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《傻瓜吉姆佩尔》最突出的价值在于其主题思想。小说依托传统文学主题——智慧与愚拙的论辩、神性与魔性的冲突、信仰与悖逆的选择——表达了作者对犹太传统文化的坚守与推崇;揭示出"信仰"不仅是犹太民族的生存之道,更是全人类生命的最终旨归。  相似文献   


Spiritual health is one of the most important aspects of the elders’ health. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate psychometric properties of a scale for evaluating spiritual health of older adults in Iran. This is a mixed research, consisted of two phases. First, the perception of elder people regarding the spiritual health was explored, using directed content analysis, and the scale items generated based on the results. Second, the content, face and construct validity were determined. Exploratory factor analysis was used for the construct validity. To determine the reliability, Cronbach’s alpha and test-retest were used. Preliminary designed questionnaire included 94 items, which were reduced to 38 following the content and face validity processes. Exploratory factor analysis demonstrated that 20 items loaded on five factors determined about 66% of variance. The total internal consistency of the scale was 0.89. Results of test-retest indicated a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.85 while intra-class correlation coefficient of scale was 0.92. The ESHS is a short, user-friendly valid and reliable tool which can be used for assessing the spiritual health of older adults.  相似文献   

教师何以幸福?幸福既关涉物质,也关涉精神。对教师而言,更关涉精神,因为这是一种以使人幸福为己任的职业。教师的职业幸福既需要外在的基本物质条件的支持,更需要教师对职业的理性认识、心怀职业理想、发挥自我潜能、信仰教育;而且还要学会幸福。  相似文献   

Older people who are living with dementia often need healthcare, including hospital admissions, due to additional health conditions. Caring for older people who are living with dementia is, therefore, a core nursing role. This study investigated student nurses’ expectations of, and confidence about, caring for older people with dementia and the effect of students’ age, precourse experience, and their academic year. The design was a cross-sectional survey using questionnaires to collect data. The participants (n = 328), based at one university in England, had all had at least one practice learning placement. Most student nurses (n = 202; 62%) had precourse contact with older people with dementia and had cared for them during the course (n = 291; 89%). The student's academic year significantly affected confidence about caring for older people with dementia (p = .006), but still only 52% (n = 26) of third-year students felt “generally confident.” Precourse contact with older people with dementia had a significant impact on expectations (p = .001) and confidence in caring for people with dementia (p = .002). Students who were >25 years were significantly more likely to have had precourse contact with older people with dementia (p = < .001). Nurse educators should ensure that students entering nurse education appreciate that caring for older people who are living with dementia will be a core part of their role. They must proactively prepare nursing students to care for people with dementia, recognizing that some students have no previous contact, which may affect their confidence and experiences.  相似文献   

Background and objectives: Although randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been performed to alleviate loneliness among older people, little is known about how they have been implemented, or whether they are effective in real life. Our RCT-based model, “Circle of Friends” (CoF) proved to be effective in improving the wellbeing, health and cognition of lonely older people. Over 10 years we have systematically trained 752 professional facilitators of lonely older people’s CoF groups. This study aims to explain how this training has succeeded in practice and to describe the outcomes of CoF implementation. Research Design and Methods: Survey data were gathered in 2006–2016 from trained facilitators (n = 319) and CoF participants (n = 1041). Results: The CoF has been disseminated in 80 municipalities in Finland. The trained CoF facilitators have maintained the original key elements and structure of the model fairly well in its implementation and dissemination processes. The main objectives of CoF – the alleviation of loneliness, making new friends, and members continuing meetings on their own – have remained the facilitators’ priority. The CoF socially activates older participants, as 67% organized group meetings after the facilitated process. However, the CoF has become diluted in some aspects during its dissemination, as a small proportion of trained facilitators have implemented the model in their own way. Discussion and Implications: The CoF may be an encouraging example of how an original RCT model with a rigorous training program can be implemented and disseminated in real-life settings over 10 years.  相似文献   

