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高中与大学阶段在教学方法、教学目标、教学策略等方面存在较大差异,使得高中学生进入大学后不能较快地适应大学的学习生活,对学生生理和心理都产生了较大压力。通过查阅相关文献,在对比高中与大学两阶段有机化学知识点的基础上,试图在高中阶段引进“大学先修课”,让学生能在高中就接触到与大学相关的课程,以便学生进入大学后能尽快融入大学的学习生活中。  相似文献   

Many college students display academic and social‐emotional needs that are not being addressed by extant university supports. School psychologists who work in postsecondary settings and have expertise in providing psychoeducational services may be uniquely positioned to help many of these students. However, few school psychologists currently work with or serve college students. To address unmet student needs and illustrate the fruitful role of school psychology in college communities, this article discusses ways university‐based or ‐affiliated school psychologists can expand their current roles. Additionally, a multitiered framework is included that encourages the provision of interventions at universal, selective, and targeted service delivery levels. Although many of the interventions and ideas discussed in this article are not yet widely implemented, they warrant consideration and further elaboration because of their potential to impact college students and the practice of school psychology. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The focus of the Education Works Personalization Project was to facilitate teams of teacher action researchers whose goal was to personalize their teaching with the support of university partners including doctoral students in education. The subsequent apprentice-like research experience within this university–school partnership provided an opportunity to study the ways in which teacher action research could serve as a vehicle for bridging the culture gap between schools and universities. Both the research team experience and the development of the school–university inquiry/knowledge network were initially characterized by undefined roles accompanied by ambiguous expectations. Although the ambiguity proved difficult initially, those who persisted and engaged in new roles ultimately found these emerging inquiry communities generative and valuable. We have come to conceptualize these generative inquiry communities as third spaces and we describe how oppositional categories framed by the cultural differences between schools and universities can work together to generate new knowledge.  相似文献   

This article reports on findings from a research project that investigated the experiences and perceptions of final‐year social science undergraduates enrolled on a dissertation module in a post‐1992 UK university. The dissertation was designed to provide students with the opportunity to function autonomously and determine the content and focus of a major part of their study and assessment. Using data from interviews and questionnaires, the article explores the students’ lived experience of the dissertation as a form of independent learning and assessment, the challenges they encountered, and their perceptions of peer and tutor support. While students valued the autonomy, authenticity, and ownership they felt in relation to their dissertation, they also experienced considerable ­challenges, particularly in relation to ‘time’.  相似文献   

培养学生的数学探究能力成为初中数学教学的焦点和主题。文章根据教育学、心理学研究学生学习数学的心理,通过实例探讨培养学生自主探究数学的途径在于:创设"想"的氛围,激发探究兴趣;创设"动"的氛围,加强实践操作;创设"问"的氛围,鼓励参与探索。同时,提供生活实例,让学生灵活运用数学;创设成功情景,让学生在数学中体验成就感。如此,方能让学生通过自己的动手操作,在积极参与教学活动的过程中去体验、亲近和应用数学,最终真正成为数学学习的主人。  相似文献   

This article, derived from a three-year ethnography of distributed medical education provision in a Canadian university, explores the ways in which information and communication technologies are used by teachers and students in their everyday work within technologically rich teaching environments. The environments being researched are two university campuses: a campus at the main university site and a satellite campus in a neighbouring province. The article seeks to contrast dominant, institutional discourses of technology use in higher education teaching with the everyday practices of staff and students. The article concludes that there is a gap between policy and practice in distributed education and that the teaching and learning experience and context of staff and students in different sites need to be analysed in depth, in terms of: whether the experience of learning across sites can be positioned as being comparable; the extent to which technology ameliorates learning and teaching; and understanding the work done by staff.  相似文献   

大学生参与传销的心理动因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,各地先后爆发出不少大学生参与非法传销的事件,既荒废了学业,又给其身心带来巨大伤害。因此,从投机心理、无知心理、成就心理三个层面分析大学生参与传销的心理动因,提出从学校、学生个人、社会三个方面做好防范,把日常思想教育和心理健康教育相结合,双管齐下,防止更多的大学生上当受骗,保障大学生健康成长。  相似文献   

学校的一切工作都是围绕教书育人这个主题。学生是施教对象,也是学校一切工作的重点。只有充分了解学生,学校的管理工作、教学活动才具有针对性和实效性,学生才能在学习期间学有所成、学有所获,才能形成更强的从业能力。根据调查问卷所得数据结合多年教学经验进行分析,肯定优点、指出不足并提出相应的办法与措施,强调学生在学校管理工作、教学活动中的主体地位。  相似文献   

Background: The analysis of teachers’ conceptions about writing at university level allows the study of teaching practices associated with academic writing. At the same time, it is important to consider the context (disciplines, culture, institution, pedagogical organisation, etc.) where these practices take place.

