric clients with pets, particularly in the Western cultures, has been the subject of many studies. However, little is known about how Asian cultures, particularly the Filipino elderly, view their experiences with their pets in regard to their self-esteem and self-perceived health. This phenomenological study purports to capture the essence of the lived experiences of a select group of Filipino elderly with their pet companions in relation to their self-perceived health and self-esteem. A total of five Filipino elderly recruited from the Luzon area were involved in this study and were chosen through the snowballing technique. A three-part instrument was made by the researchers to gather data, namely robotfoto, semistructured interviews, and doodling activities. Field texts were analyzed via structural analysis through the aid of dendogram. Results of both cool and warm analysis have eidetically and interestingly described how the new coinage of petmanship, as introduced in the study, surfaced the functional and the instrumental views of pets relative to the elderly's self-esteem, vis-a-vis their Self-Efficacy Booster and Social Proactivity Builder roles in regard to self-perceived health. The metaphorical images drawn by the Filipino elderly surfaced the Roles Syndrome of Petmanship and the Rules Syndrome of Petmanship.  相似文献   

情感教学是一种新的教学思潮,它是对“愉快教育”的一种超越。作为一个新的领域,情感教学的探索还刚刚起步,其理论还不成熟。但可以肯定,移情是情感教学的关键所在,它贯穿情感教学的始终,移情运用到情感教学中,有其可操作性,即教师能移情理解学生,尊重学生,满足学生的依恋需要。移情性地评价学生,最终使师生双方获得移情体验,移情性沟通使情感教学变得现实而可行。  相似文献   

The overall intent of this study is to examine the relationship among several factors that influence the malnutrition of a select group of Filipino elderly in institutionalized setting. A total of 102 residents were purposively recruited from three different institutionalized care settings at the national capital region of the Philippines. A multi-aspect questionnaire was used to characterize the demographic and nutrition profiles of the participants. Data were treated statistically using the partial least square design. Notably, the study showed that 48.0% of the elderly residents in institutions were at risk of malnutrition, 36.3% were malnourished, and 15.7% have normal nutritional status. Malnutrition was found to be prevalent among the female group, aged >70 years old, functional impairment (= <0.01), poor eating habits (= 0.01), lower dietary intake (= 0.01), and eating difficulties (= 0.04). However, statistically significant relationships between eating habits (= 0.08) and dietary intake and comorbidities (= 0.32) and malnutrition were not established. Impliedly, administrators of homecare institutions are invited to pay greater attention to the nutritional status of the elderly by institutionalizing nutrition assessment and evaluation practices and nutrition care planning that respond to the identified nutritional needs and concern of the elderly.  相似文献   

Affective development has long since been cited as one of the main components of scientific literacy. According to Krathwohl, Bloom and Masia, attitudes, emotions, and values that are manifested as preferred choices, appreciations, and interests comprise the affective domain. Such attitudes, emotions, and values are neither immutable nor necessarily transferable from one discipline to the next. In an effort to identify and measure scientific affect and to later assess its impact on achievement, the author set out to develop and validate an attitude instrument in the form of a Likert-type scale. Following test construction, reliability was calculated according to several split-half methods, using a sample of 806 students in grades 4 through 12. The result was a most satisfactory reliability range of 0.91–0.94.  相似文献   

Cases of abandoned elderly are increasing worldwide. By and large, this group struggles with the sudden change in living arrangement as well as abandonment by their families. Consequently, many elderly are forced into living in nursing homes for the remainder of their lives. Abandonment among these elderly negatively affects how they view themselves, which is detrimental to their health and well-being. Thus, exploring the feelings of elderly regarding their abandonment and how they cope becomes a major concern in caring for them. Recognizing the dearth of literature, this grounded theory study purported to describe sthe process by which these elderly cope with abandonment. A total of 24 abandoned Filipino elderly respondents were purposively selected to take part in a semistructured in-depth interview. Following the Glaserian approach, a four-part process emerged to describe the layer of human experience under study. The R.O.P.E. to Cope Theory of Abandonment describes how the elderly progress from the resisting, occupying, pondering, and embracing phases toward successful coping. Understanding this process equips health care providers with knowledge of appropriate interventions in the provision of holistic care to the elderly. Ultimately, findings of this study will be helpful in assisting abandoned elderly individuals in their path to achieving an improved quality of life and a happier perspective on it.  相似文献   

关注学生情感是高职英语教学的关键之一,情感态度与语言学习密切相关,在高职英语教学中实施情感教学是十分必要和可行的。建立和谐、平等、相互尊重的师生关系,采用多种形式与学生建立多方面的情感沟通渠道,在日常英语教学中,关注学生情感态度的发展,把培养学生情感态度渗透到学科教育和教学中,是在高职英语教学中成功地实施情感态度教育的方式。  相似文献   