托尔斯泰的《谢尔盖神父》开篇即是主人公命运的戏剧性转变,从此"转变"便作为中心题旨贯穿全文的始终。小说中,谢尔盖神父经历了两次身份转变:一是由军官到神父,二是由神父到普通人。身份的转变伴随着其精神的蜕变,是他由注重生命的外在形式逐渐回归到建构内在信仰的过程。在整个"转变"中,谢尔盖神父经历了为一己的动物的人而生活、为人世间的光荣而生活、为上帝而生活的人生三境界,完成了不断超越客体化生存窠臼逐渐走向内心成圣的艰辛历程。以主人公谢尔盖神父从身份到信仰的多重转变为切入点,深度剖析其不断"虚己"的精神历程,从而把握作者渗透其中的"托尔斯泰主义"之"道德的自我完善"的精髓。  相似文献   

信仰作为一种精神活动,是人的行动指南和精神支柱,对个体发挥着约束、激励及精神支持的作用。而当前新形势下,高校大学生信仰危机问题有一定的恶化,通过深入剖析信仰危机产生的原因,拟从社会层面强化舆论宣传、学校增强思政理论教育的实效性等方面来重塑大学生的信仰。  相似文献   

The Ugandan government has been criticised on several grounds for its abstinence-only policies on sexuality education directed towards young people. These grounds include the failure to recognise the multiple realities faced by young people, some of whom may already be sexually active. In the study reported on this paper, students’ perceptions of relationships and sexual practices were analysed to obtain an understanding of how young people construct and negotiate their sexual agency in the context of abstinence-only messages provided in Ugandan secondary schools and at the wider community level. Ten in-depth interviews and six focus group discussions were conducted with students aged 15–19 years (N = 55) at an urban co-educational secondary school. Data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using grounded theory. Findings show that students engage in sexual activity despite their belief that contraception is ineffective and their fears for the consequences. Students’ age, gender, financial capital and perceived sexual desire further increase risk and vulnerability. To improve their effectiveness, school-based sexuality education programmes should support students to challenge and negotiate structural factors such as gender roles and sociocultural norms that influence sexual practices and increase vulnerability and risk.  相似文献   

《天路历程》是漫长的18世纪极具社会影响力的作品之一。作者约翰·班扬在这部宗教寓言中将基于个人主体性的信仰选择视为个人宗教身份及社会权威建构的驱动力,并在"救赎""名利场"这两个命题中揭示了权力与权威个人主体化的过程。班扬认为,个人救赎是基于个人认知,自主选择的信仰之路,并在神意指引下,独自面对各种考验,直至灵性的成长;同时,个人救赎是在与他者,以及社会这类"名利场"的互动中得到验证,并以推动属灵社会的建构为目标。班扬的作品深受读者喜爱,并参与新兴资产阶级个人主义深度契合,对社会精神建构有着深远影响。《天路历程》在文本传播与社会影响这两个层面揭示了个人主体性之于文学公共领域建构的重要意义。  相似文献   

小说《紫色》中的西丽身世凄惨,遭遇可怜,生活在情感和精神的沙漠里,宗教信仰是她活在世上的救命稻草,上帝是她唯一的倾诉对象,也是她的精神支柱。但是,在迷惘中,西丽还是逐渐觉醒了,她开始反思上帝,慢慢认识到上帝的本质并最终摆脱了对上帝的幻想,继而转向内心的神。在对生命的体悟中,西丽思想发生了巨大转变,获得了对自我、对人生和对世界的新认识,终于完成了成长的历程。西丽对宗教信仰的转变,在当下社会对广大女性依然具有启迪作用和教育意义。  相似文献   

This community-based, health promotion intervention for seniors provided a comprehensive review of the effect of body-mind-spirit (BMS) interventions on health behaviors. The 12-week curriculum offered sessions on exercise, nutrition, sexuality, leisure, stress management, cognitive behavioral therapy, forgiveness, and happiness. Gerontological experts carefully reviewed the adequacy of the program's objectives and instructional methods to meet the needs of older adults in South Korea. Seventy community-dwelling older adults were recruited at two community welfare centers and assigned to experimental (n = 32) and control (n = 38) groups. Extensive evaluations found that participation in the BMS program contributed to better outcomes in both physical and spiritual dimensions of health.  相似文献   