Purpose: The present article explores the teachers’ conceptions about teaching and assessing writing skills at university level from two academic programmes of psychology: one in France and one in Colombia, through two questions: (a) the writing skills that teachers expect their students to acquire from attending their courses, and (b) the criteria used by the teachers to assess the written performance of their students. The main purpose is to analyse the teaching and evaluation practices that teachers describe in their discourse, taking into account the discipline and some similarities and differences between cultural contexts.

Sample: Ten university psychology teachers, five French and five Colombian, participated voluntarily in the study. The teachers were a heterogeneous group in terms of their ages and number of years of work experience. They taught a range of courses or subjects in the area of psychology.

Design and methods: The research was conducted using a qualitative method. The university teachers’ conceptions were collected during semi-structured interviews. A content analysis of the interviews, using an inductive approach, was undertaken.

Results: The analysis of the discourse indicates that the teachers focus their teaching practices on some specificities of the academic writing, and that they mainly assess different types of students’ knowledge. Additionally, a gap was observed between teaching and assessment practices, which concerns the cognitive dimensions of writing and the rules of academic discourse. This gap seems more evident in French teachers’ discourses. Colombian teachers described, in the main, teaching practices focused on the norms of academic writing.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that some similarities between the teachers’ conceptions are associated with the discipline. Specific differences could be explained by culturally distinct pedagogical practices related to the manner of teaching at university level.  相似文献   

Changes in higher education have meant that institutions are attracting increasing numbers of mature students, who have diverse social and educational backgrounds and may lack conventional A Level (higher secondary school) qualifications. The present study by Dr. Shelley McAlister, an Open University Social Science Associate Lecturer, concerns a group of mature students at the Open University who entered Level 1 Foundation courses in Technology and Social Science without having A Level qualifications. Although they were all categorised as having ‘low’ educational qualifications, they had a range of educational skills and experiences which meant that they perceived their experience of university study in very different ways. Using a social cognitive framework Dr. McAlister has developed a model of Credible and Tentative students which does not predict drop out, but which focuses on the complex interplay between psychological, social and institutional issues which affected their study.  相似文献   

This paper explores ways of enhancing inter-professional skills as part of professional development during university studies. From a socio-psychological viewpoint, inter-professional teamwork can be regarded as an interface between the group and individual levels, where collective commitment, efficiency, shared processes and outcomes, as well as tensions and dilemmas, are brought together. Inter-professional skills, which are already practised in university, may enable professionals to work in inter-professional contexts during their careers. In this case study, the participants (three student-teachers, two social work students and four supervisors) reflected on their shared experience of participating in a shared practicum at a primary school. The data-set comprises two group interviews conducted separately with the students and supervisors following the practicum. The results indicate that it is possible to develop inter-professional competencies during one’s university studies and that this has the potential to promote students’ reflective skills as they reframe their expertise and the expertise in other professions.  相似文献   

The following article presents some experiences of a middle school in the overall implementation of the "May 7 Directive." Applying Chairman Mao's philosophical thinking, the school has come to recognize that "taking study as the main task and learning other things at the same time" is a complete policy, and has correctly handled the connection between "taking study as the main task" and "learning other things at the same time," the connection between the classroom in the school and the classroom in the society, and the connection between political movements and teaching work. In its teaching work, the school lays emphasis on enabling its students to comprehend deeply and master conscientiously book knowledge through practical work; in regard to practical experiences, it puts the emphasis on enabling the students to elevate their practical experience into theoretical knowledge through practice again.)  相似文献   

In this paper I investigate students’ experience of the assessment regime in A‐Level English literature, and present data from a small‐scale interview study with students intending to study English at university. Research has shown that students experience conflict between reading for pleasure and reading for assessment; and I draw upon Bernstein’s work on invisible and visible pedagogies to explain how the personal response hinders interpretation of text they do not find pleasurable. Interview data explore some strategies that students might adopt, perhaps helping us to understand how they become, or fail to be, successful.  相似文献   


