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2011年.也就是明年,才是辛亥革命100周年,到时再来纪念名正言顺,然而自己竟急不可耐,早早地就想做这样一则文字。  相似文献   

<正>对于辛亥革命时期资产阶级革命派在思想文化方面的贡献及其历史地位,长期来评价不高,甚而被贬低。如有的研究者认为,近代80年的文化历程,经历了洋务运动的“中体西用”、维新思潮和新文化运动三个阶段,把辛亥革命时期的思想文化包括在维新思潮阶段,没有它的独立地位。有的研究者认为资产阶级革命派忽视了思想文化,其贡献远不如维新运动和新文化运动。有的研究者则认为,辛亥革命只是制度层次的变革,“五四”新文化运动才进而思想文化层次的变革。有的研究者甚至断言,辛亥革命只是打落中国最后一顶皇冠,别的毫无意义。这些论断或多或少存在着片面性,并不符合客观实际,不是实事求是的。对此,笔者曾撰文阐述自己的一点看法(《辛亥革命与文化》,《历史研究》1989年第5期)。在这篇文章的结语中提到:在“辛亥革命时期,资产阶级新文化曾经发挥了同封建阶级旧文  相似文献   

2011年10月10日是辛亥革命100周年纪念日。1911年10月爆发的辛亥革命,结束了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度。建立了中国历史上第一个共和政府。在中华民族的发展史上,辛亥革命是中国人民为改变自己的命运而奋起革命的一座伟大的里程碑。  相似文献   

2011年10月10日是辛亥革命100周年纪念日。1911年10月爆发的辛亥革命,结束了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度,建立了中国历史上第一个共和政府。在中华民族的发展史上,辛亥革命是中国人民为改变自己的命运而奋起革命的一座伟大的里程碑。  相似文献   

2011年10月10日是辛亥革命100周年纪念日。1911年10月爆发的辛亥革命,结束了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度,建立了中国历史上第一个共和政府。在中华民族的发展史上,辛亥革命是中国人民为改变自己的命运而奋起革命的一座伟大的里程碑。  相似文献   

2011年10月10日是辛亥革命100周年纪念口。1911年10月爆发的辛亥革命,结束了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度。建立了中国历史上第一个共和政府。在中华民族的发展史上。辛亥革命是中国人民为改变自己的命运而奋起革命的一座伟大的里程碑。  相似文献   

本认为辛亥革命在全国各省情形各异,云南“重九起义”在全国各省响应辛亥起义中具有自己鲜明和突出的特点,并在辛亥革命中有着重要的贡献和不可磨灭的地位。  相似文献   

辛亥革命在中国近代历史发展中具有重要的地位,一百年来的历史充分证明,辛亥革命是中国人民为改变自己命运而奋起革命的一个伟大里程碑。党的十五大把辛亥革命的历史作用概括成一句话:为中国的进步打开了闸门。胡锦涛总书记今年在七一重要讲话中指出:孙中山先生领导的辛亥革命,结束了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度,对推动中国社会  相似文献   

从社会心理看辛亥革命的历史局限   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从社会心理看辛亥革命的历史局限朱小玲1911年爆发的辛亥革命,是中国历史上比较完整意义上的反帝反封建的资产阶级革命。辛亥革命按照资产阶级革命领袖孙中山的三民主义构想,努力进行实践,并取得了重大胜利。从民族主义来看,辛亥革命推翻了清政府的腐朽统治,在一...  相似文献   

李大钊与辛亥革命   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李大钊由于当时所处的历史环境没有直接参加辛亥革命的斗争,但他对辛亥革命的发生热烈拥护,对辛亥革命的成果——建立共和制度欢欣鼓舞。辛亥革命影响着李大钊的思想发展,促使其民众观和民主共和思想初步形成。  相似文献   

南宋孝宗皇帝锐意北伐收复中原,主战派宰相、大臣亦能尽心竭力,但为何北伐终不能成功呢?除了宋金双方的均势未发生根本的改变,孝宗受制于主和的太上皇,朝野主守派势力壮大等原因之外,还在于孝宗朝缺乏像南宋初年岳飞那样的"恢复之臣"。而孝宗朝主战派宰相由于自身性格、才能等方面的缺陷亦是导致他们不能真正成为"恢复之臣",无法担当北伐使命的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a well-recognized model of academic assistance with a history of empirical evidence demonstrating increases in student grades and decreases in failure rates across many higher education institutions. However, as college students become more accustomed to learning in online venues, what is not known is whether an SI program offered online could benefit students similarly to SI sessions that occur in face-to-face settings. The in-person (traditional) SI program at California State University San Marcos has demonstrated increases in grades and lower fail rates for courses being supported in science and math. Students enrolled in four biology courses who participated in online SI received increases in academic performance similar to the students in the courses who attended traditional SI. Both the online and traditional SI participating students had higher course grades and lower fail rates as compared to students who did not participate in either form of SI. Self-selection, as measured by past cumulative college grade point average, did not differ between students who attended either form of SI or who did not attend. Student perceptions of online SI were generally positive and appeared to offer an alternative path to receive this valuable academic assistance for some students. Overall, results are promising that the highly effective traditional model can be translated to an online environment.  相似文献   