Physical self-concept plays a central role in older adults’ physical health, mental health and psychological well-being; however, little attention has been paid to the underlying dimensions of physical self-concept in the elderly. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new measurement for older adults. First, a qualitative study (Study 1) was conducted that included semistructured interviews and a focus group discussion. The second study established an initial instrument. Through item pool generation, content validation assessment, factor analysis, and item analysis (n = 187), the Physical Self-Concept Scale for Older Adults (PSCS-O) was produced containing 18 items and six dimensions. Finally, in the third study (n = 233), the PSCS-O showed adequate factorial stability and the initial certerion validity. The PSCS-O were able to explain 49.2% of the variance in older adults’ well-being. In addition, Ability to Live Independently, which was introduced as a new factor by the PSCS-O, was the strongest predictor of the older adults’ overall subjective well-being. In conclusion, the preliminary results from this study demonstrated that this new instrument, the PSCS-O, has sound psychometric properties. The PSCS-O may be a suitable and useful instrument in the study of physical self-concept in older adults in the future.  相似文献   

Aging population has increased a global concern to keep seniors active and healthy. Civic participation, in particular, has been highlighted for its social and community benefits and its impact on elders’ health and well-being. To date, however, most studies have explored volunteering; other types of civic activities, such as political participation, are largely overlooked. This study analyzes the relationship between older people’s active involvement in political organizations, generativity, and hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. We selected two samples of Spanish older people: a sample of elders actively involved in political organizations (n = 97) and a comparison group (n = 85). Measures of generative concern, hedonic well-being, and eudaimonic well-being were applied. Results showed that politically active elders obtained higher scores on generative concern than comparison group individuals. Furthermore, generative concern predicted higher scores on both eudaimonic and hedonic well-being. However, active involvement in political organizations was not related to higher levels of well-being in the multivariate analyses. Translating generative concerns into effective behaviors, for instance political activities, may imply sacrifices and efforts, such that higher levels of well-being do not necessarily result from these activities. Thus, results from this study call into question the positive effect of civic participation on elders’ well-being, showing that this may not be necessarily the case for those who are actively involved in political organizations. Future research may build on these results to compare the differential effect of different kinds of generative activities on older people’s well-being.  相似文献   

Living in an affordable senior housing site is a viable option for older adults who want to age in a community setting. Affordable senior housing is subsidized housing provided in the United States by the federal government’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Such housing is available to people 62-years-of-age and older whose income level is low enough to merit federal assistance. The current study assessed the social convoys of 32 residents of one affordable senior housing site, with interest in the number of co-residents included in participants’ social convoys, as well as participants’ levels of social isolation and loneliness. In the present study, family relationships made up the largest proportion of residents’ social convoys (38.6%); however, co-residents made up 26% of participants’ social convoys. There was a positive correlation between the number of years that participants had lived at the affordable senior housing site and the percent of co-residents in their social convoys r = .39, p = .03. These findings suggest that under certain conditions older adults are willing to invest in creating new relationships with co-residents in congregate settings. The implications of these findings are explored.  相似文献   

Ego integrity, the last developmental task in Erikson's psychological theory, develops naturally among older people. However, the presence of loss–like physical disability–can considerably affect the quality of life, interactions, and well being of older adults. Hence, older people with physical disabilities need more assistance in accomplishing tasks of ego integrity. This study aimed to utilize traditional Filipino art to capture the essence of the lived experiences of a select group of older people with physical disabilities in relation to their ego integrity. Four Filipino elderly with physical disabilities were purposely selected for this study. Picture prompting and doodling sessions were held as pretest and posttest to ascertain the effectiveness of puni-making in facilitating ego integrity of participants. A series of interviews were pursued to elicit experiences and feelings of participants regarding their disability and old age. From the analysis of the triangulated set of data, two findings emerged. First, four activators of ego integrity, namely: work, family, belief in self and belief in God, were identified as essentials in the formation of the participants' ego-integrity. Second, shifts related to the activators were identified indicating ego integrity's source, meaning and connection elements have become more grounded, certain and integrated. The influence of puni-making in understanding the ego integrity of older people with disabilities was found to be a sound and novel recreational therapy. It can stimulate a select group of Filipino elderly for openness to share their subjective and yet illuminating life experiences.  相似文献   