This article explores the experiences of international students as they engage in independent learning through formulating dissertation proposals. It contributes new insights by focusing on the ‘pre-supervision’ stage, where students formulate a research project and write a proposal independently. The analysis draws on questionnaire and focus group data from a large cohort of international taught postgraduates in business disciplines at a UK university. Two types of experience become apparent: one in which students work through the challenges presented by more independent learning, and the other where difficulties in ‘getting started’ present a barrier to progress. The article concludes by proposing a scaffolding approach, through which students can practise and complete key independent learning tasks involved in writing a dissertation proposal.  相似文献   

The authors believe that by working together, teachers and school counselors can better support students and more effectively work for their success. In this article, we present our efforts in creating a collaborative class for preservice English teachers and school counselor interns. While offering an overview of English teachers and school counselors in their daily interactions with adolescents, we focus on the university preparation of both groups, specifically the preparation at our university, a large research institution in the Midwestern United States. We provide a look at the collaborative class created for the preservice English teachers and school counselor interns, offering examples of their interaction and feedback from the students. Lastly, we close with a consideration of the meaning of such collaboration at the university level for both English teachers and school counselors.  相似文献   

This article describes the experience in Spain of a specific collaboration between university teachers and school counselors, which used case-based approaches in a teacher training program. The collaboration ran for four years and involved 300 graduate students, two university teachers, and six school counselors. Three basic features enabled this collaboration: a) horizontal relationships, b) a spirit of mutual help and confidence, and c) autonomy. The outcome of the experience can be evaluated in terms of both the case-based teaching process itself and its impact on student learning and the professional development of teachers and counselors involved.  相似文献   

This article compares traditional college students' perceptions of effective teaching behaviors with nontraditional students' perceptions. A 15-item questionnaire was completed by undergraduates at a small Southeastern university. Nontraditional students viewed personality and interaction behaviors as more indicative of effective teaching, whereas traditional students focused on behaviors that potentially would enhance grades. The implications of the findings are discussed in light of techniques and approaches that facilitate the needs of both types of students.His major areas of interest include testing and counseling. Nina Mattie, M.A. is a recent graduate of the University of West Florida in the area of school psychology. Stephen J. Vodanovich, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the psychology department at the University of West Florida. His major areas of interest are social psychology and industrial/organizational psychology. Chris Piotrowski, M.A. is a consultant in forensic psychology. His major areas of interest are personality assessment and online database searching.  相似文献   

The transition to secondary school is a common cause of stress and anxiety, which can be exacerbated by the innate characteristics associated with Asperger syndrome (AS) and high‐functioning autism (HFA). This study aimed to explore experiences of the transition to secondary school for students with AS/HFA from the parental perspective. Seventeen parents of children with AS/HFA from the north of England completed an online questionnaire about their child's school transitional experience. Responses indicated that there were a number of factors that influenced the experiences of pupils with AS/HFA at school and the preceding transition, including anxiety, bullying, friendship and support at school. Girls with AS/HFA presented with unique issues not commonly seen in the male dominated condition. The transition to secondary school was seen to encompass a number of difficulties for students with AS/HFA. Health and educational services can learn from the experiences explored in this survey in order to inform future practice.  相似文献   

The author briefly presents an investigation on the learning of numeration at primary school. This leads him to question certain characteristics of pupil’s cognitive abilities. The way in which pupil’s know-how takes form and become significant according to his personal experience of school work, is a question that needs to be explored in greater detail. The second part of this article proposes some considerations on the psychology of school learning, and tries to place this in its relation to research in psychology and mathematics teaching. The article finally shows what a didactic framework can bring to the development of the psychology of school learning.  相似文献   

This article discusses the process of a study designed to develop university students' sketching skills in schools of architecture. Acknowledging the relationship between cognition and writing, it aims to investigate the role of writing in learning sketching among architecture students and to examine how students regulate their thoughts by writing as they work on their free hand sketches. It includes writing texts before and after sketching tasks to improve sketching. The study was implemented in a school of architecture at a Turkish university as part of an elective course on sketching. The students' works were evaluated in terms of their sketches, texts and self‐reports of their thinking and the views and comments of the tutor who carried out the programme. This article discusses how the study was conceived and developed. The results of this study may provide insights for educators in developing strategies in teaching and learning of sketching and design, using multi modes of thinking.  相似文献   

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