铱星系统在98年入选美国《大众科学》年度100项最佳科技成果,同时还被中国数百名院士评为1998年世界十大科技成就,它赋予人类无论何时,无论何地自由沟通的能力,可以讲铱星系统在卫星通信领域中有着里程碑的地位,可这么一项高科技怎么就生存不下去呢?至今仍引起人们深刻反思,原因是技术的前沿性固然非常重要,但决定胜负的关键却是市场。  相似文献   

Student difficulty in constructing proofs: The need for strategic knowledge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability to construct proofs is an important skill for all mathematicians. Despite its importance, students have great difficulty with this task. In this paper, I first demonstrate that undergraduates often are aware of and able to apply the facts required to prove a statement but still fail to prove it. They thus fail to construct a proof because they could not use the syntactic knowledge that they had. By comparing doctoral students and undergraduates constructing proofs in abstract algebra, I have hypothesized four types of `strategic knowledge' – knowledge of how to choose which facts and theorems to apply – which the doctoral students appeared to possess and undergraduates did not. The doctoral students appeared to know the powerful proof techniques in abstract algebra, which theorems are most important, when particular facts and theorems are likely to be useful, and when one should or should not try and prove theorems using symbol manipulation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Niaz argued for the “epistemic subject” as an “ideal knower,” with never a mention of logic—only of science understanding. Lawson identifies the epistemic subject as “pure logical reasoner”—a “straw man.” Net result: no meeting of minds, and little light shown on Piaget. Both fail to present the constructivist Piaget who, as far as he went, did resolve the contextual knowledge/abstract reasoning dilemma.  相似文献   

The role of phonics instruction in early reading development has been the subject of significant conjecture. Recently, England implemented a phonics screening check to assess the phonetic decoding of 6-year-old students, to ensure that all students master this foundational literacy skill and attain adequate phonemic awareness in the early years of primary schooling. Students who fail this check are obliged to retake the assessment the following year. In this article, we compare the performance of students who initially pass this check (pass) and students who fail the original assessment but pass the retaken assessment (fail–pass), with students who fail both the original and retaken assessments (fail–fail). Using data from the Key Stage 1 assessment of reading and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), we examined the reading comprehension performance of these students approximately 1 and 4 years after their first phonics screening. The results suggested that fail–pass students performed substantially better than fail–fail students, even after performance on the initial phonics check was controlled for. While fail–pass students do not appear to entirely catch up with pass students in reading comprehension, their relatively better performance underscores the importance of intervening for those students who are identified as having problems with phonetic decoding to increase their likelihood of success at reading comprehension in later schooling.  相似文献   

This study brings to the forefront pre-service teachers’ contrasting views between their own use of calculators and their views of appropriate use of calculators in the elementary school classroom. Using a Heideggerian perspective, this paper describes a course in which pre-service teachers study mathematics in a reform setting but may fail to connect their use of calculators and their views of how their future students could utilize technology in a similar manner. This study also demonstrates that, in contrast to commonly held beliefs about students’ overuse of calculators, most of the pre-service teachers did not rely exclusively on their calculators.  相似文献   

The monitoring of meaning and the correction of miscues that fail to make sense are a hallmark of a proficient reader. Much of the research, however, has focused on the reading of fictional, narrative texts. In contrast, this research examines the monitoring and response behaviours of 35 proficient fourth grade readers (nine and 10 years of age) to their miscues on a complex, scientific text. Specifically, reader reactions to their miscues that did and did not disrupt meaning were analysed. Regardless of their impact on meaning, the majority of miscues were ignored. Readers failed to correct, failed to attempt to correct, the majority of their meaning disrupting miscues. This behaviour may be due to an emphasis on reading rate in many classrooms, a failure to explicitly teach older students monitoring and correcting strategies, and the complexity of the text.  相似文献   

关于中国和国际冷战史研究的若干问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冷战的主要特征虽然是美苏两大超级大国的对抗,但中国在冷战中的地位决非无足轻重。冷战之所以没有从“冷战”发展为全球范围的“热战”,原因之一便在于中国的参与及东亚冷战的发展起到了将美苏两大国分割开来的作用。冷战所涉及的并不仅仅是一般意义上围绕着国际权力分配而展开的争夺。它从一开始就表现为对立意识形态的交锋,表明意识形态因素在冷战时期国际关系演变中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

黑格尔的"恶动力说"受到了种种质疑,其中存在着诸多误解.原因是他们没有从历史的哲学的角度来认真考察这一理论其一,他们不能理解作为"自然存在物"的人具有无法摆脱的"动物性",从而否定了恶的起源及存在的合理性;其二,不能科学地考察"恶动力说"的理论来源及在历史发展中的积极作用;其三,不能站在本体论的高度来认识恶这一历史发展中的"必然".  相似文献   

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