宗教社会是人类社会中一种特殊的社会类型,其道德生活具有高度的整体性、较强的单一性和偏执型以及高度的稳定性等特点.作为宗教社会生活秩序的宗教信仰、宗教戒律、宗教仪式对于宗教社会道德生活的构建发挥了重要的作用:宗教信仰是宗教道德向生活渗透的自觉的精神力量;宗教戒律是宗教道德向生活秩序渗透的重要中介;宗教仪式则是强化人们宗教信仰的日常生活形式.  相似文献   

瓦尔拉莫夫的小说《沉没的方舟》借用圣经中"诺亚方舟"的典故,将古老的分裂教派村落布哈拉喻为俄罗斯民族精神拯救的"方舟"。但现实中的布哈拉同彼得堡的阉割教派一样扼杀着人的自主精神。小说的主人公都经历了对布哈拉信仰仪式的超越过程,最终达到了与活的上帝的真理的相遇。并且,彼得堡与布哈拉所象征的俄罗斯历史发展道路的深刻分歧也在小说高度的宗教关怀中得以弥合,而这一蕴含着上帝内在精神的宗教关怀也正是拯救陷入敌基督末世论中的俄罗斯灵魂的法宝。现实中布哈拉最终消逝于大火,但它对上帝真理的信仰却将永远为俄罗斯精神提供庇护。  相似文献   


The different dimensions of spiritual health among older adults remain unknown to date and no globally acceptable definitions have yet been provided for the concept. To conduct the current study, the databases including Proquest, Medline, CINAHL, Science Direct, Blackwell, Iranmedex, SID, Noor Magazine and Irandoc were searched for the articles published between 1980 and 2014 in both English and Persian using keywords including spirituality, spiritual well-being, spiritual health, geriatric, older adult and old people and their Persian equivalents. The search for articles yielded into 197 titles, 31 of which were repeated and were therefore excluded. The remaining 166 articles were screened based on the inclusion criteria. A total of 29 articles were ultimately selected as the study samples. Rodgers’ evolutionary approach to concept analysis is used to identify the attributes, antecedents, consequences and surrogate terms of “spiritual health” and to provide a more comprehensive definition of the concept. The results obtained showed that spiritual health from the perspective of older adults is a multi-dimensional concept with cognitive, functional, affective and consequential components. Each component was found to be composed of several indicators. The results may help in providing a more thorough definition of spiritual health which can be a solid base for future researchers to develop appropriate tools for the assessment of older adults’ spiritual health and encourage research into this partially neglected subject. Care providers may also benefit from the results through acquiring a better understanding of the concept which can be used in designing appropriate spiritual interventions.  相似文献   

For older adults, participating in leisure activities has psychosocial benefits, increases social interactions, and promotes well-being. Among various leisure activities, pickleball is an activity that fosters positive social interaction and health benefits in older adults. Pickleball is regarded as one of the fastest growing sports in the USA, and it is reported to be popular among people of all ages, especially among older adults. The purpose of this study was to gather demographic details of older pickleball participants and elucidate the psychosocial benefits of playing the sport, such as life satisfaction, optimism, and social integration. To this end, we gathered information from 153 older adults who competed in pickleball tournaments. Multivariate analysis of variance and Hotelling’s T2 test were used to compare the differences that emerged in experiential factors such as life satisfaction, optimism, and social integration among the different demographic characteristics. The results showed that life satisfaction was significantly different among the following three age groups: 50–59 years, 60–69 years, and ≥70 years. Results of Hotelling’s T2 test showed a significant difference in social integration between male and female participants. The test also revealed a significant difference in terms of life satisfaction between retired and employed participants. The results suggest that playing pickleball can be an enriching leisure activity for retirees and may help them cope with the transition that retirement typically entails.  相似文献   

美国戏剧之父尤金&#183;奥尼尔孜孜以求的探索和重建人生的精神信仰.其代表作《送冰人来了》拒绝了基督信仰,否定了宗教信仰引导和救赎人类的能力.该剧利用特定历史语境下的大众心理定势和语境转换的压力,从剧名、剧情和主要人物三个方面戏仿《圣经》,揭露救世主神圣外衣下的无能,解构宗教的神圣与权威,否定了上帝的救赎功能.  相似文献   

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