The centrality of social relationship for older adults living in prison cannot be underestimated. While previous studies have investigated the loss of social functioning among older prisoners, there is no known information pertaining to how engagement is experienced among this vulnerable group. This grounded study purports to describe the process by which engagement is experienced among a select group of incarcerated Filipino elderly. Strauss and Corbin’s Grounded Theory design was utilized. A total of 25 incarcerated Filipino elderly in the largest penitentiary in the country were purposively chosen to participate in semi-structured interviews. Field texts were subjected to thematic analysis involving open, axial, and selective coding. Finally, themes were validated via member checking procedure. Interestingly, the study afforded the development of de Guzman, Herrera, Hernando, Hipe, and Valdez Zipper of Engagement Theory among incarcerated elderly. Interestingly, three phases relative to engagement emerged, namely: Initiating, Connecting, and Enabling. Primarily, the Initiating phase involves feelings of fear and nervousness as the incarcerated elderly familiarize themselves with the prison environment. The Connecting phase typifies recognition of the benefits of engagement leading to voluntary participation in activities. Finally, in the Enabling phase, inmates empower themselves and others to grow as they fully acquire the sense of engagement. Gerontological education and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

基于情感计算的适应性网络学习系统模型设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情感计算是与情感相关、来源于情感或能够对情感施加影响的计算。文章在分析适应性学习理论及网络学习适应性现状的基础上,构建了一个基于情感计算的适应性网络学习系统模型,并对系统的用户登录模块、情感交互模块、评价模块、适应性学习过程模块及数据库模块进行了详细论述,籍以此解决传统适应性网络学习系统的情感缺失问题。  相似文献   

Instructors are faced with the challenge of engaging students in the learning process. This study examined the effects of participation requirements on students' (N = 258) affective learning, interest, and cognitive learning using the Affective Learning Model and the Instructional Beliefs Model. Affective learning mediated the relationship between student participation requirements and cognitive learning, and student interest mediated the relationships between participation requirements and cognitive learning, supporting the IBM. The results provide insight into course-specific structural tactics that instructors can employ to enhance the educational experience for college students.  相似文献   

A considerable number of studies have been carried out to explore the experiences of the elderly engaging in third age education, however, most of these investigations have focused on elderly motivation, the benefits accruing from their participation, and the barriers they have encountered during their lifelong learning experience. However, there has been little attempt to probe into the experiences of the elderly engaging in third age education and how they view themselves during that time. This grounded theory study purported to describe the processes through which a select group of Filipino elderly experienced community-based third age learning programs. A series of in-depth interviews were conducted on 24 Filipino elderly who participated in a 4-month third age education program. Interestingly, this study revealed four distinct and yet interrelated stages of Holding Back, Opening Up, Moving Forward and Empowering which were embedded in the model H.O.M.E: A Pulley Model of Elderly Participation in Third Age Education Program. The emerged model is a valuable compass for gerontologists as they provide meaningful and geriatric-friendly programs, projects and activities that not only address the growing needs of the elderly but also facilitate their smooth entry to and completion of their third age learning participation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a Meta‐Affective Trait Scale (MATS) to measure the meta‐affective inclinations related to emotions that students have while they are studying for their classes. First, a pilot study was performed with 380 10th‐grade students. Results of the exploratory factor analysis supported a two‐factor structure of the MATS, with 17 items and two dimensions (affective awareness and affective regulation). Second, in the validation study, the confirmatory factor analysis was carried out using data from 359 11th‐grade students. Satisfactory fit indices were obtained, providing evidence for the reliability and validity of the scale. Finally, for further evidence, a correlational analysis was run. Results indicated positive and significant correlations between learning strategies and self‐efficacy and the dimensions of the MATS. Consequently, the MATS can be employed by both researchers and teachers to assess students’ meta‐affective inclinations.  相似文献   

The control-value theory of academic emotions has emerged as a useful framework for studying the antecedents and consequences of different emotions in school. This framework focuses on the role of control-related and value-related appraisals as proximal antecedents of emotions. In this study, we take an individual differences approach to examine academic emotions and investigate how trait self-control is related to students’ experience of academic emotions. We posited a model wherein trait self-control predicted academic emotions which in turn predicted engagement and perceived academic achievement. Filipino university students answered relevant questionnaires. Results indicated that self-control positively predicted positive academic emotions (enjoyment, hope, and pride) and negatively predicted negative emotions (anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, and boredom). Academic emotions, in turn, had a significant impact on engagement, disaffection, and perceived achievement. Implications for exploring synergies between research on trait self-control and the control-value theory of academic emotions are discussed.  相似文献   

While nursing care has been investigated in the context of patient satisfaction, health care delivery, nursing skill, and patient centered care, elderly patients’ nursing care preferences have not been fully explored nor identified from the lens of utility analysis. This study is a purposive sample of 300 Filipino geriatric patients from the regions of Calabarzon and National Capital Region (NCR) participated and were asked to rank cards from 1 to 12 relative to the following five attributes: waiting response time, nursing uniform, empathetic capacity through time spent and eye contact, and nursing skill based on their preferences. Results of conjoint analysis via Sawtooth Software 18 indicated that nurse attire was the most important attribute (57.26%) while empathetic capacity through eye contact was least important to Filipino elderly (2.27%). Significant differences were found in the respondents’ profile. Among the given attributes, nursing uniform had the most impact in determining an elderly choice of services. Conversely, eye contact had minimal importance. In the health care setting, utilization of this study would allow nursing care to refocus nursing care delivery to maximize satisfaction and hospital loyalty. Future research may explore the cultural and regional differences in terms of preferences among the elderly.  相似文献